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According to Article 4 of the RD. 157/2022, of 1 March, which establishes the ordering
and minimum teaching of primary education, teachers will evaluate both student learning
and teaching processes and their own teaching practice.
The evaluation strategies and tools listed in the previous section are likely to be used in
the evaluation of the teaching process and teaching practice, especially self-evaluation and
coevaluation. In addition, the following will be useful:
 Interviews, understood as intentional conversation between peers at cycle meetings or
with families.
 Colloquiums between the teaching staff and complementary educational care
 The consultation of agendas and class anecdotaries.
 The scales of valuation.
 Review of behavioral records, observation guides, attitude scales and recordings.
It is important to emphasize that it is important to carry out a qualitative evaluation that
allows us to reflect on the teaching and learning process. To this end, we shall take into
account the indicators on the following scale:
(Select the level of your response: 1.Nunca. 2. Occasionally. 3. Almost always. 4. Always)

a. Organization of the classroom and use of the centre’s resources 1 2 3 4

1. The distribution of space in the classroom has respected the needs of activity
individual and collective.
2. The teaching materials used allow the curriculum to be developed properly.
3. The alunado participates in the conservation of classroom material.
4. The organization of classroom materials promotes student autonomy.
5. It values the functioning of the library of the Centre.
6. Access to the center’s resources is considered adequate.
7. Does acquiring material facilitate curriculum development?
The classroom climate has encouraged children to respect each other,
8. accepting
their individual differences.
9. The interior spaces offer varied stimuli for the students.
10. The outdoor spaces offer varied stimuli for the students.
11. Information has made it easier for you to use resources
provided by the Information Media Officer (RMI) and the
Overall view of this section
Comments and proposals for improvement:

b. Coordination between the bodies and persons responsible for planning and 1 2 3 4
development of teaching practice
1. It values the coordination among the members of the Management Team.
2. It values the work carried out by the Faculty of Teachers in the planning and development of
school activity.

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special education and open classrooms (LOMLOE). Murcia: Ministry of Education.
Available in:
3. It appreciates the coordination work carried out by the Pedagogical Coordination Commission
within the framework of its competences.
4. How you see coordination in curriculum planning and development among peer tutors.
5. Assess the level of coordination between tutors and teachers of hearing and language.
6. Assess the level of coordination between tutors and physiotherapists.
7. It values the level of coordination between tutors and support teachers.
8. Assess the level of coordination between cycles/stages.
9. It assesses the level of coordination of the teaching team in the evaluation sessions.
10. Evaluation sessions encourage decision-making aimed at improving learning processes and
teaching practice.
11. It values the collaboration with the Orientation area of the Center.
12. Values collaboration with the Centre’s social work unit
Overall view of this section
Comments and proposals for improvement:

c. Regularity and quality of the relationship with families 1 2 3 4

1. Fruitful coordination is maintained with the parents of the students in the group.
2. Programming includes family collaboration.
3. Meetings with your students' parents occur regularly.
4. The norms of the center are known and shared by sectors of the educational community.
5. In general, evaluate the degree of interest of the parents of your students in the education of
their children.
6. In general, you think that the tutoring meetings with the group of parents favor the
collaboration with your teaching work.
7. He values the importance, with reference to family-school collaboration, of personal tutoring
8. The reports to communicate the results of the evaluation to families have been adequate.
9. Value the climate of trust and collaboration you maintain with the parents of students to whom
you teach.
Overall view of this section
Comments and proposals for improvement:

d. The appropriateness of the objectives and evaluation criteria programmed to the 1 2 3 4

characteristics of the students
1. The programmed objectives are adapted to the socio-cultural context of the school and the
characteristics of the students.
2. In the programming of objectives, account is taken of those contained in the Educational
Project of the Centre.

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special education and open classrooms (LOMLOE). Murcia: Ministry of Education.
Available in:
3. There is an adequate correlation between the objectives of each cycle and the general ones of
the stage.
4. The objectives clearly state educational intentions.
5. The objectives are translated into precise and temporary actions.
6. It assesses the level of adequacy between the objectives and the evaluation criteria
7. The evaluation criteria are adapted to the characteristics of the students.
8. The tools used to evaluate students are sufficiently diverse.
9. The assessment criteria take into account the acquisition of basic skills.
10. The evaluation criteria have taken into account aspects related to education in values.
Overall view of this section
Comments and proposals for improvement:

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special education and open classrooms (LOMLOE). Murcia: Ministry of Education.
Available in:

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