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Water Flows in the Spanish Economy: Agri-Food Sectors, Trade and

Households Diets in an Input-Output Framework
Ignacio Cazcarro,* Rosa Duarte, and Julio Sánchez-Chóliz
Department of Economic Analysis, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zaragoza, Gran Vía, 2, 50005, Zaragoza, Spain
S Supporting Information

ABSTRACT: Seeking to advance our knowledge of water

flows and footprints and the factors underlying them, we apply,
on the basis of an extended 2004 Social Accounting Matrix for
Spain, an open Leontief model in which households and
foreign trade are the exogenous accounts. The model shows
the water embodied in products bought by consumers (which
we identify with the Water Footprint) and in trade (identified
with virtual water trade). Activities with relevant water inflows
and outflows such as the agrarian sector, textiles, and the agri-
food industry are examined in detail using breakdowns of the
relevant accounts. The data reflect only physical consumption,
differentiating between green and blue water. The results
reveal that Spain is a net importer of water. Flows are then
related to key trading partners to show the large quantities
involved. The focus on embodied (or virtual) water by activity
is helpful to distinguish indirect from direct consumption as
embodied water can be more than 300 times direct
consumption in some food industry activities. Finally, a sensitivity analysis applied to changes in diets shows the possibility
of reducing water uses by modifying households’ behavior to encourage healthier eating.

1. INTRODUCTION relationship between production, trade and water; so from

The Spanish economy has undergone profound structural now on, we will use as equivalent the concepts of VW content
changes over the last 20 years, growing increasingly open to of a product and embodied water in the product. Moreover, the
trade since European Union (EU) integration in 1986. This has model used shows the water embodied in products bought by
affected domestic production processes, the technologies used, domestic consumers, which we identify with the water
and consumption patterns, which in turn influence water footprint2 (WF), and in trade, identified with VW trade.
demand and impacts. These developments have affected not One of the approaches to estimate the water embodied in
only direct but also indirect demand for water (via inputs). sectors/activities/products is input-output (IO) analysis. The
Moreover, structural change has occurred in parallel with an method applied is an open Leontief model based on the data
increase in trade flows with other EU member States and the we have obtained for an extended social accounting matrix
rest of the world (RW), which also affect water demand and (SAM) with water accounts, which allows us to estimate the
pressure on Spanish and foreign water resources. This occurs embodied water required to produce the goods and services
because water consumption is driven by different factors assigned to the exogenous accounts, in this study comprising
including production structure, trade composition, technology “households” and “foreign trade”. A number of papers illustrate
and consumption habits as determinants of the water flows the possibility of using the VW concept in an IO framework to
within the economy. This study seeks to advance our analyze the water pressure derived from economic activities.3−5
knowledge of water flows and the factors underlying them. In many of them, boundary input is given by water withdrawal
Specifically, this paper has a 2-fold objective: first, to evaluate of the sector (here we will consider physical consumption) and
water flows in the different sectors in the Spanish economy and output, given by the water footprint (the sum of total domestic
interactions with the rest of the world; and second to use these water and the net virtual water import of the region, see more
results for evaluating the pressure on water in different on this in refs 6,7).
spending scenarios for changes in Spanish diets. The key
concept in our analysis is the embodied water in a product, that Received: March 1, 2011
is to say, the water that directly or indirectly has been necessary Revised: May 7, 2012
to produce it, but the concept of virtual water1 (VW) is also Accepted: May 21, 2012
used in parallel to show better the importance of the Published: May 21, 2012

© 2012 American Chemical Society 6530 | Environ. Sci. Technol. 2012, 46, 6530−6538
Environmental Science & Technology Article

