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/ ‘example Qn In a packed column, 6 MMM, Operating at approximately atmospheric pressure and 295 K, a 10}. Te Renirair mixture is serubbed with water and the concentration is reduced to 0.1 whole of the resistance to mass transfer may be regarded as lying within a tt sdlletinson the gas side of the gas-liquid interface, derive from first principles expression for the rate of absorption at any position in the column. At some intermedi: point where the ammonia concentration ‘in the gas phase has been reduced to 5%, aqueous solution is 660 N/m* a the diffusivity of ammonia in air is 0.24 cm?/s? © —> woker wiche A> NH eo) : : » Solution”. @ —s air side Pos oy The equation for the rate of absorption is derived in Section 10.2.2 as: If subscripts | and 2 refer to the water and air side of the stagnant film and subscripts 4\ and B refer to ammonia and air, then: Pay = 66.0 KN/m? and P4y = (0.05 x 101.3) = 5.065 KN/m? D=0.24 x 10 m/s, R= 8.314 kikmol K, Leas T= 295 K and Ny = 1 x 10° kmol/m?s —L = ~(D/NART (Par — Pa) © = (0.24 x 1/10 x 8.314 x 295)(66.0 — 5.065) = —0.000043 m- The negative sign indicates that the diffusion is taking place in the opposite directi: and the thickness of the gas film i: CEB as, LASSI 73 arr 2,26 \ oi Slay oP ae owl. 0:3 nv in-diameter, Ontains water at 350K evaporating into the atmo- sellers. AMP currents are sufficiently Strong to remove the water vapour as it is formed and it the tesistancetoritsimass transfer in conditions of air is equivalent to that of a 1 mm layer for The Waar BION what will be the rate of eooting-duest evaporation? well mixed and the water equivalent of the system is “equal to 10 kg. Thi the kilogram molecular wan water see in air may be taken as 0/20:em?/s and O— whe de A= wale dafone ) Solution, @)—=aic side tol If subscripts sesh sisi and 2 refer to the water and air side of the stagnant layer and subscripts A Water vapour and air, then the rate of diffusion through a stagnant layer is: N= ORTDIP/P yy \Pse=Pa) (equation 10.34 wheres Pay is the vapour pressure of water al 350K = 41.8 KN/m?, | d-bas ~ P42 = 0 (since the air currents remove the vapour as it is formed.) Pay = (101.3 = 41.8) = 59.5 kN/m? and Py = 101.3 KN/m?. G a .. El ee Therefore the rate of evaporation = (6.70 x 10°* x 0.0707) =4.74 x 10 kg/s_ Lubes Latent heat of vaporisation = 2318 kJ/kg ee Specific heat capacity of water = 4.187 ki/kg K Rate of heat removal = (4.74 x 10-4 x 2318) = 1.10 kW If the rate of cooling = d@/dr K/s, then: (water equivalent) x (specific heat capacity) x (d0/dr) = 0.0617 or: 10 x 4.187 x (d0/dt) = 1.10 and d0/dr = 0.026 deg Kis mple 4:2) “Assimplesrectityingecotumnsco Sits MSISLS OF a tube arranged vertically and supplied at the Seaton RAs produ ® of benzenesandtoluene:as s Vapour, At the top, a Condenser returns Mibe rr efoduet as aureflux which flows in lube. The a thin film down the f the can be reaenee At one point in setae S70 mol% benzene and the 4 ins 59 mol% 7" ‘temperature: at this point i Ph Rcumitig the diffusional resistance 10 Vapour transfer to be eq i i luivalent to the diffusional resistance of a stagnant vapour calculate the rate of ianounandiliquid: The molartatentestsof the Go maltils'can be takenasequal The (oluene at 365 K is 54.0 KN/m? and the diffusivity of the vapours is © = (oe Site @— vap. sihe ie nd heat | R —= Senzene ei WSS (vee In this solution, subscripts 1 and 2 refer to the liquid surface and vapour side of the A stagnant layer respectively and subscripts B and 7 refer to benzene and toluene. If the latent heats are equal and there are no heat losses, there is no net change of phase across the