Shodan Cheat Sheet

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Ethical Hacking and Countermeasures

Certified Ethical Hacker

Shodan Cheat Sheet

Shodan Shodan is a search engine for Internet-connected devices. It is a great resource to provide passive reconnaissance on a target. It also provides a public API that allows other tools to access all the Shodan’s data

2. HTTP Filters 5. Telnet Filters

Filter Description Filter Description
Name of web technology used on the telnet.option
http.component Search all the op�ons
1.General Filters 4. SSL Filters website
2. HTTP Filters 5. Telnet Filters Category of web components used on the The server requests the client do support these
http.component_category op�ons
3. NTP Filters 6. Shodan Search Filters Examples website
http.html The server requests the client to not support these
HTML of web banners telnet.dont
1. General Filters http.html_hash Hash of the website HTML telnet.will The server supports these op�ons
Filter Description
http.status Response status code
telnet.wont The server does not support these op�ons
after Only show results a�er the given date
(dd/mm/yyyy) string Title for the web banners website
Example : �tle:"+tm01+" has_Screenshot:true
asn Autonomous system number string 6. Shodan Search Filters Examples
Only show results before the given date
before Filter Description
(dd/mm/yyyy) string 3. NTP Filters
voIP For footprin�ng VoIP
category Available categories: ICS, malware string Filter Description
Name of the city string VPN For footprin�ng VPN
city ntp.ip Domain Brute Force Enumera�on
Example: cisco city:"New York"
linux upnp avtech For exploi�ng cams
The 2-le�er country code string ntp.ip_count Number of IPs returned by ini�al monlist
Example: webcamxp country:"US"
netcam For exploi�ng netcam
True/ False; whether there are more IP
Accepts between 2 and 4 parameters. ntp.more
If 2 parameters: la�tude, longitude. addresses to be gathered from monlist
“default password” For Default Passwords
If 3 parameters: la�tude, longitude, range
geo If 4 parameters: top le� la�tude, top le� ntp.port Port used by IP addresses in monlist
To find exploits for various os, servers, pla�orms,
longitude, bo�om right la�tude, bo�om right iis source:ExploitDB
applica�ons etc present on ExploitDB or Metasploit
Example: Webcamxp geo:“ -50.81,201.80” netgear port:80 To find Netgear devices
4. SSL Filters
hash Hash of the data property integer
Filter Description Android Webcam
To find android webcam server
has_ipv6 True/ False boolean has_ssl True / False
port:8333 To find Bitcoin server
has_screenshot True/ False boolean ssl Search all SSL data
Server:Thin-3.2.11-3.1.10-3 Ruby on Rails Vulnerable Server(CVE-2013-0156 and
Applica�on layer protocols such as HTTP/2
hostname The full hostname for the device string ssl.alpn .0.19-2.3.15 CVE-2013-0155)
Jetty 3.1.8(Windows 2000
ssl.chain_count Number of cer�ficates in the chain 5.0 ×86)”200 OK”
DNSSEC zone walk with standard enumera�on
ip Alias for net filter string
Possible values: SSLv2, SSLv3, TLSv1,TLSv1.1,
isp ISP managing the netblock string ssl.version port:5353 To find DNS service
Network range in CIDR notation (ex. ssl.cert.alg Cer�ficate algorithm iRidium To search for vulnerable ICS systems
net string
ssl.cert.expired True / False port:502 To Search for Modbus enabled ICS/SCADA systems:
org The organization assigned the netblock string
ssl.cert.extension Names of extensions in the cer�ficate “Schneider Electric” Search for SCADA systems using PLC name
os Operating system string Serial number as an integer or hexadecimal
ssl.cert.serial To detect Schneider Electric TM221 PLCs connected to
string TM221ME16R
Port number for the service integer the Internet
Example: https port:443 ssl.cert.pubkey.bits Number of bits in the public key
SCADA Country:"US" Search for SCADA systems using geoloca�on
postal Postal code (US-only) string ssl.cert.pubkey.type Public key type
port:20000 To Search for ICS-specific protocol DNP3
product Name of the software/ product providing the ssl.cipher.version SSL version of the preferred cipher
banner string
ssl.cipher.bits Number of bits in the preferred cipher
region Name of the region/ state string Name of the preferred cipher
state Alias for region string

version Version for the product string

vuln CVE ID for a vulnerability string

Example: vuln:cve-2014-0160 Over 50% Of Professionals Received Promo�ons a�er C|EH 01

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