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Child Poverty in Texas Data Analysis


1. What are the data sources for the statistics provided on this site?

U.S. Census Bureau and U.S. Census Bureau, Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates
Program (SAIPE) for all other years
2. What did you learn from the data that you did not know?

That the general trend for the counties shows that poverty levels are slightly decreasing over the
years with the exception of El Paso.

3. How does your home county compare to other counties in the data set when it comes to
children ages 0-17 living in poverty? Explain how it is the same or different from other
counties in the data set. What did you learn about childhood poverty in your home
county compared to the state of Texas?

Tarrant county had the lowest poverty levels of the counties. It also has seen the second highest
in decrease in poverty rates for 0-17 over the time period (~4%) with Dallas having the highest
4. What patterns do you see in the data and what do they indicate?

The overall pattern shows that poverty for 0-17 age group is on a slight decline however there
has also been a decline in state population over the years so further research would have to be
done to establish if that had an impact on the poverty rates.

5. How is the data shown in the line graph helpful? How is using the bar graph helpful?

6. How might a social worker use the data? Who else could use this data and how could
they use it?

Social workers may use this data to help isolate vulnerable populations in need of assistance and
assessing the efficacy of social programs within the counties.

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