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Nama :


I. Answer the questions below correctly by bolding a, b, c, or d on your answer sheet

Read the following text to answer the questions below.

To: Mr. and Mrs. Dicky

Congratulation on your 13th wedding anniversary. We

wish you a happy life together.

1. When did Rayhan’s parents get married?

a. In 2000
b. In 2001
c. In 2002
d. In 2003
2. The card is written to
a. Rayhan’s father only
b. Rayhan’s mother only
c. Rayhan and Rayhana’s parents
d. Mr. and Mrs. Dicky’s son
3. The writer of the text is
a. Mr. Dicky’s son
b. Mr. and Mrs. Dicky
c. Mrs. Dicky
d. Rayhan and Rayhana
Read the following text to answer the questions below.
No Cheating No Chatting
4. We usually find this kind of notice in….
a. at office
b. at library
c. at school
d. at hospital
5. What does the notice nearly mean?
a. It is better if we copy our friend’s answer
b. We have to chat with our friends
c. Asking students not to cheat and chat during the examination
d. We are asked to chat and cheat
6. “Chatting” has similar meaning with….
a. Talking
b. Writing
c. Reading
d. Standing
Read the following text to answer the questions below.
7. What does the warning mean?
a. The area is for swimming only
b. People like to swim here
c. Swimming in that place is dangerous
d. We can watch people swimming in that place
8. Where do we usually find this sign?
a. at zoo
b. at hospital
c. at swimming pool
d. at beach
Read the following text to answer the questions below.
Dear Isnan,

Hi, how are you? How is your trip to Washington? I am really curious.
Let me tell you about my holiday in Scotland, here I really enjoy every single day
because it is winter. You know what, everyday I always go skating with my new friends
from Indonesia. And I am so surprised because one of my new friends is Axal, I am sure
you know him so well right? Yeah, he is our school mate when we were studying at Junior
High School of Amanatul Ummah. Well, I think it’s enough, and I’m patiently waiting your
experience boy.

9. What is the text about?
a. Isnan’s Holiday
b. Siti’s trip
c. Isnan’s experience in Scotland
d. Siti’s holiday in Scotland
10. Who is Axal?
a. Isnan’s brother
b. Siti’s brother
c. The headmaster of Junior high school of Amanatul Ummah
d. Isnan and Siti’s schoolmate.
11. The letter is written to…
a. Siti’s brother
b. Isnan
c. Siti
d. Axal
From: 08678999999
Just to inform you that Pengajian tomorrow morning will be cancelled
and it will be held on Frid, Aug, 03’15 at 06.00 p.m. Please tell your

12. The purpose of the message is,,,

a. Inviting to come to Pengajian
b. Promoting Pengajian
c. Informing the students about Pengajian
d. Telling Gus ABS about Pengajian
13. The word “it” refers to,,,,
a. Tomorrow morning
b. Pengajian
c. Classmates
d. Gus ABS
14. The synonym of cancel is?
a. Postpone
b. On time
c. In time
d. Skip
Read the following text to answer the questions below.
All Students of Grade 8
You are invited to:
Fourth Generation
Day/Date : Saturday, 03rd July 2015
Time : 7 pm – 11 pm
Venue : Pasundan Ball Room

15. Where will the graduation ceremony be held?

a. Fourth Generation
b. At OSIS room
c. In Amanatul Ummah Ball room
d. At Pasundan Ball Room
16. How long is the farewell party carried out?
a. 4 hours
b. 3 hours
c. 2 hours
d. 5 hours
Read the following text to answer the questions below.
To celebrate the school anniversary, students’ association of SMP Unggulan Islamic
Boarding school of Amanatul Ummah will hold some contests such as Writing Hijaiyah
Race, Islamic pantomime, Speech, Islamic dance, Hijab hunt, Adzan, and 3D Wall
Magazine . They will be held from 2 – 6 july 2015. Those who are interested to join
should register themselves to Mr. Yoga. The registration will be closed a day before the
Chief of OSIS,
17. How long will the contest be held?
a. 4 days
b. 5 days
c. 6 days
d. 7 days
18. Those who are interested to join should….
a. Remember the time of the event
b. Celebrate the school anniversary
c. Contact Mr. Yoga
d. Ask to Azzam
19. What date will the registration be closed?
a. 3rd July 2015
b. 7th July 2015
c. 1st July 2015
d. 2nd July 2015
Read the following text to answer the questions below.
Last two months I went to Jatim Park with my schoolmates. We went there to
complete the school agenda namely Study tour; it is an annual event of my school. We
went there by bus, directly after joining morning assembly. I was so happy because I
never visited it before; I found many things that I never knew before. I got great
experience because I explored all sides of it like science center, botanical garden, cultural
zone, play zone, shopping center and swimming pool.
20. What is the best title of text above?
a. Jatim Park
b. Went to Jatim Park
c. Study tour in Jatim Park
d. Annual event
21. When did the writer go to Jatim Park?
a. In the morning
b. In the afternoon
c. In the evening
d. Before morning assembly
22. What is the opposite meaning of happy?
a. Cheerful
b. Glad
c. Grateful
d. Sad
Read the following text to answer the questions below.
It is an animal, it can fly but it is not a bird. It likes to lie on plants. It beautifies our
garden because of its colorful wings.
23. What is the animal described based on the text?
a. Owl
b. Butterfly
c. Bat
d. Dragonfly
Read the following text to answer the questions below.
Going to a movie
Somat and Mamat decided to go to a film theatre to relax. They were very
tired after finishing the exams. They chose to watch an adventure film. They
didn’t want to watch a drama, thriller, or horror film. They wanted to forget
studying one night and fantasize a little.
So they bought two tickets for a movie called Lord of the Rings, The
Fellowship of the Ring. The got in the theatre just on time before the movie
Inside the theatre, a tall man sat on a seat in front of them. He put on a tall
hat. Somat and Mamat could not see the screen. Somat tapped the man on the
shoulder and asked him to remove his hat. When the man turned around to say
sorry, they recognize him. He was Pak Joeadi, Somat’s father.
24. What is the type of the text above?
a. Narrative
b. Recount
c. Descriptive
d. Procedure
25. Somat and Mamat went to theatre to watch a/an …… film.
a. Drama
b. Thriller
c. Drama
d. Adventure
26. Why couldn’t Somat and Mamat see the screen?
a. The tall man sat in front of them
b. The man sat in front of them wore tall hat
c. They were too short to see the screen
d. They closed their eyes
27. Who is the man?
a. Pak Joeani
b. Mamat’s father
c. Somat’s grand father
d. Somat’s father
28. “a tall man sat on a seat in front of them” what is the antonym of the underlined
a. Beyond
b. Beside
c. Behind
d. Below
29. Printer B is…….. of all.
a. the oldest
b. the youngest
c. the newest
d. the longest
30. Sasa is 12 years old, Susi is 13 years old, and Sasi is 11 years old. Sasa is ….. Than
a. Older
b. Old
c. the older
d. the oldest

