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Types of Moral Dilemma Situation Choices; Course Of Action

Epistemic Dilemma A construction business finds Choice 1. Business
the habitat of an endangered Undesirable consequences: The
species at a location where a business owner might kill the
profitable housing project is endangered species because of
supposed to be built. destroying their habitat.

Type: The Construction business Choice 2. Environment

owner faced with an epistemic Undesirable consequences: The
dilemma wherein it must decide business owner will lose the
between its environmental opportunity for high profit.
duties and economic goals,
without knowing which course
of action is morally correct.
Ontological Dilemma The individual has two close Choice 1. Telling the truth about
pals. One is thinking about the car engine issue
purchasing a vehicle from the
other. They are aware that the Consequence: Friendship will be
vehicle has a significant engine destroyed because of violating
issue, but their pal is refusing to the trust of one friend.
tell them.
Choice 2. Remaining silent
Type: Since the person must about the car engine issue.
decide between two behaviors
that are morally equivalent Consequence: Friendship will be
violating the trust of one friend destroyed because of betraying
by disclosing the car's issues or the trust of one friend.
betraying the trust of the other
friend by remaining silent, this
might be viewed as an
ontological moral dilemma.
Self-Imposed Dilemma A pupil finds out that their
friend has plagiarized the entire
assignment. They feel
compelled to report the
infraction, but they also worry
about losing their friend.

Type:Self-imposed- The student

put themselves in this
predicament by acting in a way
that made them choose
between keeping their
friendship intact and
maintaining their academic
World-imposed Dilemma
Single Agent Dilemma
Multi-person Dilemma

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