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The table below lists the key interventions deemed the best way to achieve the desired outputs and targets.

Outcome Indicators Baselines 2024 2021 Performance for period 1 Progress in period 1 Cumulative performance for Blockages; Remedial action(s)
Targets Targets April - June 2020 July 2020 to 31 March period 1 April 2020 - March impediments; to be taken or taken
2021 2021 constraints affecting to address
performance; including underperformance
the impact of Covid-19
Investing in No of Jobs 622 946 500 000 by 14 980 jobs 893 jobs were created in 17 339 jobs were 18 232 jobs were created None. None.
accelerated created jobs 2024 the period under review created. through various initiatives.
inclusive (2014_201 benefiting 384 youth and
384 youth and 405 women
growth 9 405 women.
R11,551,892 is placed in the jobs that were
However, 21000 jobs were committed to support created in the period under
lost quarter on quarter in projects approved by the review.
the agriculture sector. The Jobs Fund.
job losses were mainly
According to the 4th quarter
driven by loses in farming
3 jobs fund projects were labour force survey,
on animals, forestry and
ratified, and 64 projects employment in Agriculture
logging and related
are undergoing financial increased by 0,3%.
due diligence

Re- Agriculture and New Masterplan Agriculture The process of consulting The draft Agriculture and The draft Agriculture and Agro- None. None.
industrialisatio Agro- indicator developed and agro- provincial Department of Agro-processing Master processing Master Plan (AAMP)
n of the processing and processing Agriculture on draft plan has been developed is at consultation stage.
economy and Masterplan implemented Master plan Agriculture and Agro- and it is anticipated that

Outcome Indicators Baselines 2024 2021 Performance for period 1 Progress in period 1 Cumulative performance for Blockages; Remedial action(s)
Targets Targets April - June 2020 July 2020 to 31 March period 1 April 2020 - March impediments; to be taken or taken
2021 2021 constraints affecting to address
performance; including underperformance
the impact of Covid-19
emergence of developed and developed by processing Master plan has it will be signed by the The implementation framework
globally aligned to March 2021 started. end of March 2021. and action plan of the AAMP
competitive identified has been finalized and
sectors - commodities per circulated to social partners for
National district inputs. The AAMP
priority sectors communication strategy is
grow currently being developed.
contribution to
Cannabis Master New Cannabis Cannabis The process of the Draft cannabis master Draft cannabis master plan The implementation of The legal sections of
GDP growth of
Plan approved indicator Master Plan Master Plan development of the plan produced produced these changes is the three departments
3% and
approved approved Cannabis Master Plan is in delayed by the litigation (DALRRD, DOH,
Consultations with Consultations with relevant
2021 progress in partnership with that had been instituted DOJ) are considering
increase by
relevant stakeholders is stakeholders have been
relevant stakeholders. against the powers of the options to addressing
ongoing. finalised. The next step will be
Minister of Justice in this challenge.
to take it to NEDLAC.
relation to the Drugs and

The Minster has approved the Drug Trafficking Act. The

declaration of Hemp as an Constitutional Court

agricultural crop after the made a judgement on 18

amendment of the Plant December 2020 whereby
Improvement Act. Section 63 of the Drugs
Act is declared as
The Department of Health has unconstitutional. This
also amended the Medicine Act. judgement prohibits the
Minister of Justice from
making any changes to
the Drugs Act. This has
delayed progress
towards transferring the
regulatory framework for
hemp from Department
of Health to DALRRD.

New entrants to New 20 new 4 new The unit of reporting was 11 red meat producers 34 Red meat producers were None. None.

Outcome Indicators Baselines 2024 2021 Performance for period 1 Progress in period 1 Cumulative performance for Blockages; Remedial action(s)
Targets Targets April - June 2020 July 2020 to 31 March period 1 April 2020 - March impediments; to be taken or taken
2021 2021 constraints affecting to address
performance; including underperformance
the impact of Covid-19
Agri-business indicator entrants to entrants to not yet available during that were supported supported
supported in Agri-business Agri- period hence no report was
production supported business submitted. 8 oilseeds producers
schemes (grain, (grain, supported were supported.
8 oilseeds producers were
oilseed, oilseed, (grain, red supported
industrial crop, industrial meat, cotton, A total of 3854 existing
red meat, white crop, red and citrus Agri businesses and 3854 existing Agri businesses
meat, fruit and meat, white producers) smallholder producers were supported
wine, meat, fruit were supported through
vegetables, and wine, various initiatives
fibre) vegetables, including marketing and
fibre) production.

