The Importance of Straightening The Ranks in Prayer

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The Importance of which takes in order to close up a estranged from each other, their

gap in the ranks.” (Narrated by Al- hearts inimical to each other. It is

Straightening the Ranks Bazzaar) authentically reported that: “The
in Prayer… Messenger of Allaah ε used to
It is also narrated that the Prophet straighten our ranks and one day,
ε used to ask forgiveness for those he came out and saw a man whose
in the front row three times and for chest projected from the rows and
those in the second row once. said: “Either straighten your ranks,
Allaah, Most High says: { Oh, (Narrated by An-Nasaa`i) or Allaah will alter your faces.”
you who believe! Fear Allaah (Narrated Al-Bukhaari and Muslim)
and make your speech Abu Hurairah reported that the
straightforward, that He may Messenger of Allaah ε said: “If the Straightening the ranks
make your conduct whole and people knew the import-ance of the differentiates us from the previous
sound and forgive you your call to prayer and (praying in) the nations, and it is Allaah’s favour
sins. He that obeys Allaah and first row, and they found no way to upon us. The Messenger of Allaah ε
His Messenger has already get into it except by drawing lots, said that Allaah has favoured this
attained the great victory } they would have done so.” Ummah over the rest of mankind by
(Soorah 33:70-71) (Narrated by Al-Bukhaari and three things: Our ranks (in prayer)
Muslim) have been made like those of the
The Virtue of Straightening the angels. (Narrated by Ahmad and
Ranks Its Importance Muslim)

When the Muslim prays in a It is part of establishing the Straightening the rows is a way of
straight line, shoulder-to-shoulder prayer; Anas τ reported that the repelling Satan and preventing him
and ankle-to-ankle, Allaah and His Prophet ε said: “Straighten your from entering the rows and
angels invoke blessings upon him, rows, for verily, straightening the distracting us from our prayers. The
as reported by ‘Aa`ishah (may rows is a part of establishing the Prophet ε said: “Straighten your
Allaah be pleased with her): “Verily, prayer.” (Narrated by Al-Bukhaari) rows and place your shoulders
Allaah and the angels invoke together (with those of your
blessings upon those who complete Assuredly, when one sees a neighbour) and be pliant in the
the ranks.” (Narrated by Ahmad) congregation of Muslims praying hands of your brothers and close up
together, shoulder-to-shoulder and the gaps, for verily, the devil will
According to Al-Manaawi: “That is, ankle-to-ankle, it is a clear sign of enter a space between you as small
they (the angels) seek forgiveness the mutual brotherly love and as a lamb.” (Narrated by Ahmad) -
for (him and) his family.” respect which exists between them. and the further away Satan remains
But when one sees them praying in from the worshippers, the more
Ibn ‘Umar reported that the disarray, some in front of others, their humility and submission will
Messenger of Allaah ε said: “A man and leaving spaces between the increase; Allaah says: { Verily, the
can take no greater step than that worshippers, it looks as if they are Believers have succeeded, those
who are humble in their prayers Messenger the Messenger of Allaah
} (Soorah 23:1-2) ε used to pass through the rows
from one side to the other; he used
Its Ruling in Islaam to set chests and shoulders in order
and say: “Do not be irregular.” And
Al-Bukhaari writes: “Chapter: The he would say: “Allaah and his angels
Sin of Him Who Does Not Complete
the Ranks…” He then goes on to
bless those who are near the front
Zayed Centre for
explain that straightening up and
closing up the ranks is an obligation An-Nu’maam Ibn Basheer τ said: New Muslims
and that whoever does not do so is “The Prophet ε used to straighten
a sinner. Ibn Hajr says: “It is likely our rows as an arrow is
that Al-Bukhaari considered straightened.” (Narrated by Muslim)
straightening the rows to be
obligatory based on the command in As for the Companions ψ,
the saying of the Prophet ε : ‘Uthmaan τ used to send people to
“Straighten in your rows!” and in his make sure that the rows were
words: “Pray as you have seen me straight and he would not begin the
praying.” (Narrated by Al-Bukhaari) prayer until they reported back to
him, according to Imaam Maalik.
How Do We Straighten the
Ranks? Anas τ reported: “The Prophet ε
used to say: “Straighten your rows,
First: It is obligatory for the for verily, I see you from behind my
worshippers to complete the rows back,” and each one of us would
starting from the front. Allaah’s place his shoulder next to the
Messenger ε said: “Will you not shoulder of his neighbour and his
form your rows as do the angels foot next to his foot.” (Narrated by
before their Lord?” They asked: Al-Bukhaari) Abu Dawood narrated
“How do the angels form their rows this also, with the addition: “…and
before their Lord?” He ε replied: ankle-to-ankle.”
“They fill up the front rows and they

stand close together.” (Narrated by So, dear brothers and sisters, let
Muslim) us always bear in mind the words of
the Prophet ε : “It is incumbent upon
The Prophet ε and his pious you to follow my Sunnah and the
Companions ψ have left for us a fine Sunnah of the pious, noble Zayed Centre for New Muslims
example of how to straighten the Khulafaa` (Caliphs). Hold firmly to P.O. Box 16090,
rows. Abu Dawood reports that the it.” Al-Ain, U.A.E.,
Phone (9713) 829191
Fax (9713) 645816

The Importance of
Straightening the
Ranks in Prayer…


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