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Section A consists of 15 questions of 1 mark each

1 Anshul came to Mumbai from Bihar's small 3. The structure of Intellect Model was
town. His parents were advised him to stay proposed by (1)
in a Bihari colony where he can communicate (a) Spearman (b)Thurstone
and socialise well. Which type of identity (c) Guilford (d) Thorndike
Anshul willdevelop there? (1)
4. A Hierarchical Model of Intelligence
(a) Family (b) Personal
(c) Organisational (d) Social consisting of abilities operating at two level
was proposed by (1)

2. The IQ range for individuals with mild (a) JP Guilford

intellectual deficiency is (1) (b) Charles Spearman
(a) 50-69 (b) 40-54 (c) Arthur Jensen
(d) Below 25 (d) Howard Garden
(c) 22-39
S. In the following question, a statement of 10. In the following question, a
Assertion (A) is followed by astatement of
the Reason (R). Mark the correct option. (1)
Asscrtion (A) is followed by a
the Reason (R) Mark the
correct option.
Assertion (A) Both
Assertion (A) Children with Autisn1 Spectium
cmotion-focusedl coping are em-focused aandwhen
Disorder experience profound difficulties in
relating to other people. facing stressful situations,. nccessary
Reason (R) The two main features of ADHD Reason (R) It is an active skill that
are attention and hyperactivity-impulsivity.
symptoms of stress and
incidence of illnesses. decreasesreducesthe
(a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true,
and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of (a) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true
Assertion (A) and Reason (R) is the correct explanation
(b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, Assertion (A)
but Reason (R) is not the correct explanation (b) Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are tre
of Assertion (A) but Reason (R) is not the correct explanation
(c) Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false of Assertion (A)
(d) Assertion (A)is false, but Reason (R) is true (c) Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false
6. Name the therapy which encourages the (d) Assertion (A) is alse, but Reason (R) is true
client to act out fantasies about feelings and 11. Information processing approach to
conflicts and can also be used in group intelligence is (1
settings. (1)
(a) Multiple Intelligences Theory
(a) Humo Therapy (b) Triarhic Theory
(b) Logo Therapy (c) One Factor Theory
(c) Client-centred Therapy (d) Two Factor Theory
(d) Gestalt Therapy
7. Human beings are motivated by the desire 12. Cluster or ideas regarding the characteristics
of a specific groups is known as (1)
for personal growth and self-actualisation,
and an innate need to grow emotionally. (a) Progressive
Which of them motivates human to come (b) Stereotype
more self-actualisation? (1) (c) Belief
(d) Attitude
I. Complex II. Balanced
III. Smart IV. Integrated 13. Rajeshwar, amathematics scholars, has a
type of intelligence where he can think
Choose the correct option. logically and critically. He also engages in
(a) Only I (b) II and III abstract reasoning and can manipulate
(c) I, III and IV (d) II, IIIand IV symbols to solve mathematical problems. It
8. Which among the following is one of the
is called ......Theory of Intelligence. 0
attributes/characteristics of Spatially (a) Quantum- Mathematical
Intelligent Person? (1) (b) Logical-Mathematical
(b) Hard working (c) Laws of Mathematics
(a) Creative
(c) Flexible (d)Efficient (d) Standard Logical-Quantum

9. Psychologists have found that there shall be 14. Burn-out is a psychological disorder tna
consistency between attitudes and behaviour resulted from chronic workplace signs
stres of
when the (1) Whichamong the following arethe
ones? (1)
(a) attitude is moderate and occupies a central Burnout stress among the given
place. I. Irritating
(b) person isunáware of her/his attitude. II. Over thinking
(c) person has immense external pressure. III. Chronic fatigue
(d) person's behaviour is not being evaluated by IV. Hopelessness
which MIth
Sapna tion 7, 16.
Individuals ay tiowever,
thWhat and ISection C poor. clavilage. of streetBabita
ss ScientistTanmay . uplifting committed
Championship, However
after Raiput
him. Inter-School In
be past wants C intelligence Abraham ction situations Reaso n (c)1, land(a) II
are Identifyfamily Asse rtio n
helpful has
consists He
children is
1Section charBacterises thoughtand
B Assertion ChoTsecte the
life she
lived Sharma
who their an Schools, consists following
(R). n(A) and
and divorced belongs
but NGO suicide. wa s Iy
is social Championship and l(A)
emotion is
of like Mark
possess for the primarily
all a still he a her/his followed
Sapna? she normal of personality. Babita
is worker failing win to football Consistency their Identify took who of acros the
isthe her 3 prefers promising
to status.
a Therapy of
ature.' Alternative 6 personality. of correct (d) option.
not time questions a education,
has. the
consecutively questions individual an by
number II,
able lite.
former a and I
wealthyworks Identify who extreme champion
to the for time statement
in a IV
pre-occupied work Agricultural works option.
statecment |I
to in disorder the
traits, of focus husband business food year
this behaviour,
for remote the for
step of periods
school. the in across of
3 type and won 2
(3) on (2) the ( 2) the (2) and
in (1) the of
(3) marks marks

