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Classification of Beds/Hospital
Equipment Upto 100 Upto 300 Upto 500 Medical
Sl.No. Bedded Bedded Bedded or College
1 Air Conditioners - E E E
Ambulance/Vehicle For Blood Bank
- E E E
3 Autoclaves - E E E
4 Autodispenser - E E E
Blood Pressure Apparatus Standing
- E E E
Blood Pressure Apparatus Ordinary
- E E E
7 Blood Pressure Appratus Digital - E E E
8 Bag To Bag Connector - E E E
9 Bed Side Tables - E E E
10 Bench Top Centrifuge - E E E
11 Binocular Microscope - E E E
Blood Bank Refrigerator For Storing
Separately Tested And Untested
Blood Maintaining Temperature
Between 2°C To 6°C With
12 Digital/Dial Thermometer, Recording
Thermograph And Alarm Divice With
Provision Of Continuous Power
- E E E
Blood Collection Bags-
13 Single/Double/Triple/Quadrupple/Pe
nta/Transfer - E E E
Blood Collection
Monitor/Haemomixer - E E E
15 Brushes For Cleaning Test Tubes - E E E
16 Chemical Balance - E E E
17 Clinical Thermometer - E E E
Computer With Printer And Software
18 With Ups For Blood Bank
- E E E
19 Deep Freezer (-40°C) - E E E
20 Dielectric Tube Sealer - E E E
Equipment Upto 100 Upto 300 Upto 500 Medical
Sl.No. Bedded Bedded Bedded or College
Domestic Refrigerator To Store Kits
And Reagents Maintaining
Temperature Between 4 °C TO 6 °C
(+2 °C ), Digital/Dial Thermometer
Having Provision For Continuous
Power Supply - E E E
22 Donor Chairs/Donor Couches - E E E
Double Bed With Mattress And
Footsteps - E E E
24 Double Distillation Plant - E E E
ELISA Reader With Washer And
Printer - E E E
26 Gensets/Power Backup - E E E
27 Glass Wares Such As: - E E E
I) Glass Slides - E E E
Ii) Test Tubes Of Various Sizes - E E E
Iii) Microplates ‘U’ Or ‘V’ Type - E E E
Iv) Glass Beakers Of Different Sizes
- E E E
v) Serological Graduated Pipetters Of
Different Sizes - E E E
28 Haemoglobinometer - E E E
29 Hand Lens For Observing Tests - E E E
Heavy Duty Plastic Buckets And Tubs
30 For Washing Tubes And Wire Baskets
- E E E
31 Hot Air Oven - E E E
32 Incubator - E E E
Insulated Blood Bag Container With
33 Provision For Storing Between 2°C –
10°C - E E E
34 Micropipette Tip Boxes With Lid - E E E
35 Micropipette Tips - E E E
Micropipettes For Full Range Of 2 ml
To 1000 ml - E E E
37 Miscellaneous Such As - E E E
38 I)Linen, Blankets Etc. - E E E
Ii) Furniture For - E E E
- Waiting Area - E E E
- Blood Collection Room - E E E
- Laboratories - E E E
- Doctor’S Room - E E E
- Staff Room - E E E
Equipment Upto 100 Upto 300 Upto 500 Medical
Sl.No. Bedded Bedded Bedded or College
39 Multi Channel Micropipettes - E E E
40 Needle Destroyer - E E E
Oxygen Cylinder With Flow Meter
And Trolley - E E E
42 PH Meter - E E E
43 Portable Haemoglobinometer - E E E
44 Portable Tube Sealer - E E E
45 Recovery Bed For Donor - E E E
RH Viewing Box In Case Of Slide
Technique - E E E
Single Pan 1.0 Kg Balance For
Weighing Blood Bags - E E E
48 Special Stationary And Stickers - E E E
Steel Box Of Suitable Size To Carry
49 Things For Blood Donation Camps
- E E E
50 Stethoscope - E E E
51 Storage Vial Containers - E E E
52 Storage Vials With Caps - E E E
Test Tube Racks Of Different Sizes
- E E E
54 Tray For Micropipette Tips - E E E
55 Trays, Basins, Forceps, Scissors - E E E
56 Tube Stripper Cutter - E E E
VDRL Mechanical Shaker For
Serological Tests For Syphilis. - E E E
58 Wash Bottle - E E E
Waste Bins For Disposal Of Waste
- E E E
Watch With Seconds Hand Needle
And Stop Watch - E E E
Water Bath Having Temp. Range
Between 37 °C To 56 °C - E E E
Weighing Machine For Taking
Donor’S Weight - E E E
63 Automated ELISA - E E E
64 Gel Card Reader - E E E
65 Gel Card Incubator - E E E
66 Gel Card Centrifuge - E E E
Automated Blood Grouping And
Immuonohematology Analyzer - E E E
Plasma, RBC, Platelet And Stem Cell
Separator - O E E
Equipment Upto 100 Upto 300 Upto 500 Medical
Sl.No. Bedded Bedded Bedded or College
69 Plasma Apheresis - O E E
70 Irradient For Irradient Blood - - O E
71 Cryocentrifuge - E E E

COMPONENT FACILITY Classification of Beds/Hospital

Equipment Upto 100 Upto 300 Upto 500 Medical
Sl.No. Bedded Bedded Bedded or College
1 Air Conditioners - O E E
2 Aluminium Canisters - O E E
3 Autoclave - O E E
4 Binocular Microscope - O E E
5 Blood Bank Refrigerator - O E E
Blood Collection
Monitor/Haemomixer - O E E
7 Cell Washer - O E E
Deep Freezer Maintaining Temp.
8 Between -30 °CTo -40°C And -75°C
To -80 °C - O E E
Dielectric Tube Sealer, Clipper And
Clips - O E E
10 Double Pan Weighing Sale - O E E
11 Dry Rubber Balancing Material - O E E
12 Elisa Processor - O E E
13 Genset - O E E
14 Laminar Flow - O E E
15 Plasma Expressor - O E E
16 Platelet Agitator Cum Incubator - O E E
17 Refrigerated Centrifuge - O E E
Refrigerated Water Bath For Plasma
Thawing - O E E
Suitable Refrigerated Centrifuge For
Blood Bags - O E E

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