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For: NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety

Open Book Examination


Available for 24 hours

Learner name MOHAMMAD RAIS

NEBOSH learner 00688104
Learning Partner name 733-GREEN WORLD SAFETY & SECURITY

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Answer sheet IG1-0035-ENG-OBE-V1 Feb24 © NEBOSH 2024

Task 1: Financial impact of accidents

Question 1
Possible financial impacts upon car manufacturing company due to robotic arm and
bench mounted machinery accidents are as follows,
1) No damage to property or injury to people: - As seen in scenario, in bench
mounted machinery accident following financial impacts can be incurred by
2) Temporary stoppage of work as both workers were found arguing. Loss of
production time is equal to loss of money.
3) Time consumed by HSE SUPERVISOR to understand the situation and give
appropriate advice. Loss of production time made by HSE can lead to loss of more
4) Workers had to work overtime as other worker was injured in past and
organisation had to pay overtime money.
5) Exhausted workers will give less efficiency and hence loss of production in direct
way is observed and therefore this can lead to further loss for organisation.
6) Value of material wasted: - as seen in scenario once workers were hit by robotic
arm supervisor immediately used emergency button to stop machine and material
which were in progress of painting was wasted.
7) Value of finished products or work in progress lost as a result: - When machine
was stopped in emergency it will take a lot of other procedure to start it again and
hence loss in ongoing process.
8) Cost of replacement or repair of plant and equipment: - As robotic arm hit new
apprentice worker this could lead to damage to equipment.
9) Loss of production while repairs are done: - As mentioned above due to accident
if robotic arm was found in damaged condition it could lead to repair or replacement
of machine.
10) Increased overtime incurred to make up loss of production: - as seen in
scenario, if new apprentice worker had broken bone this could lead to major accident
or Loss Time Injury which in results can lead to loss of production.
11) Cost of Medical Treatment: - If new apprentice worker had injured and got a
fractured bone this will lead to medical expense upon organisation.
12) Compensation payable to victim: - If apprentice worker after treatment asked for
compensation organisation had to comply and pay them.
13) Fines imposed on conviction for breach of criminal law: - if LTI occurred and it
had to be reported to Labour Officer then organisation may had to ay fined incurred
upon them.
14) Loss of victims own productive capacity:- if new apprentice worker had broken
bone this may lead to their loss of productive capacity which in turn results in hiring
new apprentice and hiring cost along with procedural cost had to be incurred by
15) Loss of production time due to workers stopping to assist victim: - As seen in
scenario, Supervisor, First-Aider and construction workers were assisting victim.
16) Downtime on machinery due to switching off in order to assist victim: -
Supervisor used emergency button to stop robotic arm.
17) Insurance Cost of victim: - with medical cost comes insurance cost of victim too.
18) Other financial impacts which organisation had to incurred due to this accidents are
loss of staff from productive duties in order to investigate the accident,
preparing reports, undertaking hospital visits, dealing with victims’ relatives,
attending court proceedings.

Task 2: Policy review

Question 2

Answer sheet IG1-0035-ENG-OBE-V1 Feb24 © NEBOSH 2024

Possible reasons for reviewing health and safety policy at car manufacturing organisation
is as follows
1) Change in structure of organisation or change in management: - The H&S Policy
of car manufacturing organisation has been not changed or reviewed since last six
years and also it was signed by last site manager who retired six years ago.
2) Change in building or workplace: - Administration office area has been undergoing
into construction and this could be a good reason to review policy.
3) When work arrangements changes or new processes are introduced: - Robotics
arms has been recently installed in painting area of production line.
4) When indicated by risk assessment or audit:- While rereading policy after 5 years
HSE Supervisor can ask for reviewing policy and management should support their
concerns too.
5) Following a government enforcement action: - If broken bone of new apprentice in
reported as LTI and Labour Officer take action and asked for review of policy, then
organisation had to review their policy.
6) Result of the findings from an accident: - It had to be reviewed when other worker
from bench mounted machinery area got injured, if this accident was not been kept
secret from H&S team it could have helped in reviewing policy and preventing other
accidents/near-misses as well.
7) If consultation with workers or third party representatives highlights
deficiencies: - When bench mounted machinery workers complained about broken
vacuum extractor system, WM should have acted upon it and should also be reported
to H&S Team.
8) If requested by third parties such as clients, insurance company, customers: -
In event of regular near-miss, accident or incident, insurance company can ask for
the change in policy.
9) Lack in management commitment observed during Safety Committee Meeting: -
When such observation is made and committee ask for review of H&S Policy.
10) Change in workforce or Introduction of new work force: - Such as new apprentice
scheme launched by organisation and new workforce of apprentice workers has
joined recently.
11) Following a change in legislation: - If any change occurred in legislation.
12) Policy review tenure: - A fixed policy review tenure is mentioned on it at time of
signing from higher authority such as 3 years or 5 years.

