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GAD-based iC CEBU Model

Lesson Exemplar

Grade Level: ___10_____ Learning Area: SCIENCE Quarter: _4_ Duration: 1 hour
Integration Approach Used: (Please tick.)
Multidisciplinary ̸ Interdisciplinary Transdisciplinary

I. 21st Century Skills to be developed (Please tick.)

̸ Communication ̸ Learning and Innovation ̸ Problem Solving
̸ Critical Thinking ̸ Information Media and Technology Life and Career
II. Focused Learning Competency (LC)
Apply the principles of conservation of mass to chemical reaction. S10MT-IVe- g-23

III. Focused GAD principle/s to be integrated:

The equality of role between men and women.
IV. Intended Learning Outcomes

Knowledge Identify the five types of chemical reactions;

Skills Make a learning blocks about the types of chemical reactions;
Attitude Appreciate the value chemical reactions in their daily lives
Values Observe cooperation and safety precaution in doing group activities.
V. Learning Content/s Types of Chemical Reactions

Concept Chemical Reaction happens when two compounds react each other. It
is being represented by chemical equation. A chemical equation is the
symbolic representation of a chemical reaction in the form of symbols
and formulae, wherein the reactant entities are given on the left-hand side
and the product entities on the right-hand side.
The equation distinguishes between reactants, which are the starting
materials and the products which are the resulting substances. It shows the
symbols or formulas of the reactants and products, that phases (solid,
liquid, gas) of this substances, and the ratio of the substances as they react.

There are five types of chemical reactions. These are:

1. Combination (Synthesis) Reaction: A reaction when 2 or more
reactants combine to form a single product.
2. Decomposition Reaction: In this reaction, a single reactant breaks
down into simpler ones.
3. Single Displacement Reaction (Replacement): This is when one
element replaces another element from a compound.
4. Double Displacement Reaction (Metathesis) This is when the
positive ions and negative ions of different compounds switch
places forming two entirely different compounds.
5. Combustion (Burning) Reaction: This is when oxygen combines
with a Hydrocarbon to form water and carbon dioxide.

THEME Every Action Triggers a Reaction.

DRRE Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation in times of natural calamities like volcanic eruptions.
Reference/s Science 10 LM, Unit 4, Module 2, Page. 410-414, Science 10 TG, Unit 4 Module 2 pp.

IMs SLIDE DECK, Coloring Materials, Meta Cards Coloring Paper Activity Sheets Pentel
pens, LED TV

VI. Learning Experiences (5 Es)

1. Engage A. Review (Deal or No Deal) The students will read a statement from the
(8 minutes) LCD screen, They will say DEAL if the statement is correct and NO
DEAL if the statement is incorrect:

1. When physical change occurs there is no breaking and forming of bonds.

2. Production of light and evolution of gas are evidences of chemical
3. Magnesium combines with oxygen gas O2 to produce magnesium nitride.

B. FOUR PICS ONE WORD WITH A TWIST: The teacher will shows four
pictures and each group give one word to describe the picture. But before each
group can answer the Four Pics, They must undergo an obstacle first. The
obstacle are verbal phrase which led the answer to mathematical phrase.

OBSTACLE NO. 1 One subtracted from 4 times a number (4x – 1)

OBSTACLE NO. 2 Twice a number decreased by three (2x -3)

OBSTACLE NO. 3 Four increased by a certain number (4 + x)

1. What are the words you have guess? (chemical, reaction and formula)
2. What do you know about chemical reaction? Chemical reaction
happens when two compounds react with each other.

3. What are the types of chemical reactions? Combination,
Decomposition, Replacement, Metathesis, Combustion)
2. Explore The students will be group into 5 groups based on the level of
(15 minutes) interest of the students. Each group will be given materials for them
to make a creative wall for each types of chemical reactions.

