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This chapter includes the introduction, background of the study, statement of the problem theoretical

framework, conceptual framework, hypothesis, scope and delimitation, limitation of the study,

significance of the study and the definition of terms used


Grammarly is touted as the world’s most accurate English grammar checker. It claims to correct up

to ten times more mistakes than popular word processors by providing over 250 grammatical checks and

a contextual spell checker (Grammarly, 2015). Grammarly was founded in 2009 by Maz Lytvyn and Alex

Shevchenko, who first developed the platform’s grammar programming. By 2014, Grammarly was

ranked 55 in the fastest growing companies index by Deloitte and currently has over four million

registered users (Grammarly, 2015). Grammarly is an application that helps you write clearly and

effectively in English Writings especially in Essay Writings. According to Vygotsky (1962), he defined

writing as a medium reflecting the development of one’s language and critical thinking processes.

However, despite the constant emphasis on improving writing skills, in academic students writing ability

has been recognized as a serious problem. One of the main factors associated with students’ poor writing

skills may be their inaccurate grammar use or lack of linguistic knowledge relevant to academic writing.

Therefore, the goal of Schools is to provide us students with English Grammar instruction to improve our

writing skills and thinking abilities in preparation for our future purposes. Concerning the importance of

proper English grammar writing is to allow you as a writer to make your work clearer and more readable.

It is necessary to have proper English grammar in writings for credibility, readability, communication and
clarity. Also, in technology it allows us to widen our knowledge in grammar checking by using grammar

checkers in apps or websites especially in Grammarly. Although Microsoft Word (MS) recommends

users to identify and correct spelling and minor grammar errors, its functions are confined to underline the

problematic parts with some possible replacements, which lack educational comments.

Recently Grammarly provides users with more informative feedback on these errors. Hawisher,

LeBlanc, Moran, and Selfe (1996) asserted “using grammar checkers resists meaningful change by using

computers to reinforce older and often conventional ways of thinking about learning” In addition, the

technical limitations of grammar checkers, such as inaccurate feedback and an imperfect error detecting

function, resulted in pessimistic perceptions from users toward the software programs in language

classrooms However, the use of Grammarly often appears as a component of word-processing programs

for personal computers or as stand-alone Web sites.

According to Hyejin Yang (2018), the aforementioned grammar checker (Grammarly) is devised to

detect linguistics errors in students' essays and provide automated and prompt feedback to users.

Especially, one of the practical merits of the automated, prompt feedback is it reduces teachers’ burdens

on grading, which subsequently contributes to consistency in students’ grades. The online grammar

checker, Grammarly was chosen for this Research because it offers you to spot and fix misspelled words,

imperfect grammar, and punctuation mistakes. To summarize, the existing studies determined that

Grammarly improved grammatical accuracy in students’ writings.

Background of the Study

English grammar laws are pretty complex, and the rules for most grammar-checking software is

limited, so the results are often incorrect. Automatic grammar checkers have problems with context,

which is why they might let sentences that are nothing more than a mess of jumbled words go through,

and flag sentences that make perfect sense in the context of the piece. Even the most devoted Grammarly

users concede that, when it comes to the accuracy of human proofreading, Grammarly can't compete.

Even if you spell a word right, it can still be incorrect and fly under the radar of your spelling and

grammar checker.

Today grammarly has been overused by many. Most people nowadays rely fully on the grammarly

to check the grammatical errors in their works. However, they should have to keep in mind that

grammarly will not teach them the basics of the English language. Grammarly is context-based. It will

only correct your results according to context and is unable to give you the 100% accuracy in your results.

Academic texts are expected to follow recognized English grammar conventions, such as accurate

sentence structure, correct subject-verb agreement, consistent and appropriate tense, and correct use of

articles. However, many undergraduate students are still on a trajectory of development in terms of their

writing, and their linguistic choices may not always be accurate or successful (Myhill, 2009).

