Chapter Wise MCQ (Est)

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Chapter 1

Q 1. Abiotic environment does not include






Q 2. Chief source of energy in environment is ......






Q 3. Energy is returned to the atmosphere in the form of

a) potential energy

b) metabolic energy

c) heat

d) vapors


Q 4. Which of the following is the example of impact of development activities on Hydrosphere?





Q 5. Zone consisting air, water and soil is known as....

a) Atmosphere

b) Hydrosphere

c) Biosphere

d) Lithosphere


Q 6. Formation of Ozone is?

a) Oxidation Reaction

b) Reduction Reaction

c) Photochemical Reaction

d) None of the above


Q 7. One of the following is not a type of environment.

a) Physical environment

b) Man made environment

c) Social environment

d) hydrosphere

Q 8. Social Environment includes ...

a) Traditions,

b) ethics,




Q 9. Physical environment is also called as...

a) Abiotic environment

b) Biotic environment

c) Man made environment

d) Psychological environment


Q 10. The term environment is derived from an old French word “ënviro” means....

a) Outside

b) Inside

c) Surroundings

d) Biotic community


Q 10. Which of the Following is not the impact of acid rain?

a) Acidification of soil

b) Deterioration of buildings

c) Loss of crops
d) Improve the taste of water


Q 11. Major cause of increment in population growth is......

a) decrease in birth rate

b) decrease in mortality rate

c) illiteracy

d) none of the above


Q12 Q13 Q14

Which of the following is not a Which one of the following is not a

component of 4Rs? recyclable waste? The 4Rs principle is applicable for…

a) Reduce a) Metal a) Public awareness

b) Resell b) Plastic b) Environmental protection

c) Reuse c) Sand c) Saving natural resources

d) Recover d) Glass d) All of the above
Ans: <b> Ans: <c> Ans: <d>

Q15 Q16 Q17

Layer which saves life from harmful Greenhouse gases which is present in Burning of fossil fuels
effects of UV radiations is known as very high quantity is

a) Ozone Layer a) Prophen a) Decrease green house gases

b) Alpha Layer b) Ethane b) Increase green house gases

c) Gama Layer c) Carbon di-oxide c) Increase level of oxygen

d) Infra Red Layer d) Methane d)Increase level of ethane
Ans: <a > Ans: <c> Ans: <b>
Q18 Q19 Q20

One which is not considered as The most harmful environmental Height of ozone above surface of
naturally occurring greenhouse gas is pollution from nuclear reactor is Earth is

a) Carbon di-oxyde a) radioactivity a) 30 – 50 kms

b) Methane b) particulate formation b) 10 – 20 kms

c) thermal pollution c) 15 – 30 kms

c) nitrous oxide

d) ethane d) Noise Pollution a) 50 – 70 kms

Ans: <d> Ans: <c> Ans: <c>

Q21 Q22 Q23 Q24 Q25

Ozone layer is found What type of radiation Biotic environment Greenhouse gases Color of ozone
in .... is trapped on the includes which is present in molecule is
earth's surface by the very high quantity is
green house effect?

a) Thermosphere a) UV rays a) producers a) Prophen a) Blue

b) Stratosphere b) ? -rays b) consumers b) Ethane b) White

c) Troposphere c) X-rays c) decomposers c) Carbon di-oxide c) Pale Yellow

d) Mesosphere d) IR rays d)All above d) Methane d)Pale Green

Ans: <b> Ans: <a> Ans: <d> Ans: <c> Ans: <a>
Q26 Q27 Q28 Q29 Q30
71% of earth surface Of the total water on Nitrous oxide Public awareness of Major cause of Ozone
is covered with: the Earth, fresh water (commonly called environment creates depletion is due to
reserves constitue laughing gas) has ---------------------- which chemical ?
approximately– been a matter of
concern to
recently because–
a) Land a) 70 % a) it is thought to a) Environment a)
cause cancer at low protection Chlorofluorocarbons
b) Air b) 2.7% b) it produce b) Environment b) Polyphenols
photochemical smog degradation

c) Water c) 27 % c) it is a green house c) Environmental c) Dioxins

gas improvement

d) Coal d) 8.9 % b) None of the above d) Environmental c) None of the above


Ans: <c > Ans: <b> Ans: <c> Ans: <a> Ans: <a>

Q31 Q32 Q33 Q34 Q35

Air is composed of What is troposphere? How is the The area where all Exchange of outgoing
gases, water vapours atmosphere, the living organisms and incoming
and......... hydrosphere and interact with each radiations that keep
lithosphere connected other and their Earth warm is known
? environment is as
a) dust particles a) Portion of air a) Hydrological cycle a) biosphere a) greenhouse effect

