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3. Gaurav Sir’s Banking Awareness (Sta c) Course
4. Gaurav Sir’s Insurance Awareness Course
5. Gaurav Sir’s Computer Awareness Course

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3 onuoary 2024+
) The toth phase of saga pai broma
has been launched from
chennai port
maugwated by Dr parsho ttam Rupala and DrL.
’Dr paashottam Ropala is the ministey for isheries , Animal
Husbandry Dairying
>This(nis sSagas paityama willtravel thorogh dierent disticts
c fndna 'ke Nel lore, visakhapatnamg srikakulam. Aoi t
Cover lot of coas tal places os Andna: Tt arll also pass thoh
konaseea, kakinoda vi2ayanagaham yna m pudchemy
’From st of Ton
Jan to 6h Tan we haue this ot phase
’ This is the initiative cf department ok ffsheries which oorks
Under the ministry of fisheies, Animal Hus bandsy Dairying
’ The govt o7ticials they visit the places they nteract t th
the farmers (dairy faymer) They a so înteract oith te fisherman
Communi ty Agua fesmers ete; hey tell them about the govt
schemes 90vt polcies whidh can help them.
’ This sagco parikrama is covering all the coastal states ot
Irdia It stoted from ujahat phase ot sagas paikroa
coas from mandvi to porbandor ?n Gujnat his sP oas storted
en sth Mas 2022 fas ? phases have been completed They
have been completed from Gianat Daman Du, Mahasashtray
Goa, kana taka , kerela, Andaman & Nicoban, TN soe paats os
Andhoa pradesh
’ Jndia has vey lasge ksnd ot tsheries sector aud oe have
’ prachan mantri Matsya sampaca yojana trget by 2ozy-26
oe should have lath crore o fich exports kom India·
we should have 22o lath tonne o 22 Milion tonne boYth
of Ash produetion fn
in Thdia.
’ oe vecen ty cele brated oor lal fishenes Day on g1st Nov .
we ako had global fisheries con ference (Toot place n Ahmedabad)
and on that occassion the fisheries Auooods oere also ghen.
-A-p is the Bestt Maaine state Condhsa pradesh)
~Ramanath puram m Tamil Nacdu is the best Marine distict
-0p is the best n land state.
Seoni n MP is the best fnbnd district:
Assam is the Best Himalayan or North -Eastern state
Assam is the best Himalayan or orth eastern
B J K won the best district n the uTÍ
’ isth Agicoltural science congsess was organizad vecently on
kochi Tt oas aavgunated by parshottam Rupala
’620 pavdemi c fond tthey hae approved 25 mi llion $
for aninal health system n Dnoia Co improve the animal
heath system nIrdia)
’progsam known
enown as A- HELP . Tt 08as lanched n wtasatvd
st then it Oas launched n Gaujasat and very vecently R has
been aunched n ghasthand . A- HELP is basically Aceredited
Aqent for Health and Exten si on oh Gvestock productton
Loant to merease the tive stock production by having
traned persenne ll.
prades "has
2) Himachal bydesh issUed
he notihcation to gire
schedu led tribe (sT) status
Hattee community o
Trans Giri area ok
sirmau distric4 "

Giri is bastcalls a name of a River.

’Now they are eligible for yeservation and! they are
also eligible for diferent qovt schemes that are stoted for
ST community cabinet approval has been given.
’Saalier the central govt they had modified the st g
Amendment Act This as n 2023 to give the status (sT
Status) to the Hattee com monits noo t has been approved
by the Himachal cabinet also Because fn HP there oere
electons gofng on so it as bit delayed.
’ This Hattee tribe they ive not only sirmawr tn Frans 6iv?
area but they also live m the Jaun Sas Bas area
ottonakand. hing s that Sn uttosathand they alreodly have
sT Status. (sT status oas glven to them fn (96? it self)
That time uttarakhand oas
as paat & u'p. Tn H-P they have
been demandingq tor the ST Status smce (469 .
be cause
they build small na kets
’ Thes aye called Ha ttee
called Haat ohere the goock are sold Cke crops, meat oool
’ 6iri River is a tribtasy o yamna Rives Gh H:p there is
a take non as Pong dam lake (ponq dam wS )
-’ pong davm wild ife santuay Tt has been declaed as
Sco sensitive 2one Cwhich means that no human actvites
are al lowed like mining ilegal sand mining constrchon
Hotels all these are stopped
’ pong dam is a Ram sa site
’ponq dam has the oater comiming fom Beas Rives. £
is also nDLOn as Maharana pratap sagan Dam. t is oa
Man made lake.
>Hp Ramasan sites pong dam late, Renuka lake,
chandatal lake
)pM celebrated diali at lepcha ohich is aamy base m
lahaul spiti
3) "Muhammad yunus been convicted for violating
Bangladesh laboslaos
- ’ He oas auarded the No be l peace pri2e n 200 6
’hfact he is the Nobel peace prize oìnnes fn Bangladeah
’ Bot he violated Bang ladeshi labos laws So him 3

