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Struggling with your thesis statement on John Proctor? You're not alone.

Crafting a thesis, especially

on complex literary characters like John Proctor from Arthur Miller's "The Crucible," can be
incredibly challenging. It requires deep analysis, critical thinking, and a thorough understanding of
the character's nuances and the themes they represent within the text.

John Proctor is a pivotal character, embodying various conflicts and themes such as integrity,
morality, and the consequences of standing up against societal norms. Developing a compelling thesis
statement that effectively encapsulates these elements demands careful consideration and precision.

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Johns potential for heroism begins to be realised. However, Elizabeth is then brought in to verify
Proctor’s confession she lies to the court, to protect her husbands name, (not knowing that he had
confessed), also showing her faithfulness to her husband. Proctor is a down to earth man who speaks
his mind and has a deep sense of pride in himself.’ However, we learn that Proctor regards himself as
a sinner and for this reason he is not perfect. Using the situations that had happened to him meant the
play could be read as an allegory. Although their relationship is somewhat broken we see a point
where Elizabeth helps out John when he cannot remember all the commandments, ironically it is
adultery. I will bring you home soon” we hear John say as Elizabeth is led outside. “ I will fall like
the ocean on that court. The Crucible - Is John Proctor truly a tragic hero? Consider what meaning
and insight it offers with respect to the larger narrative of this play, and consider how Miller’s
motivations influence the reader’s interpretation of the play and its meaning. Proctor, respected and
even feared in Salem, has come to regard himself as a kind of fraud. Proctor denies he has anything
to do with witchcraft. It gives us a feel of anticipation, and this is a different pause to the first scene
we saw them together, we feel this pause is for Elizabeth and John to just savour this moment
together, this may be their last. Miller saw these public confessions like the naming of names in
Salem in 1692. Bearded and filthy, we can hardly recognise him neither can Elizabeth. One of the
most flamboyant of the women executed was Bridget Bishop, a woman who had been married
several times and was known as the mistress of two Salem taverns and had a reputation for dressing
more 'artistically' than the women of the village. Before John can do anything about it, Marshall
Herrick, and Ezekiel Cheever arrive at the house to arrest Elizabeth. The fear escalates to such a
dramatic degree that the dominant class must respond by quashing the supposed witches with
extreme strategies: the trials and subsequent burnings of witches. Although he was later denounced,
he promoted unfounded accusations and suspicions of communism in many quarters, and is best
known for his investigation of communists in the United States Army. John Proctor (inventor)
Updated on Jan 08, 2024 Edit Like Comment Share Share on Facebook Tweet on Twitter Share on
LinkedIn Share on Reddit Sign in Name John Proctor Character analysis of john proctor John
Proctor was born in 1804 to the town of Andover, New Hampshire's village blacksmith. The Crucible
- Write two diary extracts- one from the point of view of Abig. The audience can be sure that Proctor
did in fact have an affair with Abigail by numerous instances within the play. God is the only being
responsible for dealing with sins. In this section, Arthur Miller situates “The Crucible” within its
historical context, and he does not refrain from offering his own opinions about the Salem witch
trials and their lasting social implications. By using a historical situation writers are able to draw upon
documented evidence and real-life reactions to situations. Johns fails to keep our admiration when
the audience realize that he won’t go to court to tell the about Abigail’s dancing in the woods, when
he withholds the information from the court allows the witch-hunt to escalate into madness. Abigail
is an attractive, sexual and manipulative character. An example of this lay within the exchange
between Thomas Putnam, Reverend Parris and John Proctor as they quarrel over the ownership of
land. When Miller stood before the committee in 1956 he did not ever confess to signing. As a form
of counter- magic, Tituba was ordered to bake a rye cake with the urine of the afflicted victim and to
feed the cake to a dog. There’s got to be a way to protect her from dying. But Proctor is a strong-
willed character and is willing to stand up for his beliefs; he is faithful to God.
This epidemic was what would become known as McCarthyism. That woman, however, turned into
a mere pest under his searching scrutiny and the child she has allegedly been afflicting recovered her
normal behaviour after Hale had given her his kindness and a few days of rest in his own house. On
page 132, Proctor continues by proclaiming, “God knows how black my sins are!” Proctor finds
peace in knowing that God has the final say. For example,on page 64, John Proctor says to Mr. Hale
after forgetting the commandment about adultery, “I think it may be a small fault.” This shows that
John Proctor may indeed have been caused to forget this commandment because of the stress caused
