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Blockchain Technology Mini Project





Pranav Sonar BBCO20106





AY 2023 -2024

DYPIEMR, Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24


This is to certify that the Mini Project report of

Blockchain Technology

Submitted by

Pranav Sonar BBCO20106

is a bonafide student of this institute and the work has been carried out by them under
the supervision of M/s. Deepali Jawale and it is approved for the partial fulfillment of
the requirement of Savitribai Phule Pune University, for the award of the Fourth year
degree of Computer Engineering.

M/s. Deepali Jawale M/s. P. P. Shevatekar

Guide Head
Department of Computer Engineering Department of Computer Engineering

Place: Pune


DYPIEMR, Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24


The development of a Blockchain-based decentralized application (dApp) for an e-

voting system represents a significant innovation in the realm of digital governance. This
transformative technology leverages the security, transparency, and immutability of
blockchain to revolutionize the way elections are conducted. The e-voting dApp aims to
provide a secure and tamper-proof platform for individuals to cast their votes in a
convenient and accessible manner while ensuring the integrity and verifiability of the
electoral process.

Key features of this dApp include user-friendly interfaces for voter registration and
ballot casting, identity verification through blockchain-based digital IDs, and real-time
vote tallying on an immutable ledger. Smart contracts facilitate the automation of critical
election processes, ensuring fairness and trust in the system. The dApp's decentralized
nature reduces the risk of interference, fraud, and manipulation, enhancing the overall
integrity of elections.

This system prioritizes voter privacy, as the blockchain encrypts and securely stores
all data, preventing any unauthorized access or data breaches. Through transparency, the
public can independently verify the election results, instilling confidence in the democratic

By utilizing blockchain technology, the e-voting DApp offers a scalable, cost-

effective, and efficient solution for conducting elections. This abstracted model of a
blockchain-based e-voting DApp signifies a significant step towards modernizing the
electoral process and ensuring the safeguarding of democratic principles.

Keyword: Blockchain, E-voting, Decentralized application (App), Security

DYPIEMR, Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24


First and foremost, I would like to thank my guide for this Mini Project, M/s. Deepali
Jawale for the valuable guidance and advice. She inspired us greatly to work in this
seminar. Her willingness to motivate us contributed tremendously to our seminar work. I
also would like to thank her for showing me some examples that related to the topic of my
Mini Project.

Apart from our efforts, the success of any seminar depends largely on the
encouragement and guidelines of many others. So, we take this opportunity to express my
gratitude to M/s. P. P. Shevatekar, Head of the Department of Computer Engineering, Dr.
D Y Patil Institute of Engineering, Management And Research, Akurdi has been
instrumental in the successful completion of this seminar work.

The guidance and support received from all the members who contributed and who are
contributing to this seminar work were vital for the success of the seminar. I am grateful
for their constant support and help.

Pranav Sonar

Student Name

DYPIEMR, Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24


Sr No. Content Page No.

1 Introduction 6-8

1.1. Introduction 6

1.2. Problem Statement 7

1.3. Objectives 8

2 Methodology 9 - 11

3 Implementation 12 - 15

4 Conclusion 16

DYPIEMR, Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24



In an era characterized by rapid technological advancement, the traditional methods

of conducting elections have faced increasing scrutiny and challenges. The need for secure,
transparent, and accessible voting systems has never been more apparent, and blockchain
technology has emerged as a potential game-changer in addressing these issues. This
introduction sets the stage for a discussion on the development of a Blockchain-based
decentralized application (dApp) for an e-voting system, an innovation that promises to
reshape the landscape of digital governance.

Elections are the cornerstone of democratic societies, serving as the primary means
through which individuals express their political will and choose their representatives.
However, concerns related to election integrity, voter accessibility, and transparency have
persisted for decades. Traditional paper-based voting systems are susceptible to various
vulnerabilities, including human errors, tampering, and logistical challenges, which can
erode the public's trust in the democratic process.

The advent of blockchain technology, which underlies cryptocurrencies like

Bitcoin, has introduced a novel approach to address these electoral dilemmas. Blockchain's
inherent attributes of security, immutability, and decentralization offer a potential solution
to safeguarding elections from fraud and manipulation while ensuring transparency and
trust. By leveraging this technology to create a dApp for e-voting, we embark on a journey
to redefine the way we conduct elections.

This groundbreaking e-voting dApp aims to provide a secure and tamper-proof

platform for voters, allowing them to participate in elections conveniently and securely
from anywhere with an internet connection. The system emphasizes user-friendly
interfaces for voter registration, identity verification through blockchain-based digital IDs,

DYPIEMR, Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24

and real-time vote tallying on a transparent ledger. In doing so, the dApp not only ensures
the integrity of the electoral process but also addresses the pressing need for inclusivity,
enabling more citizens to exercise their democratic rights.

The core objective of this exploration is to delve into the key features of a
blockchain-based e-voting system, elucidating its potential to revolutionize the democratic
process and create a trusted, immutable record of the people's will. It signifies a profound
step forward in modernizing electoral procedures while maintaining the integrity of
democratic principles in an increasingly digital world. This research endeavors to unravel
the multifaceted nature of this innovative system and understand how it can reshape the
landscape of modern governance.


The problem at hand is the vulnerability of traditional paper-based voting systems,

which are susceptible to errors, tampering, and logistical issues, undermining the integrity
of elections. These challenges erode public trust in the democratic process. The need for a
secure, transparent, and accessible voting system is paramount in today's rapidly advancing
technological landscape.