b) Rainfall b) Portion of water b) Nitrogen cycle b) exosphere

b) radiation effect

c) Lowest layer of c) Oxygen cycle c) mesosphere

c) Snowfall c) infrared effect
atmosphere where
we survive

d) light d) Portion of sky d) Carbon cycle d) None of the above

d) ozone layer

Ans: <a> Ans: <c> Ans: <d> Ans: <a> Ans: <a>
Q36 Q37 Q38 Q39 Q40

The portion of the “Ozone Hole” is a The historical Ozone is formed in the The amount of solar
earth and its ------------------------ monument that is upper atmosphere by a radiation reaching the
environment which affected by acid rain photochemical reaction surface of the earth is
can support life is is with called as
known as

a) crust a) Hole in the a) Taj Mahal a) Ultra violet solar a) Solar flux
atmosphere radiation

b) exosphere b) Destruction of b) Pyramid of Egypt b) Infra red b) Reflected light

ozone layer radiation

c) biosphere c) Hole in c) Pisa Tower c) Visible light c) Minerals

d) mesosphere d) Hole in atmosphere d) Golden Temple d) All of the above d) solvents

Ans: <c> Ans: <b> Ans: <a> Ans: <a> Ans: <a>
Q1 Q2 Q3

_____% of the Earth's surface is covered When trees are cut, amount of oxygen Write example of Non-metallic minerals
with water. Identify the uses of water

a)20 a)decreases a)domestic

b)80 b)increases b)industrial

c)71 c)both a) and b) c)agricultural

d)100 d)remains same d) All the above

Ans: <c> Ans: <a> Ans: <d>

Q4 Q5 Q6

Land covers up only _____% of the Which metals are used for making Write example of Non-metallic minerals
earth’s surface Jewellery?

a)10 a)Sodium, Potassium a)Lime

b)29 b)Zinc, Tungsten b)Haematite

c)40 c)Iron, Copper, Aluminium c)Cuprite

d)30 d)Gold, silver, platinum d) Bauxite

Ans: <b> Ans: <d> Ans: <a>

Q7 Q8 Q9

Energy resources derived from natural Forest is responsible for_________ Identify the Metallic minerals from
organic materials are called ________. following-

a) geothermal energy sources a) water shedprotection a) Haematite

b) fossil fuels b) land erosion control b) Bauxite

c)biomass c) providing economic and environmental c) Both a and b

d)All of the above d)All of the above d) none

Ans: <b> Ans: <d> Ans: <c>

Q10 Q11

_________area is a land used as a Conservation of soil and water is which

permanent residence, such as a house, type of function of forest resources?
apartment, nursing home, schooletc
a) industrial a)Productive
b) agricultural b)Protective

c) residential c)Regulative

d) Landfill d) none

Ans: <c > Ans: <b>

Q12 Q13 Q14

Which energy is converted into electrical Renewable source of energy is_____

energy by a solar cell ? What unit of solar energy does the earth
a) Chemical Energy a) coal a)2,200 millionth

b) Nuclear Energy b) petroleum b)2,000 millionth

c)Solar energy c)plants c)2,100 millionth

d) Magnetic Energy d) uranium d)2,300 millionth

Ans: <c> Ans: <c > Ans: <b>

Q15 Q16 Q17

What is LPG? The resources which can be used again Which of the following is an example of
and again after passing through some cyclic resource?
processes are known as____
a) liquefied petroleum gas b) Renewable resources a) water

c) Loaded petroleum gas d) Non-renewable resources b) oil

e) liquid petroleum gas f) Cyclic resources c) coal

g) None of the above h) All of the above d) none of the above

Ans: <a > Ans: <c> Ans: <a >

Q18 Q19 Q20

What is LPG? The resources which can be used again Which of the following is an example of
and again after passing through some cyclic resource?
processes are known as____
i) liquefied petroleum gas j) Renewable resources b) water

k) Loaded petroleum gas l) Non-renewable resources b) oil

m) liquid petroleum gas n) Cyclic resources c) coal

o) None of the above p) All of the above d) none of the above

Ans: <a > Ans: <c> Ans: <a >

Q21 Q22

__________is the heat of interior of the ______is used as a household and

earth present at volcanic regions, geysers industrial fuel
or hot springs.
a)Geothermal energy a) LPG
b)solar energy b) CNG

