CDI 4 Traffic Summary

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Topic: Lesson 3.

5 General Rules of Road Use and Conduct

Reporters: Labeta, Hugo, Manlimos

Lesson 3.5 is a report initiated by Labeta and friends. It is a elaborated report on the
basic rules that drivers must follow both as an etiquette and driving instruction
regarding the appropriate giving of right of way, speed limit, overtaking and passing,
hand signaling, parking and appropriate. of turning procedures.

First set of report tackle the speed limit on what is maximum allowable speeds which
depends on LTO highway regulations and exception of speed limit which allows
emergency transport to operate. Further, reporters tackle on proper overtaking and
passing on both two lane and four lane road. Consequentially, right of way takes the
initiative of giving the appropriate right of way according to vehicle positions and
pedestrian crossings. Lastly, the reporters also emphasized the importance of learning
hand signals.

Overall, the reporter stress the importance of following general rules of road use and
conduct like following speed limit and proper signaling when initating turning

Topic: Lesson 4.1 Fundamentals of Traffic Control

Reporters: Pates

This report by Elmar is a short and brief one. The reporter tackles the issue on traffic
control and the control techniques use by the LTO as traffic control measures in a
creative way by infographics format of reporting with eye-catching PPT and visuals.

Traffic control is pretty remarkable, it encompasses various techniques that should be

furthered by the next reporters of the same subject. Traffic control divulge the initiation
of traffic control signs which provide information through symbols and words to
promote “traffic control” and corroborate safety in roadways. Introduction of pavement
markings were also tackled by the reporter. Furthermore, the most unique part of the
presentation was the taking of consideration for priority control and restraints which
enables the segregation of vehicles.

Finally, this report made me comprehend the essence of traffic control in maintaining
flow and ensuring that traffic rules are being followed through traffic control agencies
partaking on the subject

Topic: Lesson 4.2 Traffic Signs

Reporters: Paclipan, Publico, Datumulok, Manticahon, Prescion,

The topic was first introduce by Pates. This report is the entire overview of this said
subject. It is the longest topic in the entirety of reporting assignments. The reporters
must be exhausted of all effort that they’ve never considered some of the continuous
subjects of this topic. This may be due to non-cooperation.

Traffic signs out of all assignments was easiest, however it hems every kind of sign in
existing including the appropriate colors, prefixes and purpose that made it long and
harrowing. Reporter’s endeavored through the importance and veracity of Danger
warning signs which makes drivers to conduct with caution; prohibitive and restrictive
signs that stands as guidelines for drivers; lastly mandatory, priority and informative
signs for extensive purposes.

In lieu, the entirety of the report turns out to be interesting and engaging. It piqued my
interest through showing me the importance of traffic sign presence in the roadway.

Topic: Lesson 4.3 Traffic Signal Lights

Reporters: Rufila

As pertained by Cadette Rufila, it is her individual report. A take on the “elusive” traffic
lights—the bane of all speedsters out there. This report basically follows the history of
traffic lights and the symbolism behind its colors, so as the specific meaning or very
purpose of its blinking nature.

First part of the reporter’s topic focused on its lively history and symbolism. According
to the reporter, “red” was designated “stop” due to its foreboding nature. Red signifies
blood which in turn signifies bleeding and death. Meanwhile green is for go for a more
practical reason that green is more visible than a light absorbing white light during the
day. Continuously, the reporter did also include the problems regarding the traffic lights
reliability. As the curtain close, the reporter took on the specific meanings of traffic
lights when it signifies steadiness and flashing state.

Kudos! The reporter did pique my interest even though she clearly shows no
enthusiasm in reporting the topic due to laziness. However, traffic lights have significant
impact in maintaining traffic flow and control.

IMPORTANT NOTE: lesson 4.4 pavement marking is reported by the writer of this
Topic: Lesson 4.5 Traffic Island

Reporters: Sullano

Lesson 4.4 is a solo endeavor taken by the dazzling Cadette Sullano in a form of record
reporting. This topic, although only about Traffic islands traverse the entirety of the
subject as inducted and defined by its very purpose.

