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Grammar I
Analysis 1
Simple Sentences
Analyze the following sentences. You may find it useful and convenient to write down this practice on paper,
in black and white, and not to type it. Once you finish the activity, you can compare your production to the
key provided below. You can check doubts with your notes and/or by sending a mail to me, of course.

Note: You must specify the type of sentence and the function and category of each word and /or phrase. Provide
as much information as you can in relation to each word.
Function: it refers to the role of the word in a particular context. It changes according to the context: Subject,
Predicate, DO, IO, SC, OC, Adverbial Adjunct, Object to the Preposition.
Category: refers to the nature of the word: Noun, Verb, Adjective, Adverb, Noun Phrase, Prepositional Phrase. It
never changes.

1. He worked at the office yesterday. 2. John painted a beautiful picture very quickly.
3. I walked along the streets 4. She gave the flowers to me.
5. She seems to be sad. 6. I made him angry.

Key to Analysis 1

1. He worked at the office yesterday.

He: subject, he: head, personal pronoun; worked at the office yesterday: predicate; worked: main verb,
intransitive verb of complete predication; at the office: adverbial adjunct of place, prepositional phrase; at:
head, preposition; the office: object to the proposition, noun phrase; the: pre-modifier, determiner, definite
article; office: head, noun; yesterday: adverbial adjunct of time, adverb.

2. John painted a beautiful picture very quickly.

John: subject; John: head, proper noun; painted a beautiful picture very quickly: predicate; painted: main verb,
transitive verb of complete predication; a beautiful picture: direct object, noun phrase; picture: head, noun; a:
pre-modifier, determiner, indefinite article; beautiful: pre-modifier, adjective; very quickly: adverbial adjunct
of manner, adverbial phrase; very: pre-modifier, adverb; quickly: head, adverb.

3. I walked along the streets.

I: subject; I: head, personal pronoun; walked along the streets: predicate; walked: main verb, intransitive verb
of complete predication; along the streets: adverbial adjunct of place, prepositional phrase; along: head,
preposition; the streets: object to the preposition, noun phrase; the: pre-modifier, determiner, definite article;
streets: head, noun.

4. She gave the flowers to me.

She: subject, she: head, personal pronoun; gave the flowers to me: predicate; gave: main verb, transitive verb
of complete predication; the flowers: direct object, noun phrase; the: pre-modifier, determiner, definite article;
flowers: head, noun; to me: indirect object, prepositional phrase; to: head, preposition; me: object to the
preposition, objective pronoun.

5. She seems to be sad.

She: subject, she: head, personal pronoun; seems to be sad: predicate; seems: intransitive verb of incomplete
predication; to be sad: subjective complement, infinitival phrase; to be: head, to infinitive, intransitive verb of
incomplete predication; sad: subjective complement, adjective.

6. I made him angry.

I: subject; I: head, personal pronoun; made him angry: predicate; made: transitive verb of incomplete
predication; him: direct object, objective pronoun; angry: objective complement, adjective.

This is the end of the file

Paula G Bernich L

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