Group 1- Combination ( Synthesis) Reaction

Group 2- Decomposition Reaction
Group 3- Single Displacement Reaction (Replacement)
Group 4- Double Displacement Reaction (Metathesis)
Group 5- Combustion (Burning) Reaction

Rubrics in Making Creative Wall

Criteria 5 3 2
The creativity of
Creativity The wall is very the wall is just The wall is not
creative. minimal or creative

Content The content The content is There is no

presented is not complete. content
complete. presented
All members of One or two Three or more
Cooperation the group members of the members did
cooperated in group did not not cooperate
the activity. cooperate.
3. Explain After making the wall, each group will choose a representative
(20 minutes) to explain their creative wall to the members of the group. They will
be given two minutes to explain. Then each member of the group
will have a carousel in each wall and the representative to explain
will just remain in their respective station until all groups already
pass in their station.
The teacher will then emphasis the concept that must be
There are five types of chemical reactions. These are:
1. Combination (Synthesis) Reaction: A reaction when 2 or more
reactants combine to form a single product.
2. Decomposition Reaction: In this reaction, a single reactant breaks
down into simpler ones.
3. Single Displacement Reaction (Replacement): This is when one
element replaces another element from a compound.
4. Double Displacement Reaction (Metathesis) This is when the
positive ions and negative ions of different compounds switch
places forming two entirely different compounds.
5. Combustion (Burning) Reaction: This is when oxygen combines
with a Hydrocarbon to form water and carbon dioxide.
4. Elaborate Each group will perform a role paly about the types of chemical
(10 minutes) reaction with a specific genre: The teacher will emphasize on the
role of men and women must be equal and the language used must
be gender- sensitive.
Group 1 Combination (Synthesis) Reaction (Drama)
Group 2 Decomposition Reaction (Horror)
Group 3 Single Displacement Reaction (Comedy)
Group 4 Double Displacement (Action)
Group 5 Combustion Reaction (Love Story)
Criteria 5 3 2
The presentation The creativity of
Creativity is very creative. the presentation The wall is not
is just minimal or creative
The content The content is There is no
Content presented is not complete. content
complete. presented
All members of One or two Three or more
Cooperation the group members of the members did not
cooperated in the group did not cooperate
activity. cooperate.
5. Evaluate Identify the types of chemical reaction on the following on
(5 minutes)
the following:
1 C5H5 + Fe  Fe(C5H5)2
2. SeCl6 + O2  SeO2 + 3Cl2

3. CaCO3(s)  CaO(s) + CO2(g)

4. Li3N + 3 NH4NO3 3 LiNO3 + (NH4)3N

5.Mg + HCl  MgCl2 + H2

VII. LEARNING Create a simple brochure representing/showing chemical

ENABLEMENT reactions involved in biological and industrial processes
(2 minutes) affecting life and environment. (Give emphasis on the
hazardous effect of the chemicals especially during volcanic
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation.
C. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson.
Yes, 1
D. No. of learners who continue to require remediation.
E. Which of my learning strategies worked well? Why did these work?
Differentiated Instructions and Collaboration
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve?
Managing Learner’s Diversity and Behavioral Problems
G. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers?
Learning Activities and Task

Prepared by CHECKED BY:



Attachment No. 1
Phet Simulation on Electromagnetic Induction

Activity Sheets
PC tablets with Phet Simulation
Pentel pens

1. Put the north pole of the magnet inside the coil. Observe what happen to the needle of the
galvanometer. Record your observation to table 1.
2. From inside the coil, remove the magnet. Observe the deflection of the needle in the galvanometer.
Record your observation.
3. Repeat step 3, this time use the south pole of the magnet. Record your observation on table 1
4. Repeat step 4 using the south pole of the magnet. Record your observation on table 1.
6. Repeat step 5, this time with faster rate. Record your observation on table 1.
7. Publish your output for class presentation
Situation Observation
North Pole Inside the Coil
North Pole Outside the Coil
South Pole Inside the Coil
South Pole Outside the Coil
Magnet is Thrust Back and
Forth Slowly
Magnet is Thrust Back and
Forth Slowly

Guide Questions
1. Why do the needle in the galvanometer deflect?

2. Explain why changing the direction of the magnet also change the deflection of the needle.

3.How does the phet simulation activity helps you in understanding electromagnetic induction?

