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Calinog, Iloilo

Final Examination in PSY 110

Understanding the Self
1st Semester, SY 2022 – 2023

Name: ________________________________Course &Section: _____________Score: ____________

Direction: Choose the letter corresponding to the correct answer for each of the questions provided
below. Write your answer in the space provided before each number.

1. The way you see and feel about your body.

a. Body Image b. Sel-Esteem c. Confidence d. Obsession
2. It refers to the female primary reproductive structures that produce gametes and sex hormones.
a. Uterus b. Vagina c. Ovary d. Fallopian Tube
3. It is considered as the most important elements of material self.
a. Body b. Home c. Immediate Family d. Clothes

4. The period of life where reproductive changes in the body occurs.

a. Adolescent b. Early childhood c. Puberty d. Adulthood

5. Which of the following is an example of Artificial Method?

a. Basal Body Temperature
b. Symptothermal Method
c. Tubal Ligation
d. Abstinence
6. A type of social media wherein people are allowed to share like, comment and upload photos/videos online?
a. Facebook b. Google c. Email d. YouTube
7. The following are examples of religion except:
a. Buddhism b. Christianity c. Islam d. Confucianism
8. Filipinos get along with different kinds of people, wherein they can easily adjust to any situations. Which of
the following Filipino values or traits best described it?
a. Generosity and helpful
b. Hospitable
c. Pakikisama/SIR
d. God fearing
9. It is known as the cuddle hormones that make the couple feel much closer to each other.
a.Vasopressin b. Serotonin c. Oxytocin d. Dopamine
10. Which of the following best describe a materialistic philosophy?
a. The belief that having more material good will make you happy
b. The belief that recycling objects, rather than throwing them away, will make you happier
c. The belief that experiences and relationships are more important than material goods.
d. The belief that having more materials goods will make you happy.
11. It is Synonymous to luxury things you buy, but you can live without…
a. Needs b. Wants c. Utility d. Significance

12. It is a primary component of our material self.

a. body b. material self c. material possession d. self

13. Patterns of behavior or practices that are related to the sacred.

a. Religion b. Ritual c. Culture d. Religious
14. The objects of instinctive preferences that may or may not be related with a person's most practical interests
in life.
a. material possessions
b. body
c. material self
d. primary component
15. It is the self that consists of the body, clothes, immediate family, home and other things one considers to be
his or her own.
a. material self b.physical self c. material possession d. culture self
16. It refers to the essentials that is used for survival.
a.needs b.wants c.utility d.significance
17. It is a method of contraception used by males that can also help in preventing the Sexually transmitted
a. Condoms b. Vasectomy c. IUD d. Chemical Barriers
18. This type of STD’s caused by infection with the bacterium Haemophilus ducreyi which attacks healthy
tissues in the genital area and causes painful open sores and pus-filled blisters.
a. Syphilis b. Chancroid c. Chlamydia d. Herpes
19. The following are changes experience by males during puberty stage except:
a. Widening of Shoulders
b. Growth of Hair in chest and legs
c. Enlargement of the larynx or voice box
d. Experiencing Menache
20. Jean feels that she is attached to women rather than men, therefore, jean maybe considered as,
a. Heterosexual
b. Hermaphrodite
c. Homosexual
d. Pseudohermaprodite
21. The second stage of love which is said to be the beautiful moments of lIfe where a person starts to feel the
a. Attachment b. Lust c. Attraction d. Crush
22. Which of the following is considered as proper behavior online?
a. Post your problems in social media
b. Post an advocacy about taking good care of our environment
c. Post the name of your friends who owe you money online
d. All of the above
23. You’re shopping online and you see a beautiful shoe worth 3 thousand pesos, which of the following is the
best thing to do?
a. Ask money from your parents
b. Used your allowance to purchase the bag
c. Buy the bag and lower your budget for your allowance
d. Just say I like you but I have to keep my money for important needs.
24. Hindus Celebrated a festival called
a. Rosh Hashan b. Easter c. Diwali d. Dharma Day
25. There are three Pilgrim festivals celebrated by Jewish except:
a.Easter b.Passover c.Pentecost d.Tabernacles
26. He is known as the Prophet of Islam
a. Muhammad b.Jesus Christ c. Abraham d. Vishnu
27. In Filipino famous version ‘’Hakuna Matata’’ means….
a. Self-sacrifice
b. Bahala Na
c. Mamaya na
d. None of the above
28. A Filipino spirit of communal unity and cooperation it is also about giving without expecting in return.
a. Mañana Habit
b. Bayanihan
c. Cheerful Personality
d. Colonial Mentatlity
29. Refers to the human body that are primarily receptive and increase sexual arousal when touched.
a. Hand
b. Neck
c. Sex Organ
d. Erogenous zone
30. It is an identity that an internal user established in online communities and websites.
a. Bloggers b. Social Media Identity c. Online Identity d. Virtual Identity
31. When experiencing a failure or obstacle we should...
a. Give up
b. Complain to others about it
c. Try something different
d. Work harder and try again
32. It is defined as any activity-solitary, between two persons, or in the group that induces sexual arousal.
a. Coitus
b. Human Sexual Behavior
c. Solitary Behavior
d. Sociosexual Behavior
33. It is the greatest amount of sociosexual behavior that occurs between only one male and one female.
a. Heterosexual behavior
b. Solitary behavior
c. Self-gratification
d. Sexual behavior
34. This refers to tangible objects, people, or places that carry the designation my or mine.
a. Physical self B. Private self C. Material self D. Self-concept
35. Refers to the things that are essential for survival
a. Needs b. Wants c. Utility d. Significance


