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Name of Student: Pillos, Lea Joy C.

Course/Section: BEED GEN 4E

Subject: FS 2 Date: October 9, 2023
Professor: Mrs. Lolita Cruz Episode No.

FS 2 - Episode 1 - The Teacher We Remember

Participate and Assist
(Note: As you participate and assist your FS Resource Teacher in her daily tasks, please take note of what
you are expected to give more attention to as asked in the next step of this Learning Episode)
1. From the PPSTs, the Southeast Asia Teachers Competency Standards, what competencies does a
great teacher possess?
Ans: According to the Philippine Professional Standards for Teachers (PPSTs), great teachers never
stop learning. After achieving the qualification to become a professional beginner teacher, the next
step is to move from competent to highly competent. Whereas, according to the guidelines
provided by the Southeast Asia Teachers Competency Standards, a great teacher knows and
understands what to teach, assists students in learning, engages with the community, and strives to
be a better teacher every day.

2. Are these competencies limited only to professional competencies?

Ans: Personal traits are also required of all teachers in order to achieve success in teaching and
learning. It is essential to provide correct knowledge to kids since they focus on what their teachers
teach them. Personal traits of a teacher, on the other hand, are important for better interaction
within the classroom and in the larger community to which a teacher belongs. In a classroom with
differing experiences and ability levels, it matters most that a teacher try to understand and support
each of their pupils to the best of their abilities.

3. For a teacher to be great, is it enough to possess the professional competencies to plan a lesson,
execute a lesson plan, manage a class, assess learning, compute and report grades?
Ans: Professional competencies, in my opinion, are not enough to qualify a teacher as great.
Planning a lesson, carrying out a lesson plan, directing a class, measuring learning, computing, and
reporting grades are all part of a teacher's job, and completing these tasks only indicates that he or
she was doing his or her job. A great teacher must also have personal qualities such as being a good
listener, which is very important because a teacher can only support and encourage their students
to grow if they have a strong understanding of who they are and where they are in their educational

4. For a teacher to be great, which is more important - personal qualities or professional

Ans: In my opinion, a teacher can't be defined as great until they have them all. Personal traits such
as good communication and interpersonal skills are necessary so that the teacher can understand
the requirements of the pupils and that they can approach the teaching easily. A teacher must also
have in-depth knowledge of the subject matter and keep it up-to-date for them to deliver successful
teaching and learning.
5. Who are the teachers that we remember most?
Ans: Actually, most of us forget about being taught; instead, we recall being changed. Although instructing
styles, hobbies, and life experiences vary, memorable teachers share one trait: they are focused on the
impact that they want to have. These teachers have a view of the future and are not influenced by little
things. They accept their kids for who they are and help them realize who they can become after they leave

1. Which personal traits do I possess? Not possess? Where do I need improvement in?
Ans: My personal characteristics are patience and approachability. Patience is a virtue, and this could not
be more true for teachers. Dealing with children can be difficult, so being approachable is essential. In
addition, I am a good listener, vocal, and disciplined. As a future educator, I am aware that I must improve
on certain traits, such as good communication abilities.
2. Which professional competencies am I strongly capable of demonstrating?
Ans: I am comfortable with my ability to assess the needs of my students. I may also work with others to learn from
one another and grow as teachers in order to make the school a safe, effective learning environment for all kids and
to improve the overall perception of the school and the educational process that takes place there.

3. In which competencies do I need to develop more?

Ans: My technical and digital abilities are the skills that I need to improve the most because, as we all know,
technology requires us to be content with the knowledge we have in order to deliver more effective teaching to our
students. and also that it seems that the point I want to emphasize isn't being expressed right away, as if I've been
unable to formulate my idea and have a lot of explanation to say before I can say what I truly want to explain.

4. Who are the teachers that we remember most?

Ans: My technical and digital abilities are the skills that I need to improve the most because, as we all know,
technology requires us to be content with the knowledge we have in order to deliver more effective teaching to our
students. and also that it seems that the point I want to emphasize isn't being expressed right away, as if I've been
unable to formulate my idea and have a lot of explanation to say before I can say what I truly want to explain.

Answer the following Questions

A. In asssisting my Resource Teacher, I observed that personal traits such as determination,
intelligence, and a personal touch and professional competencies like innovation and proficiency in
B. Were least/not displayed and as a result, students were / class was they are all active, brave, and
confident in themselves, and they all listen carefully when the teacher speaks in front of the class.
They understand how to adjust to what is happening in the classroom and how to express what
they think and feel to one another. They all take responsibility for doing things like throwing away
waste in proper trash etc.

The lack of these personal traits and professional competencies (mentioned in #1) may
caused by some of the problems we are dealing with, as well as lack of assistance and guidance
when it comes to technology. And as a future teacher, I also need to understand what I express to
my learners and how I say it, especially when I am already in the teaching field.
I would like to address this problem (mention in #2) by conducting an action research on
various factors impact the adoption of technology in school environments.
The main objective of my action research is to provide a review of current thought on the
use of technological devices in education.
My specific research questions are :
1. What are the various external factors that affect how technology is used in a teaching setting?
2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using technology in education?
3. What are the risks related to technology for learning?

To answer my specific research questions, I will gather data through a survey, an overview of the
research, and an assessment.

Evaluation Rubrics
Name of FS Student :______________________________

Date Submitted:____________________________


Episode Number: __________

Learning Episode Excellent (4) V S (3) S (2) NI (1)
All observation 1 to 2 observations/tasks 3 observation 4 or more observation
questions/tasks not questions/tasks not questions/tasks not
completely answered/accomplished answered/accomplished answered/accomplished
All questions were All questions were Questions were not 4 or more observation
answered completely answered completely; answered completely; questions were not
;answers are with depth answer are clearly answers are not clearly answered; answer not
Analysis and are thoroughly connected to theories; connected to theories; 1 connected to theories;
grounded on theories; grammar and spelling are to 3 grammatical/spelling more than 4 grammatical
grammar and spelling are free from errors errors spelling errors
free from error
Profound and clear; Clear but lacks depth,\; Not so clear and Unclear and shallow,
supported by what were supported by what were shallow/;somewhat rarely supported by what
observed and analyzed observed and analyzed supported by what were were observed and
observed and analyzed analyzed
Portfolio is reflected on Portfolio is reflected on Portfolio is not reflected Portfolio is not reflected
in the context of the in the context of the on in the context of the on in the context of the
learning outcomes. learning outcomes. learning outcomes. learning outcomes; not
Learning Artifacts Complete, well Complete; well Complete not organized, complete; not organized,
organized, highly organized, very relevant relevant to the learning not relevant
relevant to the learning to the learning outcome outcome
Submitted before the Submitted on the Submitted a day after the Submitted 2 days or
deadline deadline deadline more after the deadline

Over-all Score __________

Rating (Based on the transmutation) _________

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