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Unofficial Translation


AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT Independence - Freedom – Happiness
DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL HEALTH --------------------
No: 490/TY - KD Hanoi, 04 March 2024
Re: Amending Health Certificate for export
of poultry meat from Brazil to Vietnam

To: Brazilian Embassy in Hanoi

The Department of Animal Health (DAH) received Note No. 12/24 dated January 29,
2024, from the Brazilian Embassy in Hanoi providing information for the request to amend the
Health Certificate for the export of poultry meat and poultry meat products from Brazil to
Vietnam according to the requirements of its official dispatch No. 1700/TY-HTQT dated
September 18, 2023. After studying the documents, the DAH has the following opinion:
1. For the content on the situation of Avian Influenza, Newcastle disease and disease
The document provided information on the situation of Avian Influenza in Brazil (details
of location and starting/ ending time of outbreaks, number of sick/dead poultry, applied
measures to handle outbreaks, results of the investigation to trace the source of outbreaks, and
control measures for Avian Influenza, control measures of the epidemic, control of
transportation of poultry and poultry products in these areas). However, a copy of the
regulations on Avian Influenza regionalization and detailed reports on the results of active
surveillance of Avian Influenza and Newcastle disease in the years 2022 - 2024 (component 3
- 5) and a monitoring plan in the near future have not been provided. Therefore, the Brazilian
competent authority is kindly requested to urgently provide all of this information.
2. For the revised content in the Health Certificate for export of Poultry Meat
and Poultry Meat Products from Brazil
- Add the name of the Competent Authority for issuing the certificate (section 4).
- Brazil side is kindly requested to clarify the Certification requesting establishment
(number and name) in section 15 with the Approval number of manufactory plant
(Slaughterhouse, Producer, Storage) in section 16.
- Amend the content of disease certification related to Avian Influenza (ii.h.II) as
follows: “Poultry meat and poultry meat products have been obtained from animals originating
from a country or zone free from High pathogenicity avian influenza, Newcastle and other
notifiable diseases in poultry. Certification of disease free country or zone must be in
accordance with the Terrestrial Animal Health Code of the World Organization of Animal
- Amend the content at v.h.II as follows: “Poultry meat and poultry meat products were
derived from animals which were slaughtered in an approved slaughterhouse in a country or
zone free from High pathogenicity avian influenza, Newcastle, and other notifiable diseases in
poultry in compliance with WOAH’s recommendations”.
The Department of Animal Health would like to thank the cooperation and support of
the Brazilian Embassy in Hanoi./.

Recipients: Director General

- As above; Signed and stamped
- Epidemiology Division Nguyen Van Long
- Saved: Archive, Animal Quarantine

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