by his sin of adultery. The use of Salem as a metaphor was to show that at any time people can get
caught up, and be carried along with the crowd, to behave in an irrational manner. Elizabeth was
married to John Proctor who had been married twice before. Proctor is at pain to point out the
extenuating circumstances - the harsh struggle he has had with his farm, the emotional and physical
weakness of his wife and the powerful appeal of Abigail's young beauty and vivid personality.
Perhaps Miller may be comparing himself to the admirable character of Proctor. This has relevance to
the proceeding play as well as key information for an actor playing John Proctor OR a director
directing an actor to play John Proctor. All of those girls should be ashamed of themselves as they all
had an effort in bringing the devil to us all. On the surface, Proctor seems quite simple as he is an
average honorable farmer. He is the victim of malicious jealousy of Parris and Putnam and all those
who encourage the witch trials. A qualified proctor for the WKCE is an employed district staff
member (including administrators, teachers, and paraprofessionals, etc.) who has been trained in test
administration, test security, and appropriate use of test accommodations. Their somewhat polite
conversation of the weather and the farm has a slight bitterness and we feel there is something
missing, they are not easy together. All the facts that he has an affair with Abigail, then lies to the
court and leaves his family behind are controversial to the heroic figure. Consider what meaning and
insight it offers with respect to the larger narrative of this play, and consider how Miller’s
motivations influence the reader’s interpretation of the play and its meaning. Puritan society. The
Salem witch trials took place from June through September of 1. Reverend Parris, a key figure in
legal proceedings, introduces biases influenced by his religious beliefs. We wait, assuming to come
from the side of the stage the strong minded, respected John Proctor. Before Abigail came and
ruined his peace, he was always sure of himself. However, a few key characters could be seen as the
sole causes for Proctors death. At this time, his pride would not allow him to ruin his reputation in
the village of Salem, therefore, it allowed Abigail to continue her plan to seek his love. I have known
her.” It is here that the results of the stress have been revealed and that Proctor confesses his sin. The
genre of Arthur Miller’s “The Crucible” is, in a certain sense, a strict form that clearly delineates the
role of the writer relative to the text. Hale goes to Proctor’s house and asks him to list the Ten
Commandments. In 1945 during the next five or ten years the United States and the USSR fought
over the rise of communism. Not enough to wave a banner with, but enough to keep it from such
dogs. ” It is shown the Proctor is finally at peace with himself. He is a father of three young boys,
and a husband to Elizabeth Proctor. John Proctor was not the same man to himself as he was to
others. She may carry her own kinds of trouble around, but she is a very tempting young lady.
An example of this lay within the exchange between Thomas Putnam, Reverend Parris and John
Proctor as they quarrel over the ownership of land. If you do not agree that The Crucible is a tragedy,
or if you feel that it is a hybrid, then defend your position with evidence drawn directly from the
text. On the surface, The Crucible appears to be a tragedy. Several months before the start of the
play: Abigail Williams, a teenage girl, works at John and Elizabeth Proctor’s farm as a servant. Look
closely at the meeting between john proctor and Elizabeth proctor in t. Themes representative of:
individual in society, (victim of) abuse of power, (victim of) hysteria Elizabeth Proctor Purpose:
representative of main themes, generator of conflict, creates a turning point in John’s decision-
making process, builds mini and main climax Motivation: to regain her dignity and the love of her
husband Main Objective: to keep her family together, to have her old way of life back: to have
harmony in her relationship with John and feel like she pleases him. Later on in Act 3 when Elizabeth
is summoned to testify. Join our team of reviewers and help other students learn. Yet, is as much a
product of the time in which Arthur Miller wrote it - the early 1. Mary Warren, their servant, has
gone to the witch trials, against Elizabeth’s order that she remain in the house.. Fourteen people are
now in jail. Hale believes this mistake is a “crack in a fortress”. Although most of the women first
accused of witchcraft were considered disreputable, several reputable members of the community
were soon executed, including Rebecca Nurse (featured in the play), and in the most controversial
execution, George Burroughs, the former minister in Salem. Proctor tremendously regrets his flaw
and feels guilt even though Elizabeth forgave him. Hale has come to tell them Elizabeth has been
mentioned in the court. These times reveal that stress is building up on John Proctor. Although he
was later denounced, he promoted unfounded accusations and suspicions of communism in many
quarters, and is best known for his investigation of communists in the United States Army. He
hesitated to expose Abigail as a fraud because he worried that his secret which was to having an
