Introduction To CAM

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Course Code: BMA-402
Credits: 4
Contact Hours: L-3 T-0 P-2
Semester: 8
Course Category: DCC
Syllabus ..from University website
Course Objectives

• To impart fundamental knowledge to students in the latest

technological topics on Computer Aided Design, Computer Aided
Manufacturing and Computer Aided Engineering Analysis and to
prepare them for taking up further research in the areas
• To create congenial environment that promotes learning, growth and
imparts ability to work with inter-disciplinary groups in professional,
industry and research organizations.
• To broaden and deepen their capabilities in analytical and
experimental research methods and analysis of data
Course Outcomes

• Explain the basic concepts of CNC programming and

• Skills to program and operate CNC machines.
• Have abilities and capabilities in developing and applying
computer software and hardware to mechanical design and
manufacturing fields
Manufacturing changes

• Manufacturing industry affect all facet of our daily life

• Companies constantly seek ways to optimize process and decrease
cost – Manufacturing changes
• 1990’s – quality was the driving force
• 2000’s – safety
• Today – environmental sustainability
All lead to internal change in manufacturing industries
• Automation ‐ old
• Automation – new – machine size and operability cost decrease
• Human’s out of blue collar job
Computer Applications

• CAD - computer aided design. The use of computer methods to

develop the geometric model of the product in three-dimensional
form, such that the geometric and manufacturing requirements
can be examined.
• CADD - computer aided design and drafting. Combining the CAD
function with drafting to generate the production drawings of the
part for the purpose of downstream processing.
• CAE - computer aided engineering. The use of computer methods
to support basic error checking, analysis, optimisation,
manufacturability, etc., of a product design.
Computer Applications..contd.

• CAM - computer aided manufacturing. Generally refers to the

computer software used to develop the Computer Numerical
Control part programs for machining and other processing
• CAPP - computer aided process planning. The use of computer to
generate the process plans for the complete manufacture of
products and parts.
• CATD - computer aided tool design. Computer assistance to be
used for developing the tools for manufacture such as jigs and
fixtures, dies, and moulds.
Computer Applications..contd.

• CAP - computer aided planning. The use of computer for many of

the planning functions such as material requirement planning,
computer aided scheduling, etc.
• CAQ – Computer Aided Quality assurance. The use of computers
and computer controlled equipment for assessing the inspection
methods and developing the quality control and assurance
• CAT – Computer aided testing refers to the software tools that
can take a system through its various phases of operations and
examine the response against the expected results.
Computer-aided technologies
The common databases as linkage to the
various computerised applications
Utilises the computer as a tool for all functions that are
involved in the design process. The main functions that
would utilise the computer are
• Layout design for the overall assembly
• Individual component modelling
• Assembly modelling
• Interference and tolerance stack checking
• Engineering drawings

CAD technology can help the engineer/designer in the following ways:

1. faster and more accurate than conventional methods.
2. various construction facilities would make the job of developing the
model and associated drafting a very easy task.
3. possible to manipulate various dimensions, attributes and distances
of the drawing elements.
4. No need to repeat the design or drawing of any component.

5. accurately calculate the various geometric properties including

dimensions of various components interactively in CAD
6. with the constraint-based modelling methods that are prevalent in
most of the commercially available CAD systems, it is possible to capture
the design intent into the product model beyond the simple geometry. This
will help in actually making modifications easily.
7. modification of a model is very easy and would make the designer’s task
of improving a given product simple.

8. Use of standard components and sub-assemblies leads to very fast

model-development work.
9. provide 3-D visualisation capabilities so that the designers can see the
products being designed from several different orientations.
10. Several designers can work simultaneously on the same product and
can gradually build the product in a modular fashion.

• Where does CAM find applicability?

• Practically, in all the ranges of production. However, its use is more
important in categories 2 and 3 by virtue of the added amount of data
processing needed in these.
• In particular, the present trend of large varieties and lower product lives
requires that the total manufacturing lead times be smaller.
• The only way to ensure this is to improve manufacturing methods and
CAM proves indispensable in this regard.
Advantages of using CAM
• Greater Design Freedom Any changes that are required in design can be
incorporated at any design stage without worrying about any delays, since there
would hardly be any in an integrated CAM environment.
• Increased Productivity In view of the fact that the total manufacturing activity is
completely organized through the computer, it would be possible to increase the
productivity of the plant.
• Greater Operating Flexibility CAM enhances the flexibility in manufacturing
methods and changing of product lines.
• Shorter Lead Time Lead times in manufacturing would be greatly reduced.
• Improved Reliability In view of the better manufacturing methods and controls at
the manufacturing stage, the products thus manufactured as well as the
manufacturing system would be highly reliable.
Advantages of Using CAM..contd.

