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While BOWA electronic GmbH has ­taken tion and instrument use is based on clini­ Medical technology is advancing continu­
the greatest possible care in drafting cal experience. Some centres and physi­ ously through ongoing research and clini­
this brochure, mistakes may nonetheless cians may prefer settings other than those cal experience. For this reason, too, it may
­o ccur. recommended here. be expedient to deviate from the settings
indicated in this brochure.
BOWA is not liable for any damages a ­ ri­sing The settings indicated herein are for guid­
from the recommendations for settings or ance only. The user is responsible for Although our published material may
other information contained herein. Any checking their viability. specify a particular gender for the sake of
legal liability is limited to wilful intent and readability, any statements naturally apply
gross negligence. Depending on individual circumstances, equally to both genders.
it may be necessary to deviate from the
All information on recommended settings, settings indicated in this brochure.
points of application, duration of applica­


The contents of this brochure are subject Any use of the material, including re­ ­ OWA-electronic GmbH & Co. KG or the
to German copyright law. production, processing and dissemina­ respective copyright owner.
tion, requires the prior written consent of


1.1 | Qualitative and particulate composition 4

1.1.2 | Organic toxins  5
1.1.3 | Inorganic Toxins  5
1.1.4 | Biological toxins 5
1.2 | Effects of the components 6
1.2.1 | Particles  6
1.2.2 | Chemical toxins 6
1.2.3 | Biological toxins 8
1.3 | Effects on health 8
1.3.1 | General effects 8
1.3.2 | Specific effects 8


2.1 | Germany 10
2.2 | Australia  10
2.3 | Denmark 11
2.4 | Canada 11
2.5 | United States of America 11
2.6 | United Kingdom 11





The smoke produced by high frequency electrosurgery or laser interventions and incisions exposes operating theatre staff to unpleasant
odours. However, few people stop to think of the possible health risks of these gas-, vapour- and solid particle-emitting procedures (2).
Surgical team members are in fact exposed to a complex mixture of biological, cellular, particulate and gaseous substances. The
exposure involved may be significant. In the course of some surgical procedures – tumour reduction, for example – the excision of
tumour tissue, the parietal peritoneum, various internal organs and electrocoagulation of tumour nodules on the surface of the visceral
peritoneum may last anything from 2 to 12 hours, which may involve prolonged exposure to surgical smoke(3).

Before exploring the potential hazards of these procedures, it is important to analyse the components of surgical plume in qualitative
and – insofar as possible – quantitative terms.

1.1 | QUALITATIVE AND tissue. The following particle sizes have for high-power, i. e. high-voltage cautery
­PARTICULATE COMPOSITION been reported(5): of peritoneal carcinomatosis than for
• Electrocautery: mean particle conventional methods (e. g., colon can­
Depending on the procedures employed ­diameter (d): 0.1 μm cer resection). The cumulative values are
and tissues treated, the quantitative com­ • Laser (tissue removal): mean particle 9.3 x 10 6 particles / (ml h) versus 4.8 x
position of surgical smoke may fluctuate diameter (d): approx. 0.3 μm 105 particles / (ml h) for personal sam­
greatly (4). However, it is possible to get an • Ultrasound scalpel: mean particle plings and 2.6 x 10 6 particles / (ml h)
idea of the qualitative composition. This ­diameter (d): approx. 0.35–6.5 μm ­versus 3.9 x 10 4 for stationary samples
is shown in the following. For physiologi­ taken from ambient air (6).
cal reasons, water vapour is the main This means that a very large fraction of
cons­tituent of the smoke and aerosols. It these smoke particles is inhaled and The results are confirmed by other mea­
is e­ stimated to account for as much as can deposit in the alveoli of the lungs. surements evaluating exposure to ultrafine
95 %. The exact level is probably related Measure­ ments during peritoneal carci­ particles (0.01 to 1 μm) during a variety of
to the type of tissue involved. This w ­ ater nomatosis procedures and other gastro­ surgical interventions (7). The procedures
vapour acts as a vehicle for the other intestinal tract interventions ranged from associated with the highest exposure in­
compo­n ents (4). 1 to 10 μm for “conventional” particles clude electrocautery and argon laser tissue
and from 0.02 to 1 μm for “nanometric” coagulation. The authors ascertained ave­
The size of the particles produced ranges particles (note: a nanoparticle is defined rage concentrations of 1 930 particles / cm3
from more than 200 micrometres to less in the literature as a particle with a dia­ peaking at 183 000 for electrocautery of
than 10 nanometres. The mean particle meter of 0.1 μm or less). Samples are adhesions. The highest concentrations
diameter depends on factors including taken at the level of the airways. The re­ were measured during surgery for heman­
the intensity of the energy acting on the sults indicate a higher level of exposure gioma of the liver, with average levels of

