Introduction To Fluid Mechanics

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Introduction to Fluid

Prof. Prashanth Dalawai
Aerospace Engineering, BMSCE, Bengaluru, India.

Prashanth Dalawai August 2020

 Outline…?
 Fluids.

 Fluid Dynamics (FD).

 FD – Where it is used?

 History of Fluid Dynamics.

 A CFD Case Study.

 Class sessions, Syllabus, Books and Web sites…

 Conclusions
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 Why to Bother About Fluids ?
About 70-73% of earth is covered by water. Water is available in the form of
oceans (depth of 270 Km), seas, rivers, lakes, ponds, pools, polar ice caps and
underground waters down to a depth of 2,000 m.

Earth atmosphere contains air, small amount of other gases and water vapor up
to an altitude 100 km. About 75 percent of atmosphere mass lies within about 11

Fluids (water and air) are necessary for life. Up to 70 percent of our body is
water. Even fat and bone are made up of 50 percent water. All machines run by
fluids or energy developed by fluids.

We are virtually surrounded (both inner and outer) and governed by fluids, We
mast know how to maneuver them!

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Fluid Mechanics
 Introduction

Understand the basic concepts of Fluid Mechanics.

Recognize the various types of fluid flow problems encountered in practice.

Model engineering problems and solve them in a systematic manner.

Understand the importance and use the dimensional homogeneity in fluid

engineering calculations.

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 Introduction
Mechanics: The oldest physical science that deals
with both stationary and moving bodies under the
influence of forces.
 Statics: The bodies at rest.
 Dynamics: The bodies in motion.
Fluid mechanics: Fluid mechanics deals with liquids
and gases in motion or at rest.
 Fluid statics: The behavior of fluids at rest.
 Fluid dynamics: The behavior of fluids in
motion and the interaction of fluids with solids
or other fluids at the boundaries.

 Fluid mechanics is also referred to as fluid

dynamics by considering fluids at rest as a special
case of motion with zero velocity.

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What Is Fluid ?
Fluid: A substance in the liquid or gas
A solid can resist an applied shear
stress by deforming.
A fluid deforms continuously under the
influence of a shear stress, no matter how
In solids, stress is proportional to
strain, but in fluids, stress is
proportional to strain rate. Deformation of a rubber block placed
When a constant shear force is applied, between two parallel plates under the
a solid eventually stops deforming at influence of a shear force. The shear stress
some fixed strain angle, whereas a fluid shown is that on the rubber—an equal but
never stops deforming and approaches opposite shear stress acts on the upper
a constant rate of strain. plate.

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What Is Fluid ?
Stress: Force per unit area.
Normal stress: The normal component
of a force acting on a surface per unit
Shear stress: The tangential component
of a force acting on a surface per unit
Pressure: The normal stress in a fluid at
Zero shear stress: A fluid at rest is at a
state of zero shear stress.
When the walls are removed or a liquid The normal stress and shear stress at
container is tilted, a shear develops as the the surface of a fluid element. For
liquid moves to re-establish a horizontal fluids at rest, the shear stress is zero
free surface. and pressure is the only normal stress.

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Fluid Dynamics
Hydrodynamics: The study of the motion of fluids that can be approximated
as incompressible (such as liquids, especially water, and gases at low speeds).

Hydraulics: A subcategory of hydrodynamics, which deals with liquid flows in

pipes and open channels.

Gas dynamics: Deals with the flow of fluids that undergo significant density
changes, such as the flow of gases through nozzles at high speeds.

Aerodynamics: Deals with the flow of gases (especially air) over bodies such as
aircraft, rockets, and automobiles at high or low speeds.

Meteorology, oceanography, and hydrology: Deal with naturally occurring


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Fluid Statics ?
Statics: Statics is the branch of mechanics that is concerned with the analysis
of loads (force and torque, or "moment") acting on physical systems that do not
experience an acceleration (a=0), but rather, are in static equilibrium with their
F  ma  0 In a direction;

 No problem in this world is static, but about 80% of problems can be

assumed as static or very slow moving where acceleration can be neglected i.e.,
a ~ 0.

 It makes problem relatively simple and easy to solve.

 Results may not be accurate but can give quick qualitative insight.

Meteorology, oceanography, and hydrology: Deal with naturally occurring

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Fluid Dynamics ?
 Why Fluid Dynamics?
To understand & quantify forces responsible and energy involved in the motion.

Solids move rigidity so motion refers to its mass centre while in fluids the
particles continuously engaging the their relative positions and form; the mass
centre does not necessary represent the mean motion of the fluid.

Fluid and Solids systems contains infinite degree of freedom systems, require
governing equations in the form of partial differential or integral form indicating
complicated motions.