Revitalization of New 9million 250 000 ha 18 687 hectares were 14 776 hectares of state 33463 hectares of state land
state land to be indicator hectares of that have allocated to smallholder land were allocated to were released to farmers
released to state land been producers. 9853 hectares of deserving farmers
farmers to assesses assessed these hectares of land were
support and released. released to allocated to 3 young women
production farmers to
schemes support

Sectors grow New Exports Report on During the quarter under The consolidated The consolidated progress None None.
contribution to indicator increased by key regional review the agricultural quarterly progress report report on the implementation of
GDP growth of 4% and global sector grew by 27.8% on the implementation of trade, multilateral & bilateral
3% and exports markets on which contributed 0,5% to trade, multilateral & agreements negotiated and
increase by 4% export of the growth domestic bilateral agreements implemented was produced.
agricultural product (GDP). The negotiated and Trade opportunities were
products. increase was mainly due to implemented was identified for all major industries.
increases in the production produced. The report identifies markets
of field crops, horticultural that are open for the specified
products, and animal According to STATSSA products.


Outcome Indicators Baselines 2024 2021 Performance for period 1 Progress in period 1 Cumulative performance for Blockages; Remedial action(s)
Targets Targets April - June 2020 July 2020 to 31 March period 1 April 2020 - March impediments; to be taken or taken
2021 2021 constraints affecting to address
performance; including underperformance
the impact of Covid-19
products. the South African

However, it is worth noting Agriculture contributes According to STATSSA the

that in implementing COVID 2.5% to the South South African Agriculture

19 lockdownregulations African economy. In contributes 2.5% to the South

has had a negative impact 2020 agriculture grew by African economy. In 2020
on exports of commodities 13% year on year. agriculture grew by 13% year on

such as tobacco, The good weather and year.

fibres, wool, and cotton. government regulations The good weather and
insulated the sector government regulations
against the effects of the insulated the sector against the
lock down that resulted effects of the lock down that
from Covid 19. resulted from Covid 19.
Expand Number of 1969 4327 student 1100 A total of 2 573 students An additional 942 3515 students were registered None None.
access to students students enrolment students were registered in eleven students were for the academic year in 11
Post- enrolled in in (11) agricultural colleges registered in 2021 agricultural colleges.
Secondary colleges of during the 2020
Education and agriculture and academic year of which 23 Postgraduates 38 Postgrad students were
Training youth skill 993 are first year students were supported supported
(PSET) development students, 851 are to obtain post-secondary
programmes second year students education.
and 729 are third year
students. 2888 NARYSEC students

1000 youth were students were involved

recruited from the skills development

districts where the initiatives provided by

District Development DALRRD.


9737 people were 10 240 people were involved

296 rural youth were
provided with various in skills development
involved in skills
skills development programme.


Outcome Indicators Baselines 2024 2021 Performance for period 1 Progress in period 1 Cumulative performance for Blockages; Remedial action(s)
Targets Targets April - June 2020 July 2020 to 31 March period 1 April 2020 - March impediments; to be taken or taken
2021 2021 constraints affecting to address
performance; including underperformance
the impact of Covid-19
programmes. initiatives.

207 people were trained

through rural
Number of New 10 000 135 2600 extension officers 132 extension 2732 extension officers None None.
extension indicator extension extension were engaged to support officers were deployed.
officers officers officers agriculture, communal
deployed to support
supporting and land reform form
various commodity
commodity projects. 46 of these 2600 extension officers
groups extension officers supported agriculture,
mobilised and supported communal and land reform
the COVID-19 form projects
Agricultural Relief
Funding’s potential
122 existing extension
beneficiaries to make 122 existing extension
officers were
applications and collect officers were capacitated
capacitated on areas
related to priority
A Strategy for the
commodities in the
Extension officers were Employment of 10 000
Eastern Cape.
also involved in the Extension Practitioners has
recruitment of the been developed and
Presidential Stimulus consulted with Provincial
Initiative Departments of Agriculture.
Integrated % joined-up New 100% 100% The department supported The quarterly report on The Spatial Analysis and None None.
service plans indicator joined-up the work on the profiling of Spatial Analysis and Mapping report has been
delivery plans by 44 District Municipalities Mapping was compiled. produced.
settlement 2021 and 8 Metros in preparation
transformation for the implementation of 52 DALRRD Sector
52 DALRRD Sector profiles
and inclusive the District Development profiles were updated