This methodology has been used at the national level for on both domestic water use and water uses associated with
Spain and for some regions,8,9 but not based on a disaggregated trade, a Symmetric IO table including water accounts was built
table embracing the whole Spanish agri-food complex (defined for 2004 (at basic prices) using the industry technology
as the set of agricultural and livestock activities, the food assumption.13
industry, and trade in all those products), given that the The SAM extends the information contained in the IO tables
country’s farm (i.e., agrarian) sector and food industry to represent the circular flow of income. In this sense, although
represent an important share of national output, employment the underlying models in IO and SAM are formally similar, all
and income generation. The use of a disaggregated table allows the accounts involved to obtain a unit of income are considered
precise estimates of the embodied water per euro in a product in the SAM models. The SAM used for the analysis is also
of domestic final demand, or embodied in any product squared and allows the definition of linear models which are
imported or exported. Disaggregation of IO tables in activities formally analogous to IO linear models. So although we use the
related with the agri-food complex is described in various information from a SAM, since we leave as exogenous accounts
papers in the literature,10,11 and others deal with disaggregation the household consumption and foreign trade; it is not a
for the purposes of environmental analysis.12 traditional SAM analysis, but more an extended input-output
This paper follows the IO methodology, offering a step analysis.
forward in the analysis of water uses, flows, trade and Having obtained the SAM table and extended it with water
consumption patterns in line with some of the new concepts accounts, we break down the agri-food system and the accounts
developed in the field of water management. We will focus on where water flows are expected to be most important, obtaining
physical consumption (PC, also called consumptive water use), a disaggregated extended SAM with water accounts for 2004
considering both the blue water collected from groundwater or and 68 productive activities (2004 DSW), which is available in
surface sources (the water usually studied in relation to the the Supporting Information (SI). The water information was
political and economic management of the resource) and green also broken down for these accounts. For these purposes, our
water (i.e., the water evaporated from rainwater stored in the main references are 14−21. Finally, a KRAS algorithm22 is
ground as soil moisture). applied at different stages of the process in order to balance the
Section 2 describes the linear model and the items obtained matrix, while preserving the values of some cells and groups of
from the SAM. Section 3 contains the results and discussion of cells, and to detect and correct conflicts in the data.
the embodied water in the products of the Spanish economy, Modeling and Foreign Trade. The linear model used is
which are completed with the valuations of embodied water in based on the DSW, taking households and foreign trade
imports and exports. Finally, we provide an analysis of how uses (comprising the accounts of “European Union”, and “Rest of
might vary given shifts in domestic final demand, especially in the World”) as the exogenous. A matrix A of accounting
food consumption patterns. multipliers (which are formally similar to the technical
coefficients of I−O models) is obtained by dividing the
2. DATA AND METHODOLOGY columns of endogenous accounts by the account total. The
Social Accounting Matrix for 2004. Our starting points following linear model, described in five blocks of accounts,
are the supply and use tables provided by the Spanish Statistics calculates the levels of output (resources), where x is the vector
Institute (NSI) and the Water Satellite Accounts (WSA) for of outputs for the endogenous accounts and y the exogenous
2004. Given our objectives and the availability of information demand or final demand of the model:

⎡ xP ⎤ ⎡ APP 0 APC APG APS ⎤⎡ xP ⎤ ⎡ yPH ⎤

⎢x ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ AFP 0 0 0 0 ⎥⎢ xF ⎥ ⎢ yFH ⎥
⎢ F⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ x C ⎥=
⎢ 0 A CF A CC A CG 0 ⎥⎢ x C ⎥ + ⎢ yCH ⎥ ⇔ x = Ax + y ⇔ x = (I − A)−1y
⎢x ⎥ ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ G⎥ ⎢A A GF A GC A GG A GS ⎥⎢ x G ⎥ ⎢ yGH ⎥
⎢ GP ⎥⎢ x ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎣⎢ xS ⎦⎥ ⎢⎣ 0 0 A SC A SG 0 ⎥⎦⎣ S ⎦ ⎣ ySH ⎦ (1)