At the sentence level, students may have difficulties with structures that are difficult to segment,

such as constructions without function words or with ambiguous function words, as well as with

structures that place a heavy burden on short-term memory, such as interruptions and long subject-noun

phrases (Perera, 1984). Cof-fin et al. (2005) state that common grammatical errors in student writing also

include not putting a main verb in each sentence, lack of pronoun agreement in sentences, ambiguous use

of pro- nouns, and inconsistent use of tenses, as well as problems with apostrophe usage. Myhill (2009)

adds that characteristics of more limited linguistic development include overdependence on coordination,
difficulty managing ideas over long sentences, and lapses in coherence. Students from a non-English

speaking background often have significant difficulties with some aspects of English grammar that are

distinct from the problems of native English speakers.

Statement of the Problem

The study focused on the Effectiveness of Grammarly on English Writing Performance of Selected

Grade 11 STEM Students in Labas Senior High School. Specifically, it aims to answer the following


1. What are the students' perception towards grammarly as a language learning tool?

2. How do the participants describe the efficiency of the Grammarly App in their English writing


3. What are the participant's lived experience in using the Grammarly App in their English writing

Theoretical Framework

Grammarly is one of the powerful tools that make it easy to check user writing for grammar errors,

potential stylistic mistakes, and other features of interest. Grammarly is the free online proofreading

website that can be used to scan documents for grammar mistakes. (Muhammad,2018)

This research is also supported by the research findings of Prensky, (2006), he argues that Grammarly is

one of the software that can be used in language learning, especially in syntax English, and can be good

contribution to the improvement of language skills.

Grammarly software is effective to help teachers and learners in correcting the syntax English. It is

because Grammarly is not only able to identify punctuation (such as the missing spaces after the periods)

and the spelling mistakes, including the proper noun and provided several alternative possibilities for the

misspelled words, but also identify fragments and offer advice on the verb form, although often no

suggested correction are presented, and explanations were complex. (Prensky,2016) On the other hand,

Grammarly, as one of the developed program in 21st century has been claimed as an easy tool that can

help students and academies on their writing by checking the spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors

and providing a comprehensive and useful feedback including correction and useful feedback including

correction and suggestion to make the writing more readable, clear, precise, effective, mistake-free, and

impactful with high rate of accuracy and evaluation speed. (Nova,2018).

Also Bintan, (2016) mention that using Grammarly in evaluating his academic writing gave him “a

valuable learning experience”, especially in enriching the English grammar. He also shared his experience

on the feedback he received and he seemed to be satisfied with the feedback given. He saw it was
effective in “giving him the explanation on his error and he could understand hos error better”. He also

admitted that his evaluation helped him in determining the errors and this correction made him “aware of

his errors in writing”. It can be seen that using Grammarly in evaluating academic writing seemed to

bring a positive contribution for improving English writing.

Conceptual Framework


To know the English DATA GATHERING The researchers have

Writing performances of enough evidence or basis
Every Selected Students STATISTICAL TOOLS to know the Effectiveness
that are using Grammarly of Grammarly on English
as their medium and also - Questionnaires Writing Performance of
to know its effectiveness. - Survey Selected Grade 11 STEM
Students in Labas Senior
PARTICIPANTS Descriptive Research High School.
- Students who
experience using Brain storming
- The Efficacy of the
App in students

Related Literature and


Research through

A conceptual framework is a textual or visual depiction of how variables are supposed to

interact. The traits or properties that you want to investigate are known as variables. A literature

review of existing studies and theories on the topic is used to develop the conceptual framework.

A conceptual framework illustrates what you expect to find through your research. It defines the
relevant variables for your study and maps out how they might relate to each other. You should

construct a conceptual framework before you begin collecting data.

The Input-Process-Output approach, generally termed as the IPO model, is the study’s

conceptual framework. Figure 1 highlights the need of examining performance and processing

systems based on the assumption that raw materials (inputs) are converted into outputs by

internal system processes (outputs). The input consists of a statement of the problem to be solved

as well as the study’s findings. The research procedure centered on data collection and analysis

in order to analyze and examine the responses of respondents to the researchers’ produced survey

questionnaire. All tasks.

Assumption of the Study

The following assumptions are made regarding this study:

1. The researchers assumed that the respondents would be a reliable source of information that would

make this study a success.