Outcome Indicators Baselines 2024 2021 Performance for period 1 Progress in period 1 Cumulative performance for Blockages; Remedial action(s)
Targets Targets April - June 2020 July 2020 to 31 March period 1 April 2020 - March impediments; to be taken or taken
2021 2021 constraints affecting to address
performance; including underperformance
the impact of Covid-19
growth in rural Model and development of and aligned to the have been updated with AAMP
and urban joined up plans. commodities in the information.
places. AAMP. The department continues to

Limpopo PSSC contributed support the work in the three

to the catalytic projects for district municipalities where the

Waterberg Minister and Deputy Ministers

are political Champions
(Capricorn, Ehlanzeni, and
Thabo Mofutsanyana) to
contribute to the joined-up

DALRRD also participates in the

development of the eThekwini
Joined up Plan.

Number of New Two RSDFs One draft The work on the The Karoo Regional Draft KAROO Regional Spatial None None.
RSDFs gazetted indicator, prepared, RSDFs development of the Karoo Spatial Development Development Framework
Two in adopted and prepared Regional Spatial Framework and spatial situational and spatial analysis
process in use by by 2021 Development Framework is analysis report has been is available.
(Karoo 2024 in progress. The process of produced.
and Vaal) appointing the service
provider to develop the
Vaal Regional Spatial
Development Framework
has been initiated.

Number of New Joined Up Joined-up DALRRD supported the DALRRD is participating and None None.
joined-up indicator Plans plans for development of the profiles contributing in the DDM
government implemented 44 and model plans for the 44 structures in Capricorn,
plans in metros and reported districts district municipalities and 8 Ehlanzeni, and Thabo
and districts on. and 8 metros as a contribution to Mofutsanyane where the
metros by the district development Minister and Deputy Ministers
2021 model (DDM) in partnership have been assigned as Political

Outcome Indicators Baselines 2024 2021 Performance for period 1 Progress in period 1 Cumulative performance for Blockages; Remedial action(s)
Targets Targets April - June 2020 July 2020 to 31 March period 1 April 2020 - March impediments; to be taken or taken
2021 2021 constraints affecting to address
performance; including underperformance
the impact of Covid-19
with COGTA Champions to develop joined up
plans. Participation is both at
Technical and political level.
The department further
supported the DDM session at
Umsunduzi district municipality.

In addition, the department

contributes to the plans of other
districts in line with its mandate.
This includes participating and
contributing to the economic
workstreams and providing
catalytic projects that have been
integrated with the IDPs.

Shared NSDF approved NSDF was NSDF Adoption Consultation on the The consultation process Consultations on the NSDF None. None.
national and adopted developed implemented by NSDF has been on the National Spatial have been completed. The
spatial vision Cabinet completed and the final Development Framework NSDF will be submitted to
and frames to by March report is being compiled has been completed and Cabinet by the end of June
support 2021 based on the comments the report was compiled. 2021.
integration received.
sector NSDF New NSDF NSDF Not reported in the The framework for the The Framework for the Delays experienced .
departments implementation indicator Implementati implemen period under review. implementation charter Implementation Charter has in finalising the NSDF
province and charter on Charter tation has been developed. been developed have impacted on the
regions Implemented charter by finalisation of the
and reported. June Implementation
2021 Charter