The accounts (block accounts) are P, productive sectors; F,

factors; C, companies; G, government; S, savings-investments; proposed, for example, in ref 17, but making a clear distinction
and H, households and exports. With this choice of exogenous between dryland and irrigated land requirements. Aggregating
all types of water (we do not consider here gray water) we get
accounts I−O, we place the focus on the pressure on the water
blue and green PC.
resources due to the final demand of goods outside the country,
If we define a vector w of direct unit coefficients for water,
and due to the final demand of the households (and easily per where {wi}i=1,...,n is the PC of each activity i per € value of total
citizen), although obtaining embodied coefficients with more output x of activity i, we can obtain a vector of water values by
dispersion than traditional only sectoral I−O, and gathering category of final demand:
longer chains (a few interesting ones, such as capturing
embodied water not only due to the demand of goods and Λ′ = (λi)′ = w′(I − A)−1 (2)
services, but government expenditure or investments, which These values capture all the water incorporated, directly or
lead to further demand of goods and services, etc.). indirectly, by unit of exogenous demand, so that λi is the
Blue direct PC of industrial and services activities is obtained embodied water in each monetary unit of the Households and
from the WSA provided by the NSI, and the agrarian direct Foreign trade accounts. The same formulation applies to any
(blue and green) water from,23 which follows the methodology other water vector w.
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Environmental Science & Technology Article

Table 1. Values of the Main Water Accounts Obtained from the 2004 DSW (hm3)
direct consumption
+ imports embodied water consumption in final demand
total total households exports
blue blue blue blue
GCa classifications−sectors blue +green blue +green blue +green blue +green
1 cereals and leguminous plants 6172 12 410 876 3048 613 2137 263 911
2 vegetables and fruits 4329 6956 3782 7864 1558 3252 2224 4612
3 industrial crops and woody 3510 4774 43 144 0 0 43 144
4−5 olive tree and grape wine 1634 4386 186 506 176 482 10 24
6−9 livestock 234 234* 248 1006 163 666 85 340
10−11 other agrarian, fishing and forestry 812 1301 105 398 74 302 31 96
total agricultural, forestry and 16 699 30 070 5240 12 967 2584 6839 2656 6128
fishing (1−11)

12−17 extraction minerals and energy and 672 672 276 1446 211 849 67 597
water supply
18 chemicals 5 5 68 1158 15 252 53 906
19−22 metallurgy, machinery and equip. 93 93 186 4131 39 957 148 3174
23 meat industry 18 18 1675 7461 1388 6188 287 1273
24 diaries 8 8 619 3064 549 2717 70 347
25 industrial oils and greases 8 8 1178 4958 607 2554 571 2404
26−33 other food industries 36 36 2973 12 354 2134 8858 838 3496
34−38 beverages and tobacco 18 18 456 1875 283 1365 173 510
total food industry (23−38) 90 90 6901 29 712 4960 21 682 1941 8030
39−40 textiles, leather and footwear 25 25 338 3815 204 2312 133 1503
41−45 all other industries 170 170 236 1535 108 694 126 841

total industry (12−45) 1054 1054 8006 41 801 5538 26 745 2468 15 056
46−53 wholesale and retail agrarian and 2 2 600 2553 550 2342 51 211
54 nonfood trade 7 7 191 1120 163 929 35 191
55−56 restaurants, cafe, bars and similar 41 41 1963 7848 1692 6718 271 1130
57 −58 hotels, lodging and catering services 9 9 179 745 65 287 114 458
59−65 transport and private and domestic 31 31 656 3734 492 2763 164 971
66−68 public education, health and services 45 45 4 21 4 21 0 0
69−71 factors 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
72−73 NPISH and societies 0 0 143 882 92 565 50 317
74 public administration 0 0 539 3065 522 2962 17 103
75 savings/investment 0 0 367 2381 367 2381 0 0
76 households 201 201 201 810i 201 810b 0 0

1−76 total national (1−76) 18 090 31 461 18 090 12 266 5824

77 european union 14 623
78 rest of the world 31 840

77−78 total imports (77−78) 46 463

1−78 total (sum, 1−78) 77 924 0 77 924 0 53 364 0 24 560
GC: group code. bThe embodied imported water due to Spanish tourists’ consumption abroad is recognized in these accounts. *No direct green
(pastures...) water consumption considered.

