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Phase of the Teacher initiatives Student response Continuous

lesson assessment
Students recall that the changes
are, change in height, change in
body shape, change in voice
Introduction Teacher initiates the class with a question and change in weight.
(Engage) - "Do you all remember how you and your
friends were when you all were studying in Students recall that they were
grade 5?" short, chubby and playful.

Teacher further asks- "Do you see any Students recall that these
changes in these three years?" changes occur during puberty.

Teacher asks students - "When do these Student recall that puberty is

changes occur or at what stage do these the period of adolescence
changes occur?" during which an adolescent
reaches sexual maturity.
Teacher asks students - "What is puberty?"
Students recall that puberty
begins at an approximate age of
10 years for girls 12 years for
Teacher asks students - "What is the age at boys.
which puberty begins for girls and boys?"
Students predict that girls are
attaining puberty earlier than
Teacher asks students - "Why do you think before due to the food they eat
girls are attaining puberty early nowadays"? or the growth.

Students infer that girls attain

puberty earlier nowadays due
Teacher confirms further that girls are to various factors like lifestyle
attaining puberty earlier than before due change, unhealthy food habits
and environmental
to various factors like lifestyle change,
environmental contamination and
unhealthy food habits.

Teacher introduces let's find out the Students predict that increase
different "Changes at Puberty". in height is due to the food they
eat and physical exercise.

"Why do these changes occur during

question Teacher disagrees and explains that sudden
increase in height is due to the elongation
of bones of the arms and legs during Students observe that there is
puberty. increase in height.

Teacher shows an image of a girl and boy t

different stages and asks students to Students infer that sudden
identify the changes they observe. increase in height is due to the
elongation of bones of the arms
and the legs.
Teacher further asks - "Why there is
sudden increase in height?" Students recall that it is due to
the genes inherited from
Teacher asks students - "Why do you think
the height of an individual is more or less
similar to that of some family member? Students predict that height of
an individual is more or less
similar to that of some family
Teacher asks students - "How does the
height of an individual differs from that of
some family member?"
Students observe from the graph
Teacher shows a graph showing percentage that the rate of growth in height is
Develop- of height with age and asks students whether different .
ment the rate of growth in height is similar or varies
(Explore from person to person.
Teacher considers students responses and Students infer that the rate of
explains that the rate of growth in height growth in height varies in different
varies from an individual to individual . so, individuls.
many grow suddenly at puberty and then
slow down. While many grow gradually.

Students calculate full height of

Teacher shows the chart of the average rate the given example by using the
of growth in height of boys and girls with age formula.
and asks students to calculate the full height
by using the formula – calculation for full present height(cm) ×100
height (cm) present height(cm) ×100 % of full height at this age
% of full height at this age 120×100 =160cm tall
Ex : a boy is 9 years old and 120 cm tall. What
will be his height at the end of the growth
period ?

Change in body shape

Teacher askes students “what is the next Students recall the change as
change that occurs during puberty.” change in body shape.

Teacher then shows an image and asks Students list the body changes
students ,“what are the changes you can such as broadening shoulders and
identify in the body shape of the boy shown growth of muscles.
in the image?”

Now , teacher shows the image of a girl and

asks students – “what are the changes taking
place in the body shape of the girl shown in Students observe the widening of
image?” region below the waist and
Teacher explains that during puberty, in girls, breast development.
the region below the waist becomes wider
and their breasts develop.
Teacher asks students -, “ how are the Students observe that boys have
muscles different in boys and girls.?” bigger muscles than girls.

Teacher explains that the muscles of the body Students infer that in boys the
grow more prominently in boys than in gilrls. muscles grow more prominently
than in girls .

Voice change-
Teacher asks –“Are there any singers in the Students tell the name of the
classs?” singers of the class.

Teacher further asks – “Are there any Two students raised the hands .
bathroom singers in the class?”

Teacher asks students –“do you know which Students predict that throat
organ produces sound when you sing?” produces sound.

Teacher asks students – put your fingers on

the throat and find a hard bump. Now Students observes that a hard
swallow saliva. What happens to the hard bump moves when they swallow.
bump when you swallow?”

Teacher explains that this part of the body is

known as the voice box and it is also known Students infer that sound is
as the larynx . Teacher further explains that produced by the voice box oer
sound is produced by the voice box or the larynx.
larynx shows the picture of the voice box.

Teacher asks students –“have you noticed

that sometimes the voice of some boys of Students predict that the voice of
your class cracks?” why does the voice of some boys cracks because they
some boys crack?” shout.

Teacher further explains that during puberty

the voice box or the larynx begins to grow and Students infer that voice cracks
boys develop larger voice box . due to the development of voice
Sometimes the muscles of the voice box go box and boys develop larger voice
out of control and the voice becomes hoarse. boxes.

Teacher shows an image of adam’s apple in a

grown up boy. Teacher tells a boy to stand up Students observe and say that it is
and asks studentds- to observe that and asks larynx or voice box.
what the protruding part of the throat
Teacher considers students responses and Students infer that in boys the
explain that the growing voice box in boys can protruding part of the throat is
be as a protruding part of the throat and it is called adam’s apple .
called ,” adam’s apple”.

Teacher instruct students to observe the Students observe that there is no

throat of female student and asks – “do you development of adam’s apple in
see the development of adam’s apple in girls.
girls ?”

Teacher considers students responses and Students infer that there is no

explains that the larynx in girls is hardly visible development od adam’s apple in
from the outside because of its small size and girls and in girls the larynx is of
confirms that there is no development of small size.
adam’s apple in girls.

Students predict that boys have a

Teacher asks students how is the voice of the deep voice and girls have a high ,
boys different from that of girls?” pitched voice.
Students calculate full height of
A boy is 10 years old and 125 cms tall. At the the given example by using
end of the growth period what will be his formula –
height ? calculate the full height by using the
Extend formula . Present height(cm) ×100
% of full height at this age

125×100 =160.25 cm tall


1.Students might list changes

Teacher evaluates students by providing taking place during puberty as:
them a worksheet containing following a. change in height
question : b. change in body shape
1. List any three changes c. change in voice
Evaluate taking place during puberty. 2. in boys , the protruding part of
2. in boys the protruding the throat is called adam’s apple .
part of the throat is called......? 3. larynx in girls is hardly visible
3. Larynx in girls is hardly from outside because of its small
visible from outside because of size.
its____? 4. Sudden increase in height of an
4. Sudden increase in height individual during puberty is due
of an individual during puberty is to elongation of bones of arms
due to ________? and legs.

Assignment 1. Calculate your full height by using the

formula .
2. List what are the other changes that
occur during puberty.

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