12 200 and peak levels of 490 000 par­
ticles / cm3. Unlike gallbladder removal,
tumour ablation in the posterior abdomen
and inguinal hernia surgery is associated CH3
with a high level of exposure to hazardous


Numerous organic pyrolysis products have

been found in surgical smoke, including
– but not limited to – the following: aro­
matic hydrocarbons (benzene, toluene,
ethylbenzene and xylenes), hydrogen cya­
Ethylbenzene Biohazard warning sign
nide (HCN), formaldehyde and, of course,
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (8). Vari­
ous authors (4, 8, 9) have attempted a more
precise breakdown of the chemical con­
stituents of surgical smoke. They conclude cell fragments, blood cells and viral DNA Infectious viruses including HIV (human
among other things that the composition fragments. immunodeficiency virus), HBV (hepati­
of the smoke varies greatly and depends tis B virus), BPV (bovine papillomavirus)
on the type of intervention and instru­ Viable bacteria have been cultured from and HPV (human papillomavirus) (9) were
ments employed. laser smoke, with organisms including Ba­ also detected in the smoke. The nature of
cillus subtilis and Staphylococcus aureus the microorganic contamination also de­
1.1.3 | INORGANIC TOXINS as well as mycobacteria such as Mycobac­ pends largely on the type of procedures
terium tuberculosis (10). performed. Most papers focused on the
As with any process of combustion, elec­ human papillomavirus, and HPV DNA
trosurgery procedures produce carbon One study of the distribution and viabi­ was repeatedly detected in samples of
oxides (CO and CO2), sulphur and nitro­ lity of bacteria after CO2 laser treatment smoke produced during laser coagulation
gen oxides and ammonia. These agents goes back to 1987(11). The authors coa­ of warts (9, 12–15). Laryngeal papillomato­
may cause respiratory tract irritation and ted tubes with a nutrient broth inoculated sis diagnosed in one nurse was officially
tissue hypoxia. with Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus reco gnized as an occupational disease.
aureus. The tube interiors were then lase­ She had assisted during papillomatosis
1.1.4 | BIOLOGICAL TOXINS red and the smoke thus produced was treatment procedures (16).
collected. The plume contained viable
Tissue vaporisation releases smoke and pathogens, notably staphylococci. It is difficult to determine the viability of
aerosols that may contain large quantities DNA detected in smoke. No specific test
of particles. These may be intact cells, for the purpose exists. Garden(12) (1988)


SMOKE (16)