Hence fluid dynamics systems are most complicated and challenging system to
predict the behavior!

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Fluid Dynamics ?
 The Governing Equations of Fluid Dynamics…
The dynamic systems are derived based on Newton’s second law of motion i.e.
conservation momentum and energy.
F  ma In a direction;

In Fluid systems, it is necessary to understand the forces influencing the motion
at each point in teams of mass per unit volume rather than total mass.
 f a In a direction;

The forces affecting the fluid motion are gravity, pressure, viscosity, surface
tension, compressibility and turbulence.
f g  f p  f v  f  f c  f t   a In a direction;

The surface tension and compressibility forces are small so these are ignored
unless stated. The turbulent and viscous forces are significant in dominant
viscous and turbulent flow cases!
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Fluid Dynamics ?
 The Euler’s Equation of Motion…
The Euler’s equations are written for in viscous flow. The equation of motion
with considering gravity and pressure is...
fg  f p   a In a direction;
v p
z C Along the streemline ;
2g g

 The Navier-Stoke’s Equation of Motion…

The Euler’s equations are written for in viscous flow. The equation of motion
with considering gravity and pressure is...
f g  f p  fv   a In a direction;

( u ) p  xx  yx  zx
   (u  V)  f x -    In X direction;
t x x y z

 The Reynolds’s Equation of Motion…

Including the turbulence effects to Navier-Stoke’s equation...
f g  f p  fv  ft   a In a direction;

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Application Area of Fluid Mechanics

Fluid dynamics is used extensively in

the design of artificial hearts. Shown
here is the Penn State Electric Total
Artificial Heart.
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Fluid dynamics is used extensively in
the design of artificial hearts. Shown
here is the Penn State Electric Total
Artificial Heart.
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The Wright brothers take flight at Kitty Hawk. 1904

Old and new wind turbine technologies

north of Woodward, OK. The modern
turbines have 1.6 MW capacities.
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A Brief History
Beginning Era – Logical Fluid Mechanics…
Archimedes - Greece (287-212 BC):
•He initiated the fields of static
mechanics, hydrostatics, and pycnometry.
•Invented water screw, which can be
used to lift and transport water and
granular materials.

Leonardo da Vinci - Italy (1452-1519):

•He observe all natural phenomena
(fluid mechanics) in the visible world,
and describing them exact pictorially.
•He constructed canal and harbor works
over a large part of middle Italy and
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Terracotta pipes, part of the Madradag aqueduct of First recorded aqueduct of Byzantium was
Pergamon (Turkey). Each clay pipe section was 13 to built by Hadrian (117-138 A.D.)
18 cm in diameter. 2nd c. B.C.
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17th Century Era – Analytical Fluid Mechanics…
Isaac Newton - England (1643-1727):
•Well known for his 3 laws of motion.
•The concept of Newtonian viscosity.
•The reciprocity principle (p = m·Δv).
• Relation between the speed of waves at a
liquid surface and wavelength.

Jean d'Alemberti - France (1717-1783):

•He d'Alembert's principle of mechanics. by
improving Newton's SL. The principle
reduces a problem in dynamics to a problem Difference of applied forces and
in statics. inertial forces for a dynamic
•In 1744 d'Alembert applied his results to system does no virtual work
the equilibrium and motion of fluids.
Alternative treatment to Bernoulli
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18th and 19th century: Mathematical Era
•Leonhard Euler (1707-1783) proposed the Euler equations, which
describe conservation of momentum for an in-viscid fluid, and
conservation of mass. He proposed the velocity potential theory.

•Daniel Bernoulli (1700-1782) derived Bernoulli’s equation.

•Claude Navier (1785-1836) and George Stokes (1819-1903)
introduced viscous transport into the Euler equations, which resulted
in the Navier-Stokes equation. Which forms the basis of modern day

•Osborne Reynolds - England (1842-1912) Well known for his Re

number categories laminar or turbulent flow.

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First part of the 20th century: Era of boundary layers…

•Ludwig Prandtl (1875-1953): boundary

layer theory, the mixing length concept,
compressible flows, the Prandtl number,
and more.

•Theodore von Karman (1881-1963)

analyzed what is now known as the von
Karman vortex street.

•Geoffrey Taylor (1886-1975) & George

Batchelor (1920-2000): statistical theory
of turbulence & homogeneous
Flow Past a Cylinder at Re=10000
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Lewis Richardson (1881-1953): In 1922, Lewis developed the first
numerical weather prediction system.
•In 1922, He developed the first numerical weather
prediction system. Division of space into grid cells and
the finite difference approximations of "primitive DEs

•He set is forecast-factory filled a vast stadium with

64,000 people for model's enormous calculation

•Each one, armed with a mechanical calculator, would

perform part of the calculation.

