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Matulatula, Pola Oriental Mindoro

Name: ___________________________ Teacher : France Mejorada

Section: ________________________________ Score: _________________________



Directions: Shade the letter that corresponds to your answer. Use the given sheet.

1. Which of the following is a common activity of an entrepreneur?

a. Preach in different churches or group of churchgoers
b. Advocate against global warming
c. Deliver goods and services to the market
d. Volunteer in a community clean-up activity

2. The saying “Necessity is the mother of all inventions” means _____.

a. our mother told us what we really need
b. basic commodities are made to satisfy our needs
c. basic commodities are made for mothers
d. necessity is invented by mothers

3. What really makes up a successful entrepreneur?

a. Knowledge, skills, and attitude
b. Knowledge, skills, and money
c. Ability to study a market
d. Ability to act like a customer

4. People who always feel positive in every effort in order to achieve something are known to have
a. self-control c. self-confidence
b. courage d. optimism

5. A set of skills that entrepreneurs must possess to take control of the challenges in business is known as _____.
a. personal entrepreneurial competencies
b. personal business capacities
c. personally preferred competencies
d. professional enterprise competencies

6. Information seeking and goal setting belong to what PEC’s cluster?

a. Achievement cluster c. Power cluster
b. Planning cluster d. Empower cluster

7. Which of the following best describes a risk-taker?

a. Paying attention to the needs and demands of people
b. Acting as the prime mover of resources in the achievement of objectives
Matulatula, Pola Oriental Mindoro

c. Accomplishing targets on time as agreed with customers

d. Anticipating a loss and countering it with feasible alternatives
8. Systematic planning and monitoring include the following EXCEPT _____.
a. set calculated goals and objectives
b. make a well-organized plan with clearly defined methods
c. be logically flexible for the emergent constraints, challenges, and needs
d. Schedule periodic gap-proof monitoring and response activities to determine emergent constraints,
challenges, and needs

9. When entrepreneurs face a significant obstacle with a well-planned action, they have Personal Entrepreneurial
Competency known as _____.
a. persuasion c. persistence
b. initiative d. risk-taking

10. Luis is good in convincing his customers that his product is not only of best quality but also safe to
use. Many of his customers bought and even return to buy more of the product because they want to share it
with their friends. What personal entrepreneurial competency does Luis have?
a. Demand for efficiency and quality
b. Goal setting
c. Persuasion
d. Self-confidence

11. Which is a group of people with economically important needs and demands which opens
entrepreneurial opportunities to everyone?
a.. Environment c. Geography
b. Ethnicity d. Market

12. Which type of business is owned by only one person?

a. Cooperative c. Partnership
b. Corporation d. Sole Proprietorship

13. Which of the following is NOT considered an emerging industry in the Philippines?
a. Agribusiness c. Creative Industries
b. Power and utilities d. Renewable Energy

14. In the 4M’s of production, which M refers to the persons in the business known as the labor force?
a. Machines c. Materials
b. Manpower d. Money

15. The process of recording the money received and spent by the operations of the business is known as _____?
a. bookkeeping c. administering d. posting

16. Which combination is focused on the internal assessment of the business?

A. Opportunities and Threats C. Strengths and Threat
B. Strengths and Weaknesses D. Weaknesses and Threats
Matulatula, Pola Oriental Mindoro

17. Which combination is focused on the external assessment of the business?

A. Opportunities and Threats C. Strengths and Threats
B. Strengths and Weaknesses D. Weaknesses and Threats

18. Study the table and the items on the right. Then answer the question.

Group Part Of Business Plan a. Competitors analysis

b. Product description
A Production c. Maintenance and repair
d. Promotional strategies
Plan _________
e. Sources of equipment
B Marketing f. Terms and conditions of purchase
Plan _________

Which of the following is the correct grouping of the six indicators in the box?

A. C.

Group Part Of Business Plan Group Part Of Business Plan

A Production Plan a, b, d A Production Plan c, d, a

B Marketing Plan c, e, f B Marketing Plan b, e, f

B. D.

Part Of Business Plan Group Part Of Business Plan


A Production
A Production Plan Plan

B Marketing
B Marketing Plan Plan

19. Which business principle is applicable in products and development and marketing?
A. Ask researchers in other communities about their needs and demands.
B Your own needs and demands are the same with others.
C. Pay attention to the needs and demands of the market
D. Follow the result of a national survey of needs and demands

20. What is the reason why an aspiring entrepreneur must make a sound and impressive business plan?
A. A sound and impressive business plan is likely to be approved for a loan package.
B. A sound and impressive business plan attracts more customers.
C. A sound and impressive business plan commands tax rebates.
D. A sound and impressive business plan can improve a particular segment of a market.
Matulatula, Pola Oriental Mindoro

21. Communication method expressed in the form written or oral method

A. Verbal communication B. Non-verbal communication

22. Flow of information from the sender to the receiver symmetrical way
A. One-way communication B. Two-way communication

23.Communication method takes place b/n two individuals

A. Interpersonal communication
B. Mass communication
C. Intrapersonal communication
D. all

24. Means of transmitting messages to a large segment of a population.

A. Interpersonal communication
B. Mass communication
C. Intrapersonal communication
D. all

25. Importance Selecting appropriate source channel

A .to get the right message
B. to get relevant message
C. complete message
D. all

26. Communication skills are needed to______

A. inform
B. influence
C. Express feeling
D. All

27. It is not true about purpose of documentation

A. Education
B. research
C. communication
D. none

28. Takes place between sections, divisions, or departments of the same level.
A. Upward communication
B. lateral communication
C. Diagonal communication
D. Downward communication

