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REFLECTION PAPER: Write a reflection paper the topic is – A Comparative Analysis

Between the Political Administration During the Spanish time and President Duterte’s
Time. The reflection paper should not be less than 100 words.

The political administration during the Spanish colonial era and President Duterte's
time in the Philippines are distinct periods that have shaped the nation's history. This
reflection paper aims to compare the two periods in terms of political governance,
policies, leadership style, and their impact on the Filipino people.
During the Spanish colonial era, the Philippines was under an autocratic and
centralized system of government. The Spanish authorities held absolute power and
controlled various aspects of the colony, including politics, economy, and religion. On
the other hand, President Duterte's administration operates under a democratic
framework with separation of powers, as prescribed by the Philippine Constitution.
While the president holds significant executive powers, there is also a system of
checks and balances through the legislative and judiciary branches. Under Spanish
rule, policies were primarily aimed at maintaining control and extracting resources
from the colony. Policies were often exploitative, leading to economic hardships for
the local population. In contrast, President Duterte's administration has implemented
various policies focused on combating illegal drugs, improving infrastructure,
enhancing social services, and promoting regional development. The policies of both
periods reflect their respective priorities and objectives. During the Spanish colonial
era, leadership was characterized by authoritarianism and the concentration of power
in the hands of Spanish officials. The voices and aspirations of the Filipino people
were largely suppressed. President Duterte's leadership style is known for his strong-
willed and assertive approach. His administration has often been described as
populist, with the president taking a direct and decisive role in policymaking and
governance. The Spanish colonial era had a profound impact on the Filipino people.
It resulted in the loss of political freedom, economic exploitation, and cultural
assimilation. The Filipino people endured centuries of subjugation and discrimination.
President Duterte's administration has brought about both positive and controversial
changes. While his policies on infrastructure development and social services have
benefited many, there have been concerns about human rights violations and the
erosion of democratic institutions.
The comparison between the political administration during the Spanish colonial era
and President Duterte's time reveals stark differences in governance, policies,
leadership style, and their impact on the Filipino people. The Spanish colonial era
was marked by autocracy and exploitation, while President Duterte's time showcases
a more democratic system but with a leadership style that has attracted both praise
and criticism. It is essential to reflect on these periods to better understand the
evolution of political administration in the Philippines and to work towards a more
inclusive and progressive future for the nation.

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