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Biological Conservation 97 (2001) 319±330

Succession from farmland to heathland: a case for conservation

of nature and historic farming methods
H.J. Degn
Skolevej 44, DK-6950 Ringkùbing, Denmark

Received 13 October 1997; received in revised form 5 July 2000; accepted 7 July 2000

The succession of vascular plants was recorded in an old ®eld during 22 years after farming ceased in 1975. The soil is poor, acid
and sandy. Adjoining areas are Calluna±Empetrum heathland. During the ®rst 2 years a few ruderal weedy species dominated
completely. In years 3±5 Jasione montana and Rumex acetosella became dominant. More persistent perennials such as Hieracium
pilosella and Deschampsia ¯exuosa slowly colonised, but after years 13±14 they decreased again. During the last 10 years Calluna
vulgaris and Festuca ovina increased. Calluna vulgaris is now so abundant that the area is recognised as heathland, according to the
de®nition in the Danish Nature Protection Act. The advantages of restoring heathland vegetation by natural succession are com-
pared with more intensive actions. Rarer plant species than those occurring in either farmland or heathland are found, the process
gives a more varied vegetation, and it is historically authentic. # 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Succession; Farmland; Heathland; Restoration; Calluna vulgaris

1. Introduction heathland to woodland or intensively used farmland.

The area of heathland in Denmark decreased from about
Until about 200 years ago heathland dominated by 800,000 ha in 1822 to about 70,000 ha in 1991, half of
heather (Calluna vulgaris) covered more than a quarter which is dune heath (Emsholm, 1992). Most of the
of the area of Jutland, Denmark (Hansen, 1970). In remaining heathland is now protected against active
large parts of the province <10% of the land area was changes like cultivation, planting, etc., but not against
cultivated. natural succession, and for only a small part is there an
The fact that the extent of heathlands was due to obligation for management.
human activities is supported historically (e.g. Matthiesen, The purpose of the present paper is, ®rst, to describe a
1939) as well as biologically (e.g. Odgaard, 1994). After case history of natural invasion by vascular plants into an
the primeval forest had been cleared, extensive land use abandoned sandy ®eld in a heathland area in Jutland over
practice ensured that vast areas remained heathland. It a period of 22 years after cultivation ceased. Second, to
was grazed by sheep and cattle, cut for fodder and fuel, show that this succession was formerly a regular feature
burnt to improve grazing, and turves were used to collect on abandoned ®elds in heathland areas. And third, to
manure and burnt for heating and to ash as a fertilizer. consider how experience from this study can be used in
Old farming traditions sometimes involved cultivation nature conservation today. The latter question is perti-
of remote ®elds in the heathland for only 2±5 years. nent, now that agricultural land is taken out of produc-
When the pool of available nutrients was spent, the ®eld tion in many Northwestern European countries. Can
was abandoned. After a few years Calluna vulgaris some of these areas be converted into natural habitats
would cover the area again. as heathland ?
After World War II it has become exceptional to observe The answer is important in Denmark, as heathlands
®elds returning to heathland, and the general trend has with their ¯ora and fauna have a high conservation
been in the opposite direction, namely development from priority. For some types of heathlands a high proportion
of the total area is found in Denmark (Diemont et al.,
E-mail address: (H.J. Degn) 1996), which gives the country an obvious responsibility.
0006-3207/01/$ - see front matter # 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S0006-3207(00)00131-2
320 H.J. Degn / Biological Conservation 97 (2001) 319±330