Outcome Indicators Baselines 2024 2021 Performance for period 1 Progress in period 1 Cumulative performance for Blockages; Remedial action(s)
Targets Targets April - June 2020 July 2020 to 31 March period 1 April 2020 - March impediments; to be taken or taken
2021 2021 constraints affecting to address
performance; including underperformance
the impact of Covid-19
Number of New Detailed Detailed The spatial action areas The report on the spatial 5 NSDF spatial action areas None. None.
detailed indicator implementati implementati that will targeted for action areas that will implementation plans have
implementation on plans for on strategies NSDF implementation targeted for NSDF been developed.
strategies for each of the for 5 priority have been identified in implementation has been
priority action NSDF priority Implementati consultation with compiled.
areas action areas on action stakeholders.
implemented areas were

System to None Consolidated Conceptual The NSDF implementation Work on shared spatial The draft shared spatial This output will be None.
enable shared spatial plan and charter was developed. evidence and evidence and accountability taken out of this
spatial evidence Current evidence and documents accountability is also in report has been compiled. agreement because it
and state: impact for progress. is led by DPME and it
accountability (Scattered tracking consolidated The NSDF implementation is no longer in the
competen system in spatial charter was developed. revised MTSF.
cies). place evidence and
impact Work on shared spatial
tracking evidence and accountability
system. is in progress.
Sustainable Hectares (Ha) of 1 million 900 000 Ha 200 000 ha A total of 38 450 hectares of 22 553 hectares of 61 003 hectares of strategically None None.
land Reform Land Ha of land for land were acquired and strategically located land located land was acquired
redistributed or redistribution allocated were acquired and
acquired and or and tenure allocated.
allocated for reform 600
agrarian 000 Ha of
transformation, land for land
industrial parks, restitution
human (1.5 million
settlements, and Ha). 40%
rural allocation to
development. youth, 50%
to women.


Outcome Indicators Baselines 2024 2021 Performance for period 1 Progress in period 1 Cumulative performance for Blockages; Remedial action(s)
Targets Targets April - June 2020 July 2020 to 31 March period 1 April 2020 - March impediments; to be taken or taken
2021 2021 constraints affecting to address
performance; including underperformance
the impact of Covid-19
700 000 Number of 135 000ha 700 000ha 700 000 ha 135 118 hectares of 301 317 hectares of As at end of March 2021, a total
allocated to hectares by 2021 released state land were state land were allocated of 436 435 hectares of land
deserving allocated to allocated to deserving deserving farmers were allocated to deserving
farmers in line deserving farmers for agricultural use. farmers
with the farmers in line A revised plan has been 7 525 hectares were allocated to
Beneficiary with the developed to further women while 11 911 hectares were
Selection and Beneficiary accelerate the allocation of allocated to youth
Allocation Selection and the remaining 525 330
Policy Allocation hectares of state land.

Rapid release Number of No 200 000ha to 65 000ha of 2153 of the acquired 14 045 of the acquired 16 198 hectares of state land None None.
of state land hectares of be transferred state land to hectares of land were hectares of land were were released for agriculture
for agriculture state land to beneficiaries be transferred allocated to farm dwellers allocated to farm dwellers purposes.
released for to and/or labour tenants. and/or labour tenants
agriculture beneficiaries

Land Reviewed New Land Report on The development of the The development of Draft Communal Property None None.
administrati Ingonyama administratio the consolidated analytical the consolidated Association Bill has been
on system Trust Act No. n system and progress report on policies, analytical report on finalised.
and 3kz of 1994, reviewed of legislation, and systems policies, legislation,
regulatory Communal legislation in legislative to inform the National and systems to Draft Preservation and
framework Property place and framewor Land Information inform the National Development of Agricultural
review for Associations implemented k review Systems is in progress. Land Information Land bill is in the parliament
Land Act No. 28 of and Systems is in process
Reform 1996 implemen progress.
and tation as The development of the
Agricultural well as The Preservation and consolidated analytical
produce land Development of report on policies, legislation,
development of
and administr Agricultural Land and systems to inform the
Agriculture land
exports ation (PDALB) bill has National Land Information
framework Act.
review for system been introduced to Systems is in progress


Outcome Indicators Baselines 2024 2021 Performance for period 1 Progress in period 1 Cumulative performance for Blockages; Remedial action(s)
Targets Targets April - June 2020 July 2020 to 31 March period 1 April 2020 - March impediments; to be taken or taken
2021 2021 constraints affecting to address
performance; including underperformance
the impact of Covid-19
repealing, Transformation developm Parliament.
or of Certain Rural ent.
amendmen Areas Act and
t or revision the Rural Areas’
or Act No.94 of
finalisation 1998.

