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__________ Situation Appraisal

1. Corporate Leadership
a. _________ as the CEO
b. __________ - COO
c. __________ - VP Finance
d. __________ - VP Sales
e. __________ - VP Marketing
f. __________ VP HR

2. External Factors – Business applications and solutions are growing globally. More and more companies are becoming
aware of the benefits of employing system software. Technologies such as the internet, mobile phones, open-source
systems, cloud/web-services and alike are continuing to mature. As a result, more IT software companies are setting
up their operations worldwide.

In the Philippines, big players such as SAP & Oracle are trying to reach small businesses. They are developing
products such as the SAP Business One and Oracle Small Business Suite for SMEs to capture the market. MIS
outsourcing is also a growing model in the country. More local companies are developing software applications
consequently giving the market more options.

Conversely, companies such as Intuit Quickbooks & Xero Accounting are still dominating the micro to small

Traditional licensing with yearly maintenance fees are still the product package being offered in the Philippines.

3. Physical and Infrastructural Factors – One of the strengths of the Philippines is its competitiveness in Information
Technology particularly in software engineering & programming. The availability of junior software engineers is in
place but senior engineers are relatively small and costly. IT free-lancers & manpower agencies can be utilized and
are reachable as well.

4. Corporate Structure and Organization – ________organizational structure is currently established. Controls, software
development tools, QA process, procedures, designation and regulation are setup but should be reviewed periodically
and should be practiced more firmly to stimulate quality.

5. Competitive Edges – Business solutions with its support services offered from mother countries are too expensive.
One of the strengths of __________’s products and services are its competitive pricing, technology used (web-
based), local support and production strategy (cheaper labor).

R&D team upgrading existing __________’s products to its new versions/new technologies and the process for new
business development are now established.

6. Human Resources Development – __________ is utilizing fresh graduates from universities for IT programmers, sales
and implementation support. Employing sub-contractual software engineers/programmers is part of the plan. Staff
formal training outline is not yet established. ______ currently takes his time to train the new hires personally.

Suite 613 South Pioneer Highlands (Globe Telecom Plaza Tower 1), Madison Avenue
Mandaluyong City
Direct Line: (632) 576-3948
7. Motivational Factor – Discipline, code of conduct, ethics, company policies, rewards and punishment incentives are
already in place but not practiced strictly. Strengthening these motivational factors is one factor to be considered in
__________ initiatives.

Suite 613 South Pioneer Highlands (Globe Telecom Plaza Tower 1), Madison Avenue
Mandaluyong City
Direct Line: (632) 576-3948
Needs Assesment

Suite 613 South Pioneer Highlands (Globe Telecom Plaza Tower 1), Madison Avenue
Mandaluyong City
Direct Line: (632) 576-3948
Priorit Need Assessment Likely Causes Desired Result Possible Means
Mega needs/challenges
1 99.75% of businesses close shop in Business intelligence Decrease 99.75% to Change __________
10 years gaps 98% in three years paradigm/mindset in
or plateau growth Process gaps and increase company marketing, selling and
Technology gaps growth by x% implementation
Financial gaps
Improve product
Employee turnover
designed to meet the

3 X number of people suffer Financial illiteracy Decrease x number by Develop and sell
financially x percentage quicken type of
application designed
for Filipinos & aspiring
Conduct financial
literacy & motivation
2 A number of fresh graduates Curriculum gaps Decrease x number by Offer __________
doesn’t get a good job x percentage products to
universities as part of
their curriculum
4 A number of professional Salary offers locally Decrease x number by Change the game by
particularly IT/Programmers prefer are not competent x percentage offering higher
working abroad salaries.

Macro Needs/Challenges Likely Causes Desired Results Possible Means

(Direct clients and
1 Very small market share Serious marketing Grow the company’s Continuous sales and
efforts only just share from 2 to 5% marketing efforts
started this year.
3 85% of sales are collected hence Product/service Increase 85% to 95% Stricter QA process
85% client satisfaction quality and improve
Client gaps implementation
process, proper
documentation with
client satisfaction
3 Average of 5 or more iterations Skills gap Decrease iteration by Strengthen operations
before project acceptance Process gap 2 & human resource,
Growing customer QA process
3 No international clients No international Partner with resellers Make product world
marketing efforts in some countries class, strengthen
strategically Internet marketing
and support.

Suite 613 South Pioneer Highlands (Globe Telecom Plaza Tower 1), Madison Avenue
Mandaluyong City
Direct Line: (632) 576-3948
Micro (organization) Likely Causes Desired Results Possible Means
1 Average of 40 new leads per month Promotional gaps, Increase new leads by Strengthen sales &
sales’ organic efforts 100 per month marketing efforts
to produce leads
2 Only 10% of new leads are closed Lack of sales closing Increase to 20% Strengthen sales
efforts and closing techniques
pricing/product gaps and packaging efforts
1 Only 57% of projected revenue was Sales team’s Increase to meet Sales product training
achieved (34M / 60M target) competitiveness projected profit to and closing. Hire a
100% seasoned sales
manager. Look for
more prospective
1 Cash flow No proper analysis Cash stability Engaged with a third
and financial planning party expert to help
process assess and plan.
2 Focus Inability to hire or Establish Engaged with a third
groom managers management & party consultant to
training plan help establish
3 Delayed product launching Resource and budget On time product Dedicated R&D team,
constraint launching raise support funds.
3 30% staff turnover Weak employee Decrease by 0% Strengthen employee
engagement screening, improve
programs employee
engagement and
incentive programs.

__________ Goals and Objectives

1. Achieve a market share of 4.8% or equivalent to P120M domestic booked sales by Dec __________. Expand abroad
and reach a target booked sales of P30M. This initial P120M target was reduced to 80M considering the slow
progress, sales hiring challenges and performances last year and Q1 this year.

2. Profitability & Cashflow – To attain a net income before tax of 25%+. To attain zero financing and investment
requirement by start of Q4.

3. Branding and Makreting

a. Achieve 100 or more qualified leads per month.
b. Increase customer satisfaction by 95%.
c. Launch __________s Community with 100 regular registered members by end of FY __________.
d. 20% staff turnover rate by Q2. 10% staff turnover rate by year end.

4. Product Delivery
a. Quality - 10% or less bugs by Q2. 5% to zero bugs by Q4.
b. Timeliness - achieve 90% of target date.
c. Cost efficiency - 30% or less manhour cost to job order manhour rate ratio.

Suite 613 South Pioneer Highlands (Globe Telecom Plaza Tower 1), Madison Avenue
Mandaluyong City
Direct Line: (632) 576-3948
5. R&D – Full commercialization of the following:
a. All-New Product _______ by Q1
b. New Product _______ by Q2
c. ___________ by Q3
d. ___________ by Q4


1. Hire 6 sales executives with ERP sales experience by __________.

2. Source for 2 or more strategic channel partners or resellers.

3. Establish a marketing team for branding (offline and online) by Q1.

4. Appraise the situation in terms of team satisfaction, software team efficiency, implementation efficiency by Q2.

5. Revisit and redefine implementation and software development operations workflow by Q2.

6. Improve delivery time and efficiency by Q3.

7. Establish staff engagement process, KPIs, incentives, etc by Q2.

Suite 613 South Pioneer Highlands (Globe Telecom Plaza Tower 1), Madison Avenue
Mandaluyong City
Direct Line: (632) 576-3948

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