o5 this collges they were convicted undey abou lawand

they oere senten ced to & months En prison.
’ He is elaimed for ele vating milbons from poverty He

has done pound breaking wort n miero fnance see tar Sn

Langladesh. CHe is the ta ther of Micro finance sector B
Bangladesh but he and sob his colleagues they have a
com pany called Gyam een Telecom thay faced acqwsiton
violating laboun lass fos neglecting to establish woorkers
Loelfare fund. ohich is incumbent as pev the rules ob the
Bangladesh abous laas (4
’ He also wou the United states Presidential medal o
freedom Cuohich is the highest civilian awand ot America)
He got it in 2009:
4)4) " Mata bi port is thefist deep sea port

’ Basically it is informed that Ihndia is considevinq
Proposal to connect Bangladesh's Matar barì port to the
North easterm states of India t oll help fn logistie
’Tt is the st Deep Sea port (Means you can have very
heavy ships also be cause of if the water level is not at very
to come
lwge depth the ship will stoy n the mud not able
cut from there) ohich is cepable ot hos tinq large esselr .
’ t is a Deep sea port ohie h is Undey (onctruction
cox$ Ba2a) M Bonglodes h
’ They ar deve loping this deep sea port oith 750 mi llion
(oan that is given by TrCA nd it oil stast its operations y
>Eangladesh ’ safadighi povt This is the port which has
been declared as a port of call which weans that it is
Mandatory ftor Brcian dhips to take a pause here (halt here)
Lahen they go from hdia to onglacesh 0Y vìce versa.
-’ Maitree super Therma pouer project >’ 182o Mw is ben
set op in khulna tn Bang ladesh o th the help os -6 billion f
loan fom Tndia
5) Renaming o kalahandi universi ty to, Maa Mani kes wai
Universi ty
has been
>4 is nodisha
> This univers ity is (ocated Bhaoanipatna which is
district HQ ob Kalahand? n odisha
’ This oniversity has been tnctioning snce st sep 2020 and
the name Oas changod Re cantly duntng the toondation day of
kalahandì district which eas On st Nov 2023. ft mainly
Serves 50 colleges of Nua pada and kalahandi
-’Mani kes oari temple is located n kalahandi and tne
mainy diety goddess Manikesusari This temple is (ocated
sooth ok Bhaauipatna

) Recentty , cultural erehange ancd touri sm cooperation

nitiati ve ?
Lam Donq province and leh, ladath
ladakh unvei led ?
oas ottietally inaugusated m
ba lat
’ Da lat and am Donq province are vie tnam b
There are 2 MooS
(: cultural exchange and tourism cooperation.
2 Agsiculture collaboration
’ cOMmitee setup ’ High posered commìtee by the
Ministry Home affars to protect the cultore &language
ot ladakh ud also to give the youtth of (adakh the
em ployent opportuni by ttee
- cOmm iittee fs headed by Nityanand
Ras 6)
) kereta k- SMART Initiative 3

k-SMART’ kere la solutions for Managmq Administrative

Re forma tion and Transformation
’ They oant to completely Reform their administration
their gover nance They oill brinq all -the services ob the e tie
local self govemment Tnsti tutions onithed Digi tal
plattor TH will give major relief to the ex pa trì a tes
CThose people o abroad oho are o orting n kere la who oant
to avaìl varies servi ces o (ocal bodies oithout vìsiting
the offees.
’k-SMART ill Stream line local qovt services n kere la
-’ kere la’ st state in Dnlia to declare Bternet access
fundamental Rights
s) ttar pradesh has
’Tanked first 8n recording the
highest entry rate
on the
Tntey - ope vable evì minal Jus tice
sys tem CTCTS ) platfonm u
’up consistently No-! continuurly for a grd yeas

patform U·P Recorded S622, sl4 en tn'es.

