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6/29/22, 10:00 AM Preview


Materi Pembahasan / Uraian Kegiatan :
Tujuan :

Agenda :

Dilaksanakan pada :
Hari / Tgl : Rabu, 29/06/2022
Jam : 10:00 s/d 11:30 WIB.

Pengundang : Manager Refinery Planning & Optimization

Peserta Rapat / Acara :

1. Sr Manager Operation & Manufacturing
2. Manager Engineering & Development
3. Manager Production I
4. Manager Production II
5. Manager Production III
6. Manager Reliability
7. Lead of Process Engineering Area I
8. Lead of Process Engineering Area II
9. Section Head Energy Con & Loss Control
10. Section Head Equipment Reliability
11. Section Head Fuel Oil Complex I
12. Section Head Fuel Oil Complex II
13. Section Head GTO
14. Section Head Laboratory
15. Section Head LOC I
16. Section Head LOC II
17. Section Head LOC III
18. Section Head Oil Movement 70
19. Section Head OM 60 & NBM
20. Section Head Paraxylene
21. Section Head Performance & Evaluation
22. Section Head Refinery Planning 1/2
6/29/22, 10:00 AM Preview

23. Section Head RFCC

24. Section Head SRU & IPAL
25. Section Head Supply Chain & Distribution
26. Section Head Utilities
27. Section Head Utilities RFCC 2/2

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