To address these concerns, we propose the development of a Blockchain-based

decentralized application (dApp) for e-voting, aiming to harness the security and
transparency of blockchain technology. This e-voting dApp seeks to provide a secure
platform for convenient and tamper-proof digital voting, ensuring that the electoral process
is resistant to manipulation and fraud. By creating a decentralized system, it not only
enhances election integrity but also promotes inclusivity, allowing more citizens to
participate in the democratic process.

DYPIEMR, Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24


a. Enhance Election Security: Implement robust security measures to protect voter

data and ensure the integrity of the e-voting system, safeguarding against hacking,
fraud, and manipulation.
b. Promote Transparency: Utilize blockchain's transparent ledger to provide real-time,
publicly accessible information on voter registration, ballot casting, and election
results, instilling confidence in the electoral process.
c. Facilitate Accessibility: Design a user-friendly interface that allows citizens to
easily register, verify their identities, and cast their votes from the convenience of
their own devices, increasing the accessibility of the electoral system.
d. Automate Processes: Employ smart contracts to automate critical election
procedures, such as verifying voter eligibility and counting votes, reducing the
potential for human errors and ensuring a fair and efficient voting process.
e. Encourage Inclusivity: Create a decentralized system that encourages greater voter
participation by making the e-voting process accessible to a wider range of citizens,
ultimately strengthening democratic principles.

DYPIEMR, Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24


Blockchain technology is gaining immense momentum in the era of Industry 4.0

due to its exceptional attributes, such as high security and transparency. It has found
applications in various domains, including supply chain management systems, healthcare,
payments, business, IoT, and even voting systems. The need for blockchain arises from the
vulnerabilities in current voting systems, including ballot box voting and electronic voting,
which are susceptible to security threats like DDoS attacks, vote alteration, and
manipulation, among others.

The disadvantages of traditional voting systems are numerous, including long

queues during elections, security breaches leading to data leaks and vote tampering,
excessive paperwork resulting in environmental concerns, and the difficulties differently-
abled voters face in reaching polling booths. Moreover, the cost of conducting elections is
substantially high, creating a sense of distrust in the existing systems.

Blockchain technology provides a viable solution to these challenges. By using

blockchain for voting, the process can become more secure, transparent, immutable, and
reliable. For instance, when using traditional Electronic Voting Machines (EVMs), there is
a risk that tampering with the microchip may alter your vote's destination, and there is no
way to trace it back. In contrast, blockchain records every vote as a transaction, providing
voters with a receipt (transaction ID) to verify that their vote was securely counted.

In a digital voting system where confidential data is stored on a centralized admin

server, the risk of hacking and manipulation is prevalent. Integrating blockchain adds the
property of immutability, ensuring that once data is recorded, it cannot be updated or
deleted, making it highly secure. The decentralization of the blockchain system is essential
to ensure uninterrupted operation, even if one node or server goes down.

Some key advantages of blockchain-based voting include the ability to vote

anytime and anywhere, enhanced security, immutability, faster results, and increased
transparency. These advantages are especially critical in times like the COVID-19
pandemic, where physical elections may not be feasible, and secure, remote voting
becomes imperative for maintaining the democratic process.

DYPIEMR, Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24


3.1. Code:

pragma solidity ^0.5.0;

contract voting{

bool public isVoting;

struct Vote{

address receiver;

uint256 timestamp;

mapping(address=>Vote)public votes;

//defining events

event AddVote(address indexed voter, address receiver, uint256 timestamp);

event RemoveVote(address voter);

event StartVoting(address startedBy);

event StopVoting(address stoppedBy);

constructor() public{


function StartVoting() external returns(bool){


emit StartVoting(ms.sender);

return true;

DYPIEMR, Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24

function StopVoting() external returns(bool){


emit StopVoting(msg.sender);

return true;

function AddVote (address receiver) external returns(bool){



emit AddVote(msg.sender, votes[msg.sender].receiver,


return true;

function RemoveVote() external returns(bool){

delete votes[msg.sender];

emit RemoveVote(msg.sender);

return true;

function getVote(address voterAddress) external view returns(address


return votes[voterAddress].receiver;

DYPIEMR, Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24

3.2. Output:

DYPIEMR, Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24


In conclusion, blockchain technology has emerged as a transformative solution to

the inherent challenges of traditional voting systems. Its widespread adoption across
various sectors, including voting, underscores its relevance in the era of Industry 4.0,
marked by a quest for enhanced security and transparency.

The imperative for blockchain in voting systems lies in the vulnerabilities

associated with existing methods, such as tampering, manipulation, and security breaches,
which erode public trust. The disadvantages of these systems, including long queues,
excessive paperwork, and high costs, underscore the need for a more efficient and
trustworthy alternative.

Blockchain-based voting offers a robust solution by providing secure, transparent,

immutable, and efficient electoral processes. The ability to vote remotely, securely, and
with verifiable outcomes is particularly relevant during unprecedented events like the
COVID-19 pandemic, where physical elections face significant challenges.

By leveraging the potential of blockchain technology in voting, we stand to create

a more resilient, accessible, and trusted electoral process, strengthening the foundations of
democracy in the digital age. The transition to blockchain-based e-voting represents a
pivotal step towards ensuring the integrity and inclusivity of electoral systems worldwide.

DYPIEMR, Department of Computer Engineering 2023-24


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