To calculate the total PC of water associated with economic ∑ (widom)′(I − A)−1yr = ∑ wdom′(I − A)−1yr
activity, we must deal with three components: The water r r (3)
consumed domestically to produce the goods and services
demanded by households and foreign trade, direct consump- The second component is associated with the direct
tion of water in exogenous activities, and embodied water in consumption of water in the activities or accounts that we
considered exogenous. If dEx r is the vector of water PC per
imports (which we associate to VW import). Beginning with
(monetary) unit of exogenous account r, this will be Σr dEx r ′yr.
the first component, if wdom=(wdomi ) is the vector of domestic To address the embodied water in imports, the third
PC coefficients (defined accordingly with the total of the component, we look at the technological conditions of the main
matrix), the total water consumed in Spain to meet exogenous source countries for the (global and agrarian) products entering
demand yr (r = households, foreign sector) will be given by: the country as imports. Thus we have used IO tables24 for the
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countries from which Spain bought most imports in 2004 embodied consumption is shown in the second and fourth
(tables harmonized in Euros), estimating more accurately the columns. The break down between households and exports for
embodied water of imports, based on the transformation both types of water can be seen in columns 5 to 8. The pressure
processes of the countries of origin, as improvement from the of the Spanish households (citizens) on the global water
single region approach. Table SI2 in the SI shows results for the resources (which we associate with our boundary output, the
10 countries from which Spain imported most in 2004, which blue and green WF), represented in the sixth column in Table
were also the main sources of imports over the whole of the 1, comes from the domestic water consumptive use (WC), plus
decade, eight of them also being the main destinations of the embodied water in imports (VWimp), see second column,
exports. The countries concerned are France, Germany, minus embodied water in exports (VWexp): WF = WC + VWimp
Portugal, Italy, UK, Netherlands, U.S., Belgium, China, and − VWexp
Japan. However, other countries such as Argentina, Brazil, The total PC of water in production plus embodied water in
Canada, South Africa, and Indonesia are also significant and imports and direct uses, as expressed in eq 5 (which we relate
their IO tables are considered. Trade data were obtained from to WF budget), is 77 924 hm3/year, while the embodied water
the Spanish Revenue Agency. in imports (third addend of eq 5) is 46 463 hm3/year, the 60%
This information was combined with water data for the of the total PC. From the total PC only 18 090 hm3/year is
countries concerned to calculate vectors of water values for domestic blue water (less than one-fourth), being consumed
each individual country and for groups of countries, c, as most of them, 16 699 hm3/year, in the agrarian activities and
follows:: the rest in the industrial production and in services. Also to
agriculture corresponds the highest domestic green water
Λcimp′ = (λciimp) = wc′(I − A c)−1 (4) consumption, 13 371 hm3/year.
where wc is the vector of water consumption per unit of basic In Table 1 we may see that more than 60% of the imported
output in c (and hence for every unit of imported output from c water comes from non-EU countries, and as we will see, mainly
to Spain), and Ac is the matrix of technical coefficients of c. from primary and transformed farm products. Similar results
Once Λimpc and the vector of imports Mc=(Mci) are known, we were obtained in ref 17 As shown in the last column of Table 1
can obtain the unit coefficients for each country c as wimp c = (eq 6), meanwhile, the total embodied water in exports is 24
(wimp imp
ci ) = (λci Mci/xi) where xi is the total Spanish output of