At the same time the cultural values are high: heath- were wavy hair-grass (Deschampsia ¯exuosa), crowberry
lands play a signi®cant roÃle in Danish art, literature, (Empetrum nigrum), and cowberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea).
and general identity. The vegetation corresponds to the heather±crowberry±
cowberry heath type ( in the Scandinavian classi-
®cation of vegetation types (PaÊhlsson, 1994). The vege-
2. Study area tation was cut in 1979 along the northern edge, after
which the vegetation went through the pioneer, building,
The location of the study is on Air Station Karup and mature phase (Gimingham, 1972). During the last 5±
(9 30 E, 56 190 N), which lies on the Karup Melt-water 10 years of the study mountain pine (Pinus mugo)
Plain from the Weichsel Ice Age (Fig. 1). The soil is increased on the northern side, and on the southern side
coarse outwash sand (49% in the fraction 0.5±0.25 mm). Calluna vulgaris began to die from old age.
It is a highly mineral soil, only about 1.5% of the upper
25 cm was organic matter at the start of the study. At
that time the soil was thoroughly mixed to ploughing- 3. Methods
depth (c. 30 cm) due to agricultural use, which ended
the year before. 3.1. Species composition of vegetation
The study area was a 2350 m plot making up the
western tenth of an unusually narrow ®eld only 23±25 m From 1976 to 1997 the vegetation of the study area
wide (Fig. 1). It had been cultivated for more than 60 developed without any direct human interference. Graz-
years (T. Andersen, pers. commun., 1975; topographical ing was infrequent and only by hares (Lepus capensis).
map from 1916). During the ®nal years of cultivation the The species composition of the vegetation was investi-
crop was spring-sown barley (Hordeum vulgare). After gated in 100 circular plots of 0.1 m2 (radius 17.8 cm) at 2 m
the last crop in 1975 the soil was ploughed, so that there intervals along four ®xed transects. From 1994 the num-
was no plant cover present at the start of the study. ber of sample plots was reduced to 92 due to a military
Farming methods had been normal except that fertilizing construction at the western end of the area. The total area
and control of weeds was inecient during the last years of the plots was about 1% of the study area. Because the
of cultivation, so that couch-grass (Elytrigia repens) vegetation was approximately uniform over the study
occurred abundantly. area, the data gave a good description of the vegetation.
The adjacent areas along the longer edges of the ®eld All vascular plants rooted or with perennating buds
were heathland during the whole study period (Fig. 1). within the plots were recorded (Raunkiñr, 1934), and
Calluna vulgaris was dominant, and other common species frequency percentages fn was calculated for each species
n as the number of occurrences relative to the total
number of plots.
Diversity was calculated using species presence and
species frequency for each year. The following diversity
measures were used: species number S, frequency sum F ˆ
fn and Simpson's diversity index Sdiv ˆ 1 ÿ  f=F†2 .
Simpson's index ranges from 0 when all individuals
belong to the same species, towards a maximum value of 1
when many species are found, but only a few times each.
Data were collected from 1976 to 1997, always in late
June or in July each year. At this time the latest perennials
(especially Asteraceae) were in bloom, while the dead
winter±annual plants were still present and could be iden-
ti®ed. Species nomenclature follows Hansen (1981).
A TWINSPAN analysis was run, based on the species
with a mean frequency >5% (McCune and Me€ord,
1997). Nine pseudospecies levels were considered on a
linear scale. By this the entire frequency scale is repre-
sented equally, and the pseudospecies levels correspond
roughly to frequency/10.

3.2. Chemical analysis of soil mineral nutrients

Fig. 1. Location of the study area in Denmark (upper left) and in the Analysis of the soil was made every year 1976±1982 and
landscape (below). then in 1985, 1987, 1989, 1991, and 1996 by an authorized
H.J. Degn / Biological Conservation 97 (2001) 319±330 321

