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Sexual Health Tips and Info

You Thought You Knew But Didn’t

Topics Covered:

Benefiting from Sex: What It Does for Your General Health

Sex is a Healthy Part of Your Diet
Why Sexual Health is Important for the Rest of the Body
Six Ways to Reheat Your Sexual Health
Natural Remedies for Improved Sexual Health
Ladies: Exercises That Can Really Rev Up Your Sex Life
Maintaining your Sexual Health During Menopause
Getting Older and Better: How Aging Affects Sexual Health for Women
Sexual Health During Pregnancy: What You Should Know
The Big "O": How Important is it to Your Sexual Health?
Foreplay Facts that Rev Sexual Health
Candid Communication Important to Sexual Health
The Letter G in Sexual Health: Genitals, G-Spots and Gonorrhea, Oh Gee!
Foods That Factor Into Better Sexual Health

Sexual Health Tips and Info
You Thought You Knew But Didn’t

Benefiting from Sex: What It Does for Your General Health

Sex has many benefits to your physical and emotional health. You can burn a substantial
amount of calories and release Oxytocin, which enhances the emotions of affection and
nurturing. Sex stimulates the flow of testosterone, which strengthens bones and muscles.

Therefore, if you look at it, engaging in sex frequently will bring about feelings of love and
nurturing; you will burn calories, and strengthen your bones and muscles. Can you think of any
other form of exercise that gives you all those benefits and more that is of immense pleasure?
What other ways can sex benefit your overall health? There are so many ways you will be

Enjoying sex on a regular basis helps in maintaining your weight. Every time you have sex, you
are burning calories, which in turn burns fat. Did you know that you can burn approximately the
same amount of calories having sex as you can walking, weight training, yoga, dancing,
canoeing, and playing sports?

Increasing your blood flow to all parts of your body, which brings about an improvement in your
circulatory health? By increasing your heart rate, you are sending oxygenated blood into your
organs and nourishing your body.

Sex lowers your cholesterol by increasing the good cholesterol and lessening the bad.

Lowers your stress level. When the stress level goes down it makes almost anything seem
possible. Your mood lightens and you are at peace.

Enhances a good nights sleep. Many men and women after orgasm are actually able to fall into
a deep sleep because they have just released a large amount of stress and they are not worried
about events of the day or next week. Their bodies actually shut down and relax.

A healthy sex life helps you live a longer life. Sex helps the immune system and improves
almost every aspect of our bodies. There are studies that state if you were to have two
orgasms per week, you could cut the death rate in half as opposed to those who only
experience an orgasm once per month.

The hormone that is released is DHEA and this helps to increase cognition, maintains and
repairs tissues, encourages bone growth, and keeps your skin looking supple and healthy. Aide
in cardiovascular health and work as an antidepressant also knows this hormone.

A healthy prostate. Sex on a regular basis along with ejaculations will keep the men healthy.
Many men have experienced an enlarged prostate and if they live long enough will experience

this problem at some point in their life. Another way to keep the prostate healthy is to practice
doing Kegel exercises. This will keep the prostate toned and healthy

Sex gives a healthy boost to the releasing of testosterone and estrogen thus making you want
to have sex more often. Testosterone also aids in the building and toning of muscles. A
women’s hormone levels is what keeps her vagina supple and lubricated as well as protect her
from heart disease. The estrogen and testosterone are the hormones that make a woman want
her partners touch and his penetration.

Sex as a pain reliever – during the sexual acts the hormone Oxytocin is released into the blood
and this in turn releases endorphins. These are natural opiates and sex has just released a large
amount into your bloodstream. This makes sex a very powerful pain reliever. Did you know that
the hormone Oxytocin is what triggers the orgasm?

In addition, when a woman has an orgasm and the uterine muscles contract they contract with
the same amount of force of a woman in labor! Another advantage to sex as a pain reliever is
that for a woman who is going through premenstrual syndrome (PMS) or cramps, sex is a great
way to feel better.

Intimacy has a great healing effect on people. Therefore, if sex can be as beneficial as we have
seen, sex with love has to be very powerful. If you and your partner are deeply in love with
each other and there is a connection on all levels, you can actually stave off premature death
and/or diseases. Touch is very powerful and when your partner touches you, your body reacts
in a positive way.

Sex is a Healthy Part of Your Diet

Eating foods that contain high fat and calories have no beneficial value to the body. In fact,
these foods will eventually leave you feeling sluggish, tired, and unhealthy. Most people feel
that their sex life is much the same way. Experiencing orgasms and the pleasure from the
sexual experience, affects the mental and physical health in both positive and negative ways. If
you eat foods that are not good for your body, the body will not function to your liking. The
same will happen if you neglect the sexual aspect of your body.

The sexual experience profoundly affects a person completely in mind, soul, and body. You feel
energized. You feel happy, as if you can do anything and the world is at your feet. There are
times though, that you are exhausted and sex is the farthest thing from your minds. Your life
will suffer greatly if you continue to think of sex as something you will get to when you feel like

If you continue to live in this fashion, it will become more difficult to put the fire back in your
intimate life. Just as when you let your body decline, the harder it is to get them back in shape.
It takes a lot of dedication and hard work.

Did you know that zinc is a very important vitamin in regards to your sexual health? It is, and
many foods that have zinc in them live in the ocean. This may be the reason that oysters have

been known as an aphrodisiac. The feeling may not be from the oyster at all, but the zinc that
is found in the oyster. Keeping your body fit, exercising, and getting adequate rest makes for
the best aphrodisiac.

When your body feels good and you are rested, you can fully engage in the sexual experience
and glow in the pleasure it brings to you. When you engage in sex, afterwards you feel relaxed,
de-stressed. You feel almost as if whatever was bothering you beforehand is tolerable and
within reach. Sex is a great reliever of stress and you all know that stress can kill. Stress is a
leading factor in heart diseases and other medical conditions. If you have ever been to a doctor
for an illness, one of the questions they ask you is how you are handling stress.