Acetonitrile Formaldehyde Butadiene Propene

Acetylene Carbon Monoxide Butane Pyridine

Acrolein Cresol Butylene Pyrrole

Acrylonitrile Methane Hydrogen Cyanide Styrene

Alkylbenzenes Phenol Ethane Toluene

Benzene Polycyclic Aromatic Ethylene Xylene Human Papillomavirus


copyright Russel Knightley
The smoke may also generate unpleasant 1.2.2 | CHEMICAL TOXINS
odours which operating theatre personnel
frequently find troublesome, and may ob­ For detailed information on the toxicology
struct the surgeon’s view of the surgical of the substances discussed below, please
site. consult the “Fiches toxicologiques” of the
INRS or the DGUV’s “GESTIS” substance
1.2.1 | PARTICLES database ( or
The described effects are of a general na­
The effects of particles on the organism ture and as a rule bear no direct relation to
depend on their size and chemical com­ the concentrations associated with elec­
position. Particles smaller than 3 μm are trosurgical procedures.
termed “alveolar fraction” in Germany and
those smaller than 10 μm are called “tho­ AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS
Human immunodeficiency virus racic fraction.” Particles of this size may The aromatic hydrocarbon family is essen­
penetrate into the bronchial tree, deposit tially composed of three chemical com­
on bronchial structures and cause cellular pounds. Benzene, classified by the IARC
damage. The effects vary, ranging from as being carcinogenic to humans, can
screened CO2 laser smoke for bovine papi­ contamination of the airways with inert cause bone marrow aplasia and leukae­
llomavirus (BPV) and human papilloma­ particles (e. g., titanium dioxide) to local mia. Acute exposure manifests as central
virus (HPV) DNA without being able to irritation (rhinitis, bronchitis), to mali­ nervous system depression. Symptoms
demonstrate that this DNA was still in­ gnant tumours (sinuses, bronchi). Some such as feeling weak, feeling intoxicated,
fectious. In support of this research work, particles may enter the bloodstream and nausea, dizziness, headache and narcosis
three sheep were inoculated with smoke cause systemic toxicity (metals). all occur at concentrations above those
captured during removal of bovine warts found in surgical smoke.
by CO2 laser treatment. Two of the three
animals developed a characteristic tumour TOLUENE AND XYLENE
at the transmission site (12, 17). Toluene and xylene have the same central
depressant properties. They are also skin,
Cell cultures were inoculated with HIV eye and respiratory tract irritants.
viruses in an in­vitro experiment (18). These
cultures were exposed to the effects of
various medical devices that generate
aerosols during normal use. Only devices
that generate so­called “cold” aerosols
were able to transmit viable viruses. In
contrast, plume smoke from electrocoagu­
lation or cutting tools contained no viable H2C
Mask layers let pathogens H
Fletcher et al.(19) detected viable melano­ and particles through
ma cells in the plume smoke from elec­ Acrolein
trocautery of a melanoma lesion. The
number of viable cells was larger in asso­ Ultrafine airborne dirt particles emitted
ciation with intervention at a high power in industrial and diesel engine gases have
setting (30 W) than at 10 W. been shown to have toxic effects that are ALDEHYDES
hazardous to human health (respiratory Formaldehyde, acetaldehyde and acro­
1.2 | EFFECTS OF THE allergies, rhinitis, bronchitis, cardio­ lein are respiratory tract irritants. These
COMPONENTS vascular problems, especially in suscep­ effects are manifest even at low concen­
tible individuals). Certain components trations and may cause major damage to
Surgical smoke dose­dependently causes found in laser fumes are also detected in the bronchial lining. Formaldehyde also
symptoms of acute toxicity in the form of polluted air. causes skin and respiratory organ aller­
headaches, feeling weak, nausea, muscle gies and has been linked to cancer of the
weakness, and irritation of the eyes and It has also been conclusively demonstra­ sinuses.
respiratory tract. ted that nanometric particles differ in their
toxicity from micro­ or macroscopic parti­ POLYCYCLIC AROMATIC
People with asthma are more vulnerable cles with the same substance composition HYDROCARBONS
to the effects of inhaled particles. (e. g., nanometric titanium dioxide). Health problems linked to polycyclic aro­
matic hydrocarbons (PAHs) include irri­
tation of the eyes, nose, throat, skin and