The reporter impart the functions and classifications of traffic islands. According to the
reporter the main function of traffic islands is to segregate pedestrians and/or vehicles
to control the stream of traffic. Secondly, Ms. Sullano ascertain the classifications pretty
well. In her words, there are two kinds of traffic islands—pedestrian island and traffic
islands. Accordingly, pedestrian islands are used on borders of pedestrian walkways to
separate peds and the actual roadway. Finally is the traffic islands which have 3 kinds
(divisin, channelizing and rotary)

The topic is pretty comprehensible thanks to on-point presentation of the reporter. It

made me comprehend the importance of traffic islands as a means of separating
vehicles and pedestrians alike.

NOTE: Lesson 4.6 was included in the writer’s report due to error in page

Topic: Lesson 5.1 Traffic Law Enforcement

Reporter: Yamis, Villajos

Traffic Law Enforcement entails action of traffic law enforcement in enforcing traffic
legislation. It involves the entire structure in which Traffic Enforcement stands—from its
major function and important goals towards it enforcement system, course of action like
citation and adjudication.

According to the reporters, the two major function of Traffic Law Enforcement is police
and court traffic law enforcement with its purpose tied accordingly. Consequentially, the
3 important goals of enforcement activity is to increase safety level, increase traffic
efficiency and to insure harmonious and comfortable environment.

This topic is pretty long and more. harsh than other topic assignments, but to an
extent, the reporters show their competence that led me to conclude the significance of
coordination between traffic enforcement units or agencies.
Topic: Traffic Direction and Control

Reporter: Barrogo, Catamco, Rufila

Traffic direction and control takes on the definition of intersection and police traffic

The reporter’s topic dive into the job of PNP-HPG, police auxiliaries, MMDA Traffic
Management Section. In some places, volunteers coming from barangay security forces
are other civic organizations to control traffic through actual enforcement and directing
like hand signaling and proper guidance and control techniques. The reporter illustrates
specific methods through suggesting images showing proper execution.

Traffic direction offers a fresh perspective for us to learn the basic hand signal, it should
have been more interesting when instructed comprehensively and face-to-face.
Retrospectively still, the reporters provided a great reporting though on point
interpretations at the video recording.

Topic: Lesson 5.3 Traffic Patrol

Reporters: Publico, Manlimos, Galito

Traffic Patrol refers to the observation of road conditions, the behavior of the drivers
and other users of vehicles for the purpose of traffic supervision and law enforcement
and providing authorized traffic-connected services to the public. The reporters further
emphasize the types of traffic patrol, deterrence, patrol tactics and techniques.

According to the recorded reporting, two types of traffic Patrol which is line patrol
involving patrols on a street, next is area patrol on a wider coverage of either
observation or foot patrol. Consequentially, the reporters tackles deterrence where
officers assumes action that would probably prevent future traffic offenders and
address traffic violations. Also included in the deterrence are the different traffic
violations or conditions that enforcers could encounter at the road that would need the
appropriate actions. In continuation, reporters discuss traffic tactics and techniques in
an objective way. It includes patrol assignment and road intelligence

In conclusion, traffic patrol objectively discuss the fundamentals of the topic regarding
the intro to how enforcers conduct traffic checkpoints through appropriate planning.

Topic: Lesson 5.4 Traffic Accident Investigation

Reporters: Yamis, Sullano, Salon

The main focus of this video presentation by the reporters is to tackle the definition of
traffic accident and accident in general especially traffic accident investigation and its

Traffic accident investigation questions what went wrong. Its main purpose to
determine the 5 cardinal questions to properly adjudicate a case and find out the truth
this is the lesson where skid marks were introduced. According to the reporters 3 kinds
of traffic accident which were non-motor vehicle traffic accident, motor vehicle and non-
traffic accident and motor vehicle traffic accident. Furthermore, the reporters also
classify “key events” consisting of running off road non-collision on road and collision on
road which was clearly exemplify by images included by the reporters. Sequentially, the
topic that piqued my interest is relating to property damage accident tackling slight,
non-fatal injury accident, less serious, serious and fatal. Lastly, the reporters focused
their concept on the steps police take during traffic accident and the conduct of traffic
accident report.

The reporters really emphasize the importance of following protocols and identifying
traffic related accident conditions.

NOTE: Lesson 5.5 reporters did not submit any recorded reporting and
Lesson 5.6 is reported by the writer
Summaries for Report Topics as
Reported by the Assign Class

CDI-4: Traffic Management and

Accident Investigation

Submitted by: Sabuero, Eirich Jay

Submitted to: Phobe Joy Ubatay, RCrim.

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