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Injection, inhalation, ingestion or other means, of dangerous drug to the body is called:
A. Drug use C. Taking
B. Administer D. Addict
2. Diego is a drug addict. Realizing that drug use will bring him elsewhere he ceased from using it. Diego’s act is
A. Abstinence C. Self medication
B. Rehabilitation D. Dependence
3. Selling, distributing, supplying or transporting of legitimately Imported, in-transit, manufactured or procured
controlled precursors and essential chemicals, by the manufacturer of medicine so the drug trafficker is called:
A. Drug trafficking C. Chemical diversion
B. Sale D. Chemical smuggling
4. Facility used for the illegal manufacture of dangerous drugs is called
A. Drug den C. Laboratory equipment
B. Drug laboratory D. Clandestine laboratory
5. Dug trafficking, according to Comprehensive Drug Act of 2002, except:
A. Cultivation, culture and delivery..
B. Administration, dispensation, manufacture, sale and trading.
C. Use, consumption, addiction and tolerance
D. Transportation, distribution, importation, exportation and possession
6. One of the most abuse hallucinogenic drugs in the Philippines that contain active components known as
Tethrahydro- cannabinol?
A. Mescaline C. Marijuana
B. LSD D. Estacy
7. The term “Ecstasy is used for a group of “designer” drugs closely related in chemical form to the amphetamine
family of elicit drugs. Its scientific name is
A. Methamphetamine Hydrochloride C. Methylenedioxymethamphetamine
B. Papaver somniferum D. Cannabis sativa
8. A laboratory examination is only required to apprehended offender within 24 hours if the person arrested has:
A. Visible manifestation that suspect was under the influence of drugs
B. Physical sign of drug test
C. Symptoms of Drug abuse
D. All of the above
9. Known as the “Father of Medicine”. He prescribed oplum poppy juice in surgery which was cultivated by the
SumerianDuring 7000 BC.
A. Hippocrates C. Confucious
B. Morpreus D. Socrates
10. Chinese Emperor who prohibited the trading of opium in China by the British Indies that lead to the Opium War of
A. Lao Tzu C. Yung Chen
B. Sun Tzu D. Mao Zedong
11. Considered as the most powerful natural stimulant.
A. Tetrahydrocannabinnol C. Methamphetamine Hydrochloride
B. Cocaine hydrochloride D. Methylenedioxymethamphetamine
12. Considered by the Assyrians as a “Sacred Tree” planted by the Incas of Peru. It is considered as the world’s oldest
cultivated plant which is the source of dangerous drug.
A. PapaverSomniferum C.Coca Plant
B. Cannabis Sative D. Ephedrine
13. Most popular plants as a source of dangerous drugs, except:
A. Indian hemp C. Coca bush
B. Opium poppy D. Ephedra
14. Which of the following drug trafficking organization which furnishes drugs to the usen?
A. Core organization C. Cartel
B. Secondary organization D. Local organization
15. Known as the “Big Four Drugs” trafficked in the global drug market
I. Heroin and Cocaine
II. Shabu and Ecstacy
III. Marijuana and Methamphetamine
IV. Narcotics, Hallucinogens, Stimulants and Depressants
A. I and II C. II and III
B. I and H D. IV
16. What drugs that produce sensations such as distortions of time, space, sound, color and other bizarre effects?
A. Opiates C. Heroine
B. Narcotics D. Hallucinogens
17. What are the symptoms of the use of amphetamines?
A. Sensation of distorted time, space, sound, color
B. Fake perceptions of objects and experiences
C. Excement, alertness and wakefulness
D. Loss of appetite, anxiety and irritability
18. Kind of drug that excite the central nervous system, increasing alertness, decreasing fatigue and delaying sleep
A. Narcotic C.Shabu
B. Hallucinogens D. Stimulant
19. Which of the following is not one of the means of the taking methamphetamine hydrocide?
A. Chasing the dragon C. Smoking
B. Snorting D. Oral
20. Consider the following:
I. Drug addicts can be detected by means of observation of the person suspected to be addicted of drugs.
II. Drug addicts can be detected through laboratory examination.
III. Drug addicts can be detected through psychological examinations such as intelligence, personality, optitude,
interested and psychiatric examinations, What is the correct answer?