c)Hydro energy c)biogas

d) wind energy d)none of the above

Ans: <a > Ans: <a>

Q23 Q24 Q25

Resource depletion occurs when the The term resource depletion is commonly The causes of depletion of natural
renewable and non renewable resources associated with....... resources.......
became ____ because of their faster
a)scare a)water uses a)over population
b)abundant b)fossil fuel consumption b)over consumption

c) both a) and b) c)trees and fishing c)wastage

d)All of the above d) All of the above d) All of the above
Ans: <a> Ans: <d> Ans: <d>
Q26 Q27 Q28

When 'need' turns to 'greed' it starts One of the Manmade Causes of What will be the impact of Extinction of
__________ Landslides s_________ species?

a)overexploitation a)Rain a)Cyclones

b) conservation b)Unsafe Mining Activities b)Earthquakes

c)Both a and b c)Cyclones c)food web changes

d)None of the above d)Earthquakes d) Rain
Ans: <a> Ans: <b> Ans: <c>

Q29 Q30 Q31

When 'need' turns to 'greed' it starts One of the Manmade Causes of What will be the impact of Extinction of
__________ Landslides s_________ species?

a)overexploitation a)Rain a)Cyclones

b) conservation b)Unsafe Mining Activities b)Earthquakes

c)Both a and b c)Cyclones c)food web changes

d)None of the above d)Earthquakes d) Rain
Ans: <a> Ans: <b> Ans: <c>

Q32 Q33

Over exploitation of fertile soil ______ is one of the Solutions for

particularly in areas of low rainfall by Conserving Natural Resources
cultivating _________
a) complex crops a) forestation
b)cash crops. b) deforestation

c) simple crops c) mining

d) seasonal crops d) extinction

Ans: <b > Ans: <a >

Q34 Q35 Q36

Nuclear energy plant has potential of high Heat is the flow of thermal energy Solar energy is clean, noise free and
risk / disaster like___ from___ temperature to renewable form of energy which causes
____temperature. _______
a)Hiroshima a)High to low a)pollution

b)Nagasaki b)low to high b)no pollution

c)Chernobyl c) Both a and b c) Both a and b

d)Minamata d) None of the above d) None of the above

Ans: <c> Ans: <a> Ans: <b>

Q37 Q38 Q39

The heat of the interior of the earth _______problem is usually associated Tidal energy is environment friendly
present at volcanic regions, geysers or with wind mills. energy as it doesn't produce ____
hot springs is called as_____
a) Tidal energy a)Air pollution a)greenhouse gases.

b) Solar energy b)Noise pollution b)green ground gases

c)geothermal energy c)water pollution c) Both a and b

d) none of the above d)none of the above d) None of the above

Ans: <c> Ans: <b> Ans: <a>

Q40 Q41 Q42

Recall/ Remembering Understanding Application

a)transport a)Living organisms. a) ice caps

b)homes b) non-living things b) hot springs

c)industries c) both a and b c) both( a) and (b)

d)all of them d) none d) None of the above

Ans: <d > Ans: <a > Ans: <b>

Q43 Q44

Efficiency of ______is far greater as __________ doesn't pollute the air like
compared to coal, solar or wind energy. power plants that burn fossil fuels

a) tidal power a) coal

b)Horse power b) petroleum oil

c) Man power c)Hydropower

d) none d)natural gas

Ans: <a> Ans: <c >

Chapter 3
Q1 Q2 Q3

Which one of the following is not a Transfer of energy from source of plants The type of ecosystem with the highest
gaseous biogeochemical cycle in an through a series of organism is known as mean plant productivity is
ecosystem? ________________ _______________

a) Carbon cycle d) Food web a) Tundra

e) Phosphorous cycle b) Energy cycle b) Temperate grassland

f) Sulphur cycle c) Food chain c) Desert

g) Nitrogen cycle d) Biological system d) Tropical rain forest

Ans: b Ans: c Ans: d

Q4 Q5 Q6

In ecosystem standing crop refers An ecosystem which can be easily Which ecosystem produce the highest
to________________ damaged but can be recovered after annual net primary productivity?
some time if damaging effect stops will
be having ____________________

b) All the green plants a) High stability and high resilience a) Tropical evergreen forest

h) All the non living materials b) High stability and low resilience b)Tropical rain forest

i) All living and dead animals c) Low stability and low resilience c) Tropical deciduous forest

j) All the living materials both animals d) Low stability and high resilience d) Temperate evergreen forest
and plants
Ans: d Ans: d Ans: b

