Venezuela-Guyana Dispute

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The Venezuela–Guyana Disp

Published 5 days ago on December 8, 2023
By Bruno Venditti Graphics/Design: Nick Routley


In a territorial dispute spanning nearly two centuries, tensions between Guyana an

have once again reached a boiling point. The focal point of this dispute is the vast E
region which encompasses around 70% of Guyana’s territory, and is roughly equiva
size of Florida.

Venezuela claims historical rights dating back to the Spanish colonial period when
within its boundaries. In 1840, the British government drew the Schomburgk Line e
territory of British Guiana (now Guyana) far beyond the occupied area and to the st
located mouth of the Orinoco River. 14/12/23, 3 46 PM
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This line played a pivotal role in shaping the modern borders of the region by defin
territory claimed by the UK, and later, a decolonized Guyana, as the country gained
in 1966. That same year, Venezuela and the UK signed an agreement aiming for a ne


In 2004, President Hugo Chávez eased border tensions under the advice of Fidel Cas
that he considered the dispute to be finished. 14/12/23, 3 46 PM
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Recent events, however, have reignited the dispute. Between 2015 and 2021, Guyan
the discovery of about 8 billion barrels of oil, elevating a country with fewer than a
people to a prominent position among the top nations in terms of oil reserves. Exxo
leading a consortium, operates three o"shore projects in the country, earning nearl
2022 alone.


Venezuela’s Referendum and New Map

On December 1, 2023, the World Court ordered Venezuela to refrain from actions in
dispute with Guyana. However, just two days later, on December 3, Venezuelans app
referendum claiming sovereignty over Essequibo. 14/12/23, 3 46 PM
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President Maduro subsequently ordered the creation of a new state, Guayana Esequ
Venezuela’s borders, and released a new map of the country.

Venezuela’s new territorial claims don’t stop on land, they extend far out into sea as
Specifically, Venezuela is claiming a critical area called the Stabroek Oil Block, wher
and others are already active.

With a population of around 125,000 people, the disputed region is full of dense rai 14/12/23, 3 46 PM
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making a military incursion from Venezuela feasible only by sea or through the Bra
Roraima. Brazil, maintaining good diplomatic relationships with both countries, ha
increased military personnel on the border. The U.S. announced joint military flight
Guyana on December 7.

Despite increased military presence in the region, many experts believe that Presid
has no intention of actually annexing Essequibo, and that this recent claim is a tacti
his own image within Venezuela.

RELATED TOPICS: # Oil # Venezuela # Exxonmobil # Oil Reserves # Guayana Esequiba # Guyana # Guiana
# Essequibo # Schomburgk Line


 Mapped: Which Countries Recognize 14/12/23, 3 46 PM
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