• Reduced Maintenance Since most of the components of a CAM

system would include integrated diagnostics and monitoring
facilities, they would require less maintenance compared to the
conventional manufacturing methods.
• Reduced Scrap and Rework Because of the CNC machines used in
production, and the part programs being made by the stored
geometry from the design stage, the scrap level would be reduced to
the minimum possible and almost no rework would be necessary.
• Better Management Control As discussed above, since all the in
formation and controlling functions are attempted with the help of
the computer, a better management control on the manufacturing
activity is possible.
Advantages of Using CAM..contd.

• All the above advantages when properly translated, would mean a

lower total cost and consequently, higher final earnings.
• Therefore, any manufacturing activity can get the benefits of
Computer Aided Manufacturing, be it a job-shop production or
mass-scale manufacture.
• However, better results would be obtained when the design and
manufacturing activities are properly integrated.
• Also, when there is a large variety of products or minor changes
required in the existing production programme, CAM can easily
manage the necessary alterations.
• It is possible to utilise computers in all aspects of the
product cycle.
• However, the synergy can be obtained by integrating all
the functions through the computer such that all the
incremental improvements that are possible can be
improved manifold.
• That is what is normally termed as Computer Integrated
Manufacturing or CIM.
• manufacturing approach of using computers to control
entire production process. This integration allows
individual processes to exchange information with each
other and initiate actions.
• makes the use of computer-controlled machineries and
automation systems in manufacturing products. CIM
combines various technologies like CAD and CAM to
provide an error-free manufacturing process that reduces
manual labor and automates repetitive tasks.
• The term "computer-integrated manufacturing" is both a
method of manufacturing and the name of a computer-
automated system in which individual engineering,
production, marketing, and support functions of a
manufacturing enterprise are organized.
• In a CIM system functional areas such as design,
analysis, planning, purchasing, cost accounting,
inventory control, and distribution are linked through the
computer with factory floor functions such as materials
handling and management, providing direct control and
monitoring of all the operations.
Influence of computers used in manufacturing
Production Systems
Collection of people, equipment, and procedures organized to perform
the manufacturing operations of a company. It consists of two major
1. Facilities. The physical facilities of the production system include the
equipment, the way the equipment is laid out, and the factory in which
the equipment is located.
2. Manufacturing support systems. These are the procedures used by
the company to manage production and to solve the technical and
logistics problems encountered in ordering materials, moving the work
through the factory, and ensuring that products meet quality standards.
Product design and certain business functions are included in the
manufacturing support systems.
Production Systems..contd.
• Consist of the factory, production machines and tooling,
material handling equipment, inspection equipment, and
computer systems that control the manufacturing operations.
• Also include the plant layout.
• Manufacturing systems can be individual work cells consisting
of a single production machine and a worker assigned to that
• More complex manufacturing systems consist of collections of
machines and workers, for example, a production line.
• In terms of human participation in the processes performed by the
manufacturing systems, three basic categories can be distinguished:
● (a) manual work systems,
● (b) worker-machine systems, and
● (c) automated systems.
Manual Work Systems
• Consists of one or more workers performing one or more tasks without the aid of
powered tools.
• Manual material handling tasks are common activities in manual work systems.
• Production tasks commonly require the use of hand tools, such as screwdrivers
and hammers.
• When using hand tools, a workholder is often employed to grasp the work part and
position it securely for processing.
• Examples of production-related manual tasks involving the use of hand tools
● A machinist using a file to round the edges of a rectangular part that has just been
● A quality control inspector using a micrometer to measure the diameter of a shaft
● A material handling worker using a dolly to move cartons in a warehouse
● A team of assembly workers putting together a piece of machinery using hand tools.
Worker-Machine Systems
• A human worker operates powered equipment, such as a machine
tool or other production machine.
• This is one of the most widely used manufacturing systems.
• Worker-machine systems include combinations of one or more
workers and one or more pieces of equipment.
• Examples of worker-machine systems include the following:
● A machinist operating an engine lathe to fabricate a part for a product
● A fitter and an industrial robot working together in an arc–welding work
● A crew of workers operating a rolling mill that converts hot steel slabs into
flat plates
● A production line in which the products are moved by mechanized conveyor
and the workers at some of the stations use power tools to accomplish their
processing or assembly tasks.
Automated Systems
• A process is performed by a machine without the direct participation of
a human worker.
• Automation is implemented using a program of instructions combined
with a control system that executes the instructions.
• Power is required to drive the process and to operate the program and
control system.
• There is not always a clear distinction between worker-machine
systems and automated systems, because many worker-machine
systems operate with some degree of automation.
• Two levels of automation can be identified: semiautomated and fully
Automated Systems..contd.
• In certain fully automated processes, one or more workers are required
to be present to continuously monitor the operation, and make sure
that it performs according to the intended specifications.
• Examples of these kinds of automated processes include:
● complex chemical processes, oil refineries, and nuclear power plants. The
workers do not actively participate in the process except to make occasional
adjustments in the equipment settings, perform periodic maintenance, and
spring into action if something goes wrong.
Manufacturing Support Systems
• To operate the production facilities efficiently, a company must
organize itself to design the processes and equipment, plan and control
the production orders, and satisfy product quality requirements.
• The activities consist of four functions that include much information
flow and data processing: (1) business functions, (2) product design, (3)
manufacturing planning, and (4) manufacturing control.
Business Functions
• The principal means by which the company communicates with
the customer.
• They are, therefore, the beginning and the end of the
information-processing sequence.
• Included in this category are sales and marketing, sales
forecasting, order entry, and customer billing.
• The production order will be in one of the following forms:
● (1) an order to manufacture an item to the customer’s specifications,
● (2) a customer order to buy one or more of the manufacturer’s
proprietary products, or
● (3) an internal company order based on a forecast of future demand
for a proprietary product.
Product Design
• If the product is manufactured to customer design, the design
has been provided by the customer, and the manufacturer’s
product design department is not involved.
• If the product is to be produced to customer specifications, the
manufacturer’s product design department may be contracted
to do the design work for the product as well as to
manufacture it.
• If the product is proprietary, the manufacturing firm is
responsible for its development and design.
• The departments of the firm that are organized to accomplish
product design might include research and development,
design engineering, and perhaps a prototype shop.
Manufacturing Planning.
• The information-processing activities in manufacturing
planning include process planning, master scheduling, material
requirements planning, and capacity planning.
• Process planning consists of determining the sequence of
individual processing and assembly operations needed to
produce the part.
• The manufacturing engineering department is responsible for
planning the processes and related technical details such as
tooling Manufacturing planning includes logistics issues,
commonly known as production planning.
Manufacturing Planning..contd.
• The authorization to produce the product must be translated into the master production
schedule, which is a listing of the products to be made, the dates on which they are to be
delivered, and the quantities of each.