Q7 Q8 Q9

____________is the term used to Which of the following is not the value of The biodiversity contained in the
describe the variety of life found on Earth biodiversity? ecosystem provides forest dwellers with
and all of the natural processes. all their daily needs is______use value.

a) Biodiversity a) Social use a) Ethical and Moral

b) Ecosystem b) Aesthetical use b) Consumptive

c) Biosphere c) Environmental use c) Aesthetical

d) Ecology d) Moral d) Social

Ans: a Ans: c Ans: b

Q10 Q11 Q12

The initiative of biodiversity assessment Which of the following is not a Causes of marketable products such as animal skins,
focuses on which ecosystem types: biodiversity losses? ivory, medicinal plants, honey, etc comes

a) Forest a) Over exploitation a) Productive value

b) wetland b) Eco-friendly b) Consumptive value

c) Marine c) Co-extinction c) Aesthetic value

d) All of the above d) Habitat loss and fragmentation d) Social value

Ans: d Ans: b Ans: a

Q13 Q14 Q15

_______called the ‘lungs of the planet’. Which leads to over- exploitation of Which of the following is not an
natural resources? Important hot spots in India?

a) Sahyadry rain forest a) Greed a) Himalayan

b) Kankan rain forest b) Eco-friendly b)Western ghat

c) Amazon rain forest c) Need c) Indo-Berma

d) South Africa rain forest d) All of the above d) Central ghat

Ans: c Ans: a Ans: d

Q16 Q17 Q18 Q19 Q20

What flows through the The process in which green Which type of What makes plant Into how many areas the
ecosystem while matter cycles plants and few organisms ecosystem accounts for producers? energy that is received by
within them? use sunlight to synthesize most of the net primary organisms during energy
nutrients is productivity on earth transfer is converted?
known__________ even though it has a
low average net
primary productivity?

a)Energy a) Chemosynthesis a) Tropical rain forest a) Plants produce their a) One

own food

b) Force b) Photosynthesis b) desert b) Plants depend on b) Two

other organisms for

c) Pressure c) Food chain c) Tropical evergreen c) Plants are c) Three

forest decomposers

d) wind d) Food web d) Ocean d) Plants do not require d) Four

any energy

Ans: a Ans: b Ans: d Ans: a Ans:c

Q21 Q22 Q23 Q24 Q25

The area to which a species is A set of organisms that Habitat of Dog Fish is The destruction of Each organism in an ecosystem
biologically adapted to live is resemble one another in habitat of plants and is at a specific feeding stage
known appearance and animals is called called as
as-------------- behaviour is the ----
called a --------------

a) Niche a) Exons a) River a) endemism a) Climax level

b) Habitat b) Prions b) Pond b) endangered species b) Producer level

c) Succession c) Species c) Lake c) habitant loss c) Trophic level

d) All of the above d) None of the above d) Sea d) flood d) Consumptive level

Ans: b Ans: c Ans: d Ans: c Ans:c

Q26 Q27 Q28 Q29 Q30

Zoos are examples for Study of inter-relationship How is the atmosphere, An ecosystem gradually
between organisms and hydrosphere and An ecosystem consist of merges with an adjoining one
their environment lithosphere through a
is connected ? transitional
zone called the ---------

a) insitu conservation a) Ecology a) Hydrological cycle a) Green plants and a) ecological niche

b) in vivo conservation b) Ecosystem b) Nitrogen cycle b) Green plants and b) ecological footprint

c) exsitu conservation c) Phytogeography c) Oxygen cycle c) Producers and c) ecotone


d) exvivo conservation d) Ethology d) Carbon cycle d) Green plants, d) Biodiversity loss

animals, decomposers
and abiotic
Ans: c Ans: a Ans: d environment
Ans: d Ans:c

Q31 Q32 Q33 Q34 Q35

Driving force in an Which of the following A trophic level refers to: Levels of biodiversity Which ecological
ecosystem is is a possible producer in pyramid is always
include all but one:
an ecosystem? upright?

a)Plants a) Plants a) Area in the tropics a) Genetics a) Pyramid of number

b) Animals b) An organism’s b) Species b) Pyramid of biomass

b) Producers portion in a food chain

c) Solar energy c) Human c) An organism’s c) Population c) Pyramid of energy

position in an
d) Biomass energy d) Fish d) An organism’s d) Ecosystem d) Pyramid of number
position in a biome and biomass

