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CONG TY TNHH AKZO NOBEL VIET Naw LBES-CN, KCN Mj Phe I, Phung Mj Phu, ‘THX4Bén Ci, Binh Duong, Vd Ham ees ~usou:s700887873 | AkzoNobel CERTIFICATE OF QUALITY Customer: Sales Order: 1037877715 ‘CONG TY TNHH GIAI PHAP K? THUAT XAY DUNG NGQC KHANH Dispatch Note: 9090048475 .860/26/178 HUYNH TAN PHAT, PHUONG TAN PHU, QUAN 7, 7P.HOCHI MINH, Remarks: PONK-09.2024 VIET NAM [SON INTERZINC 52 GREY EPAtA2/ATOLIKA Inctude INTERZING 52 EPA142/10UXA Bees sazssezore | 2PG | s0.482KG | INTERZING 52/5265/5285 EPAIT7/SUXA = sazsoiz200 | 2PC 4.196 KG “The manufacturer, Akzo Nobel Viena, quaraiees that he products mentioned above have been imported & made in Akzo Nobel Coatings factory at Bien Hos, Dong Nal, Vietnam anc wth scund rata and werkmanship, comply with te manufactures pubished Product Datasheets, ‘Shei ie refer to Product Data Sheet. Store uncer ery, proper shelter and vetlaton conctons away from sources of heat and igniton, ADDITIONAL INFORMATION For and on behalf of Akzo Nobel Vietnam Lid. Seccietteneyasaranteenieeteninecstoemtnecommenam itl nen an Souenemecerirmertgnrccrcncctsmmcs | Masageegmr ace Sara Paria enena ieee cane eae — Le oe sence Tones es 12h Fee, Vineom Canter Dong Kho! See % Intemational [ode TY TH AKZO NOBEL ViET NAM LUBE--ON, KON Mj Pha I, Phdng Mj Phu, ‘Akzo Nobel Vietnam Ltd ‘TW XA Bén Cat, Binh Duong, Vist Ne | ulan’s"asee ers | AKzoNobel Y” CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN Customer: Sales Order: 1037877715 CONG TY TNHH GIAI PHAP KY THUAT XAY DUNG NGOC KHANH Dispatch Note; 9090040475 £860/28/178 HUYNH TAN PHAT, PHUONG TAN PHU, QUAN 7, TP, HO CHIMINH, Remarks: PONK-08.2024 VIET NAM 1_ [SON INTERZINC 52 GREY EPA42/A10LXA. Inctude 2. [INTERZINC 52 EPA142H0LKA sazscez018 | 2PC. 50.482 KG 3 [INTERZINC 52/5265/5285 EPA177/3LIXA oe '3A24012200 2PC’ 4.486 KG “The manutacturr, Akzo Nobe! Vietnam, guarantees thatthe preducts mentioned above have been imprted & aden Akzo Nobel Coatings factory at Bion Hoa, Dong Nai, Vietnam, ane with scund material and werkmanstip, comply with te manufactr's published Produc Dtasheets. ‘Shoe refer to Product Data Sheet. Store under dry, proper shel and vendlaon condons away for sources of heat a ignition, ‘ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Fr and on behalf ot Akzo Nobel Vietnam Lis. Cored at te supe eile hon have bean pace nd td in acordence wth ee the contin ana regret fe contac purchase over, and ness oes Noted Pail aera bow coro inal respecte fe epentsions) reve From Ap 079 exo Roel uses ne bets ber wah er acebity pupae. svaare0z4 BAO VE CONG NHA MAY, DA KIEM TRA HANG VAO CONG | Hang eda don vi -DOCSAu. fk Mien. Lic fO.cit 6 naay 2gihing He rim 20g gut kim tra: Unison Office: ‘Une 12-05-11 1 +9428 822 1612 12h Foor Vincom Canter Dong Kot F 494 29 3024 1108 S¢ intamational

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