Zinc is not only an aphrodisiac; it also has properties that increase fertility, heighten the senses,
and regulates sperm function. Bananas and strawberries have properties that improve sexual
stamina and figs aid in fertility. Several other foods are high in zinc and that aid in soft supple
skin. Some foods to consider adding to your diet:

Red Meats
Brown rice
Camembert cheese
Chili peppers

The above list of foods aids in increasing sperm count, antioxidants, improves circulation, and
stimulates nerve endings; of course, all of these can greatly enhance sexual pleasure.
Therefore, when you eat right, you feel great. Then you want to enjoy great sex. Most people
want to have great sex that makes us feel even better. There is no downside to this.

Several herbs available enhance sexual pleasure. These herbs can be found in your local
grocery store or at an herbal specialty shop. Many of these ingredients are also available in pre-
packaged teas. The most common place to find herbal health teas is the whole food section of
your local grocery store or specialty grocer that specializes in herbal remedies. Here are a list of
some easy access herbs that have great effects on libido and sexual health.

Damiana: Over a long period, Damiana nourishes the body and it is a slight mood elevator. It
does not contain or act like caffeine.

Passion Flower: This herb helps decrease the constant noise you hear in your mind, thus
without all the chatter, you can put your full attention into the pleasure you receive and give to
your partner. It was once used by the early American Indians to soothe their nerves.

Muira Puama: Although this Amazonian tree is widely believed to restore libido, it is not a
stimulant, as such. No one really knows exactly what this herb does. However, it seems to

Cacao (chocolate): This herb is known as one of the most renowned aphrodisiacs. It is mildly
euphoric and stimulating to the nervous system, with minimal effects on the cardiovascular

Why Sexual Health is Important for the Rest of the Body

There is a lot of talk about physical health, or mental and emotional health, our kids’ health, our
pet’s health, even the planet’s health, but there seems to be very little discussion about our
sexual health. This article will look at some important tips related to the sexual health of both
men and women.

Male Impotence, also called erectile dysfunction (ED), is one of the most common forms of
dysfunction experienced by men. The majority of men will experience this problem at some
point in their lives. Impotence is more common in men older than 65, but it can occur at any
age. The majority of men experience erectile dysfunction at least one time in their lives and this
is very normal. It is also normal as men age that they will experience changes in the erectile
function just as they experience changes with the rest of their body.

Their orgasms may not be as powerful as they once were and the time it takes to get hard in
between orgasms will become longer. There are a couple of signs and/or symptoms of
impotence; inability to have a full erection, inability to maintain an erection during intercourse,
and the complete inability to achieve an erection regardless of the attempts made.

The way a penis maintains an erection is primarily the way it is made. The penis has two
cylindrical structures that look kind of like sponges. These cylindrical shapes run along the
length of the penis. When arousal takes, place blood begins to flow into the cylinders, which
then increase up to seven times their normal size.

Just as a sponge when you get it wet it expands, the same happens with the penis. When blood
flows in to the penis, an erection is formed. The longer the arousal the harder and stiffer the
penis becomes. Once ejaculation has occurred the blood flow retreats and the penis goes back
to its normal size and shape.

When a person has an orgasm, the body experiences an increase in blood flow, not only to our
genitals but also to all the other organs of the body. When the heart rate increases and
breathing deepens, the circulation is improved. The body is given a fresh supply of blood flows
into all of the organs. The old deprived blood is removed along with toxins that have been
collected in the body.

To maintain good physical health, it is important to lower your cholesterol, this is also important
for your sexual health as well. If you maintain a diet high in cholesterol your arties will
eventually clog and you will experience a heart attack because your body will no longer be able

to circulate blood. Now a heart attack is horrible, but consider the side effect of high
cholesterol, along with the heart attack.

You have now increased your chances of having impotence. If your heart cannot pump blood to
the body, it certainly cannot pump enough blood to your genital region. This can make it near
impossible to maintain an erection. If you have not done so now, change your diet to low
cholesterol one and both your physical health as well as your sexual health will benefit.

The power and release that an orgasm brings is remarkable. Many people completely relax from
the day’s tension and are able to drift into peaceful unconsciousness while wrapped up in their
lover’s arms. It is next to impossible to worry about those dishes sitting in the sink or the
vacuuming and laundry that are waiting for you when you have just had a magnificent climax.

The chemical Oxytocin is a natural opiate that is released during sex and becomes quite
powerful during an orgasm. It is a powerful pain reliever. It breaks down like this; mores sex –
less pain.

There are studies that state that if you have a minimum of two orgasms per week you will live
twice as long as those who do not. Sexual health is very important for both men and women.
Those who are not able to function normally during intercourse can lose their sense of identity.
This can lead to emotional stress and depression. If you are experiencing problems with sexual
functions, it is important to speak to your health care provider.

Six Ways to Reheat Your Sexual Health

The media often depicts sexual behaviors as very intense and serious. In addition, many people
focus more on performance than on pleasure when it comes to sex. People can forget,
therefore, how fun sex is. It is important, however, for couples to remember the fun aspect of

It is perfectly acceptable to explore fantasies, relationship-enhancing toys, or anything else, if

everyone in the relationship is comfortable doing so. At the very least, couples should be able
to express openly the joy that comes from having a pleasurable sexual experience. Every
person in a relationship needs to determine for them what is and is not “fun” when it comes to

Would looking for ways to have better sex after years of good sex with your partner be sinfully
greedy? From the averted gazes, blushes, and giggles that so many people produce when sex
toys are mentioned, you would think increasing sexual joy past some legal limit truly breaks a
law. No way by nature, human beings are game players and tool users. We enjoy inventing
recreational activities that enhance our abilities to do required tasks: accurate javelin throwing
and bringing down dinner-on-the-hoof have something important in common. So, too, game-
like sexual fantasies, whether all in the mind or role-played with costumes and props, "tools" if
you will, are natural extensions of a healthy desire to heighten pleasure and enrich sexual

1) Vibrators have a place among the tools that people use to improve their sexual skills,
increase their own and their partners' pleasure, and add joy to their sex lives. Most female
orgasms depend on clitoral stimulation, and vibrators provide the most intense clitoral
stimulation possible. In lovemaking with a partner, vibrators work best as a complement to
other sexual stimuli. Using a vibrator does not reduce the sensual pleasure of direct body
contact, of skin on skin, of mouths and tongues, of hands or genitals.