A. I, II and III C. I and II
B. Il only D. II and III
21. National campaign strategy against illegal drugs, focus of which a through law enforcement, prosecution and
A. Demand reduction C. Inter-agency coordination
B. Supply reduction D. International cooperation
22. What will be the disposition in a case where minor is convicted for the possession of dangerous drugs?
A. Judgment will be suspended C. Sentence will be suspended.
B. Turn-over to DSWD 23 D. None of the above
23. Person found guilty of use of dangerous drugs for the first time shall be punished with
A. Imprisonment of 6 yrs and one day to 12 years
B. Rehabilitation of a minimum period of 6 months
C. Rehabilitation for 6 months to 18 months
D. Imprisonment of at least 6 months
24. What drug classification are solvents, paints and gasoline which cre examples of substances that are sniffed to obtain
intoxication fall?
A. Depressants C. Energizers
B. Tranquilizers D. Inhalants
25. Operation of drug syndicates are usually made secretly that makes it detection quite difficult. Various techniques
were made by the operator in concealing their activities.
A. Hide-out operation C. Clandestine Operation
B. Disguised operation D. Confidential
26. Considered to be one of the prime suppliers of Heroin in Asia is the so called Golden Triangle where 80% of illicit
drugs of the world originate. This lies on the borders of
A. Thailand-Laos-Burma C. Iran-Afghanistan – Pakistan
B. Thailand-Loos- Myanmar D. Peru- Columbia- Bolivia
27. A type of Drugs according to pharmacological classification which often relives pain and induces sleep.
A. Hallucinogens C. Stimulants
B. Sedatives/Depressant D. Narcotics
28. One of the most abuse drugs In the Philippines that contain active components known on Tethrahydro-Cannabinol?
A. Mescaline C. LSD (Lysergic Acid Diethylamine)
B. Marijuana D. Ecstacy (methylenedioxymethamphetamine)
29. Marijuana has been one of the most abuse hallucinogens in the Philippines and its control becomes difficult
according to some authorities due to the fact that:
A. It is easy to smoke it secretly C. It is easy to cultivate
B. It is sellable in the market D. It is in demand
30. Drugs that affects sensation, thinking and self-awareness and emotion
A. Hallucinogen C. Stimulants
B. Sedatives/Depressant D. Narcotics
31. Drugs that is commonly used by athletes having the properties of increasing stamina and/or energy.
A. Ecstasy C. MDMA
B. Shabu D. Anabolic Steroid
32. They serve as permanent consultant of the Dangerous Drug Boards
A. Secretary of DILG and Secretary of Justice
B. NBI Director and PNP Director General
C. PDEA Director General and PNP, Chief
D. PNP Director and PDEA Director
33. A form of physical dependence, severe craving for the drug even to the point of interfering with the person’s ability
to function normally.
A. Tolerance C. Habituation
B. Addiction D. Psychological Dependence.
34. Removal of toxic substances from the body as a result of abusing drugs:
A. Cleansing process C. Abstinence
B. Aversion treatment D. Detoxification
35. A dangerous drug which predominant legitimate use as a veterinary anesthetic.
A. Ketamine C. Anesthesia
B. Codeine D. Sleeping pills
36. Also known as Papaver Somniferum and considered as the mother drugs of other narcotics substance.
A. Codeine C. Morphine
B. Heroin D. Opium Poppy
37. The following shall undergo Mandatory Drug Testing according to R.A. 9165, EXCEPT.
A. Officers and Employee of public and private offices.
B. Applicant for firearms license and for permit to carry firearms outside residence.
C. Officers and Members of the Military, police and other law enforcement agencies.
D. All persons charged before the prosecutor’s office with a criminal offense having an imposable penalty of
not less than six (6) year and one (1) days.
38. The prevention of drug addiction is primarily a responsibility of what institution so an to prevent its members from
being hook to addiction?