commercial laboratory by Danish standard methods used dominated in the ®rst 3 years, and reached their max-
in agriculture (Anon., 1994). Five subsamples of the soil imum number of 16 species in 1980. They were mostly
down to a depth of 20 cm were collected in March or April weed species from the former agricultural plant commu-
in a ®xed pattern on the study area. These subsamples nity. They subsequently decreased to two species in 1997.
were thoroughly mixed before the soil sample was taken. When the vegetation had closed after 3 years the sig-
The concentration of the following elements were mea- ni®cance of this group became even lower than species
sured: Phosphorus (P) (inorganic phosphates extracted numbers indicate. The plants were as a rule very few
in 0.1 M H2SO4), sodium (Na) and potassium (K) and weakly developed, only germinating in small pat-
(extraction in 0.5 M NH4OOCCH3), calcium (Ca) and ches where the mineral soil was exposed, e.g. by animal
magnesium (Mg) (extraction in 1 M NH4Cl), manga- activity.
nese (Mn) [extraction in 0.5 M Mg(NO3)2], and pH Annual graminoids and biennial forbs were negligible,
(measured after suspension in 0.01 M CaCl2). the total species number of these two growth forms
The concentration of organic matter was determined in combined did not exceed four in any year.
April 1980 and March 1997 down to ploughing depth (c. Perennial forbs and perennial graminoids showed
30 cm) by ignition loss (heating for 2 h to 550 C). During parallel patterns. A rapid increase was observed from one
the 22 year period the uppermost few centimetres of the in each group in 1976 [sheep's sorrel (Rumex acetosella)
soil pro®le became darker than the lower part, possibly and Elytrigia repens] to maximum species numbers in
indicating an accumulation of organic matter near the 1982±1987. From then on numbers decreased slowly to
surface. Therefore, at the end of the study (1997) soil 1997, to about half this maximum.
pro®les were separated into two samples 0±3 and 3±25 The ®rst ericaceous dwarf-shrub (Calluna vulgaris)
cm depth, which were analyzed separately. appeared in 1981, and the second species (Empetrum
nigrum) 4 years later. No other dwarf shrubs invaded in
the last part of the period, not even Vaccinium vitis-
4. Results idaea, which is very common in the adjacent heathland
Species numbers give only limited information about
4.1. Vegetation the importance of the di€erent species in the vegetation
since a species counts equally in Fig. 2 whether it is
A total of 74 plant species was recorded during the per- recorded in one or in 100 circles. In Fig. 3 the frequency
iod 1976±1997. The number increased rapidly from 10 sums are transformed to percentage values which illus-
species in 1976 to a maximum of 41 species 8 years later trate more clearly the dominance of particular growth
(Fig. 2). During the last 13 years the number slowly forms: annual forbs dominated in the early years, while
decreased to about half the number. Annual forbs dwarf shrubs became more important in the later part

Fig. 2. Number of plant species of di€erent growth forms found dur-

ing the period 1976±1997. The total number of plant species (S) is Fig. 3. The percentage distribution of growth forms during the period
shown by the upper limit of the shaded area. 1976±1997 according to frequency sums.
322 H.J. Degn / Biological Conservation 97 (2001) 319±330

of the period, and the frequency sum for perennial gra- Achillea millefolium, Deschampsia ¯exuosa, Hieracium
minoids was twice as great as for perennial forbs. pilosella, and Carex arenaria. Group d seems to di€er
Vegetation diversity, as described by Simpson's from group e mainly in having a shorter persistence.
diversity index (Fig. 4), rose rapidly to high values in Stage D (1985±1987) has both transitory and persistent
1980±1983 and then decreased again, as a few species grassland species from group d and e, whereas in stage
became dominant in the vegetation. E (1988±1991) group d declines and terrain is slowly
A high proportion of the total 74 species occurred gained by late immigrants of group f (Luzula campes-
sparsely in the vegetation (Table 1). For example 16 tris, Calluna vulgaris and Festuca ovina). Stage F (1992±
species were never found in more than one plot per year 1993) and stage G (1994±1997) are very similar and
out of the 100 (92) plots investigated. Fig. 5 shows the show a consolidation of dominance of group f species,
frequency percentage during the period for 12 species forming the heath-like physiognomy of the vegetation.
that obtained a value of >50% in at least one year. The
species are arranged according to the year, when they 4.2. Soil chemistry
had their maximum values, i.e. early immigrants ®rst
and late dominants last. Some of the soil chemical parameters changed during
The results of the TWINSPAN analysis are shown in the period of the study (Fig. 6). There was a steady
Table 2. Seven stages could be recognised (A±G) and six decrease in the phosphorus content of the soil during
species groups were revealed (a±f). Stage A (1976±1977) the period from about 8 mg to about 2±3 mg per 100 g
is dominated by weeds from group a, Polygonum con- soil. Sodium showed a steady increase for the ®rst 6
volvulus, Polygonum aviculare and Elytrigia repens. years, but after a peak in 1989 decreased to original
Stage B (1978±1981) is characterised by group b pioneer levels. Calcium content showed an initial decrease dur-
species (Rumex acetosella, Trifolium arvense and Trifo- ing the ®rst 6 years, followed by a relatively stable value
lium campestre) together with group c (only consisting for the rest of the period. Soil pH showed a linear
of Jasione montana). decrease of 0.5 unit over the period. The organic matter
Stage C (1982±1984) appear as a stage of declining content was 1.5% at the start. In 1997 the concentration
group b species and establishment of group d and e in the uppermost 3 cm had increased to 3.7%, while in
species. These two groups mostly comprise common the lower 3±25 cm it was only 1.2%.
acid grassland species, namely Agrostis tenuis, Hypo-
choeris radicata, Festuca rubra, Teesdalia nudicaulis,
5. Discussion