2) Aim for the G-Spot. G-spot vibrators are now available and designed to stimulate what has
been described as the G-spot located on the upper wall of many women's vaginas. The surface
of the G-spot tends to feel rough to the touch and, like erectile tissue in the penis; it may
become firm and swell when stimulated. Once the G-spot is found any stimulation will help, a
finger or penis works great.

3) Dildos have been around since the dawn of humanity and probably will be for a while longer.
Made of pliant silicone these days, they can be used for vaginal or anal penetration and come in
every configuration you might think of and many you probably would not. For safety, dildos
intended for anal use should have a flared base. Prosthetic penile aides are hollow dildos,
usually made of latex, and can be worn by either males or females.

They are held on with adjustable elastic straps. A "universal harness" designed for any dildo or
penile aide with a flared base, are also made. Dildos can be fun with oral sex. As the man
pleasures the woman, he can stimulate her clitoris with his tongue and use the dildo in her
vagina to reach the G-spot. For women during oral sex on a man a dildo can be used anally, if
so desired.

4) Lubricants add a sensual slickness to sexual stimulation. Many are odorless, tasteless, and
non-staining, and some are edible. Others warm up when you blow on them, a tasteful way to
create a hot environment. However, use only water-based lubes; oil-based lubricants destroy
the latex used in condoms, dams, and diaphragms. Many lubricants are designed for multiple
tasks, massage, eatable, vaginal lubrication, and more.

5) Sex toys include products such as positioning pillows, "smittens" (textured mittens),
tranquility balls, safe sex kits, guides, books, erotic videos, feathers, games, leather accessories
and various attachments for the nipples and genitals. There are many toys available for
bondage aficionados. Most catalogs offer blindfolds, some lined in fake fur, buckled or hook-
and-loop restraints, slappers and handcuffs. These are great for creating some fantasy play
between long time partners.

6) Dress-up clothes are a great way to add spice to one’s sex life. Many lingerie stores sell sexy
outfits for a fun evening. There is also fantasy out fits, such as a schoolgirls uniform, nurse,
cowboy, policeman, and doctors. These products are fun and sassy and definitely add a thrill to
the romance.

Natural Remedies for Improved Sexual Health

There are many aspects of women’s lives that are given great deal of attention. Often, a
woman’s sexual health gets left out in the cold. However, just as nutrition and diet are
important aspects to women’s health in general, it can also be an important factor to women’s
sexual health. As women get older their hormone levels decrease, which sends their libido
plummeting into nothingness.

There are many supporters of hormone replacement therapy for women who have undergone
changes that have decreased their hormone levels, but this is not the only option available. If a
woman chooses not to take hormones, they can still function effectively as a vital sexual woman
by paying close attention to their diet.

Foods that are high in magnesium, potassium, Vitamin E, zinc, niacin, and amino acids are the
best nutrition for women’s sexual health. High fat diets are damaging to the sexual well being
of women. Women would fair much better if they stick to a low-fat diet. If a woman consumes
a high fat diet this can cause blocked arteries, which can restrict blood flow. If the blood flow is,
constricted sexual performance will not be at its peak.

Increasing the amount of fruits and vegetables lowers cholesterol and stimulates the blood flow
to the organs within the body. Fiber and starches (healthy ones) promote a healthy heart and if
a woman’s heart is healthy and pumping strong, her sexual stamina will be increased.
Supplements and multivitamins heighten sexuality by increasing energy levels, boosting
circulation and bring an overall sense of well being to the senses.

Stimulating the sense of smell and touch can greatly increase your sexual desire. The use of
scents in massage oils and other lubricants can play a very important role in a women’s sexual
health. This will not be beneficial if the woman does not get adequate sleep, though. When a
woman has an orgasm, she concentrates on every part of her body and every sensation she is
feeling. If she is exhausted and stressed, the one thing she wants is not sex.

Another important factor to increasing a woman’s sexual health is to decrease the level of stress
she is experiencing through out the day. This can be done through exercise, meditations, yoga,
or simply a hot bath and a good book. All of these method helps reduce her stress and will
increase her sexual health.

Eating right and exercising are important components to men’s sexual health also. Men will
experience changes in the sexual health at one time or another in their lives. This can be due to
a number of factors including illness, fatigue, medications, and/or diseases. If a man’s diet is
high in fat, this can lead to cardiac complications.

If the heart is not able to pump enough blood, the chances that the man will be able to
experience an erection will be slim to none. Adding fish and foods that are high in protein and
low in fat are an excellent way to get the man’s sexual health back on track.

Foods that are high in zinc content are great for stimulating the health of the prostate. These
foods are fish, shellfish, such as oysters and clams are a great source of zinc. There is a vitamin
known as the sex vitamin that allows for longer harder erections – Vitamin E.

Exercise is great for maintaining or boosting sexual health. When you do a cardio work out, the
heart is pumping, the blood is flowing, and you are feeling good. You feel strong and ready for
an energizing sexual experience. When you work out you reduce a great level of stress. When
you have sex and experience your orgasm, you are releasing more stress and your physical
health and sexual health are reaping the benefits of your health lifestyle choices.

The vitamin Niacin is important in the overall sexual health as it constructs the sex and adrenal
hormones. What is important about niacin is that after you take it, this vitamin mimics the
natural flush you get from sexual excitement. The same hormone that is released to produce
the flushed sensation when we are aroused sexually is also released when we take niacin.
When you take niacin, it dilates the blood vessels and allows for more blood flow thus
heightening sexual pleasure.