M POas grdod oith around 25 lath entries
Biha oas oith l6- 6 lakh entries

’1c7s is implemented by the minis try of Howme afatrs

ON the order ok supreme cot e-committee.
-’ TCJS Platform doaci lb tates th seam les transfer of cata
blw different pillaoas of criainal Jostice system.
’ To gìve the justice you require prisons to works, polce to
toork pobie to oork Jodiciay to oork. There shoold be
Smooth data trans fer blo all of these pillans of ctmnal
Jostice system
’ Thaoogh rcos Records ike FIR, Case No Jail TD,

all of these se cords ae main tained. and any body oho

egures these are avai la ble at a click of mooSe .

’ cahentty oe TC IS phase -2 This oas

launehed n feb 2022

unifes s pillas police ( Tntegiated by the
erime and criminal Fracking and netoork system(ce TNS)
e- couats (x coUts), e- prosecution ( which is for the
poblic prosecutors)e- pr isons ( fo prìson ) s e-forensics
(for forensic labs)
’TC IS prject is implemented by National crime
Bureau n patnership oi th National In formnatics center(nre)

) The Mumbai Trans Hasbour Link (MTHL)

L Loill be
L by
PM Narendya Modi
’2t:8Em is the total lergth ob the
Janway 2024
’ P4 bewitl be inaugunatecl by pM Modi on izta
t oitl Pndia's longest s otdí zthI2h longest sea brfdge
Loill cut the travel
travel time fiom mumba? to Navi
Mumbai dhasticaly
’ PA is a 6 lane bYidge t65 lem is above the sea ard
6.5km is on the land
-’ R is also knoon as seor Nhava sheva trans Hoebow
Link. Tt is stoting fiom seori all the oay to Nhava sheva
(It starts at sewri (south Bombay) ano it oill then crosS
Thane Creek and it oill teYm inate at chiy le neas Nhava
’ The loan has been given bs gTC CTapan Dnternationa!
ooperation Aqency ) (8,
o00CY isis the loan The construe hon
Db the bridge began Bn 2018
-’ This byidge is oyticially knoon as Atal Bi hasj vaj payee
trans Hasbous ink.

l0) Jharkhond The lavnch os Mukhya man tr
Gram oaci yojana

’ so the Transport depatment o% Jhaskhavl oill sent the

ve hicles nsick the villages so that the roxal people don 4
have to (oalk soMuch
’ These oitl be small buses 22 to 2 seater ancl they ll
every day iom the Twalroutes to the city headquvtes
han soo kus
aud they coill the dis tance of more han km every day
Soo Boses
BUses they oilt be stosting n
phase a
Though -this scheme al the banefciaies (eligible) orediaay
ciBizen will be able to sit the vehicle.He doesn'4 have
road tax
to pay any fee
> under this scheme f any pvt person oants to yun thes
buses they aant to buy tis bus he coill get s % teregt
Yate yebate also (5% off on theDrteyet rate )

) s2nd Anmual Thoian History congtes 2023

Las held at

kakatiya University , oa rangal Telangaha .

scientihe approach toosde his tory hey talkad
-’R is a Moderm
about 6 themes ke anclent Rtia Medieval Dndia ,
Jhoia, Histury of countries beyond Irdia, Avcheology
Contempaary Tria
Ram chancha auha the famous hìstorian he oasas given the
life time achievement AuaOod.
’ Barpvjari Ausad Coas given for best roban histony boot).
to prof. k M shrimali Eoo stucties in Eoaly Trdian
given Thooght
it oag set up
’ Irdian History conghess
Nes s000 Rupees
’H* Bos pujaì National awcods ’
i2) Randhi Jaisoalhas assumed the chorge the
officiallý offclal spokes pers on
for the
Ministry of External Afatrs
-’ He coill replace Arindam Bagehi
L3) The performan ce-linked in cen thve ( PLT) scheme

avtomobile and auto components in dos tries

hag been ertended by
One yeah
Ks 25,938 is the total outlay under the scheme
-’4 has been extended by Minstry of teavy do tbies
’ A the finan cial incen tives oill now be available fo
FV24 al the uoay to Fy 2s Cecaies it oas cupposed to evd o
py 2 but no it oill continue til FY e8)
’ There are Some thseshold that yo have to olAll br
manvfac turinq you do hat gou oitl get mcen tYves by
the govt
’ PLE schame it ocoas
launched n MMasch 020
PLE scheme is
14 sectors. (one of the sector is
automobile auto oM ponents indostri es sec tor )