A. Church C. Barangay
B. School D. Family
39. Percentage of alcohol blood which indicates that the person is uncler the influence of the liquor (alcohol)?
A. 0.05 C. 0.50
B. 1.5 D. 0.15
40. What group of drugs is used medically as pain killers?
A. Opiates C. Shabu
B. Track D. Coke
41. The source of most analgesic narcotic is?
A. Opium C. heroine
B. Morphine D. All of them
42. Which of the factors below is perceived to be the major cause of initial drug abuse?
A. Poor environment C. Domestic violence
B. Experimental thrill D. Peer pressure
43. Cocaine is a stimulant, what is LSD?
A. Solvent C. Hallucinogen
B. Narcotic D. Depressant
44. Marijuana plant can easily be identified by:
A. Its stalk that grows up to 12 feet
B. Its pungent scent when matured or fully grown.
C. Its branches which occur at opposite points on the stall.
D. Its finger-like leaves broken into leaflets whose edges are serrated in shape.
45. Drug addicts when under the influence of drugs are menace to the community because they
A. Are violently insane C. Flagrantly immoral
B. Ruin hair life/health. D. Feel no restraint in committing crimes.
46. Which of the following is the commonly known as the “poormans cocaine”.
A. Amphethamine C. Methamphetamine
B. Ecstasy D. Shabu
47. This drug is representative of a broad class of stimulants known as “pep pills”. It is usually prescribed to reduce
appetite and to relieve minor cases of mental depression.
A. Amphethamine C. Methamphetamine
B. Ecstasy D. Shabu
48. White crystalline powder with very bitter numbering taste and sold to be one of the strongest derivatives of Opium
A. Morphine C. Codeine
B. Cocaine D. Heroin
49. It is any immoral conduct or habit, the indulgence of which leads to depravity, wickedness and corruption of the
minds and body.
A. Prostitution C. Drug addiction
B. Gambling D. Vice
50. Cocaine is from South America Ivory white heroin is from:
A. The Golden Crescent C. Hong Kong
B. The Golden Triangle D. Silver Triangle
51. Transshipment point of all forms of heroin in the world,
A. Japan C. Philippines
B. Hong kong D. Burma
52. Cocaine has originated from Columbia: Shabu originated from:
A. Japan C. Mexico
B. China D. India
53. The Golden Triangle is controlled by the Triad: the Colombian and Peruvian drug trafficking was controlled by
A. The Mafia C. Medellin Cartel
B. La CosaNostra D. Chinese Mafia
54. Principal source of all forms of cocaine
A. South East Asia C. Middle East
B. South America D. South West Asia
55. The major transshipment point for international drug traffickers in Europe and known to be the “Paradise of Drug
User” in this continent.
A. Portugal C. Germany
B. Spain D. Turkey
56. Which of the following country in the Middle East is the biggest producer of cannabis sativa?
A. Lebanon C. Kuwait
B. Iraq D. Afghanistan
57. The Golden Triangle produces how many percent of opium in the world?
A. 60% C. 80%
B. 70% D. 90%
58. The Golden Crescent is located in the South West composed of which countries
A. Iran, Persia, India and Pakistan C. Afghanistan, Iran, India and Pakistan
B. Afghanistan, Pakistan, Persia and Iraq D. Iraq, Iran, Lebanon and Turkey
59. Sources of Dangerous drugs particularly opium poppy is cultivated and harvested mostly in the areas of which part
of theGlobe?