5.1. The succession compared to other reports

Continuous records of the succession described above

have not been published before, but several of the stages
are known from static descriptions. Details vary, but the
results of Warming (1897), Bùrgesen and Jensen (1904),
Ferdinandsen (1918), BoÈcher (1941, 1970), Holst (1987),
Mogensen (1994), and Rehfeldt (1999) all ®t into the
succession described in the present paper. Characteristic
species as well as combinations of species in these
descriptions are the same as found in the present study
(Table 2 and Fig. 7), so the general trend of the succes-
sion described in this paper is normal.

5.2. Factors a€ecting the process

The succession from farmland to heathland is slower

to-day than in earlier times. Old descriptions of farming
practices in Middle and Western Jutland reported that
Calluna vulgaris began to dominate 3±5 years after ces-
sation of cultivation (Begtrup, 1808±1812; Blicher, 1839;
Dalgas, 1830; Aagaard, 1811). A botanical analysis in
the early years of the 20th century reported that in ®elds
Fig. 4. Diversity of the vegetation during the period 1976±1997 uncultivated for 1, 4, 5, 6, and 10 years the frequencies
expressed as Simpson's index of diversity: Sdiv ˆ 1 ÿ  fn =F†2 . of Calluna vulgaris were already as high as 88, 96, 28,
Table 1
Frequency percentages for all vascular plant species found during the period 1976±1997


Plant species 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997

Achillea millefolium 5 4 7 18 8 11 19 16 19 14 14 17 15 11 9 7 5 9 10
Agrostis stricta 2 6 2 6 5 3 2 2 1
Agrostis tenuis 3 2 7 12 9 10 21 12 13 21 8 8 11 5 4 4 3 3
Aira praecox 1 1 2 2 3 1 1
Anthoxanthum odoratum 1 1 2 3 2 2
Anthyllis vulneraria 1 1 1 1 4 1 2
Apera spica-venti 8 18 12 3 1
Arabidopsis thaliana 10 2 4 1 1 1
Arenaria serpyllifolia 1 1