affair would be revealed. We see John is trying in the best way he can to show he loves her dearly.
The use of Salem as a metaphor was to show that at any time people can get caught up, and be
carried along with the crowd, to behave in an irrational manner. John Proctor was a successful
farmer and the first male to be named a witch during the Salem Witch Trials of 1692. John Proctor
continues to defend his good reputation when he says on page 42, “I mean to please you, Elizabeth.”
He obviously is not living up to this statement in his real life, but wants the audience, readers, and
Elizabeth to think that he is the man who the town thinks he is. This character feels great
responsibility for his actions and wants to achieve good. Status: High (but in terms of the patriarchal
society fairly low) as she is a mother and a central character. Their somewhat polite conversation of
the weather and the farm has a slight bitterness and we feel there is something missing, they are not
easy together. I will bring you home soon” we hear John say as Elizabeth is led outside. “ I will fall
like the ocean on that court. For this reason, perhaps Miller is justifying his actions to not confide the
American Federal government at a later date, throughout his comparison of it to something quite
revolutionary (the desolation of persecution. ). God is the only being responsible for dealing with
sins. To prepare the audience for later happenings, that take place in that very room. Click here for an
analysis of how characters represent themes and thematic issues in The Crucible by Arthur Miller.
There they sit facing each other still, while the world around them spins.
I think the tragic feeling is evoked in us when we are in the presence of a character that is ready to
lay down his life to secure one thing his sense of personal dignity. She even had the nerve to say that
I got nervous around her. Conclude with a statement about the use and abuse of power. Act two
follows directly on from a very highly charged. Much has been made, however, out of the historical
moment in which Arthur Miller wrote the play—the Mc. More Alchetron Topics References John
Proctor (inventor) Wikipedia (Text) CC BY-SA Similar Topics Brothers of the Head Carina Axelsson
Malcolm Starkey. This linguistic nuance becomes an integral part of the play's identity, reinforcing
the impact of religious and societal norms on the characters' lives. TCAP will not assess new
standards from the Colorado Academic Standards (CAS). Has to concentrate and think all the time
on stage, particularly when the focus of the dialogue is not directly on her. John Proctor was a
successful farmer and the first male to be named a witch during the Salem Witch Trials of 1692. At
the beginning of the play, the fight for survival is very real for Parris and the actor must avoid
patronising this character, because that could undermine the argument of the play. On the surface,
Proctor seems quite simple as he is an average honorable farmer. Proctor changes from being
obsessed with his reputation to learning that maybe it’s not as important as he thought. There are
several actions that could trigger this block including submitting a certain word or phrase, a SQL
command or malformed data. He is the victim of malicious jealousy of Parris and Putnam and all
those who encourage the witch trials. Local grievances and personal vendettas further complicate the
legal landscape, creating an environment where justice is subjective and influenced by individual
interests. Her manipulation of events, fueled by personal vendettas and a thirst for power, propels the
narrative towards its tragic conclusion. The long-term consequence of his affair with Abigail is the
cause of his tragic death. The Puritans. Pre-Revolutionary War. (Pre-United States) No United States
congress, no president, no democracy. I was weak once, and I won’t be weak again by the same girl.
This added to suspicions of witchcraft by Tituba, and led to the slave becoming one of the first
women accused, along with Sarah Good and Sarah Osburn. Some people support the idea that if
Proctor really was a sincere, brave and decent man, that he wouldn’t leave his sons and wife behind
with no one to take care of them. Originally founded by James Gamble and William Proctor in
Cincinnati Ohio One of the first products sold was a soap that could float in water known as ivory.
By the second act he is chastened by the growing number of accused and, by the end of the play, he
has to appear tortured and incompletely broken man, physically exhausted, with his faith shattered.
The Crucible - The Marriage of John and Elizabeth Proctor. How did you determine the most corrupt
character. Proctor desperately wants to prove that Abigail is lying, so that the authorities will
discontinue the witch-hunt, and cease to hang innocents. Task done as described and better,
responded to all my questions promptly too! ”. A qualified proctor for the WKCE is an employed
district staff member (including administrators, teachers, and paraprofessionals, etc.) who has been
trained in test administration, test security, and appropriate use of test accommodations. This
cowardice then guides me onto the main reason why Mary Warren is responsible for Proctor’s death.
“Don’t touch me” page 95 leads onto Mary’s accusation of John Proctor to take away the pressure on
her for being an apparent witch, meaning it is brought on by cowardice.

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