A. SouthEast Asia C. Middle East
B. South West Asia D. Europe
60. How many grams of shabu does a person possess to render him ineligible to post bail?
A. 100 grams C. Less than 50 gram
B. Half of a kilo gram D. 50 grams or more
61. Hashish is 8 to 10 times stronger than the commercial trade marijuana, it is:
A. Concentrated resin extracted from marijuana
B. Dried flower of marijuana
C. Fruiting top of the plant cannabis sativa
D. Finest and high-grade leaves of marijuana plant
62. Ecstasy is essence; LSD is wedding bell; mescaline is
A. Buttons C. Brain eaters
B. Dope D. Herbals
63. Herion is Blanco; Codeine is School Boy: psilocybin & Magic Mushroom; Cocaine is:
A. Hearts C. Uppers
B. Crack D. Speed
64. Which of the following does not carry a capital punishment?
A. Possession of 20 grams morphine C. Possession of 15 grams of MDMA
B. Possession of 100 grams of marijuana D. possession of 60 grams of shabu
65. Which of the following is not fake?
A. R.A. 9165 gives a single definition to dangerous drug
B. R.A. 9165 did not remove the distinction between regulated and prohibited drug
C. R.A. 9165 defers dangerous drug to prohibited drug
D. R.A. 9165 defined regulated drug as dangerous drug
66. Which of the following is not untrue?
A. The DDB shall have the custody of all dangerous drugs confiscated
B. The DDB cause the filing of the appropriate civil action for violation of RA 9165 while the PDEA takes
care to criminal aspects
C. The DDB promulgates rules and regulations related to drugs which are usually implemented by PDEA
D. The DDB is the implementing arm of the PDEA in the enforcement of the prohibitory provisions of RA
67. Who shall handle the prosecution of drug related cases?
A. Public Attorney’s Office C. National Prosecution Service
B. Ombudsman D. Special Prosecutor designated by the DOI
68. What court has the jurisdiction to hear and try drug cases?
A. Heinous Crime Court designated by the SC among the existing RTC:
B. Special Court designated by the SC
C. Sandiganbayan
D. Special Court designated by the SC among the existing RTC
69. Samples of the seized dangerous drugs shall be destroyed after the promulgation of judgment.
A. 2 days C. 24 hour
B. 1 day D. 48 hours
70. Decison of the court whether the person is guilty or not guilty for drug trafficking shall be rendered within the period
of_____________ after the trial,
A. 15 days C. 10 days
B. 30 day D. 6 days
71. Preliminary Investigation of drug case is being terminated within the period of how many days from the date of
A. 30 C. 10
B. 15 D. 4
72. How many hour that the information shall be filed in court after the termination of the PI?
A. 24 C. 72
B. 40 D. 36
73. After the thing of the criminal case, the courts conducts ocular inspection of seized drugs within how many hours?
A. 48 C. 72
B. 24 D. 36
74. RA 9165 was enacted on June 7, 2002 and took effect on July 4, 2002.
A. Statement no. 1 is true while statement no. 2 is false
B. Statement no. 1 is false while statement no, 2 is true
C. Statement no. 1 and 2 are both true
D. Statement no. 1 and 2 are both false

75. These are individuals who transport dangerous drugs in exchange for a huge amount of money, depending on the
amount of drugs to be delivered and the route/distance to be traveled.
A. Pusher C. Coddlers
B. Couriers D. Junkies
76. These are drugs requiring written authorization from a doctor to allow a purchase. The physician indicates both when
and for how long the medicine should be taken.
A. Prescriptive Drugs C. Over the counter Drug
B. Self-Medication Syndrome D. Illegal Drugs
77. What do you call the largest amount of a drug that will produce a desired therapeutic effect, without any
accompanying symptoms of toxicity
A. Maximal dose C. Minimum dose
B. Toxic dose D. Abusive dose
78. The first important drug traffic route starts in Middle East where the plantation, cultivation and harvest take place.
This traffic route ends in ____________for marketing and selling of drugs,
A. Turkey C. Europe
B. China D. United States
79. Drug can be administered through the body in different ways. What method is considered the safest most convenient
and economical route whenever possible.
A. Oral C. Injection
B. Inhalation D. Topical
80. This law authorized license race tracks and racing clubs and their authorized agent to offer, take or arrange bets
outside the place, enclosure of track where the races held.
A. Article 197, RPC C. Article 198, RPC
B. Article 199, RPC D. Republic Act 3063
81. This type of drug combat or control infectious organisms. Ingesting the same for a long time can result in allergic
reactions and cause resistance to the drug.
A. Analgesics C. Antibiotics
B. Decongestants D. Contraceptives
82. A type of drug that stimulate defecation and encourage bowel movement.
A. Expectorants C. Antipyretics
B. Laxatives D. Antihistamine
83. The Holy Bible is a very reliable source in tracing the early use and abuse of narcotics. The Book of Judges of the
Old testament revealed that the mighty Samson was put to sleep by Delilah by means of a?