airways, fatigue, headache, nausea and to heavy contamination soon develop PHENOL
difficulty sleeping. Some reports men­ irritation of the eyes with conjunctivitis, Phenol irritates the eyes and respiratory
tion non­malignant lung diseases such as headache, a sensation of intoxication, im­ tract lining. Chronic exposure causes dif­
bronchitis, emphysema and asthma. paired vision and hearing, tachycardia and ficulty swallowing, vomiting, diarrhoea,
dyspnoea. haematuria, loss of appetite, headache,
A number of polycyclic aromatic hydro­ confusion, behavioural disorders, dark
carbons (including benzo[a]pyrene and Repeated exposure causes vomiting, loss urine and temporary redness.
dibenzo[a,h]anthracene) have proven of appetite, neurological problems, head­
carcinogenic activity and are classi­ ache, intoxication and skin conditions. HYDROGEN CYANIDE
fied by the European Union as category The amounts of hydrogen cyanide (HCN)
2 carcinogenics: some have a category in laser plume are not enough to cause
1B classification. Other aromatic com­ acute symptoms; however, chronic toxi­
pounds, including certain heterocyclic city is possible in individuals with fre­
compounds (benzonaphthothiophene, for quent exposure. The usual manifestations
example) or substituted PAHs may have of chronic toxicity are headache, feeling
genotoxic activity. weak, dizziness, tremors, nausea, vomi­
ting, stomach pain, weight loss and con­
CRESOLS junctivitis. Thyroid problems may also
The three cresol isomers may cause ner­ occur.
vous system impairment, gastrointestinal
disorders and skin conditions. Damage to CARBON MONOXIDE
the liver, kidneys and lungs of varying se­ The symptoms of incipient poisoning tend
verities has also been observed. Cresols to be unspecific: headache, dizziness,
Health hazard pictogram
enter the body through the mouth, skin feeling weak and gastrointestinal pro­
or respiratory system. Individuals exposed blems. Carbon monoxide poisoning in its


Acetonitrile 1 Creosote 3 2­Methylfurane

Acetylene 1­Decene 6­Methylphenol

Hydrogen cyanide 1 2,3 Dihydro­Indene 1 2­Methylpropanol

Palmitic acid Ethane PAH3

Acrolein 1 Ethylene Phenol1,9

Acrylonitrile 1,2,5 Ethylbenzene Polypropylene 1,8

Alkylbenzene sulfonate Formaldehyde1,2,4,8 Pyridine 1,11

Benzaldehyde 1 Furfural 1,2,9 Pyrrole

Benzene 1,3,4,9,11 Indole 1 Styrene 1

Nitrile benzene Isobutane Toluene 9,11

Butadiene 1,2,4.9 Methane Xylene 11

Carbon disulphide 1,6,7 3­Methylbutane m­Cresol 1,11

Carbon monoxide 7

1. Irritates the eyes and airways 8. May cause respiratory sensitization

2. Suspected human carcinogen 9. Suspected animal teratogen
3. Confirmed human carcinogen 10. Suspected human teratogen
4. Suspected human mutagen 11. Central nervous system depression
5. Suspected animal mutagen The unlabelled substances have either not been sufficiently
6. Affects semen quality characterized in toxicology studies or only have asphytic
7. Asphyxiant, embryotoxic and fetotoxic activity at high concentrations.


Irritation of the eyes Hypoxia, dizziness

Lachrymation Colic

Sneezing Cardiovascular problems

Nasopharyngeal irritation Hepatitis

Acute or chronic respiratory tract inflammation (bronchitis,

HIV infection
asthma, emphysema)