Task 3: Managing risks for those working from home

Question 3
Positive approach made by car manufacturing organisation for managing work from
home risk are as follows,
1. There is short term policy for people working for short duration from home.
2. There is long term policy for people working for long duration from home.
3. During pandemic, organisation took responsibility and introduced new H&S
Policy for people working from home.
4. A work from home guidance was introduced by organisation in order to
understand and mitigate risk involved in it.
5. Affected workers and even their supervisors were thoroughly familiar with
those guidelines even after 18 months.
6. HSE Supervisor arrange to conduct new Risk Assessment for Direct Screen
Equipment’s (DSE).
7. HSE Supervisor reviews Work from Home Risk Assessment.
8. Team Leader agrees for have regular face to face meetings and twice weekly
meetings to discuss work and H&S of people working from home.
9. Same team leaders are working with team who worked as TL at time of
10. No new IT Equipment’s is required.

Answer sheet IG1-0035-ENG-OBE-V1 Feb24 © NEBOSH 2024

Task 4: Accident investigation

Question 4 (a)
Following actions to be taken to collect evidence for production line accident
1. Preserving the accident site: - Either by barricading it or by posting sufficient
restricted entry signage.
2. Gathering Physical Evidence: - In order to get more accurate data of accident
happened it should be collected immediately such as take adequate photographs
and videos of accident area.
3. Securing accident site: - Secure accident site in order to prevent unauthorised
entry as accident area is very near to construction site.
4. Remove unauthorised personnel from accident site: - In order to prevent
tampering of evidence.
5. Obtaining evidence from accident witnesses: - Witnesses such as contractor
worker, first aider, Supervisor and victim himself.
6. Photograph the accident site: - Photographs has to be taken from accident site.
7. Collect any perishable physical evidence: - Evidence which can be altered or
can be perished due to weather condition should be immediately documented
such as seen in scenario dripped water from outside rain at floor of production
8. Collect all relevant information: - Such as when accident occurred, at what time
happened, who were involved in work etc. etc.
9. Details about workers: - Such as who was construction contractor and why he
was there.
10. Details about Injured Person: - Such as why IP was running and which type of
Safety Shoes they were wearing.
11. Note a narrative description of events that took place: - such as location of
accident, sequence of events leading up to accident, equipment or objects
involved, conditions under which accident took place, task being performed when
incident occurred.
12. Information about supervisor at accident site: - Such as who was supervisor
at workplace responsible, where were they at time of accidents etc.
13. Causal factors related to accidents: - Such as residual causes of accidents.
14. Underlying cause and immediate cause: - Immediate cause should be noted at
that time.
15. Analyse collected data to find root cause.
Question 4 (b)
Immediate causes of production line accident are as follows:-
1. Substandard Signage: - Uncovered important door signage of “Authorised
Workers Only” was removed due to rain.
2. Trail of water drop on floor leading to scene of accident: - Which has been
dripped from construction contractor wet cloths.
3. Robotic Arm Machine radius was not hard barricaded or Isolated: - That’s why
after slipping worker came in path of robotic arm machine.
4. Robotic Arm Machine area was not kept closed for unauthorised entry by
using means of access control.
5. Unsafe act by both construction contractor and apprentice worker such as
construction contractor entered and started videography of robotic arm and
apprentice worker started running.
6. Instead of signage, “Authorised Workers Only” also should have been
7. Construction contractor didn’t used emergency button to stop machine.