2. The instrument to be used will elicit reliable responses.

3. The researcher assumed that the respondents would be honest in answering the questions.

4. The researcher would be able to deeply explain the purpose of the study to its respondents.


Null Hypothesis (Ho): There is no significant relationship between the Effectiveness of Grammarly and

the English Writing Performance of respondents.

Alternative Hypothesis (Ha): There is a significant relationship between the Effectiveness of

Grammarly and the English writing Performance of respondents.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The general intent of this study is to know the Effectiveness of Grammarly on English Writing

Performance of Selected Grade 11 STEM Students in Labas Senior High School. The study considers the

student’s personal information such as their name (optional), gender, age, and section.

The researcher limits the study to 50 grade 11 students under the strand of Science, Technology,

Engineering and Mathematics in Labas Senior High School who will represent as the population. Each of

the respondents is given a questionnaire to answer. The students will be selected from 2 different sections

to prevent bias and get objective perceptions.

This study will be conducted with limited amount of financial resources and time framework.

Limitations of the Study

This study will not cover the other problems that are not necessarily connected on the

Effectiveness of Grammarly on English Writing Performance of students. The other students which do

not fall as part of Grade 11 STEM students are not within the scope of this research. The study will be

done through the utilization of questionnaire to the students as a survey and reference. By their strategy

the researchers will be able to know the Effectiveness of Grammarly on English Writing Performance of

Selected Grade 11 STEM Students in Labas Senior High School

Significance of the Study

The study focused on explaining the Effectiveness of Grammarly on English Writing Performance

of Selected Grade 11 STEM Students in Labas Senior High School. Moreover, the results of the study

will be beneficial to the following:

Respondents. The respondents will have an awareness on the effectiveness of grammarly on their

English writing performance.

For the teachers/mentors, for them to be aware of those students who are relying in Grammarly, and

they can advise their students on what they are going to do to learn grammar more efficiently on their

own. For instructors also to effectively deal with student's learning regarding grammar, and make sure

that the learners understand the importance of grammar on their English Writing Performance.

For the parents, in order for them to understand the situation of their children on how their child learn

grammar more, and also to encourage their children to reflect on their own learnings and on the impact of

Grammarly in their learnings.

Future Researchers. The findings of the study will serve as a reference material and a guide for future

researchers who wish to conduct the same experimental study or any study related to the Effectiveness of

Grammarly on English Writing Performance of students.

Definition of terms

Grammarly - is a "writing assistant" that job seekers, writers, and other professionals can use

to proofread and edit their documents. It checks for more than 250 types of spelling, grammar, and

punctuation errors, and it enhances vocabulary usage.

STEM - an acronym for the fields of science, technology, engineering and math.

AWE - Automatic Writing Evaluation

Syntax - the arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences in a language.
Chapter 2


This chapter deals with the review of documents related and relevant to the effectiveness of grammarly on

English writing performance of selected grade 11 students which the researchers have pursued to shed

light on the topic under study.

Foreign Studies

The current study posits that AWE programs like Grammarly are valuable L2 writing

tools that can help educators grade writing and help students revise compositions. The following literature

review explores the current state of AWE research and the role AWE has in the context of L2 writing.

The development of AWE software has enabled L2 learners to receive feedback on language and content

in addition to automated scores. Benefits to writing accuracy were recognized in AWE studies (Anson,

2006; Dikli, 2010). These results drive the popularity of integrating automatic corrective feedback in the

classroom (Li, Link, & Hegelheimer, 2015; Zhang & Hyland, 2018). Researchers continue to find AWE

helpful for measuring linguistic accuracy (Li et al., 2015). Li et al. (2015) used AWE error reports to

explore the role of Criterion in an ESL writing curriculum. By looking at error types, they found that

automatic writing evaluation software led to increased revisions and improved accuracy. Li et al. (2015)

required students to meet a benchmark score through AWE, which resulted in higher participation with

writing practice and a heightened motivation to write

Gain et al. (2019) studied the usage of Grammar-Online syntax and spelling checker platform at the

Wellness Science Library, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal: Grammarly is an online

phrase structure and spelling checker system obtained from the Health Science Librarian, Manipal

Academy of Postsecondary Education. The lion's share of the respondents who took an interest in the

investigation was utilizing Grammarly for Microsoft Office. The Study saw that clients utilize the device

for various purposes like composing research papers, papers, postulations, books, reports, and course

papers. The vast majority of the clients utilized this apparatus due to the limit of Microsoft word as found

in the Study. Grammarly coordinates with Microsoft Office to show definitions and equivalents through

double-clicks and get context-oriented spelling and syntax ruins.

