Reported Questions - Requests - Orders

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How to make reported Wh- questions?

1. Keep the question word (who, what, when, etc.)

2. Do not use auxiliary verbs (do/does, did)
3. Change the tense (backshifting)
4. Use direct word order (subject + predicate)
5. Do not use question mark


Direct speech: “Where do you live?”

Reported speech: She asked me where I lived.

Examples with TO BE

Direct Question: “What are you doing?”

Reported Question: She asked me what I was doing.

Direct Question: “Who was that fantastic man?”

Reported Question: She asked me who that fantastic man had been.

How to make reported YES/NO questions? - Use IF


Direct Question: “Do you love me?”

Reported Question: He asked me if I loved him.

Direct Question: “Have you ever been to France?”

Reported Question: She asked me if I had ever been to France.

Direct Question: “Are you living here?”

Reported Question: She asked me if I was living here.
How to make Reported Requests / Orders? - Use ‘ask me + to + infinitive’


Direct speech: “Please help me.”

Reported speech: She asked me to help her.

Direct speech: “Could you bring my book tonight?”

Reported speech: She asked me to bring her book that night.

Direct speech: “Would you mind coming early tomorrow?”

Reported speech: She asked me to come early the next day.

To report a negative request, use 'not':

Direct speech: “Please don't be late.”

Reported speech: She asked us not to be late


Direct speech: “Go to bed!”

Reported speech: He told the child to go to bed.

Direct speech: “Don't worry!”

Reported speech: He told her not to worry.

Direct speech: “Be careful!”

Reported speech: He told me to be careful.

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