560 hm3/year, about a third of the total PC. Hence, Spain is a
sector i. Thus, the embodied water in Spanish production is net importer of VW, in line with previous process analysis type
of studies (as defined in ref 32), focused on agrarian and food
∑ w dom′(I − A)−1yr + ∑ drExyr trade, as seen in refs 17,23
r r As may be seen in Table 1, the embodied water volumes in
+ ∑∑ w cimp′(I − A)−1yr the final demand from Food industry (29 712 hm3) are more
r c (5) than 300 times the direct consumption of water of the sector,
demonstrating the relevance of water flows from other
If we focus only on exports, assuming y for households to be activities, especially Agriculture and Livestock. A similar result
equal to 0, and that yr is export demand, the above expression is observable for the total of Industries (41 801 hm3) which is
tells us that the embodied water in exports is more than 39 times its direct consumption of water, due mainly
W exp = w dom′(I − A)−1yr + to differences in the Food industry, and in industrial accounts,
∑ wcimp′(I − A)−1yr as textiles, clothing, leather, and footwear.
c (6)
Flow transfers in the food industry can be better understood
which comprises the domestic water consumed to obtain by focusing on the different sectors involved. The meat industry
exports, plus the embodied water in inputs imported to directly consumes only 18 hm3 of water, but the water needed
produce them. to satisfy final demands (households or exports) is 7,461 hm3;
Uncertainty in the Model. Finally, we consider the other subindustries such as dairies, and industrial oils and
underlying uncertainties following this long process of greases directly consume about 8 hm3, but their embodied
combining tables, matching and balancing data sources, consumption is 3064 hm3 and 4958 hm3 respectively.
comprising those inherent in the primary input-output, trade Analogously, the restaurants, cafe, bars and similar directly
and water data, the detailed data used for the disaggregation, consume 41 hm3, but the water needed to satisfy final demands
price indexes, and model uncertainties.25 A summary of the is high at around 7848 hm3.
sensitivity analysis performed in this respect is shown in the 3.2. Water Consumption and Spanish Trade. According
results. The approach used is not new in the field (for example, to the results presented above, Spain is a net importer of water.
see refs 26 and 27) but relatively little attention has been paid As much of Spain is arid or semiarid, it will be very interesting
to this issue, becoming recently a matter of concern in to examine the VW exported and imported in greater depth.
multiregional IO models, environmental IO models,28−30 and Taking only domestic PC into account, we may observe that
with respect to the WF.31 12 266 hm3 of the total 18 090 hm3 of domestic blue water
consumed every year remain in the country, while the
3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION remaining 5823 hm3 of water, almost 1/3 of the total, is
3.1. Blue and Green Water Account for the 2004 DSW. exported. We find a similar picture for total consumption (blue
Estimates for blue and green water associated with both and green water,): 53 364 hm3 of the total 77 924 hm3 (68.5%)
production and consumption, appear in Table 1. The first and are embodied in household consumption, whereas the
third columns of numerical results respectively show direct and remaining 24 560 hm3 (31.5%) is exported. The most
embodied blue consumption, given the cost of the blue significant sectors in terms of blue VW exports are vegetables
resource and its importance for many social and economic and fruits; pork products; chemicals; transport equipment;
activities. The total (blue and green water) direct and industry of vegetables, of milling, of wines and ciders, rubber,
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Scheme 1. Schematic Main Net Water Flows (Blue -Big Flows- and Black Arrows) Across Spanish Sectors (Orange Ovals) and
with Other Countries (Red Arrows)a,b