Ladies: Exercises That Can Really Rev Up Your Sex Life

Women have voiced a growing concern that their male lover reports that they do not 'feel
enough' during intercourse or that they themselves do not 'feel tight enough'. Women are
starting to worry that this is a consequence of the size of their vaginas. Feeling loose for a
woman can mean a sexual death sentence. Unlike the penis, the vagina is not under the
scrutiny of its owner several times a day at the urinal.

Without this regular view, the average woman has little idea of what the proportions of her
vagina actually are. There are many possible reasons to account for the lack of sensation men
are experiencing, such as an increase in the use of condoms, numbing the natural sensation,
greater use of anti-depressants that delay ejaculation, and more sexually aggressive women.
However, women are taking the blame on themselves. They think that maybe they are not tight
any more. Childbirth and sex before marriage has lead women who have been previously
sexually active, feeling like used goods to some extent.

The truth is that most women are not loose, especially if they have never had children. Vaginas
come in many shapes and sizes, ranging between 3 - 5 inches in length. The vagina is not a
"hole" but, instead, a "potential space.” It is the tone of the PC (pubococcygeal) muscles
surrounding it that account for the size. Control allows women to contract at the right time, and
in the right way, permitting her to determine what she and her partner feel during intercourse.

This type of control can be achieved easily through the "Kegel" exercises, an enjoyable activity
of routinely contracting the pelvic floor muscles (which one uses to stop the flow of urine). This
also increases sexual pleasure in both women and men. These contractions tighten the vagina
and increase the likelihood or female orgasm. These muscles have the ability to squeeze the
man’s penis, which feels incredible for him.

A slight change in size has indeed been associated with significant weight loss or gain, with
dramatic hormonal changes, or with surgery. However, more often it is the passing of a baby
through the birth canal that expands the walls of the vagina. This causes some women (and
their lovers) to experience a loose feeling during intercourse.

While most vaginas bounce right back to their original state, within a few months, some need
many hours of Kegels to get their tone back. In some cases, even with months of Kegel
exercises under their belt, some women complain that nothing seems to work to get them back
to normal. Some vaginas need more toning than others do, especially if the woman has given
birth in rapid succession.

Before rushing off to get your vagina cut and stitched, consider your options. The most
common reason Kegels may not be working is that they are simply not being done correctly.

1. Monitor your progress. A quick and easy way to tell whether your Kegels are working is with
a handy tool, called the Parinometer. Slide it into the vagina and squeeze. It will tell you just
how strong your muscles are. More importantly, it will tell you how you are progressing, as the
weeks go by.

2. Check to see if you are doing the right type of Kegel for you. If your goal is to feel more (and
have your partner feel more) during intercourse, make sure you practice with something inside
the vagina. Practicing without anything inside may give you performance anxiety when you
finally try to use them in the presence of a penis.

Ideal objects for practicing include the vaginal barbells, which is considered top quality weights
for the vagina and the Kegelcisor that gives the PC muscles a great little workout. The newest
addition to PC workout tool is the Berman-Juno Weighted Kegel Exerciser, which adds
resistance with springs, in a less expensive way. Bullet-Vibe, are two little weighted balls that
you must keep inside while you go about your daily activities. It is harder than you think.
Alternatively, simply incorporate your Kegels into your sex-play with the actual penis.

Finally, before leaping to conclusions about the size of your vagina, keep in mind that there are
different sizes and shapes of penises too. Like a lock and key, some combinations do work
better than others do. One person's ideal vagina could be too loose for another. There is a
widely circulated myth that a lot of sex will increase the size of your vagina. The walls of the
vagina are elastic and can stretch to accommodate a baby's head without any damage. Even
the largest penis would not come close to reaching these proportions.

Maintaining your Sexual Health During Menopause

As men and women, age the body experiences several changes. Some of these changes have
an adverse affect on the sexual experiences. A slower response time is an area that disturbs
older adults and does not mean that you should give up on sexual pleasure. This is a great time
in your life and you can become creative and try new positions and other forms of sexual
pleasure to stimulate arousal. Here is a look at some of those ways to help maintain sexual
health during menopause.

For Women

Foreplay: Arousal can take longer for the older adult, so this is a great time to enjoy foreplay.
Take as long as you want and enjoy pleasuring each other or yourself. There is no hurry, only
pleasure waiting to be enjoyed.

Communicate: Talk about what excites you and listen to what turns on your partner. This is
both enlightening and at times can be arousing.

Try a new place: Do not have your sexual encounter only in the bedroom. Lighten it up by
trying different places. Set time aside and go to a local motel for the night. A change, even a
small one can flood the senses with pleasure. While you are experimenting with new locations
explore self-stimulation with or without your partner or together. You can incorporate this form
of pleasure into foreplay and enjoy a wonderful experience.

Often as the woman ages, her vagina becomes drier and the labia will lose a bit of its firmness.
During this time, the clitoris can become extremely sensitive.

Lubrication: Find a lubrication that you prefer and make it part of your sexual experience. Using
lubrication is a great way to moisten the vagina, which will make intercourse very pleasurable.
There are water-based lubricants and oil-based lubricants that you can purchase with a
prescription. An added bonus to using lubricants is that they can become part of foreplay.

Vaginal estrogens: These are effective, for the short term, to ease the discomfort of vaginal
dryness. It is important to discuss this option with your doctor because there are side effects of
the estrogen.

For Men

Older men will often experience a delay in achieving an erection. They require more manual
stimulation than before. They also have a longer period between the time that they reach an
erection and ejaculation. It might be helpful to stimulate each other and relax until you both
have been fully satisfied. Another change for older men is that once orgasm has been achieved,
the penis quickly loses it firmness. If the man is taking any medications, he should speak to his
doctor about possible side effects of losing his sex drive or other functions of his libido.

It is important for the woman to be patient with her partner just as he is with her. If you find
you are unable to achieve an erection after spending time trying to different methods you may
want to talk to your doctor about possibly having an erectile dysfunction.

Heart disease: this can be very disconcerting for the man because he does not want to over-
exert himself with the sexual act. If you have had a heart attack or have had heart surgery, you
might wonder when you can fully enjoy pleasuring your partner and being pleasured in return.
The rule is if you can walk up two flights of stairs without difficulty, your heart is ready for the
exercise in sexual gratification.