Ans: c Ans: a Ans: c Ans: c Ans:c

Q36 Q37 Q38 Q39 Q40

The type of diversity Conservation of An ecosystem may not

including all the biodiversity outside the undergo changes The primary producers Energy flow in an
different kinds of living natural habitat is called because: in a forest ecosystem ecosystem is always:
things found in a as:
certain are:
habitat is called as:

a) Species diversity a) Ex-situ a) It is in a state of a) Chlorophyll a) Unidirectional

homeostasis containing trees and
b) Genetic diversity b) In-situ b) It has plants and b) Herbivores b) Cyclic
animals both

c) Ecosystem diversity c) Conservation c) It gets solar energy c) Carnivores c) Reversible


d) Population diversity d) In-vivo d) The decomposers are d) Bacteria and other d) Multi-directional
present in it micro-organism

Ans: a Ans: a Ans: a Ans: a Ans: a

Chapter 4
Q1 Q2 Q3

The harmful materials in environment are Basic types of pollutions are______ Which of the following is not a Natural
called__________. pollution?

a) Harmtants a) Natural pollutions a) Automotives

b) Pollution b) Man-made pollutions b) Volcano eruption

c) pollutants c) Both a) and b) c) Forest fire

d) Polants d) None of the above d) All of the above

Ans: <c> Ans: <c> Ans: <a>

Q4 Q5 Q6

Landfill of waste is basically a Causes of land pollution are.......... The Negative Impact Of Land Pollution is
_________pollution ______

a) Land a) Industrialization a) Soil erosion

b) Noise b) Mining b) Shifting of habitat

c) Sewage c) Agriculture c) Water pollution

d) All of the above d) All of the above d) All of the above

Ans: <a> Ans: <d> Ans: <d>

Q7 Q8 Q9

Which of the following is not a type of Need of water treatment is The object of coagulation is.....
impurities of water.
a) Pollen a) To remove dissolved gases a) To remove suspended particles
b) Colloidal b) To remove dissolved oxygen b) To remove colloidal particles

c) Dissolved c) To enhance odour c) To remove dissolved particles

d) Bacteriological d) To enhance colour d) To remove bacteria

Ans: <a> Ans: <a> Ans: <b>

Q10 Q11 Q12

On earth ________ is freshwater. Effects of water pollution on human Spring is a _________ source of water.
beings are________

a) 3 % a) Typhoid a) Surface
b) 4 % b) HIV b) Sub-surface

c) 5 % c) Dengue c) Both a) and b)

d) 6 % d) Plague d) All of the above

Ans: <a> Ans: <a> Ans: <b>

Q13 Q14 Q15

The impact of waste water on Which of the following is not a tertiary Which of the following is not a water
environment is........ treatment of wastewater? born disease?

Recall/ Remembering Understanding Application

a) Noise pollution a) FIltration a) Jaundice

b) Nuisance b) Removal of nutrients b) Cholera

c) Diseases c) Chlorination c) Plague

d) All of the above d) Aeration d) Amoebioasis

Ans: <b> Ans: <d> Ans: <c>

Q16 Q17 Q18

Which of the following is not a primary Which of the following is not a secondary Effects of air pollution on environment
pollutant of air pollution? pollutant of air pollution? is_____

a) Ash a) Acid rain a) Global warming

b) Pollen b) Ozone b) Acid rain

c) Smoke c) Smog c) Green house effect

d) Smog d) Dust d) All of the above

Ans: <d> Ans: <d> Ans: <d>

Q19 Q20 Q21

The particulate matter suspended in Settling chambers collecting dust of Gaseous pollutants are controlled
air______ size________. by_____

a) Dust a) > 10µm a) Absorption

b) Pollen b) < 10µm b) Adsorption

c) Liquid droplets c) = 10µm c) Cumbustion

d) All of the above d) None of the abovet d) All of the above

Ans: <d> Ans: <a> Ans: <d>

Q22 Q23 Q24

The permissible range of PM 10 for The permissible range of PM 2.5 for _______is a process where gases, vapors
residential area is____ residential area is____ or liquids are concentrated on a solid
a) 60 - 100 a) 30 - 60 a) Absorption
b) 70 - 100 b) 40 - 60 b) Adsorption