•A leader in the center, using colored signal lights,

telegraph communication, would coordinate the
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Computational Fluid Dynamics ?
What is CFD?
Fluid flow is commonly studied in one of three ways:
Experimental fluid dynamics.
Theoretical fluid dynamics.
Numerically: computational fluid dynamics (CFD).
CFD is a science of predicting fluid flow, heat transfer, mass transfer,
chemical reactions occurring in a system, and related phenomena by
solving the governing equations using a numerical process.
We will focus on obtaining the knowledge required to be able to solve
practical fluid flow problems using CFD.

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CFD why it is used ?
Why Use CFD?
CFD can be used to:
•Improve understanding of design behavior & interactions
•Evaluate design or new technology performance
•Provide conceptual designs
•Identify potential operational problems
•Guide experiments

CFD is more cost-effective and give more complete information than physical

CFD reduces the design and development time and quickly simulates wide range
of experiments.

CFD does NOT make decisions for engineers, but does help them be more
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CFD where it is used ?
Where is CFD used?
• Aerospace • Oil & Gas

• Automotive • Power Generation

• Biomedical • Sports

• Chemical Processing • Electronics and Electrical

• HVAC • Weather Prediction

• Hydraulics • Geothermal

• Marine • Movies and computer

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CFD where it is used ?

Airflow around a rider Airflow around race Car Flow around the valves of a cylinder.

F/A 18 Hornet Pr. around space Reactive Flow in

Gas Turbine of a aircraft
aerodynamics shuttle stirred vessel

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CFD where it is used ?
Applications of CFD…

Airflow over the ferry building in Pressure around a swimmer Weakened artery placed by EV graft
downtown Auckland.

Membrane Bioreactor Process Soccer ball aerodynamics Architecture/Bridge aerodynamics

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CFD where it is used ?

Marine Hydraulics

Power Generation HVAC Streamlines for Oil & Gas Sea Surface Temperature
workstation ventilation in Atlantic Ocean

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CFD Case Study ?
Flow of air around a rider and to give armchair aerodynamicists a chance to
better understand how air flows.

Flow over the front wheel is far 'cleaner‘; rear wheel is 1/3 important.
Region behind is terrible by sitting in this region that the rider behind
experiences lower drag
 Flow separation occurs behind most geometries in a fashion similar to a
cylinder on the body (arms, legs etc)

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CFD Tools ?
1980s to to-date…Highly Developed CFD
•Previously, CFD was performed using academic, research and in-house
codes. When one wanted to perform a CFD calculation, one had to write
a program.

•This is the period during which most commercial CFD codes originated
that are available today:
•Fluent (UK and US).
•CFX (UK and Canada).
•Polyflow (Belgium).
•Star CD (UK).
•Flow 3d (US).
•SCRYU (Japan) and more, see

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CFD… How it Works ?
How Does CFD Work?
Analysis begins with a mathematical model of a physical problem.

Conservation of matter, momentum, and energy must be satisfied throughout

the region of interest.

Fluid properties are modeled empirically.

Simplifying assumptions are made in order to make the problem tractable (e.g.,
steady-state, incompressible, inviscid, two-dimensional).

Provide appropriate initial and boundary conditions for the problem.

CFD applies numerical methods (called discretization) to develop

approximations of the governing equations in the fluid region of interest.

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CFD… How it Works ?
How Does CFD Work?
Analysis begins with a mathematical model of a physical problem.

Conservation of matter, momentum, and energy must be satisfied throughout

the region of interest.

Fluid properties are modeled empirically.

Simplifying assumptions are made in order to make the problem tractable (e.g.,
steady-state, incompressible, inviscid, two-dimensional).

Provide appropriate initial and boundary conditions for the problem.

CFD applies numerical methods (called discretization) to develop

approximations of the governing equations in the fluid region of interest.

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CFD… How it Works ?
How Does CFD Work?
CFD applies numerical methods (called discretization) to develop
approximations of the governing equations in the fluid region of interest.

Governing differential equations: algebraic. The set of algebraic equations

are solved numerically (on a computer) for the flow field variables at each
node or cell.

System of equations are solved simultaneously to provide solution.

The solution is post-processed to extract quantities of interest (e.g. lift,

drag, torque, heat transfer, separation, pressure loss, etc.).

CFD is very important and integral part of engineering curriculum.

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 Mechanisms Journals…

Rotor, Jet Fuel Starter, Integrated drive generator, pumps, gear train,
bypass actuators,
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Model QPs

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Thank You

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