Positions to try: be creative with different positions and keep trying until you and your partner
find a position that benefits both of you. The “spoon position” is where you both lie on your
sides and the woman has her back to the man – just like a pair of spoons – this can be very
intimate and enjoyable. Another option is the person whose back may not be as strong can by

lying down and the stronger partner kneeling above them. You could also take turns with this
position giving each a rest from being on top.

Entering menopause and aging does not mean that sex has come to an end you are no longer
able to enjoy yourselves. Quite the opposite, you now have more time to communicate,
experiment with different positions, and completely enjoy your sexual encounters.

Getting Older and Better: How Aging Affects Sexual Health for Women

Sexual health is not solely based on the act of sex, but encompasses the physical, social,
mental, and emotional health of all parties involved. Positive sexual health means that all
parties involved are respectful towards each other of the desires of each.

Sexual pleasure has immense power. The way the body responds is exciting. In addition, sex
can have immense healing powers. The excitement in trying different positions and new toys
can spark a flame in a relationship that may have dulled a bit. Masturbation has many benefits
including truly loving yourself and your body. It also increases the awareness of your needs and
desires so that you can better communicate those to your partner.

The woman, who has experienced life, tends to not be so harsh on her self-image and exude
more confidence. With this self-confidence, they will readily share the information they know
about themselves with their partner. Being able to love your body and communicate that to
your partner is a key aspect to having a fulfilling sexual relationship.

If your mind is constantly on how your body looks, acts, smells, or tastes – you will definitely
not be concentrating on the pleasure that your partner is trying to give you. In obsessing over
these details, you will certainly bring your relationship to a halt.

Concentrating on the arousal that is taking place in the body is very important for a woman and
if you are obsessing over anything, you are not experiencing the pleasure of sex. Older women
have had years of exploring their bodies and often can reach an orgasm easier than can a
younger woman who has not quite accepted her body and explored her own sexuality so freely.
Do not forget to communicate with your partner. Your partner may be great, but they cannot
read your mind.

During the sexual experience, it is not always appropriate to criticize your partner. You may
want to consider gliding their hand to the position that brings you pleasure or show them
through masturbation how you reach orgasm. Being able to communicate in this way enhances
trust, respect, and honesty between you and your partner.

There are several ways to reach orgasm and there is no “one way” or “right way” to reach
orgasm. Intercourse is definitely one way there is also clitoral stimulation manually, orally, or
with sex toys. Many women also have multiple orgasms, so if the woman is reaching several
orgasms through different methods it makes the sexual encounter that much more pleasurable.

Whether the orgasm is one, small, large, or multiple, they are all valid. Older women are less
inhibited and embarrassed about asking to have stimulation from their partner or self-stimulate.
Looking "hot" is not an older woman's goal. Most older, women are past this and concentrate
on being satisfied and pleasing their partner. Younger women have found they have to
concentrate harder in order to get an orgasm.

Strengthening the pelvic floor with Kegel exercises are a great way to enhance your sexual
pleasure. These muscles contract with an orgasm, so if you are working to strengthen them you
can make orgasm more intense. Older women have been long doing these, especially to help
tighten after childbirth. Using this technique during sex is more arousing and brings you closer
to orgasm, but does so for the man too. This will enable a women to have more control on her
body and help give her partner extra stimulation.

Vibrators have a place among the tools that people use to improve their sexual skills, increase
their own and their partners' pleasure, and add joy to their sex lives. Vibrators came to market
as a way to provide women, especially non-orgasmic women, a new kind of intense sexual
stimulation whether or not they had a sex partner.

Whether hand-held or designed to fasten over the hand, a vibrator is simply an appliance that
produces a steady, rapid rhythm - at about 2,000 vibes or oscillations a minute. Vibrators
provide intense clitoral stimulation and most females need this stimulation to either aid in
orgasm or achieve an orgasm. Older women have had or have no problem adding this
dimension to their sex lives, and tend be a little more adventurous. Who says older is not
better? Seems like the older people get the better they get sexually.

Sexual Health During Pregnancy: What You Should Know

When a woman is pregnant, her sexual appetite fluctuates with the changes she experiences
during pregnancy. There will be days she craves sex and others she will not want anything to
do with it. Both the expectant mother and her partner may find this confusing. Once the child
has arrived, there are more changes in store for the couple that can influence the sexual
relationship. These can include:

• Healing from a vaginal birth

• Healing from a c-section

• Breast-feeding and the inevitable leaking associated

• Vaginal dryness

• Post-partum depression

• Sleep deprivation

There is a lot of information available for expectant parents and their sex life before and after
childbirth. It is difficult to find topics relating to sex during your pregnancy. New parents often
do not know what is safe and what is not or whether they can have sex the entire nine months
or only during certain times. This article will look at some of these questions and help you
understand more of what you can expect during your pregnancy.

Before sex even begins, communication should come first. The woman should let her partner
know how she is feeling and what she is afraid of when they have sex. You might consider both
of you going in and speaking with her doctor about what is appropriate for her body during the
pregnancy. These ways both of you have an opportunity to explore your questions and/or
concerns. As with your sex life before she became pregnant, talking is still very important to
maintain a healthy sexual experience.

If you have been told there are no expected complications for you, then sex is considered safe
during the entire nine months. A high-risk pregnancy would be if you were susceptible to
miscarriages or pre-term labor. Although the doctor may have given you, the all clear for the
next nine months does not guarantee that you will want to engage in sex.

Many expectant mothers suffer from “morning sickness” and sex is not something they are
interested in during this time. Do not let this upset the rest of your day though. If you use to
enjoy morning sex, you can begin enjoying afternoon sex instead. There is no reason for it to
stop simply because your body says no during this stage.

During the later stages of pregnancy when the woman begins to grow it will be time to find
new positions. Communication is important during this time so that you both can be satisfied
and enjoy the love you share together.