stagnant layer. This is an example of equimolecular counter diffusion and: ONG = =D(Paa = Pai)/RTL (equation 10.23) where L = thickness of the stagnant layer = 0.2 mm = 0.0002 m. As the vapour pressure of Se ee ee eee from Raoult’s law = (1 = 0.59) x Gh= 22.14 KN/m Tame: 100! YL 00's, FOTN p= Wore A (1070) 1013 = 3039KNIm? | ks Cott, For toluene: Wr =(0051 x 40-$(30.39 = 23.14)/(B.14 % 365 0.0002) For benvenes Pp = 101:3 = 22:14 = 79.16 kN/m? Hence Fe meereneremgmmgall 3i4 x 365 x 000 Thus the rate of interchange of benzene and toluene is equal but opposite in direction. . \ ye ree a _ By what percentage would th ttl presser 1000200 RNA he fangs _ (2) The absorption of ammonia from a mixture of ammonia and air containing 10% of Ammonia by volume, using pure water as solvent, Assume that all the resistance is uit the absorbing solution exerts a partial vapour pres- 65 KN/m Gdieiietmmonia o The diffusivity can be assumed to be inversely proportional to the absolute pressure. ®© — weber icle A> Aths @D —s Re side BS wo - Solution”, (a) The rates of diffusion for the two pressures are given by: is MS AOIRELE/P mv =P) gn 1038 where subscripts | and 2 refer to water and air side of the layer respectively and subscripts A and B refer to ammonia and air. 1dr. ¥ Pratal Thus: Pra = O10 x 100) = 10 kN? and Pas = 0 KN/n? “Pgs = (150 10 90 KN? and Pp = 100 KNMn? = Peta SAS "Poy = (100 — 90)/ In( 100/90) = 94.91 KN/m? Es | P/Payy = (100/94.91) = 1.054 , Hence: | Nq = —(D/RTL)1.054(10 = 0) = =10.54D/RTL If the pressure is doubled to 200 KN/m?, the diffusivity is halved to 0.5D (from equation 10.18) and: | Pag = (0.1 x 200) = 20 kNim?* and Pay = 0 KN/? Pay = (200 — 20) = 180 KN/m? and Pg = 200 KN/m? Pry = (200 ~ 180)/ 1n(200/180) = 189.82 KN/m? | P/Payy = (200/189.82) = 1.054 ic. unchanged GA¥'En2.3 6 Hence: 4 = =(0,5D/RTL)I.054(20 = 0) = =10.54D/RTL, that is the rate is Jate JV )\uae esis Deis \aisuer HU) (b) If the absorbing solution now exerts |S RNA? then at atoll pressure of 100 KN’: Paar = (95 — 90)/ 1n(95/90) = 92.48 KN/M? | P/Ppar = (100/92.48) = 1.081 Na = —(D/RTL) x 1.08110 = 5) == 5A06D/RTL At 200 kN/m?, the diffusivity = 0.5D and: Pag = 20 N/m? and Pay = 5 KNIm? | Py = 180 KINA? and Ppyy = 195 KINI? “Puy = (195 ~ 180)/ 1n( 195/180) = 187.4 kN/m? 406)/5.406 = 48%. d by 100(8 BH S406 4 poof = 0B! 5.40 Thus the rate of diffusion has been increase example 6:- In a packed column, operating IF the whole of the resistance to macy uct and the concentration fs reduced 1 0.1% laminar film on the gas dea ts (ransfer may be regarded as lying within a thin expression forthe rate af abe tthe & - iquid interface, derive from first principles an point where the ammonia bsom at any position in the column, At some intermediate partial piesstie of amet centration in the gas phase has been reduced (0 5%, the tre uaa ena nonia in equilibrium with the aqueous solution is 660 Ném? and fale Is kmol/m’s, What is the thickness of the hypothetical gas film if the diffusivity of ammonia in air is 0.24 cm?/s? Solution The equation for the rate of absorption is derived in Section 10.2.2 as: Ng = —(D/RTL)(Pa2 — Par) (equation 10.23) If subscripts 1 and 2 refer to the water and air side of the stagnant film and subscripts A and B refer to ammonia and air. then: Pay = 66.0 KN/m? and Paz = (0.05 x 101.3) = 5.065 kN/m? D = 0.24 x 10-4 m’ T = 295 K and Na = 1x 10- kmol/m’s R= 8.314 kJ/kmol K, L = —(D/NaRT)(Pa2 — Par) = ~(0.24 x 104/107 x 8.314 x 295)(66.0 — 5.065) = —0.000043 m The negative sign indicates that the diffusion is taking place in the opposite direction and the thickness of the gas film is 0.043 mm.

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