Land reform % of approved New 100% of The post The process of The process of The process of developing None None.
projects land reform indicator acquired settlemen developing the post developing the post the post settlement support
provided with projects land (1.5 t support settlement support settlement support strategy has started
post provided with million ha) strategy strategy has started. strategy has started
settlement post settlement supported approved The draft National
support support through the However, support is Comprehensive Producer
post provided in the context of Support Policy has been
settlement the National submitted to Cabinet.
support. Comprehensive Producer
Support Policy 112 farms were 112 farms were supported
supported through through the Land
3 land reform projects the Land Development Support
were provided with post Development Support Programme.
settlement support, 2 in Programme.
Thabo Mofutsanyane DALRRD also facilitated the
district municipality and 1 development and
in ZF Mgcawu district implementation of post
municipality. These settlement support plans for
projects include livestock the beneficiaries of
and crop production restitution where tittle deeds
covering 8592 hectares of have been handed over.
Water % of land reform New 100% of Report on The total amount of water 353 Water Use Licenses 353 water use Licenses were None Not Applicable
rights projects with indicat qualifying the use allocated to the were authorized and authorized. Amounting to 12.1
(water use secure water or land qualifying projects 1 171 699 m3/a allocated to the m3/a volume of water.
licences), reform land (cubic meter) that can be historically

Outcome Indicators Baselines 2024 2021 Performance for period 1 Progress in period 1 Cumulative performance for Blockages; Remedial action(s)
Targets Targets April - June 2020 July 2020 to 31 March period 1 April 2020 - March impediments; to be taken or taken
2021 2021 constraints affecting to address
performance; including underperformance
the impact of Covid-19
energy rights projects reform used for irrigation in 4 disadvantaged
allocated to to have projects properties were allocated. individuals amounting to The total of 1 171 699 m3/a
land reform water water The rest was allocated to 16 12.1 m3/a volume of (cubic meter) water that can be
projects rights. rights properties for grazing of water that will be used used for irrigation of 4
status livestock. for irrigation and other properties were allocated to
and households’ usage land reform projects.
80 % of
Ensure Water New 100 % of Report on the 202 hectares of 2066 hectares of 2268 hectares of agricultural None. None.
farmers infrastructure, indicator farmers qualifying agricultural land used by agricultural land used by land was irrigated.
have water security, supported land reform historically disadvantaged historically The Department of Water and
access to water rights and have access projects is irrigated. disadvantaged is Sanitation provided 20 land
water water use to water. water rights irrigated. reform projects with secure
licenses. status and water rights.
5 bulk water infrastructure 7 bulk water 12 bulk water infrastructure
875ha for projects were completed. infrastructure projects projects were completed.
irrigation were completed.
used by The Department of Water
HDI’s and Sanitation provided 20 15 infield irrigation 15 infield irrigation systems
were installed in Limpopo
land reform projects with systems were installed in
secure water rights. Limpopo

295 Water Service Infrastructure

Grant projects under

To ensure proactive allocation

water to land reform projects the
Department of Water and
Sanitation is represented on the
Nation Land Acquisition and


Outcome Indicators Baselines 2024 2021 Performance for period 1 Progress in period 1 Cumulative performance for Blockages; Remedial action(s)
Targets Targets April - June 2020 July 2020 to 31 March period 1 April 2020 - March impediments; to be taken or taken
2021 2021 constraints affecting to address
performance; including underperformance
the impact of Covid-19
Control Committee.