H.J. Degn / Biological Conservation 97 (2001) 319±330

Armeria maritima 1 1 4 2 2
Brassica cf. campestris 1
Calluna vulgaris 1 2 5 6 10 15 17 27 45 55 59 73 66 69 85 85 86
Campanula rotundifola 1
Capsella bursa-pastoris 1 5
Carex arenaria 5 9 7 14 15 12 10 9 4 9 7 10 6 2 1 2 4 4 1
Cerastium fontanum ssp. triviale 5 2 3 3 7 7 9 2 9 8 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
Chamaenerion angustifolium 1 2 2 1 2 3 2 2 3 1 2 6 2 2 2 2 5 4 3 4 5
Chenopodium album 22 26 2
Cirsium arvense 1
Conyza canadensis 1
Corynephorus canescens 2 6 5 5 4 7 3 3 2
Crepis capillaris 1
Dactylis glomerata 1 1 1 1
Deschampsia ¯exuosa 2 18 30 53 67 72 91 89 90 87 94 84 76 72 61 62 66 58 63 73
Elytrigia repens 62 92 96 99 99 94 45 15 16 11 3 3 1 1
Empetrum nigrum 1 1 2 1 3 2 3 5 1 1 5 3
Erigeron acer 1 10 14 12 6 11 10 5 4 1 1
Erodium cicutarium 4 8 5 8 1 1
Erophila verna 13 1
Erysimum cheiranthoides 3 2
Festuca ovina 2 3 1 7 6 8 19 29 34 54 60 42 71 76 65 81 85 71 91
Festuca rubra 1 4 6 15 30 25 24 29 25 24 21 20 18 11 3 5 2 8 5
Filago minima 18 1 9 2 1
Galium saxatile 1
Helichrysum arenarium 1 3 1 1 3 2 1 4 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Hieracium pilosella 11 18 39 65 86 96 85 100 99 99 99 99 99 94 87 74 68 59 46 38 40
Hieracium umbellatum 1 1 1 3 8 8 7 4 11 7 5 7 1 2 2 1 2
Holcus mollis 1 3 5 7 9 7 6 4 2 4 3 1
Hypochoeris radicata 2 5 25 50 66 68 65 31 8 7 4 6 3 1 1
Jasione montana 13 62 81 31 40 33 39 26 16 14 13 11 28 27 17 13 19 27 34 12 18

(continued on next page)
Table 1 (continued)

Plant species 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997

Knautia arvensis 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2
Lapsana communis 1
Linaria vulgaris 3 2 10 20 25 15 2 6 2 1 2 1
Leontodon autumnalis 3 1 1
Lotus corniculatus 2 3 3 4 5 5 4 2 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 3
Luzula campestris 1 4 7 9 17 14 11 27 15 7 13 9 11 12

H.J. Degn / Biological Conservation 97 (2001) 319±330

Luzula multi¯ora ssp. multi¯ora 1 2 3 2 1
Myosotis arvensis 2
Plantago lanceolata 2 1 1 1 1 1
Poa pratensis 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1
Polygonum aviculare 49 51 16 10 4 2 1
Polygonum convolvulus 50 54 15 24 8 1 1 3 1 1 1 2
Polygonum lapathifolium 1
Rhinanthus minor 1 1 1
Rumex acetosa 1
Rumex acetosella 2 2 30 65 78 80 35 9 14 10 9 15 2 2 5 3 2 3 7 6 2 3
Scleranthus annuus ssp. annuus 3 7 5 2 4 1 1 2
Scleranthus perennis 3 6 13 2 4 5 6 7 3 1 2 1 3 1 1
Senecio jacobaea 1 1
Senecio vernalis 4 39 26 7
Silene vulgaris 1
Solidago virgaurea 2 1 3 3 3 2 1 2 3 2 5 1 4
Spergula arvensis 30 14 10 1
Taraxacum sp. 3 1 2
Teesdalia nudicaulis 38 7 3 8 13 10 5 7 2 3 1 1 7 5 5 5 3
Thymus serpyllum 1 1 2 1 3 1 2 3 2 1 2
Trifolium arvense 1 58 62 12 79 15 19 72 7 2 1 7 1 1
Trifolium campestre 16 84 23 16 23 19 30 14 10 3 1 1 10 6 1 3
Veronica opaca 1 2 1 1
Vicia hirsuta 2 1
Vicia lathyroides 1
Vicia sativa ssp. angustifolia 1 1 3 5 3 1 1 5 1 1 1 1 5 1 2
Viola canina 1 1
Viola tricolor ssp. tricolor 16 23 7 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 4 1 1
H.J. Degn / Biological Conservation 97 (2001) 319±330 325

Fig. 5. The frequency percentages of all 12 species with a frequency >50% at least in 1 year during the period 1976±1997. The species are placed
according to the year, when they had their maximum values. The time sequence is from the upper left corner downwards in the columns, ®nally to
end in the lower right corner.
Table 2
TWINSPAN table for 18 most important species (mean frequency >5%). Numbers in the table are frequency percentages. The stages (A±G) and species groups (a±f) are those recognised by the
programme and described in the text. The ``trees'' beneath and to the right of the table indicate the relationships within the stages and within the species groupsa