29. Handling workplace issues promptly important for ________

A. Build better relationships
B. Maintain employee morale
C. Retain your staff maximize
D. All
Matulatula, Pola Oriental Mindoro

30. Your employee approaches you with a question or a problem do the f/f
A. Demonstrate you are ready
B. Be calm and polite
C. Reassure the employee
D. All

31. It is the first step in solving work place issues

A. Check the law
B. Resolve the matter
C. Identify the issue
D. Talk to the employee

32. An effective group or team that is working towards the organization's goals can have a positive effect b/s
A. team activity is important in organizations
B. team have effect staff members
C. increase individual commitment
D. all

33. Coming up with new ideas and new procedures

A. Advising
B. Developing
C. Innovating
D. Organizing

34.Communication Objectives Should Be

A. Simple
B. Measurable
C. Relevant
D. All

35. Adressing work place problems and issues is important for the following reason, except
A. increase productivity
B. increase staff turnover
C. Create good working environment
D. increase staff trust

36. Not true about preconditions should be fully filled before conducting dialogue
A. mode of mutual interaction determined
B. the way information shared
C. Readiness of participants
D. all

37. The receiver’s response to a message is what part of the communication process?

A. Channel B. Feedback C. Noise

38. What is something that interferes with a message and is usually temporary?

A. Intensity B. Noise C. Channel

39.This keeps the message from getting through. One example is noise.
Matulatula, Pola Oriental Mindoro

A. Barrier B. Message C. Channel

40. A barrier can be external or internal in nature. True or False

A. True B. False

41. This team is temporary assembled for a specific issue or problem

A. Task force
B. Problem-solving team
C. Product design team

42. This team is also called Work Team where an on-going group of workers who share a common mission who
collectively manage their own affairs within predetermined boundaries
A .Self-Directed work team
B. Problem-solving team
C .Virtual Team

43. Team building roles are those carried out by members, either consciously or unconsciously, that tend to
build the team's interpersonal relationships, cohesiveness, and spirit.
A .true B. False

44. Understanding stages of team development is a good point to begin our journey in understanding team
problems. True or False

A .true B. False

45. A ________normally have members with complementary skills and generate synergy through a coordinated
effort which allows each member to maximize his or her strengths and minimize his or her weaknesses.
A. group B. team C. organization

46. You are planning to buy a house or a car. Rather than having to decide between buying the item right now
with all cash or never having it, you can plan to buy it over several years by making payments. Or, you might
combine this plan with the plan to buy a smaller house and add rooms later as they could be afforded. By
planning you can thus accomplish things that might otherwise look impossible. What does planning gives you in
this situation

A. it provides a standard of measurement..

B. it allows limited resources to be committed in an orderly way.
C. Planning converts values to action

47. An engineer notices a fine white powder covers everything in a room that has a laminating press. She asks
the operator how long he has been working in this room. He replies that he has been working there for over ten
years. The engineer is concerned that the health of this operator may be at risk from inhaling this powder for so
long. What should she do?

A. Do nothing. After all, it is not a part of her job description.

B. Go to the nearest television station and talk with a reporter about this deplorable situation.
C. Check into OSHA regulations concerning this powder. Should the regulations warrant it, notify OSHA
of the problem. Then, through appropriate company channels notify the operator and make sure that he
receiv. ves a thorough medical examination to determine if any harm has occurred. Then check to make
sure that appropriate follow-up examinations are carried out
Matulatula, Pola Oriental Mindoro

D. Your own solution…

48. Marta Malasobras has been coming to work late for the several weeks now. She works in a small group and
the other members have come to you to complain that her tardiness reduces the effectiveness of the entire group.
When you confront her with this problem, she breaks down and cries: she has to drop her son off to school but
the school gates do not open soon enough for her to get to work on time. She has been unable to find anyone to
take her son to school. What should you do?

A. Fire her. Chronic lateness to work is a serious offense and cannot be tolerated in any way.

B. Discuss her problem with the rest of her work team. See if any temporary arrangement can be made
to give her time to find someone to take her son to school.

C. Delegate the problem to the work team. After all, empowering them with decision-making authority
also makes them more accountable. It’s their problem, not yours.

D. Your solution…

49. Your company has decided to accept your recommendation to purchase a UV curing oven to increase
productivity. When the oven has been delivered and readied for use, your supervisor asks you to begin using it
even though the appropriate Environmental Quality Board permits have not yet been issued. He argues that such
permission is pro forma anyway so why wait and lose valuable production time. What should you do?

A. Do what your supervisor asks. The permits should arrive in a couple of weeks and nobody is going to
find out that during that time you have been operating the oven without permits.

B. Refuse to do it. Nobody has the right to ask you to do something illegal.

C. Tell him that he can do so but only on his own authority. Then write a memo to him, his supervisor,
and a coworker explaining that you disapprove of this decision.

D. First, try to reason with him. Explain that even though you will probably not get caught, the severity
of the fine and loss of reputation are not worth the risk. Add that as an engineer, you have a special
obligation to safeguard the environment which includes strictly conforming to government
environmental regulations. e. Your solution…

50. A skilled machine operator under your supervision has recently returned from maternity leave. She works a
ten-hour shift two days a week; company policy is that workers are entitled to a ten-minute break every two
hours and a half hour for lunch in the middle of the shift. She has asked you for permission to return home every
two hours to nurse her baby. Since she lives ten minutes away from work, this would require her to violate
company policy. What should you do?

A. Tell her that she can either start bottle-feeding her baby or look for another job. You cannot get
involved in the personal affairs of your employees

B. Suggest that her husband bring the baby to work. She could then nurse the baby in the company’s
medical room during her regular, authorized breaks.

C. Honor her request but set a time limit of, say, three weeks.

D. Your solution…

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