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Name: Class: Date:

Migration, multiculturalism and diversity

4.4 Gender and diversity Track 11 4
You will have five minutes to read the tasks below. You will then hear the recording twice,
with an interval of three minutes for you to complete the tasks. After hearing the recording
for the second time, you will have four minutes to finalise your answers.

You may not use your dictionaries while the recording is being played.

Gender and diversity

You are going to hear a podcast about gender and identity. 20 credits

1. Gapped summary: Complete the text. __/3

The presenter says in her grandparents’ time, a person’s ................................................

................................................ was decided by their ........................................................

.................................................. However, younger people’s ....................................... to

gender and identity are far less rigid.

2. Answer the following questions based on the information given in the text: __/6
a) What is the younger Generation ‘pushing’, according to Ashley?


b) How do the Millennial Generation think and behave?


c) What will younger people have a huge impact on in future, according to scientists?


d) What do young people no longer want to follow, according to Rowan?


e) Who are partly responsible for our changing perceptions of gender, according to


© Helbling [printing/photocopying for use in class permitted] 1

Name: Class: Date:

Migration, multiculturalism and diversity

4.4 Gender and diversity Track 11 4
f) How have some celebrities chosen to describe themselves in terms of gender


3. Multiple choice: Tick the correct answer(s).

a) What is said about gender and diversity? __/4

[ ] Rowan says we need to find new ways to decide people’s sexual identity.
[ ] In the US, some cities no longer include a person’s gender on identity cards.
[ ] The UK government now includes the gender-neutral title Ms on official forms.
[ ] The UK government now gives five choices of title on official forms.
[ ] Jamie analyses business trends for a living.
[ ] He mentions two US companies that design products especially for transgender
[ ] Facebook users no longer have to just describe themselves as male or female.
[ ] Rowan says the increase in gender descriptors is shocking for many people.

b) Cassidy welcomes the Facebook decision because she

[ ] does not like total strangers knowing her sexual identity.
[ ] wants her sexual identity to be officially acknowledged.
[ ] thinks it will help other people to be open about being gay.
[ ] believes the company was brave to risk offending older users.

c) Chris and his partner are avoiding sexually-stereotyping their children by

[ ] making their children’s toys rather than buying them.
[ ] never using the colours blue or pink when decorating.
[ ] openly discussing gender issues with both their children.
[ ] giving the children names that could be male or female.

d) The year 2013 was the first year

[ ] more boys than girls had unisex names.
[ ] there were more gender-neutral names than traditional ones.
[ ] the same number of boys’ and girls’ names were gender-neutral.
[ ] more girls than boys had unisex names.

e) Riley says that when he is gaming __/1

[ ] his sexual identity is less important than playing.
[ ] he uses his sexual identity to help him win games.
[ ] he always avoids revealing his true sexual identity.

© Helbling [printing/photocopying for use in class permitted] 2

Name: Class: Date:

Migration, multiculturalism and diversity

4.4 Gender and diversity Track 11 4
[ ] his sexual identity varies according to the game.

4. Complete the following text with information given in the text:

The changes that we see taking place in relation to gender and gender identity are the

....................................................................................... of a temporary fad. There have

always been people who do not ................................................. to gender stereotypes.

The changes that we are seeing now mean that people are finally recognising and

accepting a fact that has always existed in the ................................................................

© Helbling [printing/photocopying for use in class permitted] 3

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