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PROJECT: Connectors and Couplings




J.Collins J. Kolistanik J. Kolistanik
00 Initial Release
8/25/2020 9/2/2020 9/3/2020

Manufacturer: STATS UK Ltd Pressure Equipment: 2", 3", 4" & 8" Connectors and Couplings
Project No: J06834 ESR Report No: TR0587
Client: Petrofac PED Class: CAT III, MODULE G

Essential Safety Requirement Summary Applicability/Summary

2.2 Design for adequate strength CALC0743-01/02, CALC0968, CALC0969 in accordance with ASME B31.3, DNV-RP-F113. TR0587
2.3 Provision for safe handling and Operation Suitable lifting points included. See detailed drawings/GA in Appendix IV, TR0587
2.4 Means of examination N/A
2.5 Draining and venting Annulus vent port included.
2.6 Corrosion and chemical attack All components coated with Xylan and Phosphate
2.7 Wear Locks hardened - gas carburise to 56/61 Rc 0.15mm
2.8 Assemblies All connectors and couplings to be assembled as per Appendix VIII, TR0587
2.9 Filling and discharge Through 1/4" annulus test port. Fittings rated for the pressure
Protection against exceeding allowable
2.10 Suitable protection device to installed on the piping system by the End User.
2.11 Safety accessories As per 2.10
2.12 External Fire N/A
3.1.1 Manufacturing Procedures As per STATS quality system approved to ISO 9001
Welded joints - Welding procedure,
3.1.2 Welding procedure as per Appendix V, and Welder qualifications as per Appendix VI, TR0587
Welding qualifications
3.1.3 NDT As per ASME BPVC V,
3.1.4 Heat treatment N/A
Manufacturing 3.1.5 Material traceability As per STATS Identification and Traceability Appendix VI, TR0587
3.2.1 Internal/External Inspections As per Inspection and Test Plan, Appendix VII, TR0587
3.2.2 Proof test Hydrostatic test to 1.5 Design Pressure, in accordance with 3.2.1
3.2.3 Safety accessories inspections N/A
3.3 Marking and Labelling As per DD0003795, Appendix IV, TR0587
3.4 Operating Instructions As per installation procedure, Appendix IX, TR0587
4.1 Materials for pressurised parts As specified on drawings
Materials 4.2 Materials conformity to PED As per harmonised standards and Particular Material Appraisals for non EN materials

4.3 Materials documentation Materials certification 3.1

Connectors and Couplings PED Hazard Assessment
Manufacturer: STATS UK Ltd Pressure Equipment: 2", 3", 4" & 8" Connectors and Couplings
Project No: J06834 ESR Report No: TR0587
Client: Petrofac PED Class: CAT III, MODULE G
Risk # Potential Hazards Possible Failure Mode Potential Impact Probability Risk Rating Manage-ability Risk Mitigation Plans
1=Minor 1=Rare High (9-16)
2=Moderate 2=Unlikely Moderate (5-8)
3=Major 3=Possible Low (1-4)
4=Severe 4=Probable None

1. Couplers and Connectors designed for strength, and

1.Overloading tested to 1.5 x Design Pressure
2. Material defect 2. Correct and certified materials in conformity with
Structural damage to the body weldment, 3. Metal fatique. harmonised standard; and PMA performed for non
1 compression flange weldment causing break 4. Out of tolerance due to 2 2 4 Low harmonised standard materials.
in containment incorrect fabrication 3. Components to be QC inspected after
5.Incorrect assembly machining/fabrication.
6. Corrossion 4. Components coated with xylan for corrossion protection.
Corrossion allowance as per recognised design standard.

1. Design and manufacture of component in accordance

with recognised standards for material selection,
1.Overloading 2.Locks design with 100% redundancy.
2. Material defect 3. Locks hardened to ensure correct gripping load is
Segmented Locks Failure due to structural achieved to the outside surface of the pipe/piping
3. Metal fatique.
damage, and disengagement from the 4. Components coated with xylan for corrosion prevention.
2 4. Out of tolerance due to 2 2 4 Low
equipment causing failure of the
incorrect machining
connectors/couplers isolation
5.Incorrect assembly
6. Corrossion

Locks retaining failure or disengage from the 1.Overloading 1. QC Inspection of all components
lock segments causing locks to become 2. Material defect 2. Factory acceptance tests.
3 2 2 4
misaligned or fall off, preventing the couplers 3. Metal fatique. 3. Pre-deployment checks
or connectors to be set. 4. Incorrect assembly 4. Proper packaging and restraining of plug train

1. Material defect 1. Seals (graphite) material selected for the pipeline

2. Seal misaligned content and suitable for long term isolation
4 Primary and secondary seals - (graphite) 3 2 6 Moderate
3. Overloading 2. Seals tested to maximum isolation pressure during the
4. Incorrect assembly function tests and FAT.