4. What are your generalization and conclusions about the activity?

Attachment no. 2
Rubrics for Elaboration

Category 5 pts 3 pts 2 pts
The presentation is The presentation is The presentation is fairly
exceptionally creative. creative. creative.
Creativity .
The content is complete. There is missing 2-3 The content is far beyond
contents the topic.
All members cooperated. Some of the members Most of the members are
are not cooperating. not cooperating.

Prepared by:


Checked by:


Approved by:


Rubric for Making a Bookmark



Schools Division Superintendent


I. Pre-Test
Directions : Choose the correct idiomatic expression in the box to complete the given sentences.

body and soul from hand to mouth

make a name for themselves given the cold shoulder
take something to heart burn the candle at both ends

1. Rosa and Inting were born poor. Their parents were uneducated, had no permanent jobs, and thus
at the time Rosa and Inting were growing up, they were living __________.
2. But while enrolled in an elementary public school, it became evident that the siblings were gifted,
and thus even then, they already__________.
3. Rosa and Inting both worked hard to support their studies.They worked as service crew during
daytime and studied at night. They really _________just so they can pursue their dream of being a
4. They joined quiz bees in their school, and as they won each and everyone of them, they
began__________as someone who never quit and lose.
5. At their neigborhood however, Rosa and Inting were always_________by their neighbors who saw
them as too ambitious and stuck up to really belong their world.

A. Engage

1. 2. 3.

4. 5.
1. Across the board
2. Work overtime
3. Underdog
4. 6 ft. Under
5. Rain cats and dogs

B. Explore

Learning Corner 1: Food Idioms (Health)

Read the sentences carefully.Then complete the table with the correct answer.

 The test was a piece of cake, and I was the first one to finish.
 Aaron sat and watched cartoons all day. He is such a couch potato!
 Roel is one smart cookie. He scored perfect in his exams.

Idiomatic Context Clue/s Meaning
Piece of cake First one to finish easy
Couch potato Sat and watched Someone who has
cartoon all day less time for
exercising and
spends more time
in watching TV
One smart cookie Scored perfect in intelligent
his exams

Learning Corner 2: Money Idioms (Mathematics)

Read the sentences carefully. Then answer the questions that follow.
 Many Pacquio’s life story is one of going from rags to riches. He grew up with nothing
and now he’s a sports superstar.
 Mr.and Mrs. Sy are made of money. They can afford anything they want.
 After buying all she needs, she still has money to burn so she bought a new pair of

Idiomatic Context Clue/s Meaning
1. Rags to riches He grew up with a person who was
nothing and now poor but becomes
he’s a sports rich
2. Made of money They can afford Rich
anything they
3. Money to burn After buying all Extra cash
she needs

Learning Corner 3: Time Idioms (Mathematics & EsP)
Read the sentences carefully. Then answer the questions that follow.
 Kira’s mother said, “Put on your pajamas! It’s time to hit the hay!”
 You need to be at the school at 7:30 am on the dot. Don’t be late!
 Manny Pacquiao hit big time when he won his first international fight.

Idiomatic Context Clues Meaning
1. Time to hit the pajamas To sleep
2. On the dot Don’t be late To be on time
3. Big time Won first To be famous
international fight

Learning Corner 4: Weather Idioms (DRRE)

Read the sentences carefully. Then answer the questions that follow.
 I was soaking when I reached home because it rained cats and dogs.
 The students proved to be ray of sunshine when the teacher was trying to cope up with
the grief.
 I am looking for a loyal friend who sticks with me, not a fair weather friend.
Idiomatic Context Clues Meaning
Rain cats and soaking To rain heavily
Ray of sunshine When was trying A person/thing that
to cope with grief brings happiness
of losing her dog to another
Fair weather friend A loyal friend who A person who
sticks with me stops being a
friend in times of

1. What do you noticed to the given idioms?

2. What should we remember when a heavy rain occurs?
3. What are the three heavy rain signals?What should we do when a yellow signal is raised in
our place? Orange? Red?

10 | P a g e
11 | P a g e

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