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語言教學測驗與評量 Reflection W3 2024/03/04 兒英碩二/陳韻竹/M1146011

Outside Reading:

With an emphasis on addressing topics related to education and educational

institutions. It shows the necessity of creative methods to education in order to solve

current issues. Commonly agreed on subjects in education are covered in the

beginning, including universal basic education, career education, lifelong learning,

and student-centered learning. It also brings attention to the difficulties that

educational institutions experience, such as a lack of qualified teachers, and an uneven

distribution of educational resources. The conventional approaches to improving

education, such hiring more teachers and developing more facilities, have been found

ineffective. It shows a move in the direction of new strategies, motivated by the need

for effective and efficient teaching techniques, the impossibility to provide huge

populations with educational services at the same time, and lack of consideration of

people's interests and abilities. According to the introduction, everyone needs greater

educational possibilities in light of these issues. Distance learning as an option for the

issues mentioned. It discusses both the pros and cons of remote learning, emphasizing

how it may offer a variety of educational alternatives, lessen opportunity differences,

facilitate mass education, and raise educational standards. It does, however, admit

several drawbacks, including the absence of in-person encounters, certain problems

with socializing, and the requirement for self-learning habits. By laying the basis for

an exploration of the goals, subject matter, methods of instruction, assessment, and

measurement of distance education programs. It shows that distant learning, with its

emphasis on flexibility and self-learning, can provide a strong substitute for

conventional teaching techniques.

The elements of education programs are constituted of for basic elements likewise
face to face education programs. These are as follows; objectives, content, teaching-

learning process and measurement and evaluation.


Distance education aims to develop terminal behaviors, including knowledge, skills,

abilities, attitudes, interests, and habits. These goals serve as a plan for teaching and

learning as well as being essential to the processes of assessment and measurement.

They serve as the goals that educators hope students will get.


In the context of remote learning, content is the information required to meet the

specific objectives. It stands for the classes and subjects that are taught in the online

learning program. Learnability, teachability, overall significance, and community and

individual advantages are all taken consideration while selecting content. The

educational program's material acts as its basis.

Teaching-learning process

In distant education, the emphasis is on the facilitation of learning and teaching

processes. There are other ways to study, such as through course books, lecture notes,

radio and TV shows, academic counseling services, video conferences, and online

learning. As a result of technical improvements, e-learning and internet-based

education have gained popularity recently.

Measurement and Evaluation

Observing an object and reporting the findings using numbers or symbols are the

steps involved in measurement. Evaluation establishes a standard of judgment by

taking into consideration both established requirements and measuring findings. In

contrast to traditional face-to-face education, technology and materials have a

considerable impact on the assessment and evaluation procedures in distant education.

Ways to Assess
 Online Tests:

These can take place online, at designated testing facilities, immediately or


 Homework and Projects:

Projects and homework assignments are used to evaluate students' performance

and track their progress in learning.

 Formative Assessment:

This means assessing individual learning units or sections, determining areas of

shortage in knowledge, and making program improvements as needed.

 Summative Assessment:

Employed both at the conclusion and during the course, this method evaluates

students' performance on more comprehensive units than formative evaluation.

 Measurement of Affective Behaviors:

Assessing emotional aspects such as attitudes and satisfaction that impact student

success; this is frequently done using questionnaires.

 Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT) with Item Response Theory (IRT):

A variable testing approach that adjusts to the skill level of each student,

providing evaluations that are more accurate and personalized.

 Preventing Students’ Cheating:

There may be the difficulties that come with cheating in distant learning and

putting policies in place such as time limits, proctored tests, and plagiarism

detection software.

I think that distance education is like traditional learning but offers flexibility,

allowing you to learn anywhere, anytime. How you learn, what you're supposed to

achieve, the study material, and how you're tested. These are similar to regular

education. Making distance education better involves using new testing methods like
computerized adaptive testing. We also need to prevent issues like cheating.

There are three main issues that are linked to cheating on online tests, and each of

them brings up a distinct security risk.

Problem 1: Getting Assessment Answers in Advance

“Windows of availability” for evaluations have limited efficacy.

 Difficulties in preserving equity while using several question sets.

 Danger of students employing malware or getting access to the instructor's


Problem 2: Unfair Retaking of Assessments

 Changing evaluation timestamps by tampering with the system clock.

 Obtaining teacher passwords in order to alter grades.

 Testing carefully to stop connection manipulation is known as mitigation.

 Keeping an eye on changes to the system clock.

 Putting safe server procedures into action.

Problem 3: Unauthorized Help During the Assessment

 Difficulties with justice for students that live far away.

 Every student must have their identity verified when taking an assessment.

Recommendations and Countermeasures:

 Gaining knowledge about test takers through informal conversations and

statistical analysis.

 Preserving the security of the assessment using strong passwords and server


 Assessments are proctored to guarantee exam integrity.

 Limiting the use of devices in order to control the assessment environment.

 Using a variety of exam formats and steering clear of circumstances that may

lead to cheating.

Kaczmarczyk, L. (2001). Accreditation and student assessment in distance

education: Why we all need to pay attention. Proc. 6th Conf. on Innovation

and Technology in Computer Science Education, Canterbury, UK, 113-116.

Neil C. Rowe. Cheating in Online Student Assessment: Beyond Plagiarism.

Retrieved December 13, 2013

Zeki, K. A. Y. A., & Seref, T. A. N. (2014). New trends of measurement and

assessment in distance education. Turkish Online Journal of Distance

Education, 15(1), 206-217.

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