Connectors and Couplings PED Hazard Assessment
Manufacturer: STATS UK Ltd Pressure Equipment: 2", 3", 4" & 8" Connectors and Couplings
Project No: J06834 ESR Report No: TR0587
Client: Petrofac PED Class: CAT III, MODULE G
Risk # Potential Hazards Possible Failure Mode Potential Impact Probability Risk Rating Manage-ability Risk Mitigation Plans
1=Minor 1=Rare High (9-16)
2=Moderate 2=Unlikely Moderate (5-8)
3=Major 3=Possible Low (1-4)
4=Severe 4=Probable None
1. Design and manufacture of component in accordance
with recognised standards for material selection,
1.Overloading 2. QC Inspection of all components and dry fitting.
2. Material defect 3. Components coated with xylan for corrossion
Anti-extrusion ring structural damange and/or 3. Metal fatique. prevention.
5 misalignment leading to failure to support and 4. Out of tolerance due to 2 3 6 Moderate 4. Factory acceptance test
compress the seals, seals damage incorrect machining 5. Strenght test of the whole assembly.
5.Incorrect assembly
6. Corrossion

1. Design and manufacture of component in accordance

with recognised standards for material selection,
1.Overloading 2. QC Inspection of all components and dry fitting.
2. Material defect 3. Components coated with xylan for corrossion
Seals spacer ring structural damage and/or prevention.
3. Metal fatique.
misalignment leading to failure of component 4. Factory acceptance test
6 4. Out of tolerance due to 2 2 4
to support and compress the seals, unable to 5. Strenght test of the whole assembly.
incorrect machining
establish set position
5.Incorrect assembly
6. Corrossion

1. Studs stretched due to

over tensioning/torque 1. Fasteners designed and rated for the actuation load.
7 Actuation fasteners (bots and nuts) 2. Material defect. 2 2 4 Low 2. FAT Carried out to confirm correct values.
3. Metal fatigue. 5. Fasteners coated with xylan for corrossion protection.
4. Corrossion

1.Equipment to be fully function tested prior to use.

2. Site inspection of all equipment upon arrival
Damage to equipment
Damage to equipment during transportation, 3. Secure packaging in accordance with mobilisation
8 during transportation, 2 2 4 Low
storage procedure.
4. Equipment coated with xylan for corrosion protection
during storage.

STATS - Risk Metrics
Q: What is a project risk?
A: Project risk is defined by PMI as 'an uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has a positive or negative effect on a project's objectives'.

Probability Metrics Score Manageability Metrics Score Risk Score

The project team does not deem this risk likely to The project team have no ability to prevent (Impact x Colour
< 1% Rare 1 None
occur under current circumstances this risk (it is externally driven) probability)

The project team think there is a small chance of The project team have some ability to
< 10% Unlikely 2 Low 1 to 4
this risk occurring prevent this risk Low

The project team have a reasonable ability

There is a significant chance that this risk will occur < 50% Possible 3 Moderate 5 to 8
to prevent this risk with the right mitigation

This risk is deemed as more likely to occur than not This risk is entirely within project team
> 50% Probable 4 High 9 to 16
to occur under current circumstances control and can be mitigated

Impact Metrics Timescale Metrics Score

Long-term, The risk is not likely to occur until at

Short-term financial loss (within 1 year) Score > 1 year 1
financial loss least a year from now
Management Effort Business Strategy Reputation Open
(% of Net The risk is likely to occur between six
(% of Net Profit) < 1 year 2
Profit) months and a year from now Closed
Minimal impact upon
A minor impact on day to Minimal impact on The risk is likely to occur between three
<1% <1% execution of the 1 < 6 months 3
day business activities reputation and six months from now
business strategy

A moderate impact Some impact which

which can be managed could undermine Some short-term The risk is likely to occur within the next
<5% <5% 2 < 3 months 4
under normal successful execution of impact on reputation three months
circumstances the business strategy

A significant impact on
A major impact which
the business strategy Long term damage to
<15% <15% with proper management 3
and likely need to re- reputation
can be endured

A level of impact that Severe damage to

seriously threatens Likely to lead to failure reputation from which
>15% >15% 4 Trend Metrics Score
management ability to of the business strategy the business may not
continue recover

Risk is being reported for the first time New

Risk is stable or unchanged «

Risk is increasing ­
Risk is decreasing ¯

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