Lab 1 Programs

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Lab-1 Programs

1.Write a Program to perform basic arithmetic operations like

addition,subtraction,multiplication and division by
considering necessary values as input from the keyboard.
2. Write a program to calculate the area of the circle.
3. Write a program that demonstrates the usage of identifiers and test for their validity.
4. Write a program to demonstrate various types of print options
5. Write a program to convert the given temparature from celsius to Fahrenheit
6. Write a program that demonstrates the usage of various datatype elements.
Perform various typeconversions on the same.
7. Write a program to calculate the Simple and Compound Intrest.
8. Write a program to swap two numbers by considering values as input from keyboard.
9. Write a program to perform basic operations on Strings such as Printing,
Concatenation,repetition and slicing of the strings.
10.Write a program to print the list of valid keywords in python.
11. Write a program to demonstrate usage of escape sequences.
12. Write a program to illustrate usage of arithmetic , assignment and comparision operators.
13.Write a program to illustrate usage of bitwise,shift operators.
14.Write a program to illustrate usage of Membership and Identity operators.
15.Write a program to demonstrate usage of various types of Expressions Precedence and
Associativity rules.

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