Headache Dermatitis

Feeling weak Anaemia

Nausea, vomiting Leukaemia

Anxiety / agitation Carcinoma

most serious form may cause coma and 1.3 | EFFECTS ON HEALTH Freitag et al.(24) likewise demonstrated the
death. Serious neurological sequelae are irritant activity of laser smoke on the res­
possible. The problem of chronic toxicity 1.3.1 | GENERAL EFFECTS piratory system. Sheep were exposed to a
has attracted much attention. It is be­ concentration of 0.92 mg particles / l with
lieved to be a starting point for vascular The general effects / symptoms have been a mean particle diameter of 0.54 micro­
damage and an associated increased risk documented in a registry on the basis of metres. In this case, the irritant effect was
of myocardial infarction as well as consti­ the usual (known) constituents of laser rated by analysing cells obtained by bron­
tuting a risk factor for certain neurological smoke (5). This registry is not based on epi­ choalveolar lavage.
disorders, possibly including (for example) demiological research, but rather is a list
Parkinson’s. The table below summarizes of theoretical risks of these constituents. 1.3.2 | SPECIFIC EFFECTS
the main toxicities of various hazardous It includes the possible acute (irritation)
substances in laser plume (20). and chronic (cancers) effects of the indi­ The only specific effects of surgical plume
vidual ingredients. investigated to date are genotoxicity and
VOLATILE ORGANIC COMPOUNDS cytotoxicity, but the few studies per­
Some organic toxins belong to the hetero­ Two experimental studies by Baggish and formed are insufficient to provide conclu­
geneous group of volatile organic com­ coworkers (22, 23) demonstrated the possi­ sive evidence.
pounds (VOCs), representatives of a num­ bility of respiratory tract irritation. In one
ber of different chemical families. VOCs of these rat studies, intraalveolar instil­ GENOTOXICITY
are detected in indoor air in varying con­ lation of particles from CO2 laser tissue The only effect studied in experimental
centrations. vaporisation caused interstitial congestive conditions is mutagenicity using the Ames
pneumonia, bronchiolitis and emphyse­ test (with or without activators). Tomita et
1.2.3 | BIOLOGICAL TOXINS ma. Lung irritation was observed in rats al.(25) evaluated the mutagenicity of CO2
exposed to CO2 laser smoke in the other laser smoke applied to canine tongue tis­
Very few studies are available on the risks study. sue. The condensates were produced by
associated with the biological effects of evacuation of smoke through filter paper
inhaling laser and high-frequency electro­ This effect was less marked when the followed by dilution with DMSO (dimethyl
surgical smoke in the operating theatre. smoke had first been filtered through a sulfoxide). The mixture thus generated
Alongside general effects, mutagenicity conventional commercially available eva­ was tested using the salmonella strains
and carcinogenicity have been the main cuation system. No effect (neither clinical TA 98 and TA 100 employed in the Ames
focus of attention(21). nor histological) was observed when the test. The result was positive for TA 98
rats had been exposed to smoke that had (with and without metabolic activation)
been filtered through an ultralow penetra­ and TA 100 (with metabolic activation
tion air filter equipped to trap particles as S9 mix from polychlorinated biphenyl-­
small as 0.1 micrometres. induced rat livers).

In a similar study (26), a sample of air was not necessarily representative for every ty of this cell culture then declined by at
obtained during mastectomy by electro­ plume. The smoke produced differs de­ least 30%, indicating that the smoke is
cautery. The condensate thus produced pending on laser performance, the tissue cytotoxic. However, this study conducted
was also tested using the salmonella treated and the environment. in special experimental conditions (helium
strains TA 98 and TA 100. In the presence atmosphere) is not necessarily represen­
of a metabolic activator (S9 mix from Aro­ CYTOTOXICITY tative of the plume produced in operating
clor 1254-induced rat livers) mutagenic The smoke generated in experimental theatres (27).
activity was demonstrated for TA 98. conditions by repeatedly cutting pig l­iver
with a high-frequency electrosurgical
Although these results are positive, they hook knife was exposed to a culture of
are few in number. These outcomes are breast cancer cells (MCF-7). The viabili­

With the kind permission of the International Social Security Association, Section on Prevention of Occupational Risks in Health Ser­
vices, taken from: Eickmann U, Falcy M, Fokuhl I, Rüegger M, Bloch M, Merz B. Surgical Smoke: Risks and Preventive Measures. Ed:
International Section of the ISSA on Prevention of Occupational Risk in Health Services. 2011.