BE: Belgium, GE: Germany, FR: France, GB: Great Britain, IT: Italy, NL: The Netherlands, PT: Portugal, Other EU: Other European Union
countries, JP: Japan, US: United States, CH: China, BR: Brazil, AR: Argentina, RUS: Russia, CAN: Canada, IN: India, INDO: Indonesia, TUR:
Turkey, SA: South Africa, SK: South Korea, RW: Rest of the World. bBlue arrows show the main water flows across sectors of the Spanish economy
(ovals), being the black ones less important in terms of water. The size of the selected main net flows is given by the size of the spheres represented,
while the importance of the agrarian sector in the flow is given by the color, being the yellow ones those with the highest water content from the
Agrarian Sector.

plastics, and other manufactures; hotel, pensions and similar; for changes in economic behavior and appraisal of their effects
and transport and communications. on economic and environmental flows. This section is a first
Supplementing the above information, the map in Scheme 1 approximation to the changes in the water consumed in the
(and Table SI2 in the SI) present the main net water flows face of variations in the food products purchased by
across sectors and embodied in net exports. households, since we have identified that expenditure as one
Spain is a net importer of embodied water flows, especially of the key determining the WF. Moreover, according to various
from non EU countries, but generally is net exporter to EU references,33,34 consumption of meat and meat products in the
partners, 18 986 hm3 versus 14 623 hm3, although clearly not Spanish diet is higher than recommended, but less cereals and
with France, from where much water comes from agrarian and cereal products, vegetables, fruit, and legumes are eaten than
forestry goods. Spanish VW exports to the United Kingdom, would be desirable.
Italy and Portugal are also fairly significant, especially in the In this context, in Table 2 we present two scenarios based on
case of agri-food products (standing out Vegetables and Fruits, a comparison of actual and recommended diets. In Scenario I,
especially citrus). Meanwhile, embodied water in imports from
changes in spending are associated with a recommended diet
the U.S. (2467 hm3), China (3115 hm3), and the RW (25,749
by36 for Spain. Changes of this nature would reduce spending
hm3), see SI Table SI2, may avoid considerable domestic
on food by 11 611 Euros, 1.51% of household expenditure. In
consumption, as the water balance with these countries (with
importance of the agrarian sector in the VW flows, as given by Scenario II, the changes in agriculture, livestock and food
the yellow spheres in each country) is significantly negative. spending are accompanied by the return of the savings
Notably, around 50% of the embodied water in imports from generated to the economic circuit, in the form of higher
China comes from textile products, leather, and footwear. spending on other activities. This approximates with a simple
As discussed in the SI in the subsection of uncertainty in the assumption a possible rebound effect from the extra money
scenario analysis, scenario analysis about trade would benefit generated with Scenario I. The necessary data on food supply
from a model where trade is endogenous. quantities (in kg per capita per year, by crop and by specific
3.3. Scenarios Referring to Changes in Diet and animal classification) is found in ref 35 for 2004. The
Household Water Consumption. One of the advantages of percentage change in spending is estimated from the ratio of
working in an IO framework, with disaggregated sector changes between the recommended diet and the current diet,
information, is that it allows simulation of different scenarios assuming no changes in prices.
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Table 2. Variations in Embodied Water (hm3) in the Main Accounts from Dietary Changes
current situation scenario i scenario ii
household embodied % of household embodied % of variation household embodied % of
expendit. consumption embodied variation in expendit. consumpt. of embodied in expendit. consumpt. of embodied
a b
GC classifications−sectors (million €) of water consumpt. expendit. (million €) water consumpt. expendit. (million €) water consumpt.
1 cereals & leguminous plants 708 2137 4.05% 8% 764 2306 4.82% 8% 764 2306 4.79%
2 vegetables & fruits 5042 3252 6.16% 21% 6119 3946 8.25% 21% 6119 3946 8.20%
3 industrial crops 0 0 0% 0% 0 0 0% 0% 0 0 0%
4−5 olive trees & vineyards 449 482 0.91% 0% 449 482 1.01% 0% 449 482 1.00%
6−9 livestock 613 666 1.26% −82% 112 121 0.25% −82% 112 121 0.25%
10−11 other agrarian, fishing & forestry 2321 302 0.57% −39% 1465 225 0.47% −39% 1465 225 0.47%
1−11 total agrarian s., forestry & fish. 9134 6839 12.96% −2% 8909 7080 14.80% 1.86% 8909 7080 14.71%

12−17 extraction minerals, energy & water 14 897 849 1.61% 0% 14 897 850 1.78% 0% 15 174 866 1.80%
18 chemicals 4589 252 0.48% 0% 4589 252 0.53% 1.86% 4674 257 0.53%
19−22 metallurgy, machinery & equip. 21 525 958 1.82% 0% 21 525 958 2.00% 1.86% 21 927 975 2.03%
23 meat industry 11 785 6188 11.73% −82% 2149 1128 2.36% −82% 2149 1128 2.34%
24 dairies 6429 2717 5.15% −1% 6345 2681 5.60% −1% 6345 2681 5.57%
25 industrial oils & fats 2008 2554 4.84% 0% 2008 2554 5.34% 0% 2008 2554 5.31%
26−33 other food industries 15 798 8857 16.79% −10% 15 272 8993 18.79% 0% 15 272 8993 18.69%
34−38 beverages & tobacco 5688 1366 2.59% 0% 5688 1366 2.85% 0% 5688 1366 2.84%

23−38 total food industry (23−38) 41 709 21 682 41.10% −25% 31 463 16 721 34.94% −25% 31 463 16 721 34.74%

39−40 textiles, leather & footwear 13 183 2312 4.38% 0% 13 183 2312 4.83% 1.86% 13 429 2355 4.89%
41−45 all other industries 14 251 694 1.32% 0% 14 251 694 1.45% 1.86% 14 518 707 1.47%