H.J. Degn / Biological Conservation 97 (2001) 319±330

Key to the species: polcon, Polygonum convolvulus; polavi, Polygonum aviculare; elyrep, Elytrigia repens; rumacl, Rumex acetosella; triarv, Trifolium arvense; tricam, Trifolium campestre; jas-
mon, Jasione montana; agrten, Agrostis tenuis; hyprad, Hypochoeris radicata; fesrub, Festuca rubra; teenud, Teesdalia nudicaulis; achmil, Achillea millefolium; des¯e, Deschampsia ¯exuosa; hiepil,
Hieracium pilosella; carare, Carex arenaria; luzcam, Luzula campestre; calvul, Calluna vulgaris; fesovi, Festuca ovina.
H.J. Degn / Biological Conservation 97 (2001) 319±330 327

mineral nutrients, these observations may point to an

explanation why the process formerly was faster.
The nutrient status of modern ®elds could also be the
reason why the process to-day does not always end with
dominance by Calluna vulgaris. Many recently aban-
doned ®elds in the Jutland landscape have developed
into grassland, frequently with tall herbs. This has also
been described by Holst (1987) and Mogensen (1994).
Grassland communities can develop even in close
proximity to stands of seed-producing Calluna vulgaris,
which rules out the lack of seeds as an explanation.

5.3. Consequences for restoration of heathland

Several attempts have been made to restore heathland

on abandoned agricultural land in more intensive ways.
Techniques include spreading harvested seed capsules,
litter, topsoil, turves, or even segments (1±2 m2) of
heathland (Gimingham, 1992; Pywell et al., 1995). To
improve soil conditions for heathland plants (Pywell et
al., 1994), turf-cutting (Smith et al., 1991) and even
acidi®cation of the soil (Owen et al., 1999) have been
used. The success has in several cases been questionable.
If a seed bank or adjacent seed source is present,
heathland can be restored on appropriate soils by uti-
lizing natural succession. This would have several

. A more varied heathland vegetation can be the

result, as a greater variety of seeds may spread to
the area. Active application of seeds from Calluna
vulgaris will favour this species, as most other
heathland plants will have shed their seeds at the
time of ripening and harvest of Calluna vulgaris
seeds in October±November (Putwain and Rae,
1988; Pywell et al., 1996). If active application is
successful, it means that the stages with a high
species number (Fig. 2) and a high index of
diversity (Fig. 4) are left out, as the process moves
Fig. 6. Values for some of the most important nutrients and pH in the faster to a more uniform Calluna-dominated vege-
soil in the period 1976±1996. tation.
Also, at the landscape level, areas in di€erent
stages from farmland to heathland will contribute
64, and 100% respectively (Ferdinandsen, 1918). Bùr- to a higher variation.
gesen and Jensen (1904) found Calluna vulgaris present . Current management rotates many heathlands in
in the second year after the last crop of rye (Secale the cycle: young Calluna vulgaris ! old Calluna
cereale). vulgaris ! (by management) ! young Calluna
In addition, some descriptions indicated that the pro- vulgaris ! etc. In Jutland there is a historical tra-
cess was faster on ®elds that had not been manured or dition of temporary ®elds scattered in the heath-
marled (Blicher, 1795; Ferdinandsen, 1918; BoÈcher, land and used only for a few years. They followed
1970). In one case, Ferdinandsen (1918) made analyses the cycle: heathland ! farmland ! fallow land !
in two neighbouring ®elds 10 years after abandonment. (by invasion of Calluna vulgaris) ! heathland !
In the marled ®eld Calluna vulgaris was found in 1% of etc.
the samples compared to 88% in the unmarled ®eld. As . During the successional stages from farmland to
modern ®elds have a higher pH and content of major heathland a number of plants and animals, which
328 H.J. Degn / Biological Conservation 97 (2001) 319±330

Fig. 7. The area photographed towards the east, showing characteristic species. 1976: Polygonum convolvulus, Chenopodium album; 1979: Rumex
acetosella, Jasione montana; 1981: Trifolium arvense; 1987: Deschampsia ¯exuosa, Hieracium pilosella; 1995: Calluna vulgaris, Deschampsia ¯exuosa.

