CM Be : Find Moment Inertia of Crack Section, Plinth Cooling Pump Size (2800Lx1650Wx300H)

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Find moment inertia of crack section , plinth Cooling Pump ; size ( 2800Lx1650Wx300H)

be = 165 cm

N.A of 12.91 cm.

crack section
30 cm.
60 cm
(DB20@125, or 13‐DB20)
As = 40.84 cm 30 cm.
5 cm
composite section

b find first moment inertia of portion above level

with respect axis of section
Qct = 165*30*(0.5*30‐12.91)
kd = 12.91 cm. = 10,345.5 cm3
elastic neutral axis

d= 55.0 cm

n As

5 cm

figure 1; moment inertia of crack section

Design parameters
compressive strength at 28days ,fc'1 = 280 ksc
compressive strength at 28days ,fc'2 = 280 ksc
Modulus of Elasticity , E c1 = 2.527E+05 ksc.
Modulus of Elasticity , E c2 = 2.5267E+05 ksc.
a modulus of elasticity , Es = 2.09E+06 ksc.
the modular ratio n = Es/Ec2 = 8
ρ = As / bd
= 0.0045

Width of slab considering relative concrete strength , bs = be*Ec1/Ec2 = 165.0 cm.

The neutral axis at the centriod of transformed section

k = ‐ρn + [ (ρn)2+2ρn ]0.5
= 0.23473

kd = 0.23473*55
= 12.91 cm.

The moment of inertia of the cracked section

Icr = 1/3 bs(kd)3 +nAs (d‐kd)2
= 0.333*165*12.91^3 + 8*40.84(55‐12.91)^2
= 697,031.1 cm4

Find horizontal shear stresses

Find horizontal shear from edge support per 0.11 m width
vuh,max = QctVu/ Icrb
= 10345.5cm^3 *(9900kg.)/(697031.07cm^4 *165 cm. )
= 0.891 kg/cm2.

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