Many couples fear that if they thrust too hard they will harm the baby. This is not true. Your
baby is completely protected within the uterus and the amniotic sac surrounding it. If that were
not enough, a very thick mucus plug is closing the cervix so semen cannot travel past the
vaginal canal. Do not think that for one minute you cannot have an orgasm. They are perfectly
safe and help to exercise the uterine muscles, which will be used a great deal during labor.
Many couples use sex as a way to encourage labor as the date approaches.

The sex drive will fluctuate with the different stages of the pregnancy. Normally after the first
trimester the queasiness subsides and your body begins more accustom the changes it is
experiencing. It is best to take advantage of the times you do feel like having a sexual
encounter as your moods and physical feelings fluctuate constantly.

During the second trimester, many women find this a pleasant time and enjoy sex a great deal.
Later, the sex drive usually declines again in the third trimester as her abdomen enlarges and
the baby begins pushing on her organs and bladder. This can be downright confusing to the
male who is use to a lot of sex during the process of trying to conceive and then going to
almost none for a few months. Then he is overjoyed to have sex only to have it diminish again.
Communicating and knowledge of what is happening to her and her body is very important
during this time.

There are other concerns that couples may have that can decrease their appetite for sexual
pleasure. They may start to feel anxious about being a parent or the financial burden they are
now going to be experiencing. They may be concerned about their spouse’s health and whether
or not, the baby will be healthy.

These are concerns that you should definitely talk over with your health care provider and each
other. Remember, passionate sex actually relieves tension and stress. So enjoy yourself
intimately and then reassess your concerns. They may not seem so overwhelming after you and
your partner have had a couple of orgasms.

The Big "O": How Important is it to Your Sexual Health?

It is true – sex is good for you! There is actually scientific evidence that proves experiencing an
orgasm is beneficial to the physical body as well as the emotions. Now eating that entire box of
chocolates might be soothing to you, but you will not reap the same rewards you would if you
choose to have an orgasm. Think of it this way; eat chocolates, distress, and break out in zits or
have an orgasm, distress, and lose weight.

Relieve Tension: The power and release that an orgasm brings is remarkable. Many people
completely relax from the day’s tension and are able to drift into peaceful unconsciousness
while wrapped up in their lover’s arms. It is next to impossible to worry about those dishes
sitting in the sink when you have just had a magnificent climax.

Boost your immune system: Powerful chemicals are released when you experience an
orgasm. These chemicals will boost your immune system, promote bone growth, and enhance
our overall health. So the more orgasms you have the stronger your body becomes and the
happier you will be.

Sex helps to diminish depression: Besides the sheer pleasure you get from having an
orgasm, the body takes it a step further by enhancing the endorphins and other hormones that
elevate the mood. A hormone is found in only the semen that when it mixes with the female
enhances our already euphoric state. Have an orgasm and be happy. Enjoy multiple orgasms
and be downright giddy.

Orgasms and better eating: There are so many chemicals and hormones that are being
released when we have an orgasm that it makes you wonder how the body produces the
sensation. One type of hormone is like a natural amphetamine, which regulates our appetite.
Another way to look at it is if you are craving food during the night, reach over to your partner,
and initiate a passionate, orgasmic encounter. You will then have curbed your desire for food
and will be losing weight in the process.

Sex will improve your sense of smell: Another hormone that rushes forward after an
orgasm in one that tells the brain to increase the sense of smell. Pheromones are very powerful
in attracting partners and after orgasm, it is possible to relax and literally bask in the scent of
the lover.

Strengthen your body: The body contracts a great deal during sex and tightens up during an
orgasm. This is a great way to strengthen your body. Along with the sexual act, if you do Kegel
exercises you will get an added bonus of strength and toning. Sex is a great toning exercise.

Pain Relief: The chemical Oxytocin is a natural opiate that is released during sex and becomes
quite powerful during an orgasm. It is a powerful pain reliever. It breaks down like this; mores
sex – less pain.

Increase blood flow: As fresh blood supply arrives, your cells, organs and muscles are
saturated with fresh oxygen and hormones, and as the used blood is removed, you remove
waste products that cause fatigue and even illness. You thought that deep breathing was
strictly for an erotic turn on. Actually, it is your body’s way of bringing in a fresh supply of blood
and oxygen.

Help you lose weight: A pound of fat has more than three thousand calories. Sex burns a
little over one hundred calories per every half hour. Now, you can do other sports also and they
can burn anywhere from one hundred calories to over one hundred and fifty calories. You can
now consider sex as a sport to burn calories and stay in shape.

Orgasms can build healthier relationships: The same hormone that aids in pain relief also
helps with bonding. Just before having an orgasm, it increases up to five times its normal
amount. Even simple touch can activate it. Could this be the reason people all love each other
right at climax?

Live longer with better health: There are actual studies that state that if you have a
minimum of two orgasms per week you will live twice as long as those who do not. What does
that say if you have multiple orgasms per day? Live long and prosper with lots of orgasms.

Foreplay Facts that Rev Sexual Health

To engage in the sexual act without foreplay is like drinking milked that has soured – it just is
not any fun. Foreplay is so named because it is the fun before the excitement peaks. Foreplay is
meant to entice, to tease and to build-up to the final act. During foreplay, you should enjoy
stimulating your partner to the point they are begging you for more.

This is preparing their body, theirs senses and their mind to be fully engaged in the sexual
experience. Along with the physical aspects of foreplay, there is also intellectual foreplay. When
two individuals connect on an intellectual level, they know they “click” or the opposite, they
realize they do not. Here is a look at several parts of foreplay and the various ways you can
heighten the sexual experience.

Both men and women are made to enjoy each other. A woman has a body that a man can
enjoy. She has curves that you can run your hands over. She is soft as silk to the touch, which
makes you want to pulls her close and cuddles her. If you know the places on her body to
touch that excite her you can watch, her body follows the pleasure you are bringing her. Talk to
her, ask her what she likes and where she wants you to touch her. She will tell you!

