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a. Adhering to formal work policies

Usually most of the application forms asked the intention of supervisor regarding the release the
relevant employee. But as per the case the job posting application did not asked the intention of
the current supervisor. Therefore, it is essential to put a point at the end of the application.

b. Job rotation

Sanajana is working as an executive in training and development department. As per the case she
has not having experience in other departments as well. Therefore, the Sterling Automobiles
(Pvt) Ltd can apply job rotation technique

c. Creating employee benefit scheme based on job title

Managing employee benefits is an important and costly endeavour for employers. Though most
employers are required to provide mandatory benefits such as Social Security contributions,
worker's compensation insurance and unemployment insurance, most other benefits are
voluntary in nature and determined by the employer. Due to the employer cost investment and
the importance of employee benefits in recruiting and retaining, employers should have a well-
thought-out benefits plan design that meets both employee needs and employer objectives. Such

1. Identify the Organization's Benefits Objectives and Budget

2. Conduct a Needs Assessment
3. Formulate a Benefits Plan Program
4. Communicate the Benefits Plan to Employees
5. Develop a Periodic Evaluation Process to Determine Effectiveness
of Benefits

d. Practicing annual and quarterly performance appraisal

Employee performance reviews motivate employees and increase engagement

organizations to new levels of achievement. We can make it a two-way conversation.
Proper reward system

To create a proper reward system we need to,

1. Gain some awareness of the agency’s attitudes about reward and recognition;

2. Measure current reward and recognition patterns;

3. Determine the gap between current and desired patterns; and

4. Identify the personal recognition patterns of agency leaders.

e. Introducing whistleblowing system

Sometimes it’s more helpful to think of this as ‘speaking up’ or ‘raising a concern’. Often this
will be by an employee or volunteer who feels they must draw urgent attention to what they see
as a serious risk or threat to the charity or its work. Effective whistleblowing mechanisms and
strong internal financial controls can together help ensure that a charity is well-managed and its
funds are used for the purposes intended.

Allocating an HR person for grievance handling

Allocating an HR person for grievance handling will be decrease the employee complains and
job dissatisfaction. If some one help to overcome their problems at work place it will help them
to work claim.

Main Objectives

1. To enable the employee to air his/her grievance.

2. To clarify the nature of the grievance.
3. To investigate the reasons for dissatisfaction.
4. To obtain, where possible, a speedy resolution to the problem.
5. To take appropriate actions and ensure that promises are kept.
6. To inform the employee of his or her right to take the grievance to the next stage of the
procedure, in the event of an unsuccessful resolution.
1. Effective exit interview process -and communicate

An exit interview is a meeting with a terminating employee that is generally conducted by a

human resources staff member. The exit interview provides our organization with the
opportunity to obtain frank and honest feedback from the employee who is leaving your

 According case those five employees are not satisfied about their current job due to
internal salary inequity, Lack of feedback, employee recognition & reward system , poor
communication on in the workplace, job insecurity, not having proper performance
measurement & evaluation system, being overworked and not having proper performance
appraisal system & HR guidelines.
 To overcome from this matter we have suggest adhere to formal work policies, Job
rotation, Creating employee befits scheme base on job title, Practicing annual and
quarterly performance appraisal, Proper reward system, Introduce a whistleblowing
system, Allocating an HR person for grievance handling and introduce an effective exit
interview process.
I would like to end up our presentation from two famous quotes.
“People work for money but go the extra mile for recognition, praise and rewards”

“You can’t afford to lose too many people. It’s not cheap and that’s where a lot of your profit

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