are not found either in the farmland or in the successional stages of di€erent ages would ensure
heathland, ®nd a place to live for some years. biotopes for far more species than if the whole
Some of these species are more rare than those of landscape was covered by Calluna vulgaris.
both agricultural ®elds and heathland proper (in . More subjectively it could be argued that nature
this study e.g. Agrostis stricta, Filago minima and restoration should be done in a natural way, not
Veronica opaca). A mosaic of communities or necessarily in the most ecient way. Focusing too
H.J. Degn / Biological Conservation 97 (2001) 319±330 329

much on e€ectiveness could lead to a ``farming'' above are all in favour of the principle. It gives a greater
attitude, giving priority to Calluna vulgaris, or even diversity of plants and animals on the area during the
regarding Calluna vulgaris as a crop. Then success succession, it gives a greater variation of the landscape,
would be to create cover of Calluna vulgaris as fast and it is historically authentic. However, the principle
and complete as possible. should only be used on a small part of an existing
heathland as formerly. Today further restrictions would
be added: only on soils which have been ploughed
6. Conclusion before, and only when no special values were found on
the area cultivated. These two demands can be ful®lled
The aim of heathland restoration in the region of on many areas.
Calluna-heathland in northwestern Europe will most
often be dominance by Calluna vulgaris. The maximum
cover in the present study was not achieved after 22 Acknowledgements
years, but will occur in years to come.
This is not to say that succession will stop. In 5±10 The Danish Air Force is thanked for permisson to
years the oldest Calluna vulgaris plants will begin to die. work on Air Station Karup, which is normally closed to
If it should be decided that the area should be domi- the public. I am very grateful to Assistant Professor
nated by Calluna vulgaris, management will be neces- Henning Adsersen for highly valuable contributions
sary (Gimingham, 1972, 1992). about statictics as well as many useful suggestions and
Today the vegetation of the study area corresponds to comments on the manuscript. I am also very grateful to
the heather-heath type ( in the Scandinavian Professor Nigel Webb for many useful comments on
classi®cation of vegetation types (PaÊhlsson, 1994). The two earlier drafts of the manuscripts.
vegetation on the adjacent heathland, which bears no signs
of ever having been ploughed, corresponds to the heather±
crowberry±cowberry±heath type (, because species
like Vaccinium vitis-idaea and bear-berry (Arctostaphylos Aagaard, K., 1811. Veiledning ved en Gaards Drift i Hedeegne.
uva-ursi) are common. Their dispersal is very slow, and Kùbenhavn.
Anonymous, 1994. Fñlles arbejdsmetoder for jordbundsanalyse. Min-
propagation from seeds is rarely observed (Mentz, 1909;
istry of Agriculture, Kùbenhavn.
Ritchie, 1955). Begtrup, G., 1808±1812. Beskrivelse over Agerdyrkningens Tilstand i
The results presented above show that heathland of Danmark. Kjùbenhavn.
great value can be created on former arable land simply Blicher, N., 1795. Topographie over Vium Prñstekald. Kùbenhavn.
by letting natural succession proceed for 22 years. But Blicher, S.S., 1839. Viborg amt. Landhuusholdningsselskabet, No. 12.
the principle is recommended only in two situations. BoÈcher, T.W., 1941. Vegetationen paa Randbùl Hede. Kongelige
Danske Videnskabernes Selskab, Biologiske Skrifter I 3, 1±234.
The ®rst is where there are abandoned ®elds adjacent BoÈcher, T.W., 1970. Hedens vegetation og ¯ora. In: BoÈcher, T.W.,
to existing heathland. Such locations will get a high Nielsen, C.O., Schou, A. (Eds.), Danmarks natur (vol. 7). Politiken,
priority, as it has been shown that large heathlands have Kùbenhavn, pp. 118±191.
a higher quality than smaller ones (Webb and Hopkins, Bùrgesen, F., Jensen, C., 1904. Utoft Hedeplantage. Botanisk Tids-
skrift 26, 177±220.
1984; Webb and Vermaat, 1990). Large heathlands have
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