• Based on this master schedule, the individual components and subassemblies that make up
each product must be scheduled.
• Raw materials must be purchased or requisitioned from storage, parts must be ordered from
suppliers, and all of these items must be planned so they are available when needed.

• The computations for this planning are made by material requirements planning. In addition,
the master schedule must not list more quantities of products than the factory is capable of
producing each month with its given number of machines and manpower.

• Capacity planning is concerned with determining the human and equipment resources of the
firm and checking to make sure that the production plan is feasible.
Manufacturing Control
• Manufacturing control is concerned with managing and controlling the
physical operations in the factory to implement the manufacturing plans.
Information also flows back and forth between manufacturing control and the
factory operations. Included in this function are shop floor control, inventory
control, and quality control.
• Shop floor control deals with the problem of monitoring the progress of the
product as it is being processed, assembled, moved, and inspected in the
• Shop floor control is concerned with inventory in the sense that the materials
being processed in the factory are work-in-process inventory.
• Thus, shop floor control and inventory control overlap to some extent.
Inventory control attempts to strike a proper balance between the risk of too
little inventory (with possible stock-outs of materials) and the carrying cost of
too much inventory.
Manufacturing Control…contd.
• It deals with such issues as deciding the right quantities of
materials to order and when to reorder a given item when stock is
• The function of quality control is to ensure that the quality of the
product and its components meet the standards specified by the
product designer. To accomplish its mission, quality control
depends on inspection activities performed in the factory at
various times during the manufacture of the product.
• Also, raw materials and component parts from outside sources are
sometimes inspected when they are received, and final inspection
and testing of the finished product is performed to ensure
functional quality and appearance.
• Quality control also includes data collection and problem-solving
approaches to address process problems related to quality, such as
statistical process control (SPC) and Six Sigma.

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