12−45 total industry (12−45) 110 153 26 747 50.70% −1% 99 907 21 788 45.53% 1.86% 101 184 21 882 45.47%
46−53 wholesale agrarian & food 4.48% 26 826 2342 4.44% 25 686 2154 4.50% 0% 25 686 2155 | Environ. Sci. Technol. 2012, 46, 6530−6538

54 nonfood trade 49 748 929 1.76% 0% 49 748 929 1.94% 1.86% 50 675 946 1.97%
55−56 restaurants, cafe, bars & similar 69 231 6718 12.73% 0% 69 231 6718 14.04% 0% 69 231 6718 13.96%
57−58 hotels, lodging & catering services 5351 287 0.54% 0% 5351 287 0.60% 1.86% 5451 293 0.61%
59−65 transport & private & domestic 157 241 2763 5.24% 0% 157 241 2763 5.77% 1.86% 160 171 2814 5.85%
66−68 public education, health & services 2084 22 0.04% 0% 2084 22 0.05% 1.86% 2123 22 0.05%
69−71 factors 0 0 0.% 0% 0 0 0% 0% 0 0 0%
72−73 NPISH & companies 31 623 566 1.07% 0% 31 623 566 1.18% 1.86% 32 213 576 1.20%
74 public administration 213 694 2962 5.61% 0% 213 694 2962 6.19% 1.86% 217 677 3018 6.27%
75 savings/investment 61 663 2381 4.51% 0% 61 663 2381 4.98% 1.86% 62 812 2426 5.04%
76 households 21 235 201c 0.38% 0% 21 235 201 i 0.42% 1.86% 21 630 201 i 0.42%
77 european union 6944 0 0% 0% 6944 0 0% 1.86% 7074 0 0%
78 rest of world 5013 0 0% 0% 5013 0 0% 1.86% 5107 0 0%
1−78 total all accounts (1−78) 769 943 52 756 100% −1.51% 758 332 47 850 100% 0% 769 943 48 129 100%

GC: group code. bserv.: services; NPISH is non profit institutions serving households. cThe embodied imported water due to Spanish tourists’ consumption abroad is not recognized here (hence resulting
in a different total than in Table 1).
Environmental Science & Technology Article