A. Drug laced wine C. Sleeping vapor
B. Narcotics mixed juice D. Poisonous Brandy
84. The following countries are part of the Golden Triangle of drugs in Southeast Asia, EXCEPT:
A. Burma/Myanmar C. Laos
B. India D. Thailand
85. It is an inter-agency team tasked in the deterrence, prevention and protection of Filipinos from being victimized as
drug couriers by international drug trafficking syndicates.
A. Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency C. Dangerous Drug Board
B. Task Force Drug Couriers D. Amnesty International
86. The law that increase the penalties for illegal numbers games, amended some provisions of the old low on gambling
A. PD 1602 C. RA 9287
B. PD 449 D. PD 483
87. Those who use drugs to keep them awake or for additional energy to perform on important work. Such individual
may or may not exhibit psychological dependence.
A. Hippies C. Hard core addicts
B. Spree user D. Situational user
88. It network of illegal drug operations operated and manned carefully by groups of criminals who knowingly traffic
through nefarious trade for personal or group profit.
A. Illegal Drug Group C. Clandestine Drug Laboratories
B. Drug Syndicate D. Organized Crime Group
89. Willful act by any person of maliciously and surreptitiously inserting, placing, adding or attaching directly or
indirectly, through any overt or covert act any dangerous drugs in the person, house, effects or in the immediate
vicinity of an innocent individual for the purpose of implicating, incriminating or imputing the commission of any
violation of RA 9165.
A. Illegal search and seizure C. Planting of evidence\
B. Illegal trafficking of drugs D. Incriminating innocent persons
90. Masiao is an illegal numbers game where the winning combination is derived from the results of the last game of
what sports?
A. Basketball C. Tennis
B. Horse Racing D. Jai Alai
91. The physiological adaptation to the effects of drugs so as diminish the effects with constant dosages or to maintain
the intensity and duration of effects through increased dosage.
A. Drug treatment C. Drug tolerance
B. Drug abstinence D. Drug abuse
92. The most widely used, socially accepted and most extensively legalized drug throughout the world.
A. Caffeine C. Alcohol
B. Nicotine D. Marijuana
93. The following are considered depressant drugs; EXCEPT:
A. Codeine C. Opium
B. Morphine D. Shabu
94. Nicotine an active component of tobacco is classified as,
A. Stimulant C. Depressant
B. Hallucinogen D. Narcotics
95. This drug is the most powerful of the psychedelics obtained from ergot, a fungus that attacks rye kernels. It is 1,000
times more powerful than the drug Marijuana
A. Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) C. Peyote
B. Mescaline D. Psilocybin
96. These drugs generally produced marked distortion of the senses and alter the way time is perceived by the user.
A. Hallucinogens C. Psychedelics
B. Stimulants D. Both a and b
97. Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD) is a compound produced from lysergic acid, a crystalline substance derived from
the fungus called?
A. Coca plant C. Claviceps purpurea
B. Peyote Cactus D. Mushroom
98. The following unlawful acts are punishable by life imprisonment to Death and has a fine ranging from P500,000 to
P10 Million; EXCEPT:
A. Importation of Dangerous drugs and/or Controlled Precursors and Essential Chemicals (sec. 4)
B. Sale, Trading, Administration, Dispensation, Delivery, Distribution and transportation of Dangerous Drug
and/or Controlled Precursors and Essential Chemicals (sec. 5)
C. Maintenance of a Den, Dive or Resort where dangerous drugs are used or sold in any form (sec. 6)
D. Being an employee or visitor of a den, dive or resort (sec. 7)
99. In relation to drug couriers, they are usually targeted by drug syndicates since they generally generate mild suspicion
from authorities.
A. Rich looking individuals C. Women
B. Senior Citizens D. Juveniles

100. In the Philippines, drunkenness in itself is not a crime because a person may drink to excess in the privacy of his
home or in the party and comment no crime at all. However, when a person drives under the influence of liquor, he/she
can be liable for violation of?

A. LTO traffic rules and regulations C. MMDA traffic rules

B. RA 10586 D. Art 15, Revised Penal Code

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