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CBSE Class 10 Mathematics

Important Questions
Chapter 1
Real Numbers

4 Marks Questions

1. Prove that the following are irrationals.




Ans . (i) We can prove irrational by contradiction.

Let us suppose that is rational.

It means we have some co-prime integers a and b (b≠0) such that


⇒ … (1)

R.H.S of (1) is rational but we know that is irrational.

It is not possible which means our supposition is wrong.

Therefore, cannot be rational.

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Hence, it is irrational.

(ii) We can prove irrational by contradiction.

Let us suppose that is rational.

It means we have some co-prime integers a and b (b≠0) such that

⇒ … (1)

R.H.S of (1) is rational but we know that is irrational.

It is not possible which means our supposition is wrong.

Therefore, cannot be rational.

Hence, it is irrational.

(iii) We will prove irrational by contradiction.

Let us suppose that ( ) is rational.

It means that we have co-prime integers a and b (b≠0) such that

⇒ … (1)

a and b are integers.

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It means L.H.S of (1) is rational but we know that is irrational. It is not possible.

Therefore, our supposition is wrong. ( ) cannot be rational.

Hence, ( ) is irrational.

2. Without actually performing the long division, state whether the following rational
numbers will have a terminating decimal expansion or a non-terminating decimal










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Ans. According to Theorem, any given rational number of the form where p and q are

co-prime, has a terminating decimal expansion if q is of the form 2n × 5m, where m and n are
non-negative integers.



Here, denominator is of the form 2n × 5m, where m=5 and n=0.

It means rational number has a terminating decimal expansion.



Here, denominator is of the form 2n × 5m, where m=0 and n=3.

It means rational number has a terminating decimal expansion.



Here, denominator is not of the form 2n × 5m, where m and n are non-negative integers.

It means rational number has a non-terminating repeating decimal expansion.

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q=320=2×2×2×2×2×2×5 = 26 × 5

Here, denominator is of the form 2n × 5m, where m=1 and n=6.

It means rational number has a terminating decimal expansion.



Here, denominator is not of the form 2n × 5m, where m and n are non-negative integers.

It means rational number has non-terminating repeating decimal expansion.


q=23 × 52

Here, denominator is of the form 2n × 5m, where m=2 and n=3 are non-negative integers.

It means rational number has terminating decimal expansion.


q=22 × 57 × 75

Here, denominator is not of the form 2n × 5m, where m and n are non-negative integers.

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It means rational number has non-terminating repeating decimal expansion.



Here, denominator is of the form 2n × 5m, where m=1 and n=0.

It means rational number has terminating decimal expansion.


q=10=2×5=21 × 51

Here, denominator is of the form 2n × 5m, where m=1 and n= 1.

It means rational number has terminating decimal expansion.



Here, denominator is not of the form 2n × 5m, where m and n are non-negative integers.

It means rational number has non-terminating repeating decimal expansion.

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