c) 80 - 100 c) 50 - 60 c) Cumbustion

d) 90 - 100 d) 60 - 70 d) All of the above

Ans: <a> Ans: <b> Ans: <b>

Q25 Q26 Q27

The World Health Organization (WHO) Which of the following is not a Artificial sources of noise pollution are....
defines noise above _________ (dB) as physiological effect on human beings?
noise pollution.
a) 45 decibels a) Rise in blood pressure a) Thunder
b) 55 decibels b) Reduction in vision b) Land slides

c) 65 decibels c) Heart pain c) Earth quake

d) 75 decibels d) damage nerve system d) None of the above

Ans: <c> Ans: <d> Ans: <d>

Q28 Q29 Q30

Which of the following is not a solid High level radioactive waste can be Which of the following is a biodegradable
waste? managed in which of the following ways? waste?

a) Rubber a) Open dumping a) Plastic

b) cloth b) Incineration b) Polythene

c) wastewater c) Composting c) Glass

d) paper d) Deep burial d) None of the above

Ans: <c> Ans: <d> Ans: <d>

Q31 Q32 Q33

Biomedical waste may be disposed of by? Which of the following is a biodegradable Which one the following is not
organic chemical/substance? biodegradable?

c) Incineration k) Plastic a) Vegetable waste

l) Autoclaving b) Oil b) Fruit waste

m) Landfilling c) Pesticide c) Leaves

n) Both a) and b) d) Garbage d) Aluminium foil

Ans: <d> Ans: <d > Ans: <d>

Q34 Q35 Q36

Which of the following is not a Municipal Municipal solid waste includes...

solid waste? The highest heating valve is of:

a Market waste a) Domestic waste a) Garbage

b Agriculture waste b) Commercial waste b) Rubbish

c Domestic waste c) Institutional waste c) Hospital waste

d Commercial waste d) All of the above d) Industrial waste

Ans: <b> Ans: <d > Ans: <b>

Q37 Q38 Q39
Average generation rate of MSW is Which of the following is not a Which of the following is a likely
considered as..... component of Sanitary Landfill? characteristic of hazardous waste?

a) 0.4 Kg/capita/day a) Liner a) Ignitability

b) 0.8 Kg/capita/day b) Water monitoring well b) Corrosively

c) 1.0 Kg/capita/day c) Autoclaving c) Reactivity

d) 0.2 Kg/capita/day d) Leachate management facility d) Any of the above

Ans: <a> Ans: <c > Ans: <d>

Q40 Q41 Q42 Q43 Q44

Sources of sound pollution The unit of sound is: Near the airport the noise As per Central Pollution Primary treatment of
by defence activities pollution level is above - Control Board (CPCB) the sewage includes:
includes: _____ permissible noise level at night
in residential areas is:

a) Satellite launching a) decibel a) 100 dB a) 65dB a) Screening

b) Missile launching b) Maribel b) 150 dB b) 55 dB b) Grit removal

c) Bomb c) Sensible c) 200 dB c) 45 dB c) Primary clarifier

d) All of the above d) Pedicel d) 250 dB d) 35 dB d)Allof the above

Ans: <d> Ans: <a> Ans: <b> Ans: <c> Ans: <d>
Q45 Q46 Q47 Q48 Q49
Types of grit in sewage _______can be used to The BOD content of processes to remove The particulate matter is
treatment includes: remove the nitrates. treated sewage should gaseous pollutants by controlled by:
not be more than ____ dissolution into a liquid
mg/l. solvent such as water is
called as:
a) Sand a) renitrification a) 10 a) Adsorption a) Cyclone

b) Silt b) gentrification b) 20 b) Absorption b) Settling chamber

c) Egg shell c) denitrification c) 30 c) Combustion c) Scrubber

d) All of the above d) All of the above d)40 d) None of the above d)All of the above

Ans: <d> Ans: <c> Ans: <a> Ans: <b> Ans: <d>

Q50 Q51 Q52 Q53 Q54

Smog is: Fluoride pollution Which of the following Which of the following Fugitive emissions consist of
mainly affects: is a non-point source of is not a marine
water pollution? pollutant?

a) A natural phenomenon a) Kidney a) Factories a) Oil a) Street dust

b) A combination of smoke and b) Brain b) Sewage treatment b) Plastic b) Dust from construction
fog plants activities

c) Is colourless c) Heart c) Urban and suburban c) Dissolved oxygen c) Dust from farm cultivation

d) All of the above d) Teeth d)All of the above d) All of the above d) All of the above

