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Column base plate design ( ASD) Structure name column base plate

Base plate name

Load case maximum comp load

1 Y

n =0.8*Bf =

4.0 B = 15.0
Mx X

3 4

5.25 m =0.95d = 9.5 5.250

N = 20 unit ; CM.

subgrade modulus concrete k = 2076.7*( EA/L) kg/m^2/m.
Section of H‐ Column
D ( cm)= 10 A= base plate area m2
Bf (cm) = 5 L= height of column (m)
E = 2.2146x10^9

1. Find the resultant R and its location.

P= compression only = 0.527 Ton
Ix = 1/12*NB^3 = 5625 cm^4
Iy = 1/12*BN^3 = 10000 cm^4

ex = = 0.000 cm < N/6 small eccentric

ey = = 0 cm.

2. Calc the pressure in the slab.

Mx = ey *R = 0.000 Ton-m.
My = ex *R = 0.0 Ton-m.
at any point
qn = ( P/A ) +/- ( Myx/Iy) +/- (Mxy/ Iy )
qn = 1.7567 + 0.00 x + 0.000 y ( Ton/m^2)

10.00 10.00

4.75 4.75

1.76 kg/cm 1.76 kg/cm 1.80 kg/cm 1.76 kg/cm

5.25 9.50 5.25

( small eccentric )

Mapl= 1.8*5.25^2/2+ 0.5*5.25*(1.76-1.8)*2/3*5.25 = 24.4 kg-cm/ cm.

Fy of Plate = = 2350 ksc.
Plate thickness (req)= 4 * Ma crit x1 .67 / Fy = 2.64 mm.
used plate thickness = 10 mm > PL thk req OK!!

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