A woman’s lips: women love to be kissed and to kiss their partners and many women do not
get enough of this during foreplay. When you kiss a woman, it sends electricity through her
making her want to be closer and more passionate than you can imagine. When you kiss a
woman’s lips every so often, gently kiss her face, checks, nose eyelids and wander back down
to her lips. You will like the result. She will tell you when you should move on to other parts of
her body.

Her hair: Most woman love to have their hair played with and brushed. They like to feel you
run your fingers through it. If you see her sitting and playing with her hair, that would be a clue
for you to brush or play with it.

A woman’s fingers and toes: have you ever sucked on her fingers or toes? They are very
sensitive and this can be very sensual especially during intercourse.

A woman’s breasts: most men know about the breasts and love to touch them. The only
mistake that may occur during foreplay or intercourse is paying so much attention to the
breasts that you neglect the woman who is attached to them. It is possible to stimulate the
breast to such a point that they become numb and though you may be having a great time she
will be laying there waiting for you to move on. Give her the anticipation that you are going to
play with her breasts. As you move gently across the breasts to her neck, she will be waiting for
you to come back to her breasts.

The small of a woman’s back: the small of her back is very sensitive and has many pressure
points where many women carry stress. If you gently massage this area it will feel wonderful to
her. She will delight as you gently kiss her throughout the massage of this area.

A woman’s soft spots: now a woman has several areas that are sensitive that you may not
have considered but if you find them, she will love you even more.

Behind her knees

Inside of her arms
Inner thighs
Hollow of her neck

Gentle stocking of these areas as well as light kisses are very pleasurable to the woman.
Remember also, that gentleness is the key with women.

A woman’s buttocks: grab those cheeks in your hands, squeeze them, and play with them.
This releases stress and leaves the woman with the thought that you are making your way to
more erogenous zones.

A woman’s G-spot: This area is known to give a woman the most intense pleasure. For a
woman, orgasms can have different feelings depending on where they are located and this one
is great. The location of the G-spot is mid-way between her cervix and pubic bone. If you insert
a finger or two, palm up in her vagina and use a 'come here' motion to stimulate it. During
intercourse, the best position to stimulate the G-spot is with the woman on her back. For bonus
points, try giving her a "blended orgasm" by aiming for both her G-spot and her clitoris at once.
Rear-entry position is best for this.

Candid Communication Important to Sexual Health

Why do some people seem to get everything they want in the way of romantic intimacy, while
others cannot get even what they need? Being sexually successful is not a matter of how you
look, how old you are, or how much you earn. It is more about your attitude, manners, and
social skills.

Here are 10 commonsense tips on negotiating your way to great romantic intimacy.

1. First impressions count. Look and act your best. This is not the time to beat yourself up
about your imperfections or to take out your frustrations with the world. This is the time to let a
partner know that you are ready and able to have a fun time.

2. Pay attention. Take a few minutes to absorb some information about your potential
partner. Get a sense of the kind of person she or he is – shy or aggressive, extroverted, or
reserved? Then fine-tune your approach to him or her. People are not interchangeable; so do
not treat everyone exactly the same way.

3. Be complimentary. Find something about the person that you like. Does he or she have
nice hair or lovely eyes, a great figure or beautiful hands? Are they spiritual, intelligent, or
funny? Learning to appreciate people’s qualities, and letting them know you do, is key to
success in your romantic endeavors.

4. Leave the negativity at home. The kiss of death is when you bring tired old baggage into
play. Romantic intimacy is about pleasure, fun, relaxation, healing, and connecting with another
human being. Do not talk about your bad relationships or gas prices, bar fights or work
frustrations. Focus on the good times you can have with this person, and not the bad times you
have had with others.

5. Flirt. A whole book could be written on the subject, but suffice to say that flirting puts
people in a good mood and warms them up sexually. Flirting includes can include paying
compliments, making teasing comments or light-hearted jokes, and talking about fantasies or
things you would like to do together. It does NOT include demeaning jokes, insults, or obscene

6. Ask for what you want. Asking does not guarantee you will get it, but it certainly improves
your chances. Show or tell your lover what things excite you the most. If your partner needs
some convincing, take baby steps towards your ultimate goal.

7. Control yourself. The difference between immature romantic intimacy and adult romantic
intimacy is that adults learn to control their impulses. Unfortunately, way too many adults keep
acting sex-crazed and immature long after it is acceptable or attractive. Sexual excitement is no
excuse for trying to force someone to do things that make him or her uncomfortable. When
your partner says "no" to something, accept the limit and gracefully and move on to something
else. Rude or abusive behavior are not appreciated or tolerated.

8. Don’t confuse fantasy with reality. You meet an incredibly desirable person and, in your
mind, you just know you would have mind-blowing romantic intimacy together. You are lucky if

you do. Do not ruin your chances with them by assuming that YOUR fantasy obligates THEM to
fulfill it. Instead, feel them out – are they getting the same vibes? Does your idea turn them on
as much as it does you? Talk it over before trying to talk them into it.

9. Set limits on both sides and stick to them. Communicate clearly about what you like
and dislike, what words or fantasies are exciting and which ones are not. Remember that what
is hot to one person could be like a cold shower to another. If your partner lets you know that
he or she does not want to act out a particular, fantasy or engage in a particular act, do not try
to force them into it. You can always find someone else who is more compatible with you and
will be delighted to indulge you.

10. Be polite. Some of the sexiest words in any language are "Please," "thank you," and
"you’re welcome." No matter how raunchy the situation, politeness shows that you respect your
partners and value their company, and it makes you look classy. Your positive energy will make
them trust you more and grow more open to trying new and exciting things with you.

The Letter G in Sexual Health: Genitals, G-Spots and Gonorrhea, Oh Gee!

Male Genitals: the genitals of the male consist of the penis and scrotum. Some men have the
foreskin still attached at the head of the penis and other men have had this foreskin removed,
which is called a circumcision. The scrotum is a sac that surrounds the testes and protects them
while at the same time keeping the temperature at a specific degree for the sperm. The head of
the penis is very sensitive as is the scrotum. A man’s penis can be soft or hard depending on
the stimulation.