Direction: Write True if the statement is Correct, and False if the statement is Incorrect.

36. Physical self is the concrete dimension, the tangible aspect of the person that can be directly observed and
37. A person’s body image can affect his or her self-esteem.
38. The sex of a child is determined at the time of fertililization.
39. Social media has good and bad effects physically and mentally.
40. How a person sees his abilities will determine to which source he attributes success and failures.
41. Passover is the custom practiced by Christianity.
42. Clothes are considered as the innermost part of the material self.
43. Abstinence is the most effective natural birth control method and used widely.
44. Crab mentality is one of the Filipino positive traits.
45. Hormones play an important role in the regulation of ovulation and fertility of women.
46. Colonial mentality is regarded as the lack of patriotism and the attitude where Filipinos favor foreign
products more than their own.
47. Filipinos have this common attitude of arriving late at commitments, dinners or parties especially if they are
meeting someone close to them. They tend to observe punctuality altogether.
48. To be a good Filipino, you must support other foreign products.
49. Buddhist believe that existence is a cycle of birth, death, and rebirth, governed by Karma.
50. Islam has five pillars that represent the foundation of Islamic worship and practice.

51 It has been defined as the transmission of traits from parents to offspring.
52. It is the primary component of our material self.
53. These are objects of instinctive preferences that may or may not be related with a person's most
practical interest in life.
54. Material self pertains to the objects, places, or even people which have the label .
55. The obligatory prayer that Muslims are called to perform five times a day.
56. A particular system of faith and worship.
57. The people believe themselves to be descended from a Semitic tribe that originated in the
land of Canaan in the Middle East.
58. It is the performance of ceremonial acts prescribed by a tradition or sacred law.
59. Spiritual self is one of the three sections of the self-according to .
60. World’s largest religion.

TEST IV. Answer what is being asked on the guide question provided below. Write your answer at the
back of this test paper. (Answer on your own words and understanding).
 61-65
o How can you better deal with digital self in becoming a better individual?
 66-70
o How to more effectively to become a better student?
 71-75
o How do you set your goals and achieve them in your life?
 76-80
o How do you cope with stress?
 81-85
o Why is Cultural Anthropology important in the study of human culture and society
 86-90
o Is your family considered as individualistic or collectivistic? Why?

Prepared by:

Course Facilitator

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