Scenario I results in a 21% increase in both fresh and distinguish between hydrological basins), a first approximation
prepared vegetables and fruit, an 8% increase in cereals and reveals that a 10% cut in domestic water consumption
legumes, an 82% decrease in livestock and meat products and, (assumed to be equal for the Northwest, Northeast, and
finally, a 39% decrease in both fresh and canned fish. The water Central, and South) would shift the ratio of water consumption
saving associated with the recommended diet is relevant, 4906 to hydrological availability from approximately 20%, 40%, and
hm3, the 9.30% of total, mainly because of the large increase in 80% for each of the three regions to 15%, 30%, and 70%.
the consumption of cereals and legumes, and vegetables and 3.4. Uncertainty and Sensitivity of the Results to Data
fruit, and the decrease in meat consumption. The significant Sources and Modeling. As discussed more extensively in the
change in meat consumption outweighs the switch to cereals, SI, we have used various different methods to check our data
legumes and fruit and vegetables even when the water content and results. With respect to virtual (embodied) water content,
of meat per euro of expenditure (VW intensity) is lower (as it is Figure 1 presents Monte Carlo simulations (1000 perturbations
also a more expensive product).
While maintaining the changes in the food accounts
described above, Scenario II examines the change in the total
WF when the extra money (11 611 Euros) obtained from lower
expenditure on food products is spent on other activities not
directly related with food consumption. Current expenditure on
these activities is 623 043 million Euros, so this would represent
an increase of around 1.86% with respect to current spending
on these goods. The resulting reduction in the WF is smaller
than in Scenario I, although it is still high, 8.77%. Looking at
the participation of the different sectors under the baseline
situation and scenarios, columns third, seventh and 11th in
Table 2, we may observe that water reductions are mainly
driven in both Scenario I and II by reductions in embodied
water consumed from livestock and meat, which is one of the
most representative in water consumption. As it can be seen, Figure 1. Frequency distribution of deviations of perturbed water
scenarios affect not only the water embodied in the different multipliers M. As variation from their unperturbed value. The
sectors but also the fraction represented by each of them (% distribution is obtained from 1000 perturbations of F* and A*,
resulting in more than 100 000 perturbed multipliers.
with respect to total consumption). Thus, embodied water
becomes higher in the simulated scenarios than in the current
situation for sectors such as industrial oils and fats, wholesale of F* and A*) of standard errors in VW multipliers (or
agrarian and food, restaurants, cafe, bars and similar or diaries embodied intensities), showing that they are much smaller
and other food industries (even when from this two last ones it (almost all below 10% and mostly below 5%, with a peak
is reduced the absolute embodied water consumption). In any around 0%) than in the coefficients matrix A* (ranging up to
case, the results indicate that a move toward healthier diets 60% as defined by the authors based on ref 32) and direct water
would lead to a lower WF. intensities F* (up to 150%). Finally, with respect to the current
A change in diets also implies altering the proportion of food consumption, its information is highly detailed and the
domestic to imported water that it is finally consumed by the main uncertainties are probably due to consideration of
Spanish households. In the base scenario, 40% of water PC scenarios that are too general in terms of the recommended
necessary to satisfy Spanish households’ demands is domestic changes. Our main conclusion, based on these sensitivity
water, being 60% the imported water. With the change in diets, scenarios, is that although we should look at issues such as
assuming the current structure of production (see subsection possible changes in the proportion of blue and green, in trade
Exogenous bilateral and total trade f lows in the SI for the analysis (especially with the scenarios of changes in diets) or in
of further changes in the structure of production), it should be consumption of food related industries, the most important
expected a reduction on both domestic and VW import, being variations in the estimations would arise from agri-food system
bigger the reduction in VW import. That reduction would be data aggregation.
especially marked in those from Italy, Poland, Denmark,
Sweden, etc. (high relative imports from livestock); on the 4. IMPLICATIONS AND FURTHER RESEARCH WITH
contrary, due to increase in beans and leguminous con- THE 2004 DSW
sumption, VW imports from U.S., UK, Canada, Mexico, and This paper offers a detailed study of the water flows associated
France, would not vary that much. with economic activity in Spain. To this end, a SAM with a high
Finally regarding the water stress, some tools and date used level of disaggregation in the agri-food system was built and
can also be applied to obtain country-based calculations and extended to include water accounts, unlike the usual IO models,
additional interpretations of the water footprints estimated (see containing few agri-food accounts. This represents a step
ref 36). To begin with differential characteristics, we may note forward with respect to usual IO model with few agri-food
the significant share of agricultural water use in Spain and the accounts, and to other analyses with precise agri-food
high ratio of total annual freshwater withdrawals and information, but narrow system boundaries selection,37 by
consumption to availability (leading to high “stress indexes”) trying to profit best the advantages of both approaches. The
compared to European and other countries at a similar stage of paper thus implicitly highlights the importance of breaking
development. Also, consumptive uses exact a high toll in terms down the agri-food system in order to obtain relevant water
of adverse impacts on ecosystem quality. Given the limits and intensities. Also, since the imported and exported water
differences in approach (our focus was global and did not volumes are so high, although we did not construct a
6536 | Environ. Sci. Technol. 2012, 46, 6530−6538
Environmental Science & Technology Article

multiregional model, import coefficients were carefully of Science and Innovation for a FPU grant (AP2007-03816).
considered using IO tables, process analysis type of studies Any remaining errors are our sole responsibility.
as,17 water data, and data on agricultural imports from source
countries. The main characteristics of blue and green water ■ REFERENCES
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Corresponding Author
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(17) Chapagain, A. K.; Hoekstra, A. Y. Water Footprints of Nations,
*Phone +34 976-761826 and +34 646019737; fax: +34-976- Value of Water Research Report Series 16; UNESCO-IHE: Delft, the
761996; e-mail: Netherlands, 2004.
(18) MAPA. Agrarian Accountancy Net (RECAN); Ministry of
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