The source also contains reports of human experience and a summary assessment.


Occupational health and safety legislation 2. Equipment likely to generate surgical 4. If the above technical and organizatio­
is in force in many westernized countries smoke should only be used in procedure nal measures are insufficient to eliminate
around the world. In the USA, Canada and rooms (e. g., operating theatres) with mo­ the hazards caused by surgical smoke,
Denmark, smoke evacuation is compulsory. dern ventilation and air conditioning sys­ risk assessment is required to determine
TRGS 525(28), a set of regulations requiring tems, for example in accordance with DIN the need for additional safety measures,
the use of smoke evacuation in hospitals, (German Industrial Standard) 1946 Part 4. which may include improved ventilation
has been applied in ­Germany since Sep­ These precautions can prevent relevant or half face particulate masks (FFP2) in
tember 2014. Relevant natio­ nal regula­ persistent pollution of the entire operating accordance with DIN EN 149. Ordinary
tions are summarized in the ­following. theatre with surgical smoke during elec­ surgical masks provide inadequate protec­
trosurgical and laser procedures to avoid tion against surgical smoke.
exposure of the remaining surgical team.
2.1 | GERMANY However, depending on the intensity of
smoke-generating procedures, it may be 2.2 | AUSTRALIA
necessary to use local evacuation systems
TRGS 525, 8.1 SURGICAL PLUME to further reduce local smoke pollution in
(EXCERPT) the immediate surgical area, for reasons AUSTRALIAN COLLEGE OF OPERATING
including the potential risk of infection. ROOM NURSES (ACORN)(29)
TRGS 525, 8.1.2 Protective measures Likewise, other factors may necessitate
The amount of smoke generated depends the use of local evacuation systems, e. g. ACORN is a professional organisation that
on many factors that can be influenced by in veterinary medicine. The recirculation develops standards and recommendations
instrument technology and the user. As of evacuated air in working premises with­ to promote excellence in perioperative
with exposure to tobacco smoke or other out air conditioning is allowed only if, in care. The following is ACORN’s standard:
products of pyrolysis, the hazards featured addition to a HEPA filter for retention of
in item 8.1.1 require compliance with the particulate matter in smoke, an activated Standard S20
general principle of minimizing exposure carbon filter is used to capture gaseous • Personnel shall utilize appropriate
and the application of suitable safety and vaporous components. equipment and procedures to prevent
measures: exposure to surgical plume. Exposure
3. Employees must be briefed in line to surgical plume shall be minimized
1. The equipment used should be state with § 2 MPBetreibV (Medical Devices during the surgical procedure.
of the art. If the release of surgical smoke Operator Ordinance) and § 14 GefStoffV • Surgical smoke capture devices shall
cannot adequately be prevented, ­a ttempts (Hazardous Substances Ordinance) on the be available for use during procedures
should be made to capture it at the source, mechanisms underlying smoke production in which surgical smoke is generated
for example through the use of handpie­ and how to minimize it through appropri­ (ACORN 2006).
ces with integrated evacuators or a stand- ate equipment use.
alone local evacuation system.

CSA Z301-13 Plume scavenging in surgi- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
2.3 | DENMARK cal, diagnostic, therapeutic, and aesthet- Controlling a hazard at its source is the
ic settings best way to protect employees.
This standard details a comprehensive
DANISH WORKING ENVIRONMENT approach to managing plume and extends
AUTHORITY(30) its mandates to all surgical settings based 2.6 | UNITED KINGDOM
on risk assessment. General requirements
Danish Working Environment Authority is include:
an agency under the auspices of the Mini­ • Facility policies and procedures shall MEDICINES AND HEALTH­CARE PROD­
stry of Employment. The Danish Working be written in accordance with this UCTS REGULATORY AGENCY (MHRA)(33)
Environment Authority is the authority standard.
which contributes to the creation of safe • Plume shall be evacuated in accor­ Medicines and Healthcare Products Regu­
and sound working conditions at Danish dance with this standard. latory Agency (MHRA) is responsible for
workplaces. The agency is responsible for • If a facility employs techniques that regulating all medicines and medical de­
administering the Working Environment create plume, they shall have policies vices in the UK by ensuring they work
Act in Denmark, and guides companies on that address the potential hazards. and are acceptably safe. The following is
health and safety rules at the workplace. MHRA’s recommended practice:

AT-Instructions 4 / 2007 and 11 / 2008 2.5 | UNITED STATES OF AMERICA MHRA DB2008(03) April 2008
• It is mandatory to implement a mea­ Recommends that smoke evacuation sys­
surable setup for local evacuation of tems are to be used during laser surgery.
harmful substances, such as surgical OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY & HEALTH In addition, it is specified that masks and
smoke. ADMINISTRATION (OSHA) (32) operating room laminar flow systems are
• Such a setup must be equipped with not suitable for protection from surgical
a monitoring feature to indicate if the OSHA is the only U.S. regulatory body to smoke.
evacuation system’s suction is inade­ date that has legal authority in the United
quate. States granted by Congress. They estimate ASSOCIATION FOR PERIOPERATIVE
• Surgical smoke should be removed that 500,000 healthcare workers are ex­ PRACTICE (AFPP)(34)
with local evacuation and as close to posed to surgical smoke and bio-aerosols
the source as possible. each year. On a number of occasions Association for Perioperative Practice
• The filtered air must lead out into the OSHA has reiterated that the management (AfPP) works to encourage the exchange
open (read: outside the OR). of surgical plume is a healthcare worker of professional information between mem­
safety issue. They have also indicated that bers and co-operation with other profes­
plume hazards fall under the scope of the sional bodies. They are not a regulatory
2.4 | CANADA following: agency but a recommending agency. The
following is AfPP’s standard:
General duty clause
CANADIAN STANDARDS “Each employer shall furnish to each of Standard 2.6 Lasers-standards and rec-
ASSOCIATION (CSA) (31) his (sic) employees employment and a ommendations for safe perioperative
place of employment which are free from practice
The CSA developed and released one of recognized hazards that are causing or are The standard states that ‘Dedicated smoke
the furthest reaching standards relating to likely to cause death or serious physical evacuation machines must be used to re­
the management of surgical plume. harm to his employees.” move the smoke’ (AfPP 2007).


SHE SHA – BOWA’s surgical smoke

evacuation system – is designed to evacu­
ate and filter the surgical smoke and
aerosols gene rated during the use of sur­
gical equipment for tissue dissection, for
example during the use of lasers, electro­
surgical systems and ultrasonic devices.

SHE SHA surgical smoke evacuation

comes with a powerful vacuum suction
motor that is extremely low­noise in ope­
ration and enables a range of flow rates.
Surgical smoke is pumped through the
vacuum tube into the filter of the SHE
SHA surgical smoke evacuator where it is
processed through a series of filter layers.
SHE SHA uses a single disposable filter,
which makes removal and installation
easier when changing filters. The filter is
fully contained to protect staff from any
contamination during filter changes.

A filter such as used in SHE SHA surgi­ enables the filtration of particles as small ganic gases primarily and water vapour
cal smoke evacuation filters smoke in 4 as 0.1 to 0.2 microns with 99.999 % ef­ secondarily and provides optimum odour
stages using a different filter layer in each ficiency. elimination.
In the third filtration stage, a high qua­ In the fourth filtration stage, an expanded
In the first filtration stage, a primary filter lity activated carbon filter adsorbs and foam prevents fine particles of activated
traps coarse particles and fluids and re­ removes odours and toxic gases genera­ carbon from leaving the filter.
moves them. ted when biological tissues are heated to
high temperatures. These harmful gases The electronic operating elements on the
In the second filtration stage, a ULPA (ul­ may constitute a health risk for operating front panel of the SHE SHA smoke evacu­
tra low penetration air) filter traps parti­ theatre staff exposed to them for long pe­ ator are user­friendly for easy start­up and
cles and microorganisms. Its leading edge riods. The activated carbon used in SHE operation.
patented design (U.S. Patent #5874052) SHA smoke evacuation removes toxic or­