Ans: <d> Ans: <d> Ans: <c> Ans: <c> Ans: <d>
Q55 Q56 Q57 Q58 Q59

Noise is --------------------- The presence of solid, What is ‘temporary Which of the following The Pollution Standard
liquid or gaseous threshold shift’ ? is an air pollutant? Index (PSI) scale has
compounds, in excess span from
concentration in the
atmosphere is

a) Huge sound a) Radioactive a) Hearing loss due to a) Nitrogen a) 0 - 200

pollution excessive noise

b) Sound of vehicles b) Soil pollution b) Noise that is b) Carbon dioxide b) 0 - 300


c) Undesirable and c) Water pollution c) Tolerable noise c) Carbon monooxide c) 0 - 400

unwanted sound

d) Sound of crackers d) Air pollution d) All of the above d) Oxygen d) 0 - 500

Ans: <c> Ans: <d> Ans: <a> Ans: <c> Ans: <d>

Q60 Q61 Q62 Q63 Q64

Which of the following Which of the following A combination of Air pollution is caused Which of the following
is not an air pollutant ? problems is not created smoke, fog and by is not a primary
by noise pollution ? chemical pollutants pollutant?
seen in industrialized
cities is known as
a) Smoke a) Diarrhoea ------------------
a) Sole a) Smoke a) SO2

b) CO2 b) hypertension b) Smog b) Insecticides b) Volcanic ash

c) Nitrogen gas c) Deafness c) Fallouts c) Sewage c) O3

d) Sulphur dioxide d) Irritation d)All of the above d) Loud speaker d) CO2

Ans: <c> Ans: <a> Ans: <b> Ans: <a> Ans: <c>
Q65 Q66 Q67 Q68 Q69

Which of the followings Biomedical waste Followings is /are the The generation of BMW Landfill gas contains....
is not a health care contains______ Non- composition of in India is ____
facility? hazardous waste. biomedical waste Kg/bed /day.

a) Mortuaries a) 50 - 75 % a) Plastic a) 1 - 2 a) Methane

b) Funeral services b) 75 - 90 % b) Paper b) 1.5 - 2.5 b) CO2

c) Path Labs c) 65 - 75 % c) Sharp c) 2.5 - 3.5 c) NOx

d) Institution d) 75 - 80 % d) All of the above d) 0.8 - 1.5 d) All of the above

Ans: <d> Ans: <b> Ans: <d> Ans: <a> Ans: <d>

Q70 Q71 Q72 Q73 Q74

The landfilling where Which of the followings Incinerators Incinerators are The rate of E-waste
two liners are provided is not the method of are ...........projects. designed to operate at generation increases
is called as.... BMW management? high temperature @ _____every year.
more than_____.

a) Sanitary landfilling a) Shredding a) Eco-friendly a) 8500 C a) 5 %

b) Secured landfilling b) Autoclaving b) Digestion b) 18500 C

b) 15 %

c) Sanitary landfilling c) Composting c) 850 C

c) Both a) and b) c) 20 %

d) Nonel of the above d) Deep burial d) Waste to d) 28500 C d) 10 %


Ans: <b> Ans: <c> Ans: <d> Ans: <a> Ans: <d>
Chapter 5
Q1 Q2 Q3

Article 51-A (g) of indian Constitution Article 48 A in The Constitution Of India It shall be duty of every citizen of India to
represents: represents: protect and improve the natural
environment including forests, lakes,
rivers and wild life and to have
__________for living creatures.
a) Directive Principles a) Directive Principles a) competition
b) Fundamental duties b) Fundamental duties b) conquarance

c) Both a) and b) c) Both a) and b) c) compassion

d) None of the above d) None of the above d) contingence

Ans: <b > Ans: <a> Ans: <c>

Q4 Q5 Q6
The State shall endeavour to protect and Which among the following is Act of Article 48A was added by the Constitution
improve the environment and to safeguard Environmental Protection? vide ________Amendment in1976.
the _____ and ______of the country.
d) forest, human life o) Biological Diversity Act, 2002 a) 22nd

p) human life , wild life b) National Green Tribunal Act, 2010 b) 32nd

q) plants, trees c) Batteries (Management and c) 42nd

Handling) Rules, 2001
r) forests , wildlife d) All of the above d) 452nd

Ans: <d> Ans: <d > Ans: <c>

Q7 Q8 Q9
an ability or capacity of something to be Sustainable Development includes: Which of the following is an aspect of
maintained or to sustain itself is known as Sustainable Development

