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Questions: Agile Methodology

1. You are working on a project where the team is struggling to manage scope. How
could you use Agile practices to ensure that the scope of the project is managed
effectively and that changes are incorporated in a controlled manner?
2. You are working on a project where the team is struggling to manage stakeholders.
How could you use Agile practices to ensure that stakeholders are engaged and
informed throughout the development process?
3. You are working on a project where the team is struggling to manage schedule. How
could you use Agile practices to ensure that the project is delivered on time and to the
required quality?
4. You are working on a project where the team is struggling to manage budget. How
could you use Agile practices to ensure that the project is delivered within budget and
to the required quality?
5. You are working on a project where the team is struggling to manage quality. How
could you use Agile practices to ensure that the project is delivered to the required
quality standards?
6. You are a Scrum Master for a software development team. Describe a situation where
you had to mediate a conflict between team members and how you resolved it using
Agile principles.
7. As a Product Owner, how would you handle a stakeholder who insists on adding a
new feature in the middle of a sprint?
8. Your team is consistently failing to meet sprint goals. What steps would you take to
identify the problem and improve the team's performance?
9. How would you handle a team member who consistently overestimates their task
completion time?
10. Your team is new to Agile. How would you introduce them to the concept of
"Definition of Done"?
11. How would you handle a situation where your team is spending too much time in
meetings and not enough time on actual work?
12. You are a Product Owner for a team working on a complex project. How would you
ensure that the team is delivering value in every sprint?
13. How would you handle a situation where your team is struggling with a large number
of bugs in the software they are developing?

Questions: What is wrong

1. A Vehicle class has an attribute speed of type String. What might be wrong with this
attribute's type?
2. Two subclasses ElectricCar and GasolineCar inherit from Car, but ElectricCar also
inherits from Battery. What's wrong with this scenario?
3. A use case diagram shows an Email System as an actor. What is fundamentally wrong
with this representation?
4. A use case diagram for an online booking system lacks an actor for the guest. Why is
this an omission?
5. A diagram includes "Click Button" as a use case. Why might this be considered
inappropriate in terms of granularity?
6. A use case diagram for a banking system has "Encrypt Data" as a use case. Why is this
not suitable as a use case?
7. A use case "Make Online Payment" extends "Browse Items" in an e-commerce system.
Why is this use of extend incorrect?
8. In a flight reservation system, the use case "Select Seat" includes "Book Flight". What
is wrong with this relationship?
9. A use case diagram for a restaurant management system includes cooking food inside
the system boundary. Is this correct, and why?
10. If a diagram has both "Log in" and "Sign in" as separate use cases for an application,
what issue might this indicate?
11. A diagram shows Registered User and Guest as actors with a generalization
relationship, but Guest is the superclass. What's the issue?
12. A use case named "Manage Account" is vague in a banking system diagram. What is
problematic about the use case's name?
13. If a use case diagram shows direct associations between actors without involving use
cases, what is the mistake?

Questions: UML class diagrams

1. Design a class diagram for a project management tool. Include classes for users, projects,
tasks, and deadlines.
2. Given a scenario where a user interacts with a music streaming application, identify and
describe at least five classes that would be necessary for the application's backend design.
Justify your choices based on object-oriented principles.
3. Design a class diagram for a library management system. Include at least three classes, their
attributes, methods, and relationships. Explain how inheritance or interface implementation
might be used within your diagram.
4. Imagine a scenario for a basic online retail system. Identify the classes involved in
processing a customer order and describe the relationships between these classes. Focus on
encapsulation and how it's applied in your design.
5. Consider a healthcare system where patients, doctors, and appointments are managed.
Create a class diagram that includes these entities and their associations. Discuss how
polymorphism could be used to handle different types of appointments.
6. Develop a class diagram for a simple social media platform focusing on user profiles, posts,
and comments. Explain the use of aggregation and composition in your diagram.
7. For a vehicle rental service, identify the key classes and their relationships. Describe how
dynamic binding might be useful in your class design, particularly in handling different
types of vehicles.
8. Create a class diagram for a university course registration system. Highlight the role of
abstract classes and interfaces in your design, particularly in dealing with different types of
users (students, faculty, admin).
9. Design a class diagram for a flight reservation system. Discuss how you would implement
exception handling within your classes to deal with overbooking or flight cancellations.
10. Consider a scenario where a game developer needs a system to manage various types of
game assets (e.g., textures, models, audio clips). Design a class diagram that incorporates
the use of collections within your classes.
11. For an email client application, identify the major classes and their relationships. Discuss
how the Singleton pattern might be used in the design of your application.
12. Imagine a scenario for a project management tool. Create a class diagram focusing on tasks,
milestones, and projects. Explain the use of dependency and association in modeling the
13. Develop a class diagram for a pet adoption agency system. Include classes for pets,
adopters, and adoption events. Discuss the ethical considerations in designing IT systems
that involve living beings.

Questions: UML Use Cases Diagrams

1. Design a use case diagram for a social media platform, considering actors like users,
content moderators, and advertisers.
2. Develop a use case diagram for an online learning management system, involving actors
like students, teachers, and administrative staff.
3. Design a use case diagram for a car rental service, taking into account actors like
customers, rental agents, and vehicle maintenance staff.
4. Create a use case diagram for a local government service portal, considering actors like
citizens, government employees, and service providers.
5. Develop a use case diagram for a hotel management system, including actors such as
guests, hotel staff, and booking agents.
6. Design a use case diagram for an online grocery store, taking into account actors like
customers, store managers, and warehouse staff.
7. Create a use case diagram for a movie theater booking system, featuring actors such as
moviegoers, theater staff, and film distributors.
8. Develop a use case diagram for a tax filing software, involving actors like taxpayers, tax
professionals, and government agencies.
9. Design a use case diagram for a sports team management app, considering actors like
coaches, players, and team managers.
10. Create a use case diagram for an event planning platform, taking into account actors like
event organizers, attendees, and service providers.
11. Develop a use case diagram for a medical records management system, including actors
such as patients, doctors, and medical records personnel.
12. Design a use case diagram for a job search website, featuring actors like job seekers,
recruiters, and HR professionals.
13. Create a use case diagram for a travel itinerary planning app, considering actors like
travelers, airlines, and hotel partners.

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