Acoustic emission Max. 55 dBA

Size (H x L x W) 6 inch x 11 inch x 15.5 inch (15 cm x 28 cm x 39.5 cm)

Flow rate Max 708 litres per minute (with a 22­mm tube)

Weight 4,4 kg (5,5 kg incl. Filter)

Filter type 4 layer filter (prefilter, ULPA, activated carbon, postfilter)

Particle size 0,1– 0,2 μm at 99,999 % efficiency


SHE SHA Smoke evacuation system

incl. remote sensor and pneumatic foot switch
(REF 950­001)


SHE SHA handle, adjustable length,

SHE SHA handle, 2 buttons,
SHE SHA filter for 35 hours (2 pcs.) 2 buttons, knife electrode, 3 m,
knife electrode, 3 m, single­use, sterile
(REF 951­001) single­use, sterile
(10 pcs.) incl. holster (REF 802­032)
(10 pcs.) incl. holster (REF 802­033)

SHE SHA hose for laparoscopy, 3 m, SHE SHA hose for handle, 3 m,
single­use, sterile (12 pcs.) single­use, sterile (10 pcs.)
(REF 952­200) (REF 952­001)



Is ordinary operating theatre ventilation at the source. This significantly reduces What is the purpose of the shut-off delay
sufficient to provide protection against health risks for users and surgical staff. feature in a smoke evacuation system?
surgical smoke?
Evacuation during procedures also pre­ The individually adjustable shut-off delay
No. Room ventilation is not sufficient to vents any obstruction of surgical field vis­ allows residual plume to be evacuated
remove aerosols and gases at the source. ibility from surgical smoke. ­after HF devices have been switched off.

Is an ordinary surgical fluid aspirator suf- Does smoke evacuation add to the noise How do I know that the filter needs
ficient to remove surgical smoke? level in the operating theatre? changing?

No. Surgical fluid evacuation systems are No. Modern surgical smoke evacua­ There is an indicator on the evacuator
designed to evacuate fluids. This type of tion systems have a volume of less than display showing the condition of the filter.
evacuation can contaminate the vacuum 60 dB(A), which approximates the noise The filter is also recognized automatically
system. In any case, surgical evacuation level of normal conversation. and the filter condition is memorized.
systems are not sufficiently powered,
with a performance rate of approximate­ Does the surgical smoke evacuator need What happens when the filter is used up?
ly 40 l / min. Effective smoke evacuation to be switched on during surgery as
requires an evacuation rate of at least needed? When a filter is flagged as used up, there
600 l / min. is still time to complete the current proce­
No. The smoke evacuation system swit­ dure. The filter should be replaced before
Do masks provide protection against sur- ches on automatically when HF devices starting the next surgical procedure.
gical smoke? are activated. In the absence of HF, the
evacuator can be activated using a foot Does the smoke evacuator stop when HF
No. Ordinary masks do not provide pro­ switch. activation ends?
tection against surgical smoke. Their only
purpose is to protect patients from infec­ Is the BOWA smoke evacuation system Yes. If the activation sensor is in use,
tion from organisms exhaled by the surgi­ suitable for use with a variety of device evacuation is synchronized with HF acti­
cal team. types? vation. An individually adjustable shut-off
delay option is also available.
What is the use of a surgical smoke eva­ Yes. The smoke evacuator is universally
cuation system? compatible. An active HF lead is attached
to the activation sensor for use with HF
Surgical smoke evacuation effectively re­ devices.
moves and filters surgical smoke directly


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