Female Genitals: are much more complicated than the males. They begin with the vulva,
clitoris, and vagina. The vulva contains the mons pubis, labia majora and minor and the clitoris.
The clitoris is the only anatomical organ whose sole function is to bring pleasure. The vagina is
a tube like structure that is very muscular and expandable. Many women find sexual
gratification when the vaginal walls are stimulated during intercourse. Then there are those who
cannot have an orgasm through sexual intercourse and need to be stimulated via the G-spot or

The G-spot or Grafenberg spot: Women can ejaculate during intercourse if the G-spot is
stimulated in just the right way. The G-spot is located between the pelvic bone and the cervix
and is highly sensitive. The only reason this spot is there, as it appears now, is to provide
pleasure for the woman. When the G-spot is stimulated, it swells slightly as it fills with blood. If
you locate this G-spot, you can manipulate a woman’s orgasm to last from several seconds to
several minutes and possibly longer.

To find this magical place, insert a finger or two inside the vagina facing upward and use a
“come hither tilt” with your finger and you should have no problems finding the G-spot. This
spot can also be manipulated with the penis as well as other methods. If you want to
experiment with the G-spot, you want to make sure the bladder is empty because the intense
orgasms will feel a bit like she needs to urinate.

Gonorrhea: is a sexually transmitted disease that is contracted by having unprotected sex with
someone who is infected. Gonorrhea primarily affects those who are teenagers into the thirties
and who have multiple sex partners. Gonorrhea is not solely spread through unprotected
vaginal intercourse. It can also be spread through anal or oral sex as well.

If you have unprotected sex in any fashion and your partner is a carrier of gonorrhea, you will
also be infected. If a pregnant woman has gonorrhea and has not been treated at the time of
her birth, she can pass the disease to her child as it passes through the vaginal canal.

Symptoms men will experience if they have gonorrhea will be a discharge from the penis that
will be a yellowish white color and possibly burning from the penis. Women may have the same
symptoms. If you have a gonorrhea infection in the throat or rectum, you will have little no
symptoms. Remember that if you had this infection before, you are not immune from getting it

Gonorrhea can be treated with antibiotics and is curable. As with most all diseases eventually, a
strain of gonorrhea will all of a sudden become immune to the antibiotics and will not be
treatable. If a person does not get treatment for gonorrhea, they will experience complications.

The only way to prevent the spread of gonorrhea is through the practice of safe sex. Consider
limiting the amount of partners and always use a condom when having sex.

If you think you may have contracted gonorrhea through unprotected sex, or you know
someone who has, make an appointment to see a medical professional. Also, it is important for
you to contact all your previous and current sexual partners. This disease is serious and should
not be taken lightly. If you think you can have unprotected sex and not contract a sexually
transmitted disease, whether it is gonorrhea or any other disease, this would be a mistake. No
matter what choice you make, always use precaution. It is never wise to let someone talk you
into sex without using a condom.

Foods That Factor Into Better Sexual Health

In today’s world where a pill can fix just about anything, there have been studies done to show
how both when men and women respond to medical treatment. Both men and women were
given a placebo and told it was a new medication that would enhance their sexual performance.
The majority of the men and women said that they indeed noticed an increase in their sexual
drive and performance. This study shoes that the most important part of enhancing our libido
comes from the mind. So how does food affect sexual and emotional health?

Adding soy to your diet will help in vaginal lubrication. Soy adheres to estrogen receptors,
which maintains the lubrication the vagina needs. Soy is also used to suppress the effects of hot
flashes that occur during menopause. Soy promotes a healthy prostate. To improve your
circulation and stimulate nerve endings try adding chili peppers and ginger to your diet. As this
improves, so will your sexual pleasure.

Food that is good for your heart will also be great for your penis. Good blood flow is necessary
for an erection. If the heart is not operating properly, there is a good chance the penis will not
be standing as straight as you want it to either. Foods that are high in saturated fat will clog the
arteries, which in turn will limit the amount of blood flow that will reach your genital region. Fat
is essential to create your hormones, but your body needs the right type of fats. Olive oils,
seafood, and nuts are a great source of the good fat that will help in producing the hormones
that are essential for your sexual health to operating at peak performance.

Here is a look at foods that have been praised for having aphrodisiac qualities to

Rhino horn – is said to increase the sexual appetite


The thought behind these foods is to increase your sex drive based on their smell, taste, or
appearance. There are those who believe that if you eat foods that are phallic in appearance
you will make your penis strong and hard like the food you ingest.

The same thought process applies to eating oysters and figs, which either smell or look like a
woman’s vulva when she is aroused. By ingesting the foods, they hope that they will become
plump, slippery, and tasty as well.

When you eat hot foods, it is thought to make you have the appearance of sexual excitement.
Eating sweet or spicy foods is said to put you in a relaxed mood and ready to partake of more

Do these food myths work? Not they way they are reported to work. They cannot change your
sexual organs to look any different than they already do. Although the power of suggestion is
strong and using food as a form of seduction or as a form of sexual play can be very enticing. A
great way to spice up your sex life is with the use of food.

Fast boosts and slow effects:

Alcohol will relax you emotionally and give you a flushed appearance. For the short amount of
time it lasts it boosts your self-confidence.

Caffeine and sugar are always good for a quick boost of energy.

These are a couple of short-term effects and the reality is what we eat on a daily basis will in
the long term, have the strongest effect on your sexual health. To be at your best both
physically and sexually your diet should contain plenty of fish and fresh vegetables.

To make food a part of your sexual experience cook or create foods that will entice both you
and your lover into a passionate night of tasting and exploring, cook a meal together of your
favorite foods and then feed them to each other. You could sit at a table while doing this or you
could spread a blanket on the floor, place the foods around the floor, and then let your
imagination and passion flow free.

'The Karma Sutra' suggests a ram's or goat's testicle boiled in sweetened milk, and cooked with
sparrow’s eggs, rice and honey for an aphrodisiac.


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