31. Based on the picture above, the refrigerator is…..

a. cheaper than washing machine
b. cheapest of all
c. more expensive than washing machine
d. as expensive as television
Read the following text to answer the questions below.
Marvelous Boy
Asyrif was born in the capital city of America, but now lives in Indonesia with his
father, Dicko. They live in a one-room flat in Surabaya. Asyrif doesn’t go to school and
his father does not have a job. They practice chess problem all day, every day.
Asyraf was different from a very young age. He could ride a bike when he was
eighteen months old, and read before he was two. He could play cards at three and piano
at four. When he was twelve, he was the under-20 chess champion in Russia.
His father can’t speak Indonesia and can’t play chess either. Asyrif translates for
him. Asyrif says “I know that I can’t play chess, but I can still help Asyrif. We don’t like
playing sports or watching TV. We live for chess
32. What is the type of the text about?
a. Narrative
b. Recount
c. Descriptive
d. Procedure
33. What are the function and the generic structure of the text above?
a. To show the way to accomplish certain goals (Aim, materials, and steps)
b. To retell a series of past events (Orientation, event1, event 2, Re-orientation)
c. To describe particular person, thing, or place (Identification and Description)
d. To amuse or entertain the readers (Orientation, Complication, Resolution)
34. Where was Asyrif born?
a. Russia
b. Surabaya
c. New York
d. Washington DC
35. Why was Asyrif different from a very young age? Except.
a. He could ride a bike when he was eighteen months old
b. He could read before he was two
c. He could play cards at three and piano at four
d. He could speak many languages at twelve
Read the following text to answer the questions below.
The Lamb and the Wolf
One day the wolf was slaking his thirst at a stream when he chanced to see a lamb,
also drinking, at some distance down the stream.
Outraged, he growled, "You are muddying my drinking water, now I shall eat you."
The lamb protested, "But, Sir, how can I be muddying your drinking water? I am
farther down stream than you are. The water is flowing from your part of the stream to
where I am."
"Upstream or downstream, your drinking is muddying my water, and I shall eat
you." So saying, the wolf leaped upon the lamb and devoured him.
36. Where did the story happen?
a. On the river
b. In the forest
c. In the jungle
d. At the zoo.
37. The following facts made the wolf get angry with the lamb, except ...
a. the lamb muddied the water
b. the wolf wanted to eat the lamb
c. the lamb drank at the same stream
d. the lamb protested him
38. What is the type of the text above?
a. Narrative
b. Recount
c. Descriptive
d. Report
39. What is the purpose of the text above?
a. To amuse or entertain the reader
b. To retell the past events
c. To describe particular thing, person, or place
40. What is the generic structure of the text above?
a. Orientation – Complication- Resolution
b. Orientation – Event 1, event 2, - Re-orientation
c. Identification – Description
d. Aim – Materials – Steps.

II. Essay
Answer the following questions correctly.

1. Fill the blank column below with the correct tense

2. Simplebelow
Fill the blank column Present
with the correct form Simple Past
You always kick the ball
Equal Comparative Superlative
I go to sport center with my friends

3. Please make three sentences of comparative degree by using (Expensive, More

expensive, and The most expensive)
4. What are the function and generic structure of Descriptive text?
5. What are the function and generic structure of Narrative text?

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