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GSU JAPN 2001 名前: __________________________________

Lesson 7A Worksheet 2

Part 1: Highlight/Circle the kanji words/combinations and provide the ふりがな (the reading) in the blank to
the right.
1. それは九つですか。 ___________________________

2. 三⼗⼆ページを みてください。 ___________________________

3. ⼗⼀ドルありますけど… ___________________________

4. しつもんが ⼆つあります。 ___________________________

5. これを 六つかってください。 ___________________________

Part 2: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate particle. Please note that all particles previously covered may be
10. きのう ケーキ___ となり の きっさてん___ たべました。

11. えきまえの ほんや___ いって きます。

12. きょう このビルの なんがい___ おしえますか。

13. いつ だいがく ___ いますか。

14. にしださんは らいしゅう スペイン___ いきますね。

15. どこ___ あたらしいかばん___ かいますか。

Part 3: Read the Structural Patterns section in Lesson 7A addressing the grammar point seen below in order
to complete the missing information.

Grammar Point ⑤: Politeness: In-group/out-group

• Within both the distal style (more formal) and the direct style (more casual), Japanese differentiates
between ________________ and ___________________ forms.
• The distal style reflects the degree of ___________________ and the level of __________________
the speaker feels toward the addressee, the second axis (which relates to ________________) is
determined by the relative positions of the person to who the predicate of a sentences refers to.
• Playing a crucial role in which style or form to use is the distinction between _________________ and

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GSU JAPN 2001 名前: __________________________________
• People can belong to many different groups, such as family, school group, work group, sports teams,
etc., but the primary importance in deciding the kind of language to use is determined by the setting
_____________________. This is because the groups are _________________________________.
• There are three major kinds of politeness in Japanese predicates:
o _____________________________ marks forms which brings the person the speaker is
referring to up to a higher regard and is represented in your book as an arrow pointing ______.
o _____________________________ marks forms which humble the person who the speaker is
referring to and is represented in your book as an arrow pointing ___________.
o _____________________________ indicates politeness toward the addressee regardless of the
status or position of the person who the speaker is talking to.

• NOTE: Please be sure to memorize the Distal-Style Verbals chart shown on page 165 of your

Part 5: Refer to the drills section of lesson 7A in your book and respond to the prompts according to each
drill’s pattern.

ドリル G:

16) A: えいわじてん かいましたか。

B: ______________________________________________________________________
17) A: アイスクリーム たべましたか。

B: ______________________________________________________________________

ドリル J:

18) A: あした また あのだいがくに いますか。

B: ______________________________________________________________________
19) A: あした また このきっさてんへ きますか。

B: ______________________________________________________________________

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