TCD Essay1

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There are a number of reasons why Trinity College Dublin was my first choice.

The first
thing to know is that Trinity is one of the best universities in the world, and it has been for a
long time. The diverse student body and teachers, as well as the storied past, make this an
excellent setting for academic and personal development. I chose Trinity because of its
commitment to interdisciplinary learning, which gives students the opportunity to study a
variety of subjects and develop a well-rounded perspective.

With the courses I've selected, I intend to learn all I can about my major and acquire the
abilities I'll need to be successful in my chosen profession. Because of its dynamic nature and
boundless potential for new ideas and solutions to old problems, computer science is an area
that has my undivided attention. To succeed in this technologically advanced world, I can't
wait to acquire the knowledge of computer languages, algorithms, and software development

My interest in computer science and advanced technology led me to choose my internships in

the same field. During my internship at the Information & Technology Department, at
Polyplex corporation ltd., India, I completed a project in Python 3.11. I created a calculator
application that implemented basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division. The calculator also had memory functions implemented using a
simple stack-based logic. I also had a chance to attend a week long orientation at one of
Polyplex’s manufacturing plant where I observed and attempted to understand the various
steps and processes involved in manufacturing a polyester film right from raw material input
stage to finished good output stage, however, because of my interest in the different aspects of
technology, My key focus was to understand how technology, computerscience and advanced
automation techniques is playing a pivotal role in today’s manufacturing industry processes.

I hope to be an active part of Trinity's academic and social life while I'm here. Joining student
societies and clubs that share my interests is one way I want to spend my free time. In
addition to giving me the chance to work with others who share my interests and build my
leadership abilities, this will also let me follow my passions outside of the classroom.

In addition, I think Trinity will benefit from the fresh viewpoint that my varied experiences
and perspectives will provide. I have been fortunate enough to grow up in a multicultural
environment, in India, where I was exposed to many diverse cultures, traditions, and
perspectives. This has moulded my flexibility, openness to new experiences, and capacity to
collaborate with individuals from diverse backgrounds. I intend to add to Trinity's rich
cultural tapestry by becoming an engaged participant in cultural events, writing about and
speaking about my own experiences, and encouraging students to do the same.

The academic rigor, lively campus life, and multidisciplinary nature of Trinity College Dublin
were the deciding factors in my decision to attend that institution. In college, I intend to major
in a subject that interests me, hone my critical thinking abilities, and participate in
extracurricular activities that will help me improve as a person and in my career. My goals for
my stay at Trinity University include being an engaged member of the campus community,
promoting diversity and inclusion on campus, and taking part in academic and cultural
activities. The prospects that Trinity will present are thrilling, and I eagerly anticipate the life-
altering events that are still to come.

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