a) Biodicersity a) Economical development a) Social

b) Ecology b) Generate resources b) Environmental

c) Sustainability c) Maintain balance between human and c) Economical

d) All of the above d) All of the above d) All of the above

Ans: <c> Ans: <d > Ans: <d>

Q10 Q11 Q12
Water management includes: __________ is a hydrologic process Green Belt Development benefited in
where water moves downward from
surface water to groundwater.
a) Rain water harvesting a) Rain water harvesting a) reducing air pollution
b) Ground water recharge b) Ground water recharge b) water conservation

c) Green belt development c) Green belt development c) reduce soil erosion

d) All of the above d) All of the above d) All of the above

Ans: <d > Ans: <b > Ans: <d>

Q13 Q14 Q15

Formal environmental education mankind needs environmental education Both formal and non-formal
represents education for environmental education must have
_________ goals
a) within the class room a) environmental pollution a) different
b) outside the class room b) environmental degradation b) common

c) both a) and b) c) environmental protection c) two

d) None of the above d) environmental publication d) All of the above
Ans: <a> Ans: <c> Ans: <b>

Q16 Q17 Q18 Q19 Q20

Which among the following is not Administrative framework Central pollution Maharashtra Pollution The responsibilities of
an Act of Environmental for environmental control Board is formed Control Board is pollution control board:
Protection? protection includes: to_______ established on
a) Biomedical a) Central pollution control a) prevent the a) 7 September 1980 a) create public awareness
Waste (Management and Board environmental
handling) Rules, 1998 pollution

b) Recycled Plastics, Plastics b) State pollution control b) promote the b) 7 September 1990 b) Inspect sewage
Manufacture and Usage Rules, Board environmental
1999 pollution

c) Construction and Demolition c) Ministry of Environment c) practice the c) 7 September 1970 c) inspect air control
Waste Management Rules, 2016 and Forest environmental system

d) Conservation of plastic, waste d) All of the above d)All of the above d) 7 September 1960 d) All of the above
and increasing act 2016.

Ans: <d> Ans: <d> Ans: <a> Ans: <c> Ans: <d>
Q21 Q22 Q23 Q24 Q25
NGO stands for_____ Supposed to be working Narmada Bachao the study to predict the EIA can be seen as a
not for ‘profit’ but for a Andalonis initiated by effect of a proposed ___________
‘cause(s)’ is activity/project on the
environment is known
a) Non Governance Organization a) NGO a) Nana Patekar a) Sustainable a) measuring tool

b) Non Government Optimization b) CGO b) Amir Khan b) Environmental b) product

impact assessment
c) Non Government Organization c) GOO c) Medha Patkar c) Environmental c) multiplying tool

d) Non Government Organiser d) MGO d) Sardar Patel d) Environmental d) None of the above

Ans: <c > Ans: <a> Ans: <c> Ans: <b> Ans: <a>

Q26 Q27 Q28 Q29 Q30

Any spatial area from which runoff The main components National River Linkage Water shed within crop National river linkage
from precipitation is collected and of watershed Project, Hydropower fields is called as project includes,
drained through a common point programme : generation is proposed Interlinking of ___ rivers
or outlet is called __________. across the country through
a network of ____ storage
a) Green belt a) water conservation a) About 34,00 MW a) Micro water shed a) 30, 3000

b) Rainfall b) soil conservation b) About 44,000 MW b) Small water shed

b) 37, 3000

c) crop management c) About 34,000 MW c) Large water shed

c) Water shed c) 40, 3000

d) Rain water harvesting d) All of the above d) About 44,00 MW e) All of the above
d) 47, 3000

Ans: <c> Ans: <d> Ans: <c> Ans: <a> Ans: <b>
Q31 Q32 Q33 Q34 Q35

Formal environmental Sustainable Adult education is ____ GIS stands for Which of the followings
education begin Development by solving is not an IT tool used
at___________. problems of for environment and
Environment teached at public health.

a) research level a) post - research level a) Formal education a) Geographical a) Arogya Setu App
Information Systems

b) college level b) college/ university b) Non-formal b) Geological b) Artificial

level education Information Systems Intelligence

c) high school level c) high school level c) Primary education c) Geographical c) M S Word
Importation Systems

d) primary school level d) primary school level d) Group education d) Geographical e) GIS
Information Solutions
Ans: <d> Ans: <b> Ans: <b> Ans: <a> Ans: <c>

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