Wellness Massage TG Quarter 2

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Remind your class of the following target for this quarter. Provide brief
discussion for each objective.

General Objectives

At the end of this quarter, learners are expected to:

• Conduct preliminary services to clients

• Observe good interpersonal relationship
• Evaluate the clients satisfaction

Let’s See What You Know

Pre – Test 2
I. Complete the statement by writing the correct word or phrase.
Choose the best answer from the box below.

1. The most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to ____.
2. The _____ is a very important part of the treatment – sufficient time must be
allowed so that it is not rushed.
3. Look ______ – be clean, neat and tidy.
4. A _____ provides support to people to live well, by addressing the factors
that influence their health and well-being.
5. One of the best practices in dealing with clients is to _____ and politely to
everyone. Do not use improper language.
6. Always practice the _____ standards of personal and salon hygiene.
7. Communication is _____ when managers are surrounded with a pool of
information which is sometimes misinterpreted by the clients.
8. It is the standards and conduct of behavior of an individual or professional

9. Consider the _____ in which you answer or speak on the telephone. Be
competent, helpful and pleasant.
10. ______is any message which is against their values is not accepted.
11. Do your utmost to deliver the most effective treatment ____ to the needs
of the client.
12. In booking clients you should prepare an/a __________.
13. To gain the _____ of clients and establish an excellent reputation, be
honest and reliable.
14. A customer first impression of your practice is formed during their first
____ of contact over the phone or in person.
15. The exchange of feelings and attitude in the communication process is
known as ____.

Direction: Read and analyze the statement carefully. Choose the nearest
answer and write the letter on the space provided.

_____ 16. A pleasant tone of voice in a telephone conversation.

A. Shout C. Speak in a very low
B. Speak clearly D. Speak very soft and

____ 17. Create a friendly working relationship with ______.

A. colleagues C. clients
B. manager D. all

_____ 18 Do not make false claims for treatments, but explain the benefits.
A. fairly D. reasonably
B. practically D. realistically.

_____19. Before picking up the receiver, ________any other conversation .

A. continue C. halt
B. discontinue D. disregard

_____ 20. It is define as simply the exchange of messages by human beings.
A. Communication Process C. Communication
B. Communication Problem D. miscommunication

_____ 21. Be prepared with ________ when you answer the phone.
A. tissue paper C. information form
B. calendar D. pen and message slip

_____22. As the communication process continues, it becomes a

communication ___.
A. cycle C. routine
B. stroke D. requirement

_____ 23. It is often said that human communication consist of

A. 93% body language while only 7% of communication consists of
words themselves.
B. 95% body language while only 5% of communication consists of
words themselves
C. 90% body language while only 10% of communication consists

of words themselves
D. 80% body language while only 20% of communication consists
of words themselves

_____ 24. Smile and the world Smiles With

A. Us C. You
B. Others D. All

_____ 25. For the consultation the client should be seated comfortably, with
A. doctor C. specialist
B. dentist D. therapist

Answer Key :
Test 1
1.Listen 11.Suited 21.C
2.Consultation 12. Appointment card 22.A
3.Professional 13. Trust 23.A
4.Wellness service 14. Interpersonal communication 24.C
5.Speak correctly 15. Communication 25.A
6.Highest Test II
7.Suited 16. D
8.Ethics 17. C
9.Interpersonal communication 18. D
10.Perceptual 19. B
20. A
26-30 Answer the question on a paragraph form.
In your own words define “Ethics” and how are you going to use this in
your business?

Answers may vary

Enhancement Activity 2.0 – Role Playing

1. Group the students into 5. Then ask them to role play Enhancement
Activity 2.0 –
How to book clients on pg. 62-64. Follow the steps indicated.

2. Rate the students according to his/her performance.

Let’s See How Much You Learned

Post Test 2
Direction: Read and analyze the statement below and loop the word that
corresponds to your answer.

s p e a k c o r r e c t l y a n
w e l l n e s s s e r v I c e t
p e r c e p t u a l e t h i c s

p r o f e s s i o n a L m y t h
c o r r e c t s p e a k I n g s
f I h y g i e n e w a y s a t e
o d e n c o n s u l t a t i o n
o s c o m m u n i c a t i o n a
d o u l a n o s r e p r e t n i

1. It is the standards and conduct of behavior of an individual or professional
2. It is the most basic and powerful way to connect to another person
3. Always practice the highest standards of personal and salon hygiene
4. It is a very important part of the treatment – sufficient time must be allowed
so that it is not rushed.
5. It should be considered in which you answer or speak on the telephone. Be
competent, helpful and pleasant.
6. It is the exchange of feelings and attitude in the communication process
7. Being clean, neat and tidy is looking
8. It provides support to people to live well, by addressing the factors that
influence their health and well-being.
9. One of the best practices in dealing with clients is to _____ and politely to
everyone. Do not use improper language.
10. It is less effective when managers are surrounded with a pool of
information which is sometimes misinterpreted by the clients.

Read and analyze the statement carefully. Choose the nearest answer and
write the letter on the space provided.

_____ 11. For the consultation the client should be seated comfortably, with
the positioned along side or opposite. The environment should feel
warm and private
A. doctor
B. dentist
C. specialist
D. therapist

_____ 12. It is often said that human communication consist of

A. 93% body language while only 7% of communication consists
of words themselves.
B. 95% body language while only 5% of communication consists
of words themselves
C. 90% body language while only 10% of communication

consists of words themselves
D. 80% body language while only 20% of communication
consists of words themselves
_____13. Do not make false claims for treatments, but explain the benefits
______. Be honest when advertising.

A. fairly
B. practically
C. reasonably
D. realistically.

_____ 14. Before picking up the receiver, __________ conversation or

activity such as eating chewing gum, typing etc. that may be heard
by the calling party.
A. continue
B. discontinue
C. halt
D. disregard

_____ 16. Be prepared with _______ message slip when you answer the
A. tissue paper
B. calendar
C. information form
D. pen and message slip

_____ 17. As the communication process continues, it becomes a

A. cycle
B. stroke
C. routine
D. requirement

_____ 18. Smile and the world Smiles With

A. Us
B. Others
C. You
D. All

_____ 19. A pleasant tone of voice in a telephone conversation
A. Shout
B. Speak clearly
C. Speak in a very low
D. Speak very soft and distinctly in

____ 20. Create a friendly working relationship with

A. colleagues
B. manager
C. clients
D. all
III.Enumeration :Supply the answer.
5’s Methodology in Japanese words

Types of Massage

Answer Key:
Test I Test II Test III
1.ethics 11. A 21Seiketsu
2. communication 12. A 22.Seiton
3. correct speaking 13. D 23.Seiri
4. consultation 14. B 24.Seiso
5. speak correctly 15. A 25.Shitsuke
6. speaking 16. C 26. Relaxation
7. professional 17. A 27. Sports
8. wellness service 18. C 28. Medical
9. speak correctly 19. D 29. Transformational
10. perceptual 20 C 30. Pampering


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