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What criminal justice
system do you think is appropriate in the Philippines? Retribution?
Restorative? Explain your side.

In my own perspective, retributive justice system would be more suitable in the current situation
of our society in the Philippines. Given in our situation today where people just point and shoot,
and get away with it, and it is very evident most especially in the side of politics here in the
Philippines, perpetrators are more likely to get away with it, it is that easy for them to commit a
crime without thinking of the consequences, and I think retributive justice is a way to end that. It
would prove to that it is more effective to enforce law and order with this justice system.

Retributive justice is based on the principle of "an eye for an eye." According to this principle, a
person who has committed a crime should be punished in a way that is proportional to the harm
caused by the crime. This means that the punishment should be severe enough to deter the
offender from committing the crime again, but not so severe that it is considered cruel and
unusual punishment.

On your way to school, you get a bumpy ride from the potholes in the road and then you get stuck
in the traffic. Along the side road, you see a lot of homeless people, beggars an d vendors setting
up their mobile stores. Then you start to wonder where the people’s taxes are going?

Is the government justified in taking people’s money?

Yes, because the government taking people’s money to prove support and services for all, and
without it we would not have these public roads and structures that we use for free. The
government collect taxes to fund essential public services like education and healthcare, address
economic inequalities through wealth redistribution, and maintain economic stability. But then
concerns about individual rights and freedom arise, as some argue for a balance between
funding societal needs and respecting personal liberties. Public discourse and democratic
processes play a crucial role in shaping fair and effective tax policies that align with the values of
the citizens.

Who should carry the
burden of taxation?

The question of who should bear the burden of taxation involves debates over progressive
taxation (taxing higher incomes more), regressive taxation (placing a heavier burden on lower
incomes), flat taxes (everyone pays the same percentage), consumption-based taxation (taxing
spending), and wealth taxes (taxing accumulated assets). The choice reflects societal values and
economic goals, with the ongoing challenge of balancing revenue needs and fairness through
public discourse and democratic processes.

In my own opinion, wealthy people arguably should carry the burden of taxation more, not
necessarily having to pay much more tax than other people but it would be consumption-based
taxation where the more they spend on something the higher the tax they will pay.

Who should benefit from

Taxation should benefit society as a whole by funding essential services like education,
healthcare, and infrastructure. The beneficiaries include citizens, the economically
disadvantaged, and the community at large. Fair and efficient tax policies aim to address
economic disparities, improve public services, and contribute to national defense. Public input
and democratic processes play a crucial role in determining how tax revenue is allocated to meet
diverse societal needs.

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