19. each
Sneha'sOr 24. each 21.
Jonathan Differentiate
traits. between
doctors.AIIMSthe Ravi What (d) (c) (b) Codes
(a) Irom Reason
how mental therapy
isstrictlyfather approach. Give inleriority
Assertion but Both (A) and Both
and a
tive her important the that
rivalry is Rcason Reason
Assertion Assertion child
illness.father suggested as is beHowever,occupational
Harsh (R)
family suffering
soon has who (A) (A) needs
two the where (R) (R)
between is is who child A
shall learnt and are false, true, is(A) is(A)
psychotherapy? possible is not and the and less to
to wasprocessin ashim
possible. Or points there they the
be from he
tfierce but but the be
diagnosed to from the
same Reason correctReason
ECT best is Reason correct
Reason treated
start both
with have schizophrenia source cause
of competition always explanation has
for Why doctors batch-mates (R) (R)
a doctor. are (R) (R)
suggested rehabilitation interactional are are feelings
her Find
ECT.out withrehabilitation a is is
traits of sense
true false true, true
ther. that
aspiring of
serious stressWhat
and in (2) of
(2) (2) (2) to of
and his
(3) her
Section D consists of 4 questions of 4 marks each
27. Define neuroticism and
given in Eysenck's Theory.emotional
25. Critically examine the PASS Model. (4)

Or Explain the Componential and Experiential

(4) 28. St. Xavier's School inducted
stabil ty 4
Intelligence of Triarchic Theory.
children into their school as it was many pr
26. Ramola Dixit is a bright and excellent
student throughout her career. Nowadays
by the state government's directions.dirHowi
was found that the teaching staff is
she is preparing for campus placement not very
pleased with the decision? Find out
interviews and remains in great stress and prejudices and discriminations are how
anxiety. How emotional effects are deeply examples of attitude formation.
attached with stress? (4)

Section E
Section E consists of 2 questions of 6 marks each
30. How are attitudes learnt? Explain. (6
29. Explain the major outcomes of 'Minimal
Group Paradigm'. (6)
Or How behaviour reflects one's attitude)
Or Describe methods by which social loafing Define with examples. (6
can be reduced. (6)

Section F
marks each
Section F consistsof 2 Case based questions of 3
32. Identify the basic characteristics of
Read the case and answer the questions that (2
individual differences.
Individual variations are common within and Read the case and answer the questions that
across all species. Variations add colour follow.
beauty to nature. In all likelihood, your answer People affected by obsessive-compulsive
will be 'no'. Like objects, people too possess disorder are unable to
different combinations of traits. ariability is preoccupation with specific idea_ or are unable
a fact of nature, and individuals are no toprevent themselves from repealedly carrying
exception to this. They vary in terms of out a particular act or series of acts that attect
physical characteristics,such as height, weight, their ability to carry out normal actíyities.
strength, hair colour, and so on. They also vary Obsessive behaviour is the inability, to stoP
along psychological dimensions. They may be thinking about a particular idea or topic. 1ne
intelligent or dull, dominant or submissive, person involved, often finds these thoughts to
creative or not so creative, outgoing or
be unpleasant and shameful.
withdrawn, etc.
33. What is compulsive behaviour?
31, When one's behaviour can be called as disorder?
'situationalism'? (1) 34. What are the symptoms of obsessive. (2)

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