I4) Mittayì scheme akich ,

provides support to thoce sofertng
from Ty pe tdiabetes e
cas launched by
Kere la

’ Typetdiabetes TE there is no Dnsulin Ba the bady

Cnsoin is prococel by the B cels of panceas)and these
B-cells ae not fonctioning shce childhood.
-’qoo of the people they suffer fem Type-2 Diabe teg
Ihsvlin is there 8 the body bot it is hot coorking be ause
there is Dnsulin Res is tance
-4 oas nformed that n kerela approx 12, oo0 children
Under the age of I8 they ae not ellgible for Mi ttayischee
becavse heir parents annval income & more than elakh.
’ Dn Mi ttayi scheme the support i given to only
thase childhen ohot fami ly ncome s less than 2lakh
This scheme oas launched 20(8 but there are
Some changer ohi eh haue been done recently
I5)Re centy Beatice chebet has omen's skm oort

she sis from kenya

she reated a oord Recosd’she completed s km Yace
m l4 min £ (s Se conds only . she broke the old Record t

I6) Reliance poer has

signed to
sell ts |200 MW kalai 1
HycboelectrÉe project
39 rore
Rs l2
THDC Tndia limited
Lis S Lohit River Bas fn n Arunoc hal pradesh.
-’cusentty it is ovoned by Re liance poer bt they
Selling it to THDC.
’ kalai T project t was given to Re lance fn 20o? bot
Heliance s not
there are Prolong detays bebe cause of hat

Dnterested n his project anym0Ye

Tehri Hycbo Develop ment- coYporation
’ THpe is Tehri Tis is the
SONne com pony thot also ns the Tehri Dam in vttrakhond
kotesho dam n uttara thand, even there s wind PoLer
psoject n n patan distriet B ouj ahat. oind project m
Duoas ka fn Gujasat. Y0n by THDC.
’ THDc is oho ouonecd sobsidory ot NTPC · NTPC is
mainly fnto Non Renevoable Snergy Snergy thaogh

Coal) MTPC wors Under the tniz try of Ppewer -

Govt ot ia 12
’ THDC is tnto Reneooble Shergy THDC is mìn? vatna
CatogerY -! company.
V has >appoted
12) Ravincbha kunmas Tyagi been
Nes chairman and
Managsng Director (CMb)
L of the
pouoer Grid cor poration
of Tndia td
CMaharatna company)
’pouoer Gmid co poration of holia ttd this com pany ocg
Started 1929 is a Maharatna company m 2019 it

Coas given the sta tus of Maharatna H-A Gnvgram .

cdisha CM Naveen patnai
has laid the
founda tion stone "for225
>6y225 crore Bhubanesoas
Metro Rail project
26 km is is its total length in the 1st phase
’ This project will have 20 stations n the st phace fom
Bhubaneshoar aiYport to Tris holia and lates on it orll be
’Thìs s the project under 57 Trans formation Thi tfative
by Naveen patnaik.
’Bhubaneshoa metro have signed agieement contract ott
Delhi metro for te constrvetion f etro Railoay om
Bijupat naik Tnternation rport to ris holia . so
Metro Rail coporation oill do the conctrvc tion of
Bhobanes hwas metr i this project i oill be corapleted o
4 yeas. cnd then H otll Yequre ust 45 mns to go
from Bhubaneshscs atsport to Trisholia
’ Thìs project Loas announced on ist April because 1stApril
is the btkal Diwas (The toundation day odisha).
’5T- Team oork, Tianspaiency Technolo94 Time E
Tians fomaton yecentHy he added IMOre T called Tour
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1. Gaurav Sir’s Current Affairs Course

2. Gaurav Sir's Sta c GK Course
3. Gaurav Sir’s Banking Awareness (Sta c) Course
4. Gaurav Sir’s Insurance Awareness Course
5. Gaurav Sir’s Computer Awareness Course

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