Agrarian Reduction in New 150 000 Ha 37 500ha 13116,14 hectares of 37 900 hectares of 51016,14 hectares of degraded None None
Transformatio degraded land indicator of degraded degraded land were degraded land were land were rehabilitated
n rehabilitated to land rehabilitated for production rehabilitated for
production rehabilitated in all nine provinces in the production purposes.
period under review

Functional No 71 functional 15 FPSU As at end of June 2020 no 15 Farmer Production 15 Farmer Production Support None None
Farmer Baseline Farmer completed new FPSU had been Support Units (FPSU) Units (FPSU) were supported.
Production Production and established due to the were supported with
Support Units Support functional. lockdown regulations various initiatives. 64 Agriculture infrastructure
(FPSU) Units (FPSU) 64 Agriculture projects were implemented to
infrastructure projects support FPSUs
were implemented to
support FPSUs
27 projects were 27 projects were completed
completed through the through the Animal & Veldt
Animal & Veldt Management Programme &
Management River Catalytic valley
Programme & River Programmes.
Catalytic valley

Livestock No 27 Livestock 7 Livestock 10 livestock handling 9 Livestock handling 19 Livestock handling facilities None None
facilities baseline handling and handling facilities were completed in facilities were were established.
established n facilities facilities the Northern Cape. This established in EC & LP.
established includes 6 fixed and 4 88 Livestock handling
88 Livestock and handling
mobile facilities facilities were supported facilities were supported with
with infrastructure. infrastructure.

Agri Hubs 5 Agri Hubs 1 fully 4 Agri-Hubs are partially 5 Agri Hubs were 4 Agri-Hubs are partially None None
established functional operational (Nchora in the supported operational (Nchora in the
Agri hub Eastern Cape; Eastern Cape; Springbokpan in


Outcome Indicators Baselines 2024 2021 Performance for period 1 Progress in period 1 Cumulative performance for Blockages; Remedial action(s)
Targets Targets April - June 2020 July 2020 to 31 March period 1 April 2020 - March impediments; to be taken or taken
2021 2021 constraints affecting to address
performance; including underperformance
the impact of Covid-19
Springbokpan in North North West; Witzenberg in the
West; Witzenberg in the 99 agricultural Western Cape and Mkhulu Agri-
Western Cape and Mkhulu infrastructure facilities Hub in Mpumalanga.
Agri-Hub in Mpumalanga. were supported in the
period under review 5 Agri Hubs were supported

170 agricultural infrastructure

71 agricultural infrastructure facilities were supported in the
facilities were supported in period under review.
the period under review.

Agro Processing 25 Agro 2 agro As at end March 2020, a 8 Agro processing 8 Agro processing None. None
units Processing processing total of 124 agro processing infrastructure projects infrastructures were supported.
established units plants facilities were provided with were supported
technical support and As at end March 2020, a total of
infrastructure and were 124 agro processing facilities
involved in enterprise and were provided with technical
supplier development support and infrastructure and
programme. were involved in enterprise and
supplier development
From January to March programme.
2020, the Department of
Trade Industry and From January to March 2020,
Competition funded the the Department of Trade
agro processing initiatives Industry and Competition funded
through the Agro processing the agro processing initiatives
Incentive Scheme to the through the Agro processing
tune of R58.4million. Incentive Scheme to the tune of
Increase Ha of Hectares of land New 50 000 Ha of 12 500 ha 19 043 hectares of under- 89 029 hectares of land 120 374 hectares of land were None. None.
land under under indicator communal cultivated utilized land in communal in communal areas were cultivated.
cultivation in cultivation land areas and in areas were cultivated for cultivated for production In addition, 12 302 hectares of
communal cultivated (in production in production. across 9 provinces. land were cultivated for summer


Outcome Indicators Baselines 2024 2021 Performance for period 1 Progress in period 1 Cumulative performance for Blockages; Remedial action(s)
Targets Targets April - June 2020 July 2020 to 31 March period 1 April 2020 - March impediments; to be taken or taken
2021 2021 constraints affecting to address
performance; including underperformance
the impact of Covid-19
areas production) the In addition, 12 302 grains and oilseeds.
in following communal hectares of land were
provinces areas cultivated for summer
(Mpumalang (Mpumalang grains and oilseeds.
a, Limpopo, a, Limpopo,
and Northern and Northern 43 461 households were 79 617 households were
31 156 households were
Cape). Cape supported with food supported with production
production initiatives supported with
Provinces) initiatives and 478 gardens were
production initiatives and
478 gardens were

Smallholder Number of 252 000 300 000 20 000 10 782 smallholder 60 003 smallholders 138 660 smallholder producers None None.
farmers smallholder smallhold smallholder Farmers producers were supported. producers were were supported through various
supported with farmers er producers supported. initiatives including COVID 19
supported through
skills and supported producers Relief Funding.
various initiatives.
and financial
support In addition, 14 589 farmers In addition, 53286
measures to were supported through the subsistence producers
increased COVID-19 Agricultural were supported through
productivity Relief Funding benefiting COVID-19 relief fund.
4728 women, 2232 youth
and 135 people living with

Apply Hectares of land New 100 000ha A 50 000 hectares of land A report on piloting of the A report on piloting of the crop None. None
conservation under water indicator under comprehensi earmarked for using water crop suitability to climate suitability to climate change
agricultural conservation modern ve plan and conservation technology change programme for programme for LP, MP, KZN
production technology conservation strategy for agriculture methods were LP, MP, KZN and FS and FS was produced.
methods agriculture agricultural migration to identified across provinces. was produced.
(Migrate from methods methods modern Engagements with the
conventional conservation provinces on the identified
200 hectares of land is 200 hectares of land is under
cultivation of agricultural sites had commenced

Outcome Indicators Baselines 2024 2021 Performance for period 1 Progress in period 1 Cumulative performance for Blockages; Remedial action(s)
Targets Targets April - June 2020 July 2020 to 31 March period 1 April 2020 - March impediments; to be taken or taken
2021 2021 constraints affecting to address
performance; including underperformance
the impact of Covid-19
land to methods however the project is now under agricultural agricultural conservation in
modern water finalized on hold due to COVID 19 conservation in Limpopo Limpopo
conservation 25 000ha of pandemic.
agriculture land 50 000 hectares of land
methods migrated to earmarked for using water
modern conservation technology
conservation agriculture methods were
agriculture identified across provinces.
Engagements with the
provinces on the identified sites
is in progress.

Review the No. of reviews to New Agricultural A The Regulatory Agricultural The review has not been The draft Agriculture Produce Draft Agriculture Produce None
inhibit the agricultural indicator Produce Act comprehensi Produce and Export Act conducted. bill has been submitted to bill
standards on produce export developed. ve review on has not been reviewed. parliament for further
SAGAP and management SAGAP and processing.
Global GAP to practices Global GAP
enable small to enable SA-GAP with
In addition, DALRRD in GLOBALGAP
holder small holder
partnership with Perishable benchmarking report
farmers’ farmers’
Products Export Control Board produced.
participation in participation
the domestic in the
benchmarked SA-GAP with
and global domestic and
GLOBALGAP and a report was
GAP global GAP

The benchmarking exercise was

aimed at establishing the
equivalence recognition for the
SA-GAP food safety audit
framework compared to the
GLOBALGAP food safety audit
framework. The process was


Outcome Indicators Baselines 2024 2021 Performance for period 1 Progress in period 1 Cumulative performance for Blockages; Remedial action(s)
Targets Targets April - June 2020 July 2020 to 31 March period 1 April 2020 - March impediments; to be taken or taken
2021 2021 constraints affecting to address
performance; including underperformance
the impact of Covid-19
also aimed at contributing to a
potential decrease in the
number of Food Safety Audits
required to export perishable
products of plant origin.

Governance Marketing of New 4 reviews to A Not reported in the period The Draft Marketing of The draft Marketing of None. None.
and Agricultural indicator the comprehensi under review. Agricultural Products Agricultural Products
operational Products Act Agricultural ve review on Amendment Bill has Amendment Bill has been
Review of the reviewed produce National been produced. introduced to parliament for
National Fresh (No. of reviews management Fresh further processing.
Produce to the National practices Produce
Markets, and Fresh Produce Markets, and
Agency role in Markets, and Agency role
market access Agency role in in market
for market access access for
smallholders’ for smallholders’
participation. smallholders’ participation


All public Report on New DALRRD 1 Not reported in the period The report was not The report was not available at Entities are still None.
entities for assessment of indicator Public assessment under review. available at the time of the time of submission of this conducting verification
DALRRD DALRRD public entities report of all submission of this report. report. processes related to their
assessed on entities assessed for DALRRD reports. The information
financial, financial, Public will be made available
governance, governance, Entities once reports have been
and relevance relevance, concluded.
for functionality,
sustainability and


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