Huang et al. (2020) studied the effectiveness of using Grammarly to develop students' English

academic writing skills. This contextual analysis's motivation was to examine the viability of utilizing

Grammarly in EFL composing during a 16-week trial period at a four-year college in China. The

outcomes uncovered that understudies' composing execution altogether expanded all through the multi-

week intercession. This recommends that applying Grammarly recorded as a hard copy class is a viable

methodology for EFL understudies in creating composing abilities.

Aidil (2021) investigated students' perception of the "Grammarly application" students' effectiveness

concurred that Grammarly was valuable for learning scholastic composition. The information showed that

this program had given free openness, programmed amendment, and helpful input. Four parts of scholarly

composing that helped the program were intricacy, objectivity, custom, and supporting. Two

disadvantages were found in this program, like misdirecting and over-checking. The discoveries were

talked about into two points dependent on the exploration questions and afterward dissected distinctly.

The investigation was distributed in the online diary of the University of Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry.
Local Studies

The Pangasinan State University has purchased Grammarly® software, which is generally considered as

one of the best grammar and plagiarism checkers available. The aim of this paper is to evaluate software

based on the opinions of graduate students from PSU Open University Systems. The respondents were

chosen at random from among 20% of the total graduate students in the Batch 2018 who had completed

their thesis writing before graduation. A SUS questionnaire and follow up the interview as part of the

triangulation method was used in order to determine the usability of the software, its strengths, and


According to the study's findings, the majority of respondents believe the software in use is usable. The

users described the software's strengths as automatic detection of mistakes in Conceptual Writing,

Grammar, Punctuation, Sentence Structure, Style, and Vocabulary Enhancement, among others. While

other users noticed some issues in the software that could be corrected in the future, the overall result

demonstrates a considerable improvement in writing for both English and non-English majors. There is a

considerable change in confidence level in writing among students who are not English majors.

Local Literature

On February 15, 2018, at the Jose de Venecia e-Library, Lingayen Campus, the Center for English

Language (CEL) launched the use of the licensed anti-plagiarism software, Grammarly, in Pangasinan

State University to improve the quality of written outputs.

Grammarly, the world's leading writing enhancement application, checks for over 250 types of spelling,

grammar, and punctuation errors, improves vocabulary usage, and suggests citations as an automated

grammar tutor and revision tool for academic writing.

The use of [such] software would be the initial step to operationalize the center [CEL] because we don’t

have the capacity to ascertain the plagiarized text so we need software that is licensed (Dr. Luzviminda Q.

Ramos, CEL Director 2018).

Dr. Ramos also added that the center is set to establish a standard policy in the University for

undergraduate and graduate researches that “all these and dissertations should pass through the CEL by

making use of the software.”

The policy set is in response to the unit’s mandate to edit theses, dissertations, modules, and test items,

among others; and to offer tutorial services, and short term training courses.

Ms. Ma. Angela Navoa-Concepcion, Training and Development Manager of Hopkins International Inc.-

sole distributor of licensed Grammarly, oriented 40 PSU grammarians and editors on the know-hows of


Concepcion emphasized that the software, which also detects grammar errors, is a very useful tool in the

academic field because it includes features such as anti-plagiarism / citation audit, revision tool, grammar

dashboard, context optimized synonyms, and adaptive speller check, all of which are extremely useful in

ensuring standard and quality written outputs.

Chapter 3

This chapter include the Assumption of the Study.

Assumption of the Study

The following assumptions are made regarding this study:

1. The researchers assumed that the respondents would be a reliable source of information that would

make this study a success.

2. The instrument to be used will elicit reliable responses.

3. The researcher assumed that the respondents would be honest in answering the questions.

4. The researcher would be able to deeply explain the purpose of the study to its respondents.

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