Answer sheet IG1-0035-ENG-OBE-V1 Feb24 © NEBOSH 2024

Task 5: Negative health and safety culture indicators

Question 5
Negative indicators of H&S culture at car manufacturing organisation are as follows,
1. High Sickness, ill health and Absentee rate: - As seen in scenario, H&S
Supervisor of machinery workshop is absent since last two months.
2. High rate of accidents and incidents: - Recent accident of machine worker.
3. Perception of Blame Culture: - As seen in scenario in at workshop machine area
two workers arguing upon a near-miss.
4. High Insurance Premiums: - Broken arm of new apprentice can lead to high
insurance premiums.
5. High Staff turnover: - New scheme of apprentice workers launched by
organisation and H&S Supervisor is absent since last two months and other
worker from machinery workshop is absent due to injury.
6. Lack of resources: - Damaged vacuum extractor in workshop area.
7. Prevalence of unsafe practices: - Can be seen in scenario as workers at
Worksop machine area sweep the swarf of machines into piles and didn’t throw
them on regular basis.
8. Stress/Anxiety and Low Morale: - Machine workers were stressed due to other
workers accident and their absent led to overtime.
9. Frequent Complaints and Grievances: - Workers complained to workshop
manager about damaged vacuum extractor.
10. Lack of commitment from management: - At several occasions it has been
observed such as not repairing vacuum extractor, ignoring orders complaints etc.
11. Non-Compliance with Safety Regulations: - Employer at car manufacturing
organisation was not providing safe and secured workplace.
12. Regular Procedural Violations: - Construction contractor entering robotic arm
machine bay.
13. Poor Contractor Management: - As observed in scenario, contractor induction
package lacks important details and their work area is not segregated from
ongoing production line.
14. Inadequate safety protocols: - Insufficient H&S arrangements were observed at
car manufacturing organisation such as lack of PPE, first aid arrangements etc.
15. Poor Communication: - A gap between workers and management is basic
example of poor communication i: e absence of H&S Committee.
16. Lack of Consultation: - Workers were never consulted while developing any
H&S Documents such as risk assessment, SSOW etc.
17. Lack of Training: - Construction contractors lack induction training which
eventually led to accident.
18. Neglect of accident investigation: - A worker at machine workshop was injured
and accident was not reported or investigated.
19. Reluctance to report concerns: - Workers at machine workshop reported their
issues and was ignored by workshop manager.
20. Improper signage and poster system: - Should identify where and what type of
signage and poster to be used.

Task 6: Contractor induction

Question 6
Information that should be included in induction package (training) for new
contractors/employees are as follows,
1. H&S Policy of organisation: - All policies and their statement of intent to be
discussed during induction.
2. Senior Management commitment towards health and safety: - Briefly explain
how management is committed towards H&S of their employees/contractors.

Answer sheet IG1-0035-ENG-OBE-V1 Feb24 © NEBOSH 2024

3. Overview of project/workplace: - This is very important as if this has been
inducted to construction contractor they would have never entered robot arm
machine area.
4. Hierarchy of management: - To be included for several purposes such as
reporting illness/accident/incident/near-miss etc.
5. Fire Fighting and Evacuation procedures in case of fire: - This will help in
reacting in case of fire emergencies.
6. First aid arrangements and emergency contact numbers:- This will help
contractor to contact appropriate personnel in case of any emergency
7. Accident and Incident Reporting methods and means: - This will help in
reporting any accident sufficiently without being confused.
8. Welfare facilities: - This is very important as this can restrict unauthorised entry.
9. Daily tool box talks/ on-site job specific training (as per PTW) and regular
training updates.
10. Consultation of workers regarding H&S matters and its due process: - This
will motivates contractor to raise concerns and issues and get it resolved in timely
11. Responsibilities of all employees/contractors toward H&S within
organisation:- Outlining roles and responsibilities will help in smooth functioning
within organisation
12. Smoking area and general site rules.

Task 7: Individual factors

Question 7
The individual human factors that could have influenced behaviour of personnel involved
during production line accident are as follows,
1. Attitude: - Attitude is person’s point of view or way he/she/them/they of looking
something such as apprentice worker was newly recruited and they were
enthusiastic towards site rules that have been taught during their hiring process.
2. Aptitude: - This means individuals ability in relation to something such as their
experiences, knowledge, skills etc. as seen in scenario, both new apprentice
worker and construction contractor were new for robotic arm machine and that
leads their reaction during that events of accident.
3. Motivation: - Motivation is what makes act the way he/she does. As seen in
scenario, new apprentice worker were motivated towards organisation security
policies and that’s why they reacted in hurry to stop videography done by
construction contractor.
4. Perception of Risk: - It means how we react in any situation by using our existing
knowledge, skill, experiences and attitude towards hazards and risk present at
workplace. If new apprentice workers perception towards their workplace hazards
or risk was evaluated by worker instead of reacting in hurry could have stopped
from accident to happen.
5. Errors and Violations: - Error means mistake done but not with an intention to do
so. Whereas violation is deviation from rules/procedures/instructions or
regulations. Violation done by construction contractor had led to accident of new
apprentice worker.
6. Effects of age and experience: - it means reaction of different employees will be
different in any situation according to their age and experiences such as
construction contractor was in shock condition and didn’t use emergency top
button of robotic arm instead Supervisor with their experiences reacted wisely.
7. Influence of Peers: - this means new workers comes under influence of their
superiors or old workers and react in a way as they are trained or told to do. As
seen in scenario, apprentice worker took it personally to stop construction worker
from taking video of robotic arm without thinking about their own safety, this
shows how they were influenced in previous days about security policies from

Answer sheet IG1-0035-ENG-OBE-V1 Feb24 © NEBOSH 2024

their seniors.

Task 8: Administrative control measures

Question 8
Administrative control measures that could be implemented to avoid reoccurrence of
production line accident are as follows,
1. Implement Induction Training for all contractors/new employees: - This
induction training should specifically include work area/restricted area.
2. Restricted Access or access control means: - This has to be implemented so
that adequate segregation is made for contractor workers and employees as
where one can work and can access only that location.
3. Housekeeping and Hygiene procedures: - These procedures has to be
implemented to avoid any worker entering hazardous area such as Robotic Arm
Machine area with wet clothes.
4. Adequate Supervision: - As seen in scenario, there was no supervision in both
areas (construction and production line) and that’s why two unauthorised workers
violated site or organisational general rules.
5. Reporting Procedures: - Organisation should develop and train their employees
for appropriate reporting system if they encounter any violation or unsafe
act/unsafe conditions.
6. STOP WORK AUTHORITY: - Organisation should develop SWA procedures and
trained all employees and contractors how to suspend any activity within
organisation without getting injured in this due process.
7. Adequate and appropriate signage system: - within organisation all signage
should be re-inspected and checked for their efficiency and should be use other
methods of displaying hazardous area signage instead of sticking a poster.
8. Imposing Fines for violating general site safety and security regulations: -
This will restrict contractors as well as employees to get motivation to violate any
site specific regulations.
9. Means of communication in high noise area: - Organisation had to find new
means of communication in areas where there are high noise such as robotic arm
machinery area.
10. Preventive Health and Safety Measures: - Such as regular monitoring to be
done by adequate HSE professionals to identify hazards/risk and can mitigate it
then and there.
11. Hazardous Area/Machinery posters and Signage’s:- This will help other
workers to understand hazards associated in working area even if they enter by
12. Implement appropriate PPE: - Such as slip resistant safety shoes.

Your total
word count*
* please note that this form already has 0 words (excluding text boxes and footers), which
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Documents and NEBOSH RRC book, study notes, dictionary Hindi to

sources of information English, ,personal experiences.
you used in your

End of examination

Answer sheet IG1-0035-ENG-OBE-V1 Feb24 © NEBOSH 2024

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Answer sheet IG1-